Hidden Away

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Authors: E.S Hoy

BOOK: Hidden Away
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Chapter 1

My heels clattered as I attempted to run home and escape the rain, my apartment was only 20
minutes from the hotel where I had just been for an interview and offered a job as a Customer
Assistant, my seventh position in 4 years. Relocating every six months to a new location and
starting my life over was becoming exhausting, I had however managed studying for my Marketing
degree online and gaining extensive experience in various Hotels which was why I had been
offered this job so quickly. This move however was going to be for longer as my safety was
becoming less and less of a risk now I had managed to remain hidden so effectively, I was finally
hoping I could allow myself to make somewhere feel remotely like a home, being a nomad was not
my idea of an existence. The rain was getting harder and I looked down at myself my nice cream
silk blouse was indecently wet and it was not the best look to be running with on streets of London
so I sped up a little my apartment block was now in sight. Just as I crossed a side road I became
aware of footsteps closing in behind me, immediately I tensed up and was about to turn and check
it out when I felt a sudden jerk on my bag strap someone was trying to snatch it, I span to face my
attacker he was quite stocky but only a teenager but he was wielding a knife, unluckily for him my
father had made sure that from a very young age I could look after myself Krav Maga classes and
shooting ranges had ensured I was well equipped to face most types of attack. He had hoped I
would release my bag the moment he pulled on it so straight away he was on the back foot, he
came at me with the knife swearing, I immediately gave him a punch into the throat this released
his grip on the bag but mightily pissed him off and he lunged at me with the knife I couldn't kick
effectively due to the impractical pencil skirt I was wearing but I did manage to make one solid
contact with his nuts he started to scream and let go of my bag, amidst the chaos I was aware of a
car screeching to a halt and two men running towards us, the bag snatcher saw them and made a
run for it cursing under his breath “Graham you get after him” ordered the second man, as the
stranger got closer to me I was acutely aware of how gorgeous he was and how wet and
bedraggled I must appear to him. His gaze was intense and his words hardly penetrated my ears
“well you must have something amazing In that bag of yours to fight so hard” He looked me over
and I noticed his gaze slowed at my now see through blouse, I could feel the heat flood my face he
was standing so close I could feel energy emanating from him.
“My father made sure I could look after myself” I finally answered smiling at him nervously as he
brushed rain off his jacket
“Where do you live my driver can drop you anywhere you need to go” I could see the other man
walking back alone,
“looks like you scared him off anyway, thanks for the offer but my apartment is just on the right
along here” he nodded at the other man and took my arm “I will see you to the building in case he
tries again, though I wouldn't tangle with you more than once!” I glanced at him and allowed him
to escort me to the stairs leading to entrance of my block.
“Thanks again “I said and turned to head up the stairs
“anytime” he replied and I turned back briefly his eyes darkened and for a second I was locked in
his gaze and my breath hitched in my throat, unable to fathom what had just passed between us I
walked up the stairs into the foyer and headed straight into the lift to my apartment, I didn't
breath until I had locked and bolted myself inside my flat. I went straight to the bathroom and
checked my reflection “Jesus no wonder he was staring,” my lace bra was exposed behind the wet
silk and no imagination would have been required to work out I was well endowed, my almost
black long wild curly hair was twice it's normal width and my mascara was striping my cheeks
shit I
looked like a mad witch.
I ran myself a bath, what I needed now was a soak in a hot bath full of
bubbles with a nice glass of wine to calm my nerves as I removed my skirt I realised the rear split
had torn and was now almost up to the waistband, that was obviously done when I tried my karate
so my suspender belt and butt cheeks was probably the last view Mr gorgeous had of
me walking up the stairs shit no wonder he had a funny look on his face.
“Oh well lucky him” at least I am unlikely to ever bump into him again London was huge I was still
getting to grips with it myself it was far larger than Chester where I had spent my last six months. I
sank into the bubbles and closed my eyes wishing life for once could be straightforward and
without drama.

My name is Jenna White; well that has been my name for the past four years anyway. My real
name is Elisa Marcelli I am 24 years old, half Italian from my father’s side which is where my dark
skin and my very dark hair comes from, and my pale blue eyes come from my American mother
Louisa. I was raised in New York and spent three months of the year with my father’s family on the
Amalfi coast of Italy. My father's name was Antonio Marcelli he was shot along with my mother at
point blank range; they were murdered as they were about to get out of their car outside one of
our restaurants in the City. Until that day my life had been happy and simple wealthy parents, huge
mansion, very privileged lifestyle and every opportunity available to me and also my older brother
Antonio junior, we were home schooled both bilingual Italian and English, we were enrolled in all
manner of sports clubs and were educated in every subject imaginable. I had never questioned our
lifestyle, but the reason my father spent so much time in his native Italy and why we had so much
wealth all became clearer after their assassination. My father was from old Mafia and apparently
had mixed in dark circles and had a few enemies so nobody was surprised apart from me when he
was shot. On the very same day our home was fire-bombed with the intention of wiping out the
entire family, my brother was home in bed and I was meant to be but l I had sneaked out to meet
my cousin Carmella for a girly gossip something we did regularly, my uncle lived in the
neighbouring property and Carmella and I often sneaked out and met down by the tennis courts to
discuss boys, clothes and our parents. I was actually on my way back home when I heard the blast,
it knocked me off my feet I saw the house engulfed in flames I had no idea it had been intentional
so unsure what to think or what to do I ran back across the field to my Aunt Theresa who had seen
the flames from her windows, she had already called the emergency services and the three of us
stood crying in her garden watching the house disintegrate, at this point I had no idea my parents
had also been killed until my Uncle arrived home distraught and told us the whole tale, I was in
total shock for a few days, I was now an orphan and only child in the space of a night and
apparently if it was discovered I was not in the fire I would be next.
My uncle Luca who was a joint business partner with my father managed to keep my survival
secret, I was furious that my father’s connections had never been explained to me even more so
when I discovered my brother had known the family history, Uncle Luca begged me to listen as he
explained they were not doing anything illegal, I was too upset and angry to believe what anyone
was telling me. It was now impossible for me to remain in New York so Luca arranged to fly me out
of the country as soon as possible, the day I was sent away just happened to be my birthday
complete with new papers identity and a UK passport I said goodbye to Elisa Marcelli and became
Jenna White. It wasn't hard to get me out undetected as the press had reported me dead and with
the devastation left by the explosion there was no way to prove otherwise. I spoke to my Uncle
once a month to check in a new phone would arrive for me to use then destroy and we spoke only
to make sure I was okay and to give me details of where I would next move to, my inheritance was
in trust and tied up in property including restaurants and night clubs, I was paid a generous
allowance as a mock UK company so it would be untraceable, I could have anything I needed apart
from a relationship and friends as I could never allow anyone to get close to me as it would risk
their lives too.
I stepped out of the bath and wrapped myself in a robe then wandered back to my living room, my
apartment was a good size for central London but not too opulent as to raise questions, I always
opted for fully furnished places as there was no way I could make the six monthly moves if I had to
pack each time. My wardrobe was functional but basic as was my diet! Tonight a pot noodle and a
bag of monster munch sat in front of the television.
I had quickly adapted to being alone, as a child I had been a loner home schooling meant no
socialising with other children, maybe now I was able to stay put longer I could finally be more
than a concierge in a hotel and put to use my extensive qualifications. I was excited about this
hotel Drakes were all five star and was an International chain so there may be opportunities to
travel eventually, the jet set lifestyle would suit me perfectly so I needed to make an impression
here and be committed no daft mistakes.
My first Hotel job as concierge was in Glasgow and on my first day I let an elderly lady into the
wrong room, I would never forget the look on her face as she watched the half-naked male dancers
rubbing each other all over with fake tan, that was a mistake I never wanted to repeat despite the
fact the lady in question thanked me all the way to her actual room, she said it was the best thing
she had seen since visiting the Taj Mahal and gave me a very generous tip. My hotel career had
many moments like that but I loved the variety and a challenge so I was excited to work in London
my first time in a five star too .An early night was definitely calling me so I went to my bed with
visions of Mr Gorgeous stranger and wet blouses, it certainly made for a very interesting collection
of dreams.

Chapter 2

I was ready to go black thick tights mid heel court shoe black pencil skirt and plain white shirt, my
jacket and badge was to be collected on arrival, my wild hair was tamed into a bun and I had made
extra effort with my face as make up was compulsory, all Drakes girls were to be perfectly turned
out according to the starched lady who had offered me the job. I finished my cup of tea and muesli
and was about to leave when my doorbell rang, I opened my door to a huge bouquet of flowers I
bent down and removed the card the message was simple and to the point
I hope you have recovered from last night’s incident I have a friend who can sew and if you require
her services I will be happy to pass on her number, if you need my help again please just call M

I blushed at the obvious reference to my torn skirt put the flowers in the sink in water and locked
the door behind me sighing at my ability to get myself into strange situations I hoped this one
didn't get any worse as Mr Sexy could have the potential to push my buttons and that would be a
disaster for both of us. I walked to work a little nervously after last night’s attack but I brushed off
the feeling and concentrated on avoiding getting crushed by the work crowd that were heading
into the financial district which was unfortunately the opposite direction of where I needed to get
to at the hotel, it was like swimming against the tide, I was apologising every two steps and by the
time I got to the hotel façade I was exhausted crumpled and my shoes looked dusty and scuffed.
Whilst I was bending to clean them off a pair of huge black shiny shoes appeared in front of me I
looked up a very long way to see the doorman smiling down at me handing me a wipe,
“Good morning I'm Tony I see you have navigated your way through the bankers to get here today,
is it your first shift?” I stood up having made the best of my shoes Tony was almost seven feet tall
and probably just as wide he was black as the ace of spades and his white teeth gleamed at me I
liked him immediately “yes first shift any tips on how to avoid that journey every day?”
he grinned” I walk that way myself but they part for me like a zipper, how about you walk with me
in future and then I can clear you a path” I laughed with him “yes please that would be fab” it
turned out Tony lived downstairs from me so we swapped numbers and made plans to meet the
next day. Feeling relieved I wouldn't have to go through that every morning I went to sign in and
stow my bag in my allocated locker, I saw waiting for me my new jacket and badge, the jacket was a
little too fitted across my breasts and the buttons looked set to burst but that was a normal
problem for me. Dressed almost correctly I went to report to my department head Mrs Flint, she
was a no nonsense woman who spoke very directly she looked me over pausing at the straining
buttons on my jacket
“mm wear it for today undone I think Miss White we don't want to distract the staff” she
grimaced when she looked at my shoes “more heel darling they look like school shoes get some
more on your lunch break and also pick up a supply of 10 Denier nearly black tights they are
compulsory, other than that you will do for now” I was shown to my desk alongside the reception
area so I would be easily spotted and the staff on reception could contact me at any moment, I was
in charge of special requests and baggage a young man would be sent to me shortly as my bell boy
he would fetch and carry for me and also for reception when required. I settled in familiarising
myself with their computer and telephone systems. Mrs Flint was suddenly flapping around in
front of me
“Mr Drake will be here shortly he has business to attend to and will be using the Venice suite have
housekeeping check the room immediately for his arrival please and when he is settled have drinks
sent up, the kitchen know what he has, please be polite when he arrives he will probably remark
on your attire but you just need to explain it’s your first shift “she was obviously flustering
“I have read your references I know how capable you are so I am sure you can handle Mr Drake,
Thank you” She bustled away going through her to do list on her notepad, straight away I buzzed
housekeeping to ask if anyone had checked over the suite, no one was answering I kept trying but
it was changeover time so they were all probably flat out, I was getting concerned so I went over to
reception and spoke to an attractive girl who was probably my age named Kate after saying Hi of
course I grabbed the keys of her and directions to The Venice Suite and went to check the rooms
myself. The suite was beautiful and having spent many holidays in Italy I felt whomever had
designed the rooms had really captured the feel perfectly and it made me think of my father the
man who I had adored, whose memory was all twisted about thanks to his death. I shook myself
and did a brief check, having worked in so many hotels in various roles I knew exactly what was
required, the huge sofa’s in the living space just needed the cushions plumping and the coffee
table was askew so I straightened that out, everything was as it should be in the large marble
bathroom. I didn’t for one minute think Mr Drake would require the bedroom but I wanted to see
what it was like and decided to give it the once over just in case. The first thing I noticed was a
huge four poster dark wood bed with red drapes and a stunning painting that hung above it, a view
of Naples painted from I guessed the Isle of Capri. The painting was crooked so I pulled up my skirt
and climbed on the bed to straighten it then noticed a wonky shad on the bed side lamp just as I
bent over to correct it a voice startled me
“What are you doing in here this suite should have been ready an hour ago” I jumped and
stumbled forwards sending me off balance so I fell head first off the bed
“ shit “ I scrambled up and turned to find myself face to face with a very stern and dangerous
looking Mr Gorgeous from last night my mouth dropped open, recognition hit him as he raked his
eyes over me taking in my ill-fitting jacket and now laddered tights,
“I imagined meeting you again one day, as for being in a bedroom looking dishevelled well that
probably would have been at the top of my list” he grinned which made his gorgeous face light up
and he took my breath away. Now we were not in a rain drenched Dark Street I could see him
properly, he was even more stunning up close, the bluest eyes I have ever seen light brown
perfectly groomed wavy thick hair and a lean body that gave him an athletic appearance. He was
staring intently at me His eyes drilled into mine and I took a breath as I suddenly felt open and
vulnerable, I stepped back from him and straightened my clothing and found my voice
“ I am very sorry Mrs Flint wanted the room checked for Mr Drake, no one was available at
housekeeping so I did it myself it's my first shift so I don't know everyone yet and didn't know who
else to call”. He blinked and looked at my badge his manner for some reason was turning me into a
trembling wreck and I was getting annoyed with myself,
“Jenna, you were right to check it yourself I would have been unhappy if it wasn't in order for me.
My name is Morgan, Morgan Drake” my mouth opened then shut again
The Mr Drake hotelier and
billionaire was Mr Sexy
and I was his employee and now avoiding him would be impossible.
“I admire initiative Miss White so please carry on unless of course you are done” irritation sparked
through me last night I was a damsel in distress and today I was a lowly employee I imagine Mr
Drake was now regretting the flowers he sent this morning as I am sure if he knew he wouldn't
have noticed me or made any contact whatsoever. I spoke a little sharply “ I am finished the room
is ready for you, if however you need anything further I am on the front desk, drinks will be sent
up shortly” I tried to step around him when he suddenly grasped my arm I gasped and looked up at
him my five feet five inches to his six foot did not compare, he stared into my eyes licked his lips
then shook his head and released me I walked as quickly as I could out of the room, when I got into
the elevator my heart was racing, he was too much man for me I was totally spellbound but
freaked out at the same time I had always kept myself so cut off and become impenetrable but he
had cut through all my layers in one look, this was not going to be good for me because the more I
saw this man the deeper he was going to get and that terrified me. My life hadn’t had time for love
since coming to the UK I have never attempted to date or connect with anyone so I was a virgin
and pure in every sense of the word.

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