HIDDEN (Hidden Trilogy Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: HIDDEN (Hidden Trilogy Book 1)
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“Kendra, you coming?”  Cassie yelled from behind me.  Shaken from my thoughts, I broke eye contact with Cade and turned to Cassie who was out on the rock outcropping.

“Yeah,” I called.  Without looking back at Cade, I headed in her direction.  It was close to noon since it was a long walk up the mountain.  When I joined the others, they were seated in a semi-circle already digging through the bags for lunch.  I sat down beside Bree and two seconds later, Cade sat next to me. 

“We have all the fixings for a sandwich.”  Bree noted as she pulled out more containers of food.  She passed around the plates and napkins, followed by the bread.  Next the rest of the toppings made it around the circle.  I watched as Brody piled slice after slice of meat onto his sandwich.

“Jeez, Brody, want a little bread with your meat?”  I laughed.  He quirked one lip in a semi-smile.

“I’m a growing boy.  I need my protein.”  He replied right before taking a huge bite of his sandwich.  I shook my head as I finished making my sandwich.  I was just about to take a bite when Cade’s voice stopped me.

“That’s all you’re putting on your sandwich?”  I looked over at the frown on his face.

“What’s wrong with my sandwich?”

“You only put three slices of meat on it.”  He pointed out.


“You should eat more.”  He shook his head before muttering, “You don’t eat enough to feed a bird.”

“Excuse me?”  I huffed, glaring at him.  “I’ll have you know I have a healthy appetite.” 

“Just for food?”  Brody grinned before adding, “Or for-“ he abruptly cut off when Cassie elbowed him in the side.  “Sorry.”  He muttered before digging into his plate.  I chose to ignore Cade beside me and also dug in.  A beat passed in awkwardness before Bree started talking about one of our classes.  Tension broken and we laughed and talked about the first week. 

Besides the sandwich, I had also placed a few strawberries on my plate.  I was absently eating them as I followed the discussion around me.  After a while I realized that I was eating more berries than what I had originally thought I put on my plate.  I glanced down quickly to see Cade’s hand disappearing from my plate that definitely contained more berries then what I had placed on it.  I looked up at Cade.

“What are you doing?”


“Are you sneaking strawberries onto my plate?”

“No.”  He stated firmly. 

“Were you?”  I demanded, changing my question to the past tense so he couldn’t lie.   

“You were eating them.  I was making sure you had enough.”  He shrugged. 

“Who does that?”  I asked, bewildered.

“I do.” He replied heatedly, glaring at me before rising and stalking off.  I immediately felt bad for my comment, even if I still did think it was a little weird.  I watched as he made his way to the woods and disappeared.  Silence around the circle made me turn back around to see everyone was staring at me. 


“I’ve never seen Cade act like this before.”  Cassie whispered quietly, like Cade was still close by.

“I don’t think he can hear you.”  I said, taking another bite from the offensive strawberry.  I looked back at her before adding, “Like what?”

“So…protective.”  Cassie replied.

“Concerned.”  Brody added.

“Caring,” Bree breathed.

“Possessive.”  Hunter growled while looking in the same direction Cade had disappeared. 

“Maybe it’s the whole new kid, shiny toy syndrome.”  I said, trying to brush off their comments. 

“Hmm,” Cassie replied noncommittally as she bit her lip. 

“Look,” I said as I brushed my hands together and placed my empty plate near the garbage bag.  “I don’t know what’s going on, or what could possibly be going on in his head.  But I think the best solution is to get some space between us.  I don’t need someone looking after me.” 
Or a boyfriend if that was Cade’s aim. 

“And how are you going to accomplish that?”  Brody asked dryly.  I pressed my lips together in thought.

“I might need your guys’ help with that.”

“Oh, no,” Brody shook his head, vehemently.  “No way am I getting between an-“ He paused before adding, “between you and him.”  He shook his head.  “He’d beat me to a pulp.”  I looked to Hunter.

“I’m not getting involved.”  He held up his hands.  I sighed in frustration. 

“We’ll figure this out.”  Bree said reassuringly.  “Just give us some time to piece some things together.  A solution always presents itself eventually.”

“Right.”  I replied, not convinced at all.  Instead of commenting, Cassie leaned forward and starting repacking the leftover containers.  I sighed and moved to help.  Brody dug through one of the bags and produced a football.  He and Hunter wandered a little ways off and started tossing it back and forth.  Bree and Cassie pulled out two blankets and gave one to me.  They took one and lay down, enjoying the sun’s rays.  I laid out the spare blanket and sat down on top.  I listen as Bree and Cassie carried on a conversation, but I didn’t really have anything to add. 

Remembering I packed my sketchpad in my bag that Cade had dropped next to him when he sat down, I reached over, took it out and found a comfortable position.  I went to the next page after the wolf in the trees drawing and started sketching my surroundings.  Pretty soon I was lost in the drawing and majesty of the forest and waterfall.  After a while, I noticed that Cassie and Bree were both napping and I found my own eyes growing heavy from the sun bathing me in a warm glow.  I closed my sketchpad and set it down beside me as I lay down on my back.  I closed my eyes and soaked up the sun. 

I didn’t know how much time passed, but I slowly became aware that I had fallen asleep.  My cheek rested on something solid, but warm, and I was on my side.  I must have rolled over in my sleep but that didn’t explain the way heat was radiating from under my cheek.  I opened my eyes and noticed a jean clad leg stretched out in my line of sight.  Which meant the heat I felt under my cheek was someone’s thigh.  I caught my breath which made me even more aware of the all too familiar scent that always surrounded Cade. 
I was lying on Cade’s thigh!
  I slowly sat up, trying not to let my panic surface and become visible.  I turned and found Cade, not looking at me, but flipping through my sketchbook. 
Without asking.

“What are you doing?”  I bit out sharply.  He looked at me, surprised by the anger in my voice.

“I like your drawings.  Really good.”  He said, nodding down at the book.

“Thanks, but I don’t like people looking at them.”  I reached across him to grab the book but he stopped me with his hand.

“Why not?  They’re really good.”  He said sincerely. 

“It’s just not something I share with others.”  I wanted to snatch the book back, but he had just turned to the wolf one that I’d drawn last night.  His hand stilled.

“When did you do this one?”

“Last night.”

“Last night?”  He questioned.

“Yeah, I was thinking about the woods and just started drawing.  When I realized what it was, I decided to finish it anyways.”  I shrugged.  “Like I said before, I’ve always had a thing for wolves.”

“Yeah?”  He grinned at me in pleasure. 

“Yep, ever since I can remember.”  I motioned to the book, “If you’re done?”  He closed the book and handed it back to me.  I pulled my bag closer and tucked it away.  I looked around and noticed the others were nowhere in sight. 

“Where is everyone?”  Especially after our earlier conversation when I said I needed space from Cade.  What do they do?  Leave me alone with him. 

“They wanted to do some running.  I told them to go and I’d wait with you.”


“Yeah.  It’s something we like to do in the forest.”  He shrugged like it wasn’t important.  “They should be back soon.  We have to start heading down before too long.” 

“What time is it?”

“A little after four.”  He paused before adding, “Cassie was going to invite you for supper at our parents’ house then to watch a movie later.  If you want.”

“Oh.”  I said, thinking about Tyler’s invite to the bonfire.

“She really wanted you to stay and hang out.”  He added.  I thought about it and figured I could catch up with Tyler another weekend.  He did say they had bonfires every Saturday. 

“Yeah, ok.  I’ll probably have to call home and tell them though.”

“You can call them back at our place.  You won’t have much reception up here.”  Cade commented.  Without a word, we both stood and he helped me fold the two blankets and pack them in the bags.  As we finished, the other four emerged from the trees, laughing amongst themselves.  Cassie and Bree waved as they approached, Brody smiled, and Hunter, well, he just nodded in my direction. 

Cade told everyone that I was sticking around tonight and Cassie was ecstatic.  She talked nonstop most of the way down the mountain about supper, what movie we were going to pick, what snacks we were going to have for the movie, and if we could possibly get two movies in before I had to go home.  I just smiled and let her plan.  It was nice to have friends to make plans with. 

When we made it back to the McCoy house, I called Nicole’s cell and told her I would be staying a little longer but would be back by midnight.  I could tell Nicole was happy I was making friends and told me to have fun.  Supper was just the McCoys and me.  Bree, Brody, and Hunter went back to their homes to eat with their families.  Liam and Mica were nice, but I felt like they were watching me for some reason.  Waiting for something.  It was a little unnerving to be watched so closely and I was glad when the meal was over. 

After supper, Bree, Hunter, and Brody all came back and we secluded ourselves in the downstairs basement that had an awesome couch and TV.  The couch must have been two sectionals pieced together because it was a huge U-shaped piece.  The TV itself almost rivaled any movie theater.  Ok, it wasn’t that big, but it was huge. 

“This thing is monstrous,” I said, eyes widening as we rounded the corner of the couch. 

“Yeah, but it fits everyone comfortably so it works.”  Cassie said, setting down the popcorn and candy on the coffee table.  No matter that we just finished supper.  Cassie insisted we have snacks too.  “Best thing is,” she grinned as she reached down and pushed a lever.  “The whole middle section reclines with a footrest and everything.”

“That is so cool.”  I breathed as I climbed on in the middle and made myself comfortable.  Cassie sat next to me and before anyone else could move in, Cade claimed the spot on the other side of me.  I should have said something, I mean, I was trying to put distance between us but he wasn’t exactly in on my plan.  Brody and Bree took up positions on Cassie’s other side while Hunter sprawled out on Cade’s side. 

“Hey,” I said, before we were all settled in.  “Do you have any blankets?”

“What for?”  Brody asked, confused.

“So I can keep warm and snuggle down?”  I asked slowly, like it was obvious.  I watched as Brody’s eyes slid to Cade before coming back to mine.

“Sure.  I’ll find you one.”  He jumped up and disappeared around the corner.  Five seconds later a blanket was sailing toward my face.  Before I had time to put my hands up, Cade caught it and scowled at Brody.

“Thanks,” I said as I shook my head.  I reached for the blanket but Cade was already spreading the blanket out, over both of us.

“What are you doing?”

“Keeping you warm.”  He replied.

“Can’t you get your own blanket?”

“Can’t you share?”  He asked, with a raised eyebrow.  He had a point.  I was being childish and the blanket was big enough for both of us. 

“Fine.”  I turned away from him.  Cassie had already put the movie in and was working the controls.  I pushed on my footrest to recline more and felt, more than saw, Cade do the same to match me.  I tried to ignore his closeness and succeeded for the first movie.  We finished off the snacks, well mostly Brody did, and moved onto the second movie.  Once the second one was in, I started to feel tired as the long day caught up to me.  I felt my eyes droop as I fought to keep them awake.

“I can take you home if you want.”  Cade whispered beside me.

“No, I’m fine.”  I argued.  “Just need to rest my eyes for a minute.”  My eyes closed and the last thing I remember was hearing Cade’s chuckle. 

When I woke, my bleary eyes registered that the credits were running on the screen.  I was cocooned in warmth and didn’t want to move.  I snuggled down more and sighed in contentment. 
I didn’t know a couch could be so comfy.
  I closed my eyes and that’s when I realized my couch had a heartbeat.  A steady, strong heartbeat and moved up and down like it was breathing.  My eyes snapped open and I finally grasped the position I was in.  Sometime in my sleep, I had rolled closer to Cade, wrapping one arm around his middle and laid my head on his chest.  One of my legs was even slightly over top one of his.  I could feel his arm around my back, a steady cage of warmth and protection. 
Oh.  My.  Freaking.  God.
  I scrambled up as fast as I could, knocking my legs into his and pushing off of his chest. 

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