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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Hidden Desires (71 page)

BOOK: Hidden Desires
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"What time will you be home?" Harriet asked.

"Hmmm, how long does sex take?"

"Bert!" Mrs. Hewitt shouted.

"Brooke!" Bert warned.

Brooke snickered. "Late, I'll be home late."

*  *  *


Cayden paced around the apartment nervously, every so often stopping to fix something that really didn't need fixing. She fluffed the couch, rearranged the TV guide on the coffee table and straightened the towel hanging from the stove. She was also running back and forth to the window waiting for Brooke to show up, her stomach tingling each time a cab came by.

Wade had only left a few minutes ago, and there was plenty of time before Brooke was to show up, but Cayden was waiting anyway. She blew in her hand and smelled her breath, and nodded to herself in acceptance of the smell. It really couldn't be bad, she brushed her teeth twice in the last fifteen minutes, as well as dabbing on cologne twice too.

She stopped to wonder why she was so nervous, when the first time, she was pretty cool headed about the whole thing. Maybe it was because this was totally planned, there was an expectation tonight that wasn't there last time. Perhaps she was more nervous for Brooke's sake than she was for her own. After all, poor Brooke was probably losing her mind over having to

Cayden took a calming breath and decided to allow Brooke an out if she was too nervous. It wasn't fair on Brooke to give her so much pressure. This decision actually made Cayden feel better and she sat down in surprise.
Huh? I really was nervous for Brooke. That's so weird!
Suddenly, the doorbell rang and she jumped. "Oh shit..." she muttered, running for the door, forgetting everything she was thinking.

*  *  *


Brooke exited the cab, and glanced up at Cayden's window. Not seeing the tall woman peeking out, she was able to shimmy, and shake out her tension. Since jumping up and down worked earlier, she did it again right there on the sidewalk. She was terribly excited, but scared at the same time. She was really looking forward to a night of making love with Cayden, but for some reason her belly was in knots. She couldn't imagine why. Their first time, which was supposed to be awkward, was fabulous, so what was making her feel such trepidation this time was puzzling. She knew if she wasn't ready to do anything new, Cayden would be understanding and not force any issues, yet she was still freaking out. Brooke did some deep breathing, pictured Cayden in the nude and warm tingles replaced the butterflies in her stomach. Feeling just a little better, but still experiencing dry mouth, she walked slowly to the front door.

*  *  *


Cayden opened the door and was so happy to see Brooke standing there. "Hi." she said a little shyly, taking in the smaller woman’s outfit. "Come on in."

Brooke smiled at Cayden's reaction, thinking it was awfully cute for the tall woman to be shy, but her whole attitude changed once she saw Cayden's butt walking away from the door. She grinned wolfishly, openly staring at it.

Cayden turned, saw the blonde's expression and swallowed hard. She marvelled at how it only took one little look from Brooke and she was aroused. "So, can I get you anything?"

"Yeah, I seem to have left all my spit at home, how about a drink?"

"Good idea, you're going to need that spit later." Cayden joked, then immediately regretted it, hoping it didn't scare Brooke.

The blonde snickered. "Well, from what I can remember, you don't need any help in the, er,

Cayden's eyes went wide and she stood there for a moment in shock.

"I didn't embarrass you, did I?" Brooke went over to the tall woman and leaned her body into Cayden's.

"Oh... no... it's just..." Cayden stuttered. "My, my aren't you fresh?" She bent her head and gave the smaller woman a quick peck.

Brooke crinkled her nose. "That's what mom keeps saying."

The tall woman chuckled, got a bottle of water and handed it to Brooke. She shook her head and smiled, laughing to herself at ever thinking Brooke would be nervous. If anything, Brooke was in rare form.

"Ohhh, that felt good." The blonde purred after drinking a large gulp of water. "Now you can give me a proper kiss." She slinked up to Cayden and tilted her head.

Cayden took the bait like gangbusters and wrapped herself around the smaller woman. She lifted her off of the floor and carried her to the couch, eliciting a small squeal of surprise from her.

Brooke found herself sitting on Cayden's lap, completely engulfed by the tall woman's limbs. It felt good, it felt comfortable and safe. She melted into the warmth and sighed happily into the kiss.

Cayden groaned quietly into Brooke's mouth when their tongues met. It was like a little spark would ignite each time they kissed passionately. The sensation when Brooke sucked her tongue was always a jolt to her sex, and this time was no different. However, her sex knew what Brooke had planned for it tonight, and it was on its worst behavior.

Brooke teased and sucked Cayden's tongue, wrapping her lips around it, pulling gently, then tickling lightly and torturously. She could hear the slight growls and grunts coming from her tall lover and this spurred her on to more inventive tactics. She tickled the roof of Cayden's mouth, and only stopped when the shop keeper's tongue fought hers from it's position. She nibbled Cayden's full lower lip, sliding her tongue back and forth across its length.

Cayden was squirming and unable to control her arousal. All these wild tongue things Brooke was doing to her was making her crazy, not to mention uncomfortably wet. She felt as if her boxers were stuck to her, and she longed for some intimate contact.

Brooke, sensing the squirming, pulled away from the kiss and stared inquisitively at Cayden. "Is everything alright? Am I hurting you or something?"

"Oh no." The tall woman grinned. "Not at all. Just the opposite in fact. I'm horny as all hell."

"Oh yeah." Brooke purred. "I never knew kissing could be so incredibly erotic, but when I kiss you, I lose my mind." The blonde went back for more kisses, prefacing them by licking Cayden's lips.

"Uhh." Cayden grunted, quickly switching her position so that she was on top of the blonde. "You're killing me with that tongue." she mumbled against Brooke's lips.

"You say that now..."

Cayden stopped what she was doing and pulled her head back. "Brooke, if you're nervous, or you don't want to... you know... we don't have to. It's perfectly alright. I don't expect anything..." Cayden was hushed by Brooke's hand to her mouth.

The blonde smiled warmly. "I know and that makes all the difference in the world. Cayden, you're the best. You understand, you aren't pushy or demanding and because of that, I want to do
with you." Brooke licked her lips sensuously.

Cayden's eyes narrowed. "

Brooke nodded. "Yep. But for starters, I really want you naked." Cayden jumped up from the couch and began to strip. Brooke laughed at her enthusiasm. "Oh yeah, and after you're finished, take my clothes off."

Cayden stopped undressing and blushed a little. "Actually, I want you to leave that top on. Opened, of course, but it's so sexy, and well.. "

Brooke sat up and stared at Cayden seductively as she slowly opened the buttons on her shirt. She forced herself not to laugh as the shop keeper's eyes narrowed to slits, waiting not so patiently for her breasts to appear. After opening all the buttons, she held the shirt closed and smirked. "Aren't you forgetting something?" she asked.

Cayden shook her head in disbelief. Just a mere second ago, Brooke was hesitant and in a flash the tables were turned. She continued to undress under watchful green eyes and stopped short of her underwear. "Now, I think
are a little overdressed." she commented with a twinkle in her eye.

"I thought you were going to undress me." Brooke replied, crooking her finger at Cayden.

The tall woman bolted over and dropped to her knees in front of the blonde. She tugged at Brooke's hips, silently asking her to stand up. When she did, Cayden unbuttoned the top button of Brooke's shorts and unzipped the zipper. She stopped and glanced up, drinking in the sight, the open shirt barely covering anything. She swallowed the moisture that pooled in her mouth and slid her hands up Brooke's sides, under the shirt, and stopped short when her thumbs came in contact with the soft swells of flesh. Brooke shivered and Cayden watched as the blonde's nipples rose, poking at the thin material of her shit. She closed her eyes briefly, recalling what they look like and pictured them in her mind. She hummed in pleasure, opening her eyes and focusing on Brooke's dreamy expression.

"It feels so good when you touch me. Everything feels like you mean it."

"I do." Cayden replied, dragging her thumbs across the underside of Brooke's breasts.

"Mmm, see, like that, what you're doing. No one's ever paid attention to me in this way. It was always nipples, clit, hole, and I'm going to sleep."

"Stupid people just didn't know what they were missing." Cayden whispered, most of her attention focused on the soft skin she was touching.

Brooke reached down and ran her fingers through Cayden's long dark hair, sifting it through her fingers, enjoying the feel of it as it slid through her hands. She shivered again as the tall woman's hands, began a slow course back down her sensitive sides. Large hands rested on her hips, and she glanced down to see Cayden looking up at her with a question.

"Take them off, honey."

Cayden, leaned forward first and placed soft kisses across Brooke's belly, breathing heavily and steadily on the silky skin. Brooke shuddered and whimpered, making the tall woman smirk to herself. Yes, Brooke was indeed ready, and not the least bit nervous. She peeled away the skimpy material and had to fight in order to keep Brooke's panties up at the same time.

"Those too. Please. I want to feel you soon or I'll burst." Brooke breathed out, her fingers curling into Cayden's scalp with each hot breath that fell on her skin.

The tall woman slowly slid the panties down Brooke's legs and then sat back on her heels. She could already smell Brooke's arousal and it made her heart pound. She was inches away from heaven, yet she knew there was much more to do before she could get there. She reached out, lifted the smaller woman's leg, and unwrapped the clothing from her ankle, then repeated the process with the other leg.

For Brooke, everywhere Cayden touched her, felt hot. The blonde was incredibly receptive to everything her lover was doing, and she liked the feeling. She hardly ever initiated lovemaking with any of her former partners, except one time, and that was just after she dreamed about Cayden. It seemed with the tall woman, all she needed was subtle look, a kiss hello, or a breath on her skin, and she was ready to pull off her clothes. It thrilled her to know she was capable of making the first move, not being the least bit intimidated by the new situation. In fact, she felt empowered in a way, knowing that she had the exact same effect on Cayden. A long hot breath across her most sensitive area jolted her out of her musings and she grabbed Cayden's head in surprise.

Cayden groaned pathetically. "I thought that would get your attention, but it backfired. I just blew your scent right into my face."

Brooke chuckled quietly. "Serves you right. Come up here." She attempted to pull the tall woman to her feet by her head.

Cayden stood to her full height and cocked her head. "Hmm?"

"Take me to the bedroom, and lose those." Brooke pointed to Cayden's underwear.

"Bedroom first." Cayden said, swooping Brooke off of her feet and carrying her away.


BOOK: Hidden Desires
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