HIDDEN (Hidden Trilogy Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: HIDDEN (Hidden Trilogy Book 1)
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“How would smaller packs be a threat to you?”

“Blind ambition and stupidity.”  Cade answered.  “They would try to cement an alliance with our pack by forcing an alliance as the deal to return one of our pack members.”

“Would you do that?”  I asked skeptically. 

“No.  We would hunt down the pack that took one of ours.”

“Aren’t there laws against that?  Wouldn’t the High Council have something to say?”

“The High Council leaves pack disagreements to the packs.  The only time they get involved is when humans run the chance of finding out or an all-out war is imminent.”

“Or when other laws are tested.”  Hunter added. 

“So what laws do they oversee?”

“They mandate that all prospective alphas serve as Enforcers for five years, communicate with the other high councils across the world, suppress any unrest-“

“I didn’t know you had other High Councils.”  I interrupted, surprised.

“Each continent has their own to oversee their territory.”

“Huh.”  That was something to think about.  I thought back to Cassie’s statement about their pack Enforcers following us.  “So every time you leave your territory you have to have extra Enforcers?”

“Yes.  Just to be safe.”  Bree replied, and then added, “But don’t worry.  You won’t even know they are there.”

“Right.”  I nodded, unconvinced. 

The hour long drive to Ashland was interesting.  Bree and Cassie kept up a constant stream of conversation.  All the while I could feel Cade watching me.  Was he waiting for some sign from me?  I still firmly believed that we were better off without each other, but my will was slowly deteriorating with time.  There was an unexplainable pull to him that I couldn’t stop thinking about.  Or ignore. 

Hunter pulled into one of the shopping districts of Ashland and we all piled out of the SUV.  I could see and feel the trepidation on the boys’ faces in regards to the long shopping day ahead.  I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped me.  It felt…good.  When was the last time I laughed?  Cade’s eyes snapped to me and a small grin tugged at his lips. 

“What’s so funny?”  Brody asked as he looked around before his eyes landed on me.

“You guys hate shopping.”

“Yeah, we do.  But we can suffer through one day.”  Brody sighed and Hunter scowled.  I didn’t think he agreed with Brody’s statement. 

“Where to first?”  Bree asked.

“Let’s start on that end and work our way to the other.”  Cassie said with a gleam in her eye.  Brody groaned and Hunter shook his head.  Cade didn’t say anything as he stepped up beside me.  I didn’t look at him as Cassie and Bree lead the way, with the rest of us trailing. 

The morning shopping wasn’t too bad.  There weren’t as many people around and we managed to pick up a few things.  I bought a new shirt and scarf for Nicole, thinking she would appreciate it.  The boys, mostly Brody, requested we go to the hunting store.  We obliged since they were being good sports about waiting for us.  I managed to find some outdoorsy items for Steve that Brody and even Hunter said he would like.  They said it would come in handy as a Ranger.  I took their word for it.  Bree and Cassie looked over running shoes and debating the best brand.  Apparently when you ran as fast as wolves in your human form, having a good pair of shoes was imperative.  We continued down the chain of stores when I noticed we were passing a gallery.  I had to stop.

“Hey guys?”  They all turned to look at me.  “I’m going to take a quick look around, if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.”  Bree assured as she backtracked and stepped into the store.  Everyone else followed.  I perused the wall hangings with different paintings and frames available.  Someday I wanted to be good enough to sell my work.  I hoped after college I would be ready and able to do something like that. 

“Which is your favorite?”  Cade asked softly beside me.  Without glancing at him, I pointed to the one to our left.

“The lake scene.”

“It’s very pretty.”  He commented.  We stood there admiring the art for a few more seconds before I cleared my throat.

“I hope someday I can sell my work.”

“I’m sure that day will come.  Your work is fantastic.  Anyone would be proud to own one of your pieces.”

“Thanks,” I said with a small smile.  When I moved to pass in front of him, he stepped back slightly to allow me more room.  He then trailed me around the room as we continued to look at the different paintings.  We talked a little about one here and there, and I found that he agreed with me on most about which ones we liked.  I enjoyed talking to Cade again.  It seemed since the conversation in the car, a wall was torn down.  And I had no chance to rebuild it.  Not that I wanted to.  We continued walking around the store and I especially admired a rustic wood frame that made it seem aged.  I thought it would look good around one of my drawings of the Pack.  I ran my finger over the frame lightly. 

“You like that one?”  Cade asked. 

“Yes.”  I replied simply. 

“Kendra, the boys are getting antsy.  You ready?”  Cassie called.  I turned my head and noticed both Brody and Hunter stood near the entrance trying not to look bored, and failing miserably.  I nodded and both Cade and I followed them out of the store. 

We decided to have lunch at the food court.  Brody thought this was the coolest idea since he could go to multiple places and not look like a pig.  How he came to that conclusion I’ll never understand.  I had to laugh as he bought food from four different places and sat down happily to eat.  We talked about what else we needed to buy, Brody and Hunter assuring us that we had enough. I grinned as I finished my food.  I needed to run to the restroom before we started shopping again but wasn’t sure of the protocol.  If they were that worried about other packs making a play against theirs, I doubted they would let me go alone.  Not that I was a “real” pack member, but I could still be used as leverage. 

“I need to use the restroom.”  I said to no one in particular as I stood up.  Cade stood up with me. 

“I’ll take you.”

“You know you can’t go in the woman’s restroom with me, right?”  I teased to lessen the awkwardness.  A small grin graced his lips. 

“I’ll wait outside.”

“If you give me a few minutes I can go with you.”  Cassie offered. 

“If you don’t have to go, don’t worry about it.  One of them would have to come with us anyways.”  I pointed out. 

“All right.”  She nodded.  Cade and I turned and made our way to the public restrooms.  He stopped in the hallway leading up to the doors as I continued inside.  I just started to round one of the walls when I collided with a body coming from the other way.

“Oh!  Sorry.”  I apologized.  The other woman, a girl about my age I realized, backed up and studied me.  We were the only two in the bathroom from what I gathered and I was a little unnerved by her steady gaze.  “Do I have something on my face?”  I joked, as I peered around her to look in the mirror.

“No.  You smell…different.”

“Uh, is that a good thing or a bad thing?”  I laughed nervously.  She took a step closer and inhaled deeply. 
Wow, what a

“Well, I’m sorry for running into you-“ I started when I heard Cade’s voice from the crack in the door.

“Everything all right, Kendra?”  Cade asked from the other side of the door.  The girl’s eyes widened as she looked from me to the door. 

“You’re with them?”  She questioned with a scowl.  I was still back on why she sniffed me in the first place. 

“Who are you talking about?”  I asked finally.

“Kendra.  Answer me.”  The door was pushed open a little more, then, all of a sudden, it flew back and hit the wall.  Cade stood there and glared at the girl in front of me.  “Leave her alone.”  Cade stated forcefully.  I distinctly heard an animal growl emanating from his chest. 
Well, that was a first.

“She knows about you?”  The girl questioned with raised eyebrows.  She glanced between Cade and me. 

“That’s none of your business.”  He ground out. 

“Wait,” I said, trying to follow the conversation.  I turned to the girl, “You’re one of them?”  I asked and gestured to Cade.

“No.”  She scoffed. 

“Oh.”  I said, once again confused.

“I would never want to be a wolf.”  She glared at Cade, and then turned her eyes to me.  “You reek of them.”

“Uh…I’m sorry.”  I said as I shook my head and stepped towards her.  “I what?”  I was a little insulted she was insinuating I smelled bad. 
I bathed daily, thank you very much.

“You smell just like them.”  She regarded me coolly before adding, “But you don’t shift.”  How could she tell that just by sniffing me? 

“Kendra, let’s go.”  Cade said and held out his hand.

“I have to use the restroom yet.”  I protested. 

“Stay.  I’m leaving.”  The girl replied as she looked me up and down then glanced at Cade.  “It’s not good to be seen with one of you.”  She stalked toward Cade who barely backed up to let her pass.  The girl didn’t look back as she rounded the corner and walked out of sight.  I looked back to Cade who still stood in the doorway.

“That was interesting.”  I commented.  “Do you know her?”

“No,” was his clipped reply. 

“Huh.”  Cade still stood frozen in the doorway so I cleared my throat.  “If you wouldn’t mind closing the door, I’ll be out in a minute.”  Cade glanced around the interior of the restroom before he backed out into the hallway. 

A few minutes later Cade walked with me across the food court back to our seats.  He was closer to me this time and he was constantly scanning the crowd.  His vigilance made me a little nervous.  The group watched as we approached and didn’t say a word until we sat down. 

“Do you know who she was?”  Brody asked.  I was confused how he would have known what happened until I remembered they could all converse in their heads. 
Stupid, but useful, shifter gifts.

“No.”  Cade growled. 

“What was she?”  I asked.

“Panther.”  Cade replied with a wrinkle of his nose. 

“Will she tell the High Council about me?”  I asked.

“Doubtful.”  Cassie replied.  She looked around to make sure no one was listening to our conversation.  “She doesn’t want to draw their attention to her.”  I remembered what Cassie had told me about the High Council looking down on any shifter that wasn’t a wolf. 
Well, that was good for me, I guess.

“So what’s the problem?”  I asked.

“She said you smelled like us.”  Cade pointed out. 

“Well, I do hang out with you guys a lot.” 

“She also said you didn’t shift.”

“Yeah, heard that part.”  I commented.

“What does that mean?”  Bree asked with a frown.  “Of course Kendra doesn’t shift, she’s not a shifter.”

“Yeah.”  Cade replied without commenting.  He looked around the group and cleared his throat.  “We should keep moving if we want to be done and get home at a decent time.”

The discussion of the restroom girl was left unfinished as we made our way through the last of the stores.  I finished my shopping of what I could.  The rest I’d have to do online since one of them were always with me.  It was kind of hard to buy something for someone when they were with you all the time. 

When we returned to McCoy lands, the pack was in a giddy mood.  I looked around at all the younger kids who played in the yards and chased after each other.  Some were in human form, others were in wolf form.  I’d asked Cassie how they kept their secret from just anyone driving up their lane to the houses.  She told me the Enforcers were their first warning system.  They each served on guard duty surrounding the immediate property and then there were those that went on border patrol.  The immediate property Enforcers were in charge of maintaining secrecy of the pack and the early warning system of any humans that approached.  The ones on border patrol scouted for intruders on their territory and maintained the borders. 

As we piled out of the SUV with the other Enforcer SUV parked beside us, I turned when I heard my name shouted. 

“Kendra!”  I finally found Tanner bounding toward me with a big grin on his face.  He was initially a little shy and embarrassed that he shifted in front of me, but now he was more than happy to have me around.  He skidded to a stop in front of me.  “You wanna play with us?”

“What are you playing?”  I asked as Cade stepped up beside me.  Tanner glanced over at him then back to me. 

“Just tag.  A few of us started already but you always like to play too.  That’s why I asked.”

“Sure.  I’d love to.”  I smiled down at him. 

“What about me?”  Cade asked from beside me.  Tanner gave him a long look.  Ever since I’d started hanging around more and, honestly, not letting Cade get his way all the time, Tanner became a little braver too. 

“I suppose you can.”  He replied, still eyeing Cade.  I had to hide my laugh.  “But don’t pick on Kendra just because she can’t shift.  It’s not nice.” 

“I’ll try not to.”  Cade responded dryly. 

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