Hidden Desires (27 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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"Brooke!" Jodie said, catching the blonde's attention.

"Oh, hello." Brooke smiled.

"I'm so glad you could make it." The waitress beamed.

Brooke couldn't help but smile back.

"Hi, I'm Wade, Cayden's roommate, great to meet you."

Brooke attempted to shake the offered hand and was totally charmed when the good looking man kissed her hand instead. "Oh! Why, aren't you sweet." she said.

Jodie hadn't taken her eyes off of Brooke yet, she couldn't believe how hot the blonde looked. Cayden didn't have a snowball's chance in Hell once she laid eyes on Brooke.
Speaking of...
"Cayden is in the back room, she'll be out in a second."

"There's a back room?" The blonde said in relief. Her heart began pounding again and she swallowed hard. That would be the perfect opportunity to talk to Cayden, if only she could get her legs to move.

Jodie saw the conflict pass across Brooke's features. "How about a beer?" she offered, pulling Brooke over to the folding table. Jo wasn't sure she wanted Brooke and Cayden alone.

Wade was making goo-goo eyes and silly faces at the tiny Chihuahua. "Who's this little guy?"

Brooke accepted the beer and blinked a few times, trying to snap herself back into the conversation at hand. "Oh, this is Fred." she said, holding him up for perusal.

Jodie petted the dog a bit while Brooke drank. "May I?" she asked, holding out her hands.

"Oh sure, he likes people." The blonde stared at the brown haired girl for a bit. "I'm sorry, I never did get your name."

"Jodie, but everyone calls me Jo." She saw Brooke's gaze darting around nervously. "The store room is back there." she pointed, "But Cayd should be out in a minute."

Brooke nodded, staring at the closed door. She warred with herself whether she should go back there and just confess to the tall woman, or wait til she gets out and try and mingle.
No, I came here with a purpose, and I intend to see it through
. "You know, maybe I should go back there..."

"No!" Wade said loudly, startling Brooke. "I just mean that, well, its all dirty and yicky back there."

"I'll live," Brooke joked. "Really, I have a few things I need to talk to her about and I rather they be in private. Will you watch Fred for me?"
Please say yes, before I lose my nerve.

"Uhm..." Jodie gave Wade a look and he just shrugged. "Okay, I'll watch him."

"Well, then... I'll be on my way." Brooke said, trying to convince herself to go.

Jodie and Wade watched wide eyed as Brooke headed for the store room.

"Why did you let her go?" Wade asked.

"Me? You were no help? Now what?"

"We wait. Obviously she has something to say to Cayden." He said, staring at Brooke's ass. "Did you get a load of that?" he pointed.

"Holy ... Cayden is so dead." Jodie shook her head.

*  *  *


The tall shop keeper sighed happily as she gathered the booties for display. She chuckled, wondering how in hell dogs walk with these things on their feet. She recalled Anna Nicole, Harley's fat throw-rug of a dog, goose stepping in them last winter and snorted out loud. "Where is Harley anyway? You'd think he'd never pass up a party." she wondered.

Cayden reached for the doorknob, shuffling the little plastic packages of boots around in her arms. Pulling the door open, she did a little dance step to keep everything in place. Just as she got everything under control, she looked up and gasped. "No..." she muttered in disbelief.
Jodie promised!

Brooke had stopped just outside the door to take a reassuring swig of beer when it suddenly opened. No sooner did she make eye contact with the tall woman did the door slam loudly in her face. Stunned for the moment, she looked over her shoulder to see Jodie and Wade in various degrees of grimace, before she turned her attention back to the closed door. "Of all the...how dare she?" Green eyes narrowed and Brooke marched herself right up to that door.

Cayden was in a panic. "Oh no! Brooke! Why? What did I ever do?" She kicked a box and groaned. "Oh shit! what do I do? She isn't supposed to be here!" Just then the door flew open and presented a very angry looking woman. Cayden swallowed hard.

Brooke attempted to stomp into the room but nearly killed herself tripping over little plastic packages of booties. "What the hell was that all about?" she yelled, slamming the door behind her. "Why did you do that?"

Cayden shrugged. It amazed her how sexy Brooke looked when she was angry. "Why are you here?"

"Why am I here? You invited me, you moron!"

"I what?" Cayden asked in disbelief. "I wouldn't invite you to my party if you were the last woman on earth."

Hurt by the tall woman's words, Brooke's nostrils flared. "Well that's fine! I only came to your stupid party to tell you what you want to hear anyway."

"Well, fine then!" Cayden yelled back, taking a step forward.

Brooke stood there breathing heavily and staring daggers into the tall woman. When Cayden stepped forward, she unconsciously stepped back.

"So? What do you want to say? What do I want to hear, Brooke?"

The blonde stepped back again and met a wall. "This isn't exactly what I had planned." she said angrily.

"Oh, trust me, me neither." Cayden snorted. Her gaze wandered up and down Brooke's form and her mouth went dry.
That beer sure looks good about now.
"Are you going to stand there and stare at me or what?" she asked.

"No, give me a second, I have something to say to you." Brooke felt stupid, and she wanted to run out of there, but now that she was face to face with Cayden, she would take the abuse just to be close to her. Besides, Cayden didn't scare her any more.

"Why didn't you send your father in here to tell me." Cayden said sarcastically.


"You heard me. He's the only family member I haven't met yet." she said, her hands on her hips.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, like you don't know. You're mother isn't very slick you know. Tell her the next time she comes in here to check me out, she should wear sunglasses. Maybe that way I wouldn't notice her eyes."

Brooke was floored. "My mother? Was here?" she squeaked.

"Oh, please." Cayden rolled her eyes. "And if you're not gonna drink that.." She snatched away Brooke's beer.

"Give me that!" Brooke yelled, snatching it back. "That's mine, thank you, get your own.' She stewed.
She is so dead! I can't believe she came here! What was she thinking?

Cayden suddenly noticed something she hadn't before and her eye lids dropped halfway.
Oh wow... I didn't notice those before...
she eyed Brooke's breasts hungrily.
I certainly would have noticed those... maybe it was her clothes...

"I can't believe she came here!" Brooke blurted out in frustration. "You have to believe me, I had nothing to do with it!"

"And you had nothing to do with Grant either."
Mmm... Look at how the flesh spills over the bra.. I wonder what it feels like... why is she wearing a pull over?

"I'm telling you! I can't believe this! It's a test! I know it's a test!" Brooke grew angry. "God is punishing me for stealing those Tiny Tarts in the third grade..."

There should be buttons involved... open button... like two or three...

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah yeah, it's a test..."
Look at how green her eyes are when she's angry.
"God is punishing you."
They practically glow.



Brooke blinked rapidly. "What?"

"Riley. Cayden Riley. When people are that mad, they usually yell your full name." Cayden said matter of factly.

"Are you patronizing me?"

Cayden grinned. She was and she knew it. Why though, she had no idea.

"Here I am trying to make amends with you and this is what I get!" Brooke paused to take a drink. "I swear Cayden Riley you are impossible! I don't know why I bother..."

Suddenly the tall brunette, lost track of the words as blue eyes fell on wet lips. She took an unconscious step forward, her heart beating loudly in her ears.

"... and I had absolutely nothing to do with my mother! Or Grant for that matter..."

Cayden's fingers twitched and she licked her dry lips. The pounding in her ears got louder as the lips got closer.

"... because I dream about you. That's why." Brooke finished her tirade and turned her head.

Cayden snapped out of her haze when she lost sight of those lips and found herself within inches of Brooke. She took a step back and focused. "You dream... about me?" she asked, bewildered.

"Yes. Are you happy?" Brooke seemed very upset and Cayden suddenly wished she had been paying closer attention,. "What kind of dreams, Brooke?"

The blonde blushed darkly and cleared her throat nervously.
Why is she standing so god awful close to me.. I can smell her cologne... it's sexy...
Brooke's heart started beating rapidly and it wasn't from fear.
Oh no... not now... I'm mad at her goddamnit!

Cayden's sex tightened as all sorts of sexually charged images of her and Brooke flashed through her mind. "Those kinds of dreams, Brooke?" she asked, her voice low and sultry.

"Yes." Brooke admitted shyly, yet her body felt as if there was a magnet inside, pulling her towards the tall woman.
Why does she keep saying my name like that? It's driving me crazy!

Cayden couldn't help but notice Brooke's sudden heavy breathing, she was staring at her chest at the time. Her hands jerked as if they wanted to reach out and grab the teasing breasts, and Cayden balled her fists at her side.

"I talk in my sleep." Brooke said breathlessly, Cayden's proximity was making her weak. The object of her deepest fantasy was standing so close, she could reach out and touch her.

"What do you say?' Cayden asked quietly, almost afraid to hear. She had no idea what was happening inside of her, she seemed to have lost control of her body. It was humming, and her heart was beating so fast, she could hardly breathe.

"I must have said your name, because that's how Grant..."

She says my name? Oh god...
Cayden lost it, she could no longer hear Brooke's voice over the buzzing in her ears. The image of Brooke naked, calling her name in passion jerked her physically and she struggled to shake it loose. When she focused again, it was on Brooke's lips.

".. I didn't mean to get you in trouble with Grant, believe me ... it was embarrassing enough to have been caught..."

The lips were moving, Cayden could hear them calling her name, she blinked and dropped her gaze. There they were, tantalizing orbs of flesh. Her eyes widened and she took a deep breath, forcing her gaze to a safer place.
Oh god.. she dreams about me... says my name... does she touch herself?
The buzzing grew deafening at that thought.

"....you MUST believe me... I swear...MPH!" Brooke's eyes widened to saucers as Cayden suddenly kissed her. The tall woman's lips were covering her own, half opened, and Brooke could feel the heat emanating from inside Cayden's mouth. Large, strong hands, Cayden's hands, were clutching her tight. One on her face, one holding the back of her head. Her long body, Cayden's unnaturally sexy body, was pressed up against her. She heard a strange, inhuman sound, and wondered which one of them made it. The blood rushed to her head and she felt faint.

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