HIDDEN (Hidden Trilogy Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: HIDDEN (Hidden Trilogy Book 1)
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“Yes, of course.”  Liam answered coming forward to shake Steve’s hand.  “I came across an event I thought would benefit Kendra and wanted to ask in person if you would allow her to go.”

“What event?”  Nicole asked as she followed us into the living room. 

“There is an art expo coming up and I think it would be a great opportunity for Kendra to attend.  She would get the chance to speak with some artists and learn from them.”  I tried to keep the shock from my face.  An art expo?  That was brilliant!

“That sounds fantastic.”  Nicole exclaimed.  “Where is it?”


“Dallas.”  Steve echoed. “As in Dallas, Texas?”


“That’s a long ways.  When is it?”

“We’d go down tomorrow and it runs through the weekend.”

“She’d miss school?” Steve asked skeptically. 

“Three days only.”  Liam assured. 

“I don’t have much going on right now anyways with graduation not too far off.”  I tried to help.  “I can catch up on anything I miss when I get back.”

“I don’t know, sweetie.”  Nicole hedged.  “It sounds like a great opportunity but it’s such short notice and I can’t imagine you could find a plane ticket in a decent price range to go.”

“My family and I have some business to attend to in Dallas, which is why I’m bringing up this opportunity.  We would be more than happy to take Kendra with us and look out for her.”

“I’m sure you’ve all bought your tickets already and there is no way Kendra would be able to purchase-“

“We are flying in a private jet.  There will be plenty of room.”  Liam assured.  I watched as both Steve and Nicole were stunned speechless. 

“Please let me go.”  I almost pleaded.  “I’d love to meet real artists and hear their stories.  I’m sure there are workshops to attend where someone could give me a few pointers or lessons, right?”  I asked, looking back at Liam for help.

“Absolutely.”  He nodded as he smiled approvingly at me for playing my part. 

“Well, what do you think, honey?”  Steve asked as he turned toward Nicole.  She still appeared speechless.  She looked between me and Liam before she finally met Steve’s gaze. 

“If Liam is going to look out for her, I’m sure she’ll be in safe hands.” 

“Oh thank you!”  I exclaimed as I ran forward and hugged them both. 

“Make sure you tell us all about it when you get back.”  Nicole said as she hugged me in return. 

“I will, I promise.”  I turned to run upstairs and pack a bag. 

“You’re leaving now?”  Steve asked.

“We leave early tomorrow morning.  I’d thought it be best if she stayed with Cassie so we could all leave together early.”  Liam explained.  I didn’t hear the rest as I sprinted up the stairs with Cassie on my tail.  We entered my room and Cassie closed the door behind us.

“Your dad is a genius.”  I smiled.

“Don’t get too excited.  There actually is an art expo that he’s going to take you to if we have time.”  I froze at Cassie’s words and looked up at her in excitement.

“You’re serious?”  I breathed.  She eyed me warily.

“Yes.”  She replied slowly.  I whooped then launched myself at her for a hug.

“I’m going to an art expo!”  I exclaimed.  Cassie laughed at my exuberance. 

“After we talk to the High Council.”  She pointed out. 
What a way to put a damper on things.

“Right.”  I sighed.  “What do I need to wear?”

“Something nice.”  She walked over to my closet before asking, “Do you have a skirt or anything?”

“A skirt?  Me?”  I asked in disbelief.

“Right.”  She sighed.  “Well, these dress pants will do.  And this blouse.”  Cassie proceeded to pick out most of my clothes for me as I packed it.  It took us less than ten minutes and I was ready.  I walked down the stairs to find Liam sitting in the living room with Steve and Nicole, laughing at something that was said.  No hint that tomorrow we were meeting the High Council to possibly determine my fate. 
And find out what I was, hopefully.

“I’m ready.”  I pointed out the obvious as Cassie and I stood by the door.  Liam rose and shook both Steve and Nicole’s hands. 

“Thanks again for allowing her to go.”

“Thank you for providing this opportunity.”  Nicole said with a smile before turning to me.  “Have fun and behave.”

“Yes ma’am.”  I said with a small salute and smiled. 

“Call us for anything.”  Steve added as we filed out the door.

“Will do.”  I waved and slide into Liam’s car.  As we pulled away and headed out of town I turned to Liam.  “So, there really is an art expo?”

“Yes, Mica found it online.  I didn’t want to outright lie to Steve and Nicole because they deserve to know where you are.  This way they can look it up online and ask questions afterwards.”

“As long as I get a chance to go.”

“This meeting tomorrow should only last one day.”  Liam replied.  “They just want to understand the situation.  Once they find out you’re not human, they may try to figure out what you are, but there will be no grounds to keep you there.” 

“You’re sure?”


“Well, that makes me feel a little better.”  I looked over at Cassie in the front passenger seat.  “The way you talked earlier I’d figured they’d try to kill me.”

“Dad said there would be no grounds to keep you there.  Doesn’t mean they wouldn’t do it.”  Cassie pointed out. 

“Come again?”  I blinked. 

“The High Council has a lot of power.”  Liam answered as he frowned at Cassie beside him.  “One of the reasons they always summon people to them.  They don’t want to waste their time traveling to the Packs.  If they want more time with you, they will demand it.  However, if we bring enough people with us, they won’t be able to do that without looking bad when there’s been no law broken.”

“How many people are we talking?”

“Your group of six, the parents of the other three, and six enforcers.”

“You’re bringing twenty people with us?”  I asked appalled.  “Won’t they see that as a threat, or something?”

“We’re justified.”  Liam assured me.  “When they demanded everyone in the clearing be present, it is their parents’ right to be present also.  Even if they are eighteen.  You all are still in school and under your parents’ roof.  Six Enforcers as guards is standard for us when the Alpha leaves the territory.” 

“How many will the Rhunes Pack bring?”

“They are smaller so probably only nine or ten.”

“The parents of Dusty’s friends will probably be there.”  Cassie added as we pulled in front of her house.  Cade waited on the steps for us and had his arm around me as soon as I stepped out of the car. 

“Everything go all right?”  He asked. 

“Yep.  Your dad’s awesome.”

“Runs in the genes, baby.”  Cade teased.  I laughed lightly and punched him in the side.  For my benefit, he faked like it did damage.  My friends and their parents were standing around as we walked slowly into the house. 

“What time do we leave tomorrow?”  I asked.

“Early.  Like five am.”  Cade shuddered. 

“Oh goody.”  I replied. 

“The plane leaves at six thirty so we need to be there by six.”

“We’re not flying with the Rhunes pack, are we?”  I asked.

“No way.”  A small growl escaped him at the thought.  “They have their own plane picking them up.”


“I don’t think I could stand to ride in the same plane as him.”  Hunter growled.

“Same.”  Brody nodded and copied Hunter’s growl.  I could tell they were both thinking about the fight earlier.  Seemed both their wolves were a little close to the surface at the moment. 

“What time is the meeting with the High Council?”  I asked.   

“With the time change two hours ahead, we land around eleven.  The meeting starts at noon.”

“They’re not going to let us eat ahead of time are they?”  Brody asked as he looked at Liam who shook his head in slight amusement.  “Damn it.”  Grumbled Brody. 

The rest of the night was spent packing everyone else’s belongings for the trip and Liam met with his Enforcers and brother, Darren.  Six Enforcers were chosen to go with us, besides Reith, Hunter’s dad.  Liam figured his mind would be on the proceedings more than keeping an eye on things.  Liam left instructions with Darren who was to run the Pack in his absence. 

Tanner made an appearance with his dad who was one of the Enforcers going with us.  He slid to my side and gave me a hug which I returned.

“Tanner, what are you doing here?”

“Dad said he had to talk to the Alpha.  I wanted to see you.”

“Aww…missed you too, sweetie.”  I smiled as I crouched to his level.

“Where is everyone going?”  He asked as he looked around at all the activity around us.  Cade and I were standing off to the side to keep out of everyone’s way so the three of us moved over to a couch to sit down.  I looked to Cade for him to answer Tanner’s question.

“The High Council wants to meet Kendra.”  Cade stated softly. 

“For what?”

“To see if they can figure out what she is.”

“Oh.”  He thought for a minute before asking, “You’re coming back.  Right, Kendra?”

“Of course, sweetheart.”  I smiled reassuringly.  “We just have to chat with them, and then we are going to an art show.”

“Are your drawings going to be there?”  Tanner asked me excitedly.  Cade had proudly displayed my drawing of our group in the hallway where everyone going by could see it.  The pack loved the drawing and some had even asked me to sketch others. 

“No.  We are just going to talk to some of the other artists and see their work.”

“Oh.  That sounds boring.”

“Good thing you are staying here then, right?”

“I should go with you to help protect you.”  He puffed up his chest. 

“I would be proud to have you there but I think your needed here more.”  I assured him. 

“You have to look after all the other kids while I’m gone.”  Cade added.

“I will.  I’ll make sure everyone is good and doesn’t fight.”  Tanner replied with a firm nod. 

“Good.  Glad I can count on you.”  Cade smiled before he glanced over Tanner’s head then back down at him.  “I think your Dad is ready to go.”  Tanner glanced behind him and saw his dad motion that it was time to go.  Without a word, Tanner hugged us both before he scooted off the couch and ran over to his dad.  I watched as Tanner relayed his important task to his dad as they walked out the door. 

“Will he be an Alpha someday?”  I asked as I turned to Cade.

“He has the potential to be.”  Cade nodded.  “Time will tell if he’ll stay here and serve under me or be with his own pack.” 

“Does that happen a lot?”

“Not too often.  At least for us.  Our pack has always been handed from father to son.  We’ve always been the strongest in the pack so there have never been any challenges.”

“Would someone challenge you?”  I asked out of curiosity. 

“They could, but I doubt it.  Our pack is very loyal to my family.”  Cade replied.  I nodded as I turned to watch the chaos around me.  Tomorrow morning would be a test.  A test if I could fit in with shifter politics and maybe, just maybe, find out exactly what I was. 


Chapter Fourteen


The next morning was a blur.  We all loaded into the McCoys’ four SUVs and had our own little procession to the airport.  Getting dressed up early in the morning was a really bad idea, but Cassie insisted.  I rode with Cade, his parents, and two Enforcers.  Cassie was in another vehicle with Brody and his family.  Hunter, honest to God, almost threw a punch when he was told he would ride in one car and Bree another.  Bree smoothed the situation over by saying she would ride with him and his parents while her parents rode with more Enforcers.  I would have been laughing at Hunter’s actions if I wasn’t half asleep and at the same time, worried about our meeting later that day. 

The plane ride itself took about two hours.  I sat next to Cade and managed to catch a few more minutes of rest snuggled into his side.  There were voices around me but I tried to tune them out.  I was stressed enough without rehashing scenario after scenario of what might or might not happen during the meeting. 

Finally, we landed in Dallas.  It was a nice, sunny spring day and I wished I had more time to enjoy it.  We left the plane in a private space of the tarmac.  There were Cadillac Escalades lined up to ferry us to the meeting. 
Apparently money wasn’t a problem for the High Council.
  We were met by the High Council Enforcers, and man were they intimidating.  There had to have been around twenty of them and they all wore varying degrees of scowls.  Beside the intimidating act, they all wore similar combat attire usually found in the military.  It wasn’t the typical camo color, but a dull grey and black mix.  Thankfully they didn’t have any guns or weapons…that I could see. 
Of course they were wolves so…yeah.

“Is smiling not allowed once you’re an Enforcer?”  I asked Cassie under my breath who stood at my side.  She choked back her laugh before she could answer.

“Looks like they have a stick where the sun don’t shine, doesn’t it?”  She replied, while giving the Enforcers a steady gaze.  They were all a few years older than us, from the information Cassie had told me about Enforcers in general.  From their scowls and serious expression, I was worried about Cade joining their ranks in one short month.  They looked like they had already seen more than their fair share of the injustice in the world and I didn’t want that for Cade. 

“Are all of them future Alphas?”  I asked as we slowly walked ahead and Liam led us toward the waiting Enforcers.

“Not all of them.”  Cassie replied.  “Some request to be trained as High Council Enforcers so they are better equipped to be Enforcers for their own packs.”

“Brody and Hunter aren’t going, are they?”  I glanced back at both of them.  Hunter held Bree firmly against his side and Brody walked on the other side of her. 

“No.  Hunter won’t now that he has Bree.  I doubt Brody would leave either.”  Cassie answered.  Liam stopped just short of the man that seemed to be the leader in front of the train of Escalades.  He seemed to be a little older, maybe mid-thirties.  I wondered if he was one of the trainers for the new “recruits.”  He wore a stern face, had a large build, and overall, not someone I would want to mess with. 

“Alpha Liam.”  The man said and inclined his head slightly in greeting. 

“Enforcer Carver.”  Liam nodded back.  “I see we have an escort this morning.”

“Standard procedure.”  Carver responded.  He looked around the group and his eyes landed on me.  Cade stiffened beside me.  “Is that the girl in question?”  Liam looked back at me before he returned his gaze to Carver. 

“That is Kendra.  Yes.”  Liam responded.  Carver nodded.  He never once let his eyes off me.  I watched as he took a deep breath and frowned. 

“She’s not human.”  Carver stated.  I was surprised that he could pick up on my scent from that distance.  Usually shifters were a lot closer to me than that to figure it out. 

“No, she’s not.”  Liam agreed. 

“She smells like us.”  He commented. 
Well, I did spend most of my time with the McCoy pack.
  “We were told a human witnessed shifted wolves.”  His eyes strayed back to Liam. 

“You were misinformed.”  Liam stated adamantly.  Carver’s eyes widened slightly. 

“That will go over well.”  He replied with a hint of humor before it vanished from his face.  He turned and gestured to the Escalades.  “McCoy Alphas in front.  With the girl.  The rest of you find another vehicle.”  He moved to the lead Escalade that Liam and Mica were supposed to be in and held open the door.  I turned to Cade. 

“Are you-“

“I’m with you.”  Cade stated firmly.  He placed a guiding hand at my back and followed his parents.  Liam and Mica slid into the vehicle and as Cade and I moved to follow, Carver held up his hand. 

“You can find another one.”  Carver stated looking at Cade.  A low growl emanated from Cade’s chest.

“I go where she goes.”  He said slowly but firmly.  Carver glared his displeasure at being disobeyed.  They faced off for a few seconds, each waiting for the other to back down.  Neither did and I wasn’t sure how to proceed when Mica’s head reappeared. 

“Enforcer Carver.  This is our son, Cade.  He’s the future Alpha of our pack.  Surely he can ride in our car?”  Mica asked sweetly.  Carver looked between Mica and Cade before grunting.

“Fine.  Get in.”  Carver demanded.  I ducked inside before he changed his mind and Cade was right behind me.  Carver shut the door and then opened the front passenger side door and folded himself inside.  As soon as his door was shut, we were off.  Not a word was said out loud but I could tell Cade and his parents were having one of their silent communications wolfy style.  I turned my head so I didn’t have to watch their facial expressions change in a response to whatever was being said that I couldn’t hear. 
Sometimes being normal was annoying.

I watched the scenery whiz by as we made our way downtown.  I’d never been a fan of the skyscrapers in major metropolitans.  They blotted out the sun and made me dizzy when I looked up at them.  Never mind that I was afraid of heights.   I couldn’t imagine why wolves would want to have their headquarters here.  In the middle of a city. 
Must be a status thing.

We pulled into an underground parking garage and parked near a bank of elevators.  The garage itself was gated and there were guards at the elevators too.  There were four fairly large elevators but I still wasn’t sure if everyone was going to fit.  In total, we had to number over forty between the McCoy Pack and High Council Enforcers.  I wondered when the Rhunes Pack would arrive.  The lead car occupants were one of the first groups up. 
And I mean up.
  We went all the way to the 54
floor without stopping.  Once the elevator dinged and the doors opened, we were met with more High Council Enforcers. 
How many Enforcers did these people have exactly?
And for what purpose?
Man a small scale war?

We were watched and closely guarded as we waited for our entire party to arrive.  Three elevator dings later, we were all there.  We followed Carver down a hallway lined with stationed guards along the way.  Our destination seemed to be the double doors at the end of the hall. 

“Kendra,” Cade said softly.  I looked up at him in question.  “Don’t say anything unless they ask you a direct question.  Let Dad handle this, okay?”  He asked.

“I planned to.”  I assured him.  I didn’t know how this meeting was going to operate and I was more than happy to have someone else do the talking. 
At least for now.
  The double doors swung open and the room looked similar to a courtroom.  Only where a judge usually sat, there were five empty chairs.  To the right, I could see the Rhunes Pack seated in their chairs and we were ushered to the left. 
Yep, defendant and prosecutor style, just like real court.
  Cade, his parents, and I sat down in the front chairs and everyone else sat behind us.  The big double doors banged behind us and made the room feel all the more ominous. 

“So, where’s the council?”  I whispered, knowing that everyone in the room would probably hear me anyway.  Cade gave me a dirty look. 
Oh yeah, no talking.

Council will be here momentarily.”  Carver responded as he stood to our left along the wall.  He glared at me like forgetting the “High” in front of Council was a big offense. 
My bad.
  I didn’t respond and instead sat back in my chair.  I looked over at Dusty to see him frowning and looking at his father, Gene.  He resembled his father, but there must have been a lot of his mother in him too.  His Dad had a bulky build just like Dusty and stared at me shrewdly.  I resisted the urge to wave.  I could tell they were having some private conversation between them.  They must have finally realized that I wasn’t human…or all human…
.  I wondered what kind of problems that would create for them for misreporting something? 

A door opened behind the five chairs and my attention was pulled back to the front.  As it swung open, everyone rose to their feet and stood at attention.  Cade, not-so gently, urged me to my feet too.

I watched as the five High Council members filed in.  Three men, two women, who all wore robes like real judges.  I wondered if that was really necessary but seeing as I was new to this whole shifter society, I suppose it wasn’t my place to judge.  Two men sat on the outside, then the women, and the last man took the center chair.  When they all took their seats, we were allowed to sit down too.  I could see what Cassie meant by “old and stuffy”.  They each seemed to be in their mid to upper sixties, and not that there was anything wrong with that, but the condescending look each one wore really put the icing on the cake. 

They surveyed the gathering before each of their eyes landed on me.  Let me tell you, having that entire icy glare and condescension directed solely on you is a little unnerving.  I resisted shuffling in my seat and waited for something to happen.  After an uncomfortable amount of silence, the man in the middle spoke.

“For those of you who aren’t familiar or well versed in the ways of the High Council, I am High Councilor Anton.  To my right,” he gestured to the woman beside him, “are Councilor Cora and Councilor Julian.”  He gestured to his left and said, “Councilor Gina, and Councilor Blaine.  We each look after the wellbeing and function of North America and ensure that all laws are enforced and followed.”  He paused and looked around the room.  “Now, we are gathered today as a member of the Rhunes Pack reported that a
,” he sneered the word, “had knowledge of us.  Of shifters.”  His eyes found and held mine before asking, “Is this the human?”

“High Councilor, if I may?”  Liam asked as he rose to his feet beside my chair. 

“Alpha Liam.  It’s been a long time.  What do you have to say for your pack’s actions?” 
Wow.  Apparently they had already made their decision.
  My heartrate kicked up in panic that we wouldn’t even get a chance for our side to be heard.  Thankfully, Liam was quick and to the point. 

“The girl beside me, Kendra, is not what she seems.  By all appearances she looks human, but she’s not.  She doesn’t smell like a human at all.”

“What do you mean?”  High Councilor Anton asked, puzzlement crossing his features. 

“It’s true, High Councilor.”  Carver spoke up beside us which surprised the heck out of me.  “She looks human but she’s not.  She smells like a wolf but it’s not as strong as a shifters' scent.”  I watched as an emotion crossed over High Councilor Anton’s face before he masked it. 

“She probably just smells like a wolf because she sleeps with McCoy all the time.”  Dusty sneered.  I placed a restraining hand on Cade’s arm as he growled and appeared to want to rip out Dusty’s throat. 

“Silence.”  High Councilor Anton demanded with a glare at Dusty and a cursory glance at Cade.  He turned his attention back to me before he looked at Carver.  “What do you mean her scent isn’t as strong?”

“She has faint traces of the McCoy Pack on her, yes,” he sent a disapproving glare at Dusty, “but no more than if she spent time in their house.”  He returned his attention to High Councilor Anton.  “However, she also carries her own scent.  That one resembles a wolf but seems weak.  The scent isn’t as strong as it should be.” 
Well, that was news.
  I looked to Cade but he seemed just as surprised as me. 

“You’re positive she isn’t human?”  Councilor Cora asked. 

“Positive.”  Carver nodded. 

“So the Rhunes Pack’s report was false.”  She said and looked pointedly at the Rhunes Alpha.  I watched as he visibly swallowed. 

“My son saw a girl he thought to be human at the time with shifted wolves.  It was his duty to report the offense.”  Gene offered in his defense. 

“Maybe your son should verify his information before informing the High Council and wasting our precious time.”  Councilor Cora remarked with disdain. 

“He was misinformed.  It won’t happen again.”  Gene stated. 

“No, it won’t.”  Councilor Blaine answered.  “Apparently your son needs a few lessons on the difference between a human and wolf’s scent.  I assume your son will be joining our ranks in a few short weeks?” 

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