Hidden Dragons (10 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #dragons, #fantasy romance, #menage a trois, #menage romance, #dragon knights, #epic fantasy romance, #dragon romance, #fantasy menage romance

BOOK: Hidden Dragons
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Isabelle had seen a skith from afar once, and
that once was enough to cure her of ever wanting to see another.
That one had been a stray that had come over the border all on its
own. Word had been sent to the Border Lair and dragon patrols had
been stepped up. For the next two days, Isabelle had seen several
pairs of dragons and their knights crisscrossing the skies over
where the skith had been seen until finally, they found their

Flames had erupted in the night, just over the
horizon. Word had come with the next sunrise that the stray skith
had been eliminated.

Dragons were the most effective method of
killing skiths, though groups of men had been known to fight them
if there was no other alternative. Heavy casualties were to be
expected if mere humans took on a skith. The highly corrosive venom
could kill outright if left untreated long enough. Usually men who
took on skiths and lived to tell the tale bore horrific scars from
the acid burns as testament to their bravery.

Isabelle paused by the door of her home with
her two big bags of her possessions, one in each hand. She looked
back at the place that had once been a happy home shared with her
beloved mother. Now it was a place of memory—cold and of only small
comfort to a heart that yearned for warmth, care and

I’m sorry, Mama,” she said to the
empty room, feeling her mother’s presence there for perhaps the
last time. She had never wanted to leave this way, but there was no
alternative. To stay was to die. Her mother would not want that for
her. Isabelle looked around the lonely home and thought she felt
the benevolent understanding her mother had always given her. It
was like her mother was acknowledging the rightness of her decision
to leave. “I love you, mama. Always.” Tears filled her eyes as she
exited the house.

But Bear was there, waiting for her. He took
her bags from her numb hands and looked searchingly behind her,
concern on his dear face.

Is this all you have? We can take
more, if you like. Tilly is very strong.”

Humbled again by the fact that she owned so
little, Isabelle shook her head.

I left the food you brought in the
cupboards. I hope that’s okay. I just packed a snack in case the
journey was long.”

Bear stopped and the expression on his face was
one of compassion. “You did exactly right, milady. We can always
replace the supplies. What we cannot ever replace is

Touched by his gruff words, she followed him
over to where Tilly waited just behind the house. She watched
mutely, worry making her shake as Bear attached her bags to the
harness that wrapped discretely around Tildeth’s chest and back. It
was made of pale leather that had been dyed to match the
dragoness’s coloring, much like Bear’s gear, which is probably why
she hadn’t noticed it before.

Looking back at her house and newly repaired
barn, she saw the pile of wood Robert and Growloranth had created
for her only a few hours ago. She had been looking forward to a
comfortable winter with no need to ration herself on firewood, and
now, just a short time later, she was worrying about whether or not
her home would still be standing on the morrow.

She didn’t realize she was crying until strong
arms wrapped around her gently from behind. She was turned into a
strong chest, covered in dark fabric. Robert. The dark twin to
Bear’s sky blue raiment.

It’ll be all right, sweetheart. I
promise. No matter what happens in the coming days, you will always
have a place at the Lair. You will be welcome there. You’ll see.”
He stroked her hair as he spoke. “We’ll watch over your home. No
one from the village will molest your homestead, but if skiths
come, this is no place for you, sweetheart. We need you to be safe.
I could not bear it if you were hurt.” His whispered words helped
calm her, though the fear wouldn’t leave her.

Battle was imminent. People would be hurt and
might even die. Skiths were probably going to destroy much of the
village, and perhaps the only true home she had ever known. But
while Robert held her in his arms, she felt stronger, as if what he
hoped would truly come to pass and everything would work out all

Hugging him, she sent a prayer up to the Mother
of All for his safety. He was such a special man. She hadn’t known
him long, but she admired him greatly. He was strong and loyal.
He’d done so much to see to her comfort already. He was facing
untold danger in the coming hours and yet he spared a few minutes
to offer her comfort.

You’re being so nice to me,” she
whispered, rubbing her fingers over his chest as she snuggled into
his embrace.

You’re easy to be nice to,” he
countered. She could hear the smile in his deep voice, and she felt
the kiss he placed on the top of her head. “Now, go with Bear and
settle in safely at the Lair. I’ll be back there tomorrow

She drew back from him and looked up into his
eyes. “You’re not coming with us?”

Sweetheart, it’s almost dark.
That’s when Growly and I do our best work.” His smile was a little
mischievous, which didn’t really reassure her. “We have to stay
here and see if we can learn more about the enemy’s

When she realized he would not be dissuaded,
she made a decision. “Mrs. Nethins. The cook at Cleef Mantell’s
place. She is no friend of her master. If you tell her I sent you,
she will talk to you and tell you all you want to know.” Isabelle
reached up to undo the catch on the only necklace she owned. It had
been her mother’s and she wore it at all times. “Show her this.”
Isabelle put the necklace, which consisted of a small silver
medallion on a fine chain that was much stronger than it looked,
around Robert’s neck. “It was my mother’s and Mrs. Nethins was a
good friend to her, and to me. Warn her about the attack, if you
can. She does a final check of Mantell’s chicken coop right after

I cannot take your mother’s
charm,” Robert protested.

You must. Mrs. Nethins will not
speak freely to you without some sign that you truly are my friend.
She knows I would never give this to anyone if it was not the most
dire emergency.” Isabelle patted the silver charm as it lay on his

Robert covered her hand with his and she looked
up into his eyes. “Thank you, Isabelle. I will deliver it back safe
to you on the morrow.”

See that you do,” she said, her
throat tightening with emotion.

She worried for his safety with skiths and
enemy soldiers ready to pounce. She stood on tiptoe to kiss him and
was gratified when he met her halfway, taking her lips with a
ferocity that spoke of emotions he didn’t seem inclined to discuss
outright. That was all right. She understood.

At length, he let her go and set her away from
him as if it pained him to do so. She knew how he felt. She didn’t
want to leave him, even though she knew she must.

Now be safe and hang on to Bear.
Growly and I will be back at the Lair tomorrow morning. I promise

I will hold you to that promise,”
she tried to be brave and smile, but tears choked her. “Be careful,

I will. You too. Follow Bear’s
instructions and you’ll be fine. Tilly has never dropped a novice

Dropped?” Shocked out of her
tears, her mouth dropped open.

Nice going, Robert,” Bear growled,
coming up behind her. “Don’t frighten the lass. Tilly and I will
take good care of you, Isabelle. You will be as safe with us as you
are on the ground. Safer—considering there are skiths about. Now
come along. We must make our report and mobilize the

Bear took her hand, leading her toward the
waiting dragons. Robert followed behind, keeping close. The knights
surrounding her made her feel safer than she had ever felt. Even
knowing there were skiths ready to attack her home, having Robert
and Bear near made her feel as if nothing could harm her. But the
knowledge of the skiths massing nearby made her worry for the

Growloranth and Tildeth had moved through the
forest a ways to the small clearing near the river. Isabelle
supposed that was so Tildeth would have a clear shot to the sky.
Still, Isabelle eyed the opening in the trees doubtfully. She just
didn’t see how the dragon could make such a steep

Bear led her right up to Tildeth and stopped.
Mindful of her manners, Isabelle greeted the female dragon with a

Thank you for agreeing to carry
me, Lady Tildeth,” Isabelle said to the dragon.

You are very welcome, child, but
come now, there is no time to waste. We must warn the

Bear instructed her how to climb up to
Tildeth’s back, using the dragoness’s foreleg and knee as a sort of
staircase. Tildeth helpfully sat still and arranged her front arm
in a way that allowed Isabelle to ascend easily. Bear climbed up
behind her, settling his big, warm body tight against her back as
his arms came around her.

With a last look at Robert, Isabelle felt
Tildeth gather herself and then…jump. The whoosh of her wings
unfurling and catching the wind propelled them into the

The rush of flying was like nothing Isabelle
could have imagined. It was amazing!

You are a natural flyer, Lady
Tildeth said into Isabelle’s
mind, surprising her a bit.

Oh, Lady Tildeth, this is
Isabelle gushed

Tildeth seemed to enjoy Isabelle’s enthusiasm.
She poured on the speed while Bear held Isabelle close, his arm
around her middle. The dragon beneath them kept them warm in a way
Isabelle hadn’t expected, though the air rushed past her face with
almost bruising force. Still, it was the most invigorating
experience Isabelle had ever had. She loved every minute of flying
with Tildeth and Bear.

It took no time at all, it seemed, before they
approached the strangest place Isabelle had ever seen. Built into
the side of a cliff, there were massive openings where she could
just make out dragons walking around. Light shone in the openings
in the cliff, outlining the silhouettes of all within. Even as she
watched, two dragons launched themselves off the side of the cliff
from one of the topmost openings. Isabelle held her breath as a
gorgeous violet dragon dipped low, then started beating her wings,
heading straight for them. The darker dragon that was slightly
higher on the wind currents followed close behind.

And there is our greeting
Tildeth said, her voice a low
rumble in Isabelle’s mind.
“The pretty
purple dragon is Vanna and her mate is Iridned, the big blue coming
in from above. A nice combination, aren’t they? Their offspring are
lovely, and good fliers. They and their knights are good friends to
our small family.”

It will be an honor to meet your
friends, Lady Tildeth,”
Isabelle replied
politely, trying not to let on how close to overwhelmed she was by
it all.

The new dragons circled around them a few times
as they headed for one of the ledges. Isabelle felt a bit
conspicuous, conscious of the speculative looks the knights who
rode on back of the violet and blue dragons were giving

Hold on now,”
Tildeth warned as she grabbed for the ledge with her back
legs, then landed with a bit of a jolt on her forelegs.

Tildeth knelt down and Bear jumped off,
reaching up to help Isabelle down. He was moving fast, hustling now
to make his report and mobilize the Lair. Already, there was a
great deal of movement on the ledge as dragons and knights began to
realize something was amiss. No doubt, Tildeth and Bear were both
sending silent communications to those around them.

Vanna and Iridned landed right behind Tildeth,
and moved up beside her while Bear removed Isabelle’s bags from
Tilly’s back. Two strange knights looked at her, having climbed
down from the two dragons and come over to greet Bear and

Welcome back, Bear,” the knight
with the longer hair said as Bear came up beside her, holding her
bags. “How can we help?”

Jovan, this is Lady Isabelle. She
will be staying in my suite but I cannot bring her there myself at
the moment. Can you make sure she’s comfortable? And deliver these
bags to my suite as well. Be careful of them. The contents are
precious to my lady.” Bear handed the two bags to the other knight,
then turned to her. “Milady Isabelle, please forgive me. My report
must be made with all haste, but I would like to make sure you are
comfortable. Will you trust my friend here to see you safely to our
suite? I promise you may trust him. He will take good care of you
and make certain you are left with someone to talk to.” The last
was said over her head as he looked at his friend, seeking his

The man called Jovan nodded and smiled. He was
very handsome, but to her eyes, he wasn’t as good looking as Robert
or Bear. Then again, she was probably prejudiced in their favor. In
just a couple of days, she had become duly infatuated with both
men. She wasn’t sure what that might mean for her future just yet,
but she was willing to explore where it might lead. For

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