HIDDEN (Hidden Trilogy Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: HIDDEN (Hidden Trilogy Book 1)
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“What the hell, Kendra?”  Brody yelled in surprise as I stumbled back and almost fell into his lap.  I caught myself at the last moment and straightened as I looked around the group and avoided Cade’s eyes. 

“I, uh…sorry.”  I muttered.  “What time is it?  I need to go home.”  No one moved or looked like they were going to answer.  Finally, Cade sat forward and I couldn’t help my eyes as I watched him slowly straighten from the couch in front of me. 

“It’s 11:30.  I’ll take you home.”  He said softly.  I nodded, not sure I could find my voice.  I turned to everyone else and said bye, then made my way to the stairs.  I could feel Cade behind me as we walked up the stairs and out to his truck.  Without a word, he opened the door, grasped me around the waist, and hoisted me into the cab.  I tried not to touch him but when you’re being lifted off the ground two feet or more you kind of need to steady yourself.  I straightened in the seat and he shut the door once I was settled.  I swallowed nervously as he rounded the truck and pulled open his door as he climbed inside. He started the engine and turned the truck around so we were headed past the other houses and down the narrow lane. 

We didn’t talk all the way to my house, and I thought that I was going to get by without saying anything as he pulled into my driveway.  I should have known my luck wasn’t that good.

“Kendra.”  Cade said my name softly which forced me to look at him. 

“What?”  I asked, hand on the door handle, seatbelt already off.  He looked like he was going to say something, sighed, and then changed his mind. 

“Wait there.  I’ll help you down.”  He opened his door, climbed out, and shut it.  I watched, entranced again, as he gracefully walked around the front of the truck to my side.  He opened the door and easily scooped me up before setting me down on the ground.  I stood there for a second, nose to collarbone before I realized how close I was to him.  Clearing my throat, I stepped away and he shut the door.  He followed me up to the front door and stopped on the porch.

“Thanks for the ride home.”  I mumbled but didn’t meet his eyes.  Out of the corner of mine, I saw him run a hand through his hair in frustration before he dropped it and stepped closer.  Before I knew what he was doing, he enveloped me in a hug that almost crushed me. 

“Can’t breathe,” I gasped out and he immediately dropped his arms.

“Sorry.  I’m sorry.”  He stepped back. 

“What was that for?”  I questioned as I took a couple deep breaths.

“I…I just wish…”Closing his mouth he shook his head.  “Never mind.  I’ll see you on Monday.” 

“Ok.”  I said slowly. 
Man, were boys confusing.
  I turned and opened the door, and then looked back as I shut it too see Cade watching me intently. I closed the door and locked it, listening to his retreating steps.  Soon his truck started and the sound faded as he drove home.  I sighed, turned around, and almost jumped out of my skin.  Steve was regarding me from the next room.

“Everything all right?”  He asked, concern edging his voice.

“Yeah.  Fine.”  I said as I faked a yawn. “I’m going to bed.”  I nodded goodnight and could feel his gaze on me as I went up the stairs.  I went through my bedtime routine and was soon slipping under the covers.  My phone beeped as I reached for the light.  I pulled it up and saw a message from Cade.

Sweet Dreams, Kendra. 

I stared at the screen for a few seconds. 
Cade sent that?
   I shook my head but typed out my response. 

Night, Cade. 

I closed my eyes and dreamed about the black wolf from my drawing, peering from the trees. 


Chapter Five


Sunday passed quickly.  Nicole and Steve didn’t ask too many questions about my day on Saturday or the ride home with Cade.  The only awkward moment was when Steve opened the door early Sunday morning and found my backpack sitting right outside the door.  He brought it in and handed it to me when I woke up, with a questioning look.  I shrugged.  Cade must have brought it back some time that morning since I forgot it at their house. 

Nicole was gearing up for her new job at the childcare center.  I could tell she was excited and it was contagious.  By Sunday night I’d pretty much forgotten about the awkwardness between Cade and me.  Another school week and more homework.  Hopefully things would level out and be normal. 

Monday morning rolled around and I was unsurprised to find Cade pull in the driveway to pick me up for school.  Conversation was subdued beyond a greeting and I was glad when we pulled into the school parking lot.  Hunter met us outside the door where the others were milling around.  He stepped in front of Cade, cutting him off.

“Can I talk to you a minute?”  Hunter spoke in a low voice, addressing Cade only.  They regarded each other for a few seconds before Cade nodded subtly and stepped off to the side.  Curiosity got the better of me and I pressed my back up against the pillar opposite of them to hear their conversation.  Cassie and the others didn’t spare me much of a glance since I pulled out my phone to make it look like I was busy.  Instead, I was intent on the conversation on the other side of the pillar. 

“You have to stop, Cade.”

“Stop what?”

“You know what I mean.  She can’t fit the role you need.”

“Don’t tell me what I need.”

“I’m just looking out for us.  For the-“  The last word was uttered so low I missed it.

“You think I’m not?”

“I think you’re thinking with something other than your head.”  There was a small scuffle and a grunt before Cade’s low voice returned.

“You want to run that by me again?”  Cade’s voice was low and dangerous.

“Think about it Cade.”  Hunter was closer like he was being pressed up against the pillar. 
Did Cade have him pinned? 
“You are more moody, irrational.  You disappear for hours at a time each night.”  Movement sounded from the other side, and Cade’s voice sounded farther away. 

“What I do is my business.”

“Not when it affects us all.”  Brody paused before adding.  “I’ve followed you.”

“You’ve what?”  Cade demanded. 

“I know where you go.  See you standing in the trees.  Watching.”

“Damn it, Hunter.  Can’t you leave well-enough alone?”

“She can’t be one of us.  She can’t

“Don’t you think I know that?”  Cade growled.  “Damn it all.  I can’t control what I feel.  What she makes me feel.”

“What do you feel?”

“That she’s mine.  Mine to protect.  Mine to care for.  Just…mine.”  Cade growled.  A long paused followed before Hunter spoke softly. 

“You need to get your shit together, man, or this, whatever this is, won’t end well.”  Hunter stalked around the side of the pillar without glancing my way and went inside the school.  A few seconds later, Cade emerged lost in thought and didn’t even notice me as he followed Hunter.  Brody and Bree spared me a glance before also going inside.  Cassie stepped up beside me and looped her arm through mine.

“We need to work on your stealth skills.”  Cassie said as she pulled me toward the door.

“What?  What do you mean?”  I asked innocently.

“Oh please.  Let’s add acting to the list too.”  She chuckled.  I had to laugh with her, even with Hunter and Cade’s words echoing in my head.  Since the game was up, I decided to ask Cassie about the conversation.

“Who were they talking about?”  I had a pretty good idea, but I wanted confirmation. 

She sighed.  “You showing up this year has thrown everyone.  It’s going to take some getting used to.”

“So they were talking about me.”


“And Hunter’s worried that Cade wants to be with me more than he should?”

“Yes, but that’s not something Hunter can demand.  Cade’s happiness comes first.”

“I don’t know what everyone is going on about.”  I replied and Cassie gave me an “are you stupid” look.  “Ok, I know we are attracted to each other but this isn’t some Romeo and Juliet story.  Right?”

“God I hope not.”  Cassie muttered.

“Right.  So, if, and I mean a big if here, Cade and I do end up seeing each other, what is the worst that could happen?”

“How about we worry about that when the time comes, yeah?”  Cassie said dismissively. 


“No.  Right now, we have English.  Let’s be teenagers while we can.  Okay?” 

“Fine.”  I sighed. 

The conversation was dropped and for the next few days, the memory was pushed to the side.  I was still escorted between classes, sat with them at lunch and common study hall, and Cade drove me to and from school.  He didn’t attempt to talk to me about last weekend or what he tried to say. Or anything about his encounter with Hunter, even though it was on my mind. 

Friday found me and Bree in the library.  Brody was waiting outside because and I quote, “there’s just too much knowledge in there for one man to take”.  Bree and I shook our heads in amusement as we entered the library.  We were looking for resources on the topic of earth ecosystems for one of our classes.  Bree wandered off to the computer to see what she could find while I went over to the bookcases. 

Just then I noticed Tyler trying to catch my eye from the other end of the bookshelf.  He nodded his head in an invitation to talk.  I smiled and walked down to meet him. 

“Hey.”  He said with a smile.

“Hi.”  I replied, returning his smile.

“I wasn’t sure if you were going to get away.”  He said as he looked beyond me to see if anyone else was around us.

“I’m free to go where I want.”  I shrugged. 

“Are you?”  Tyler questioned quietly, I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to hear that so I didn’t acknowledge his question.

“Did you have something you wanted to talk about?”  I asked, pulling his gaze back to me. 

“Yeah, I wanted to see if you were interested or free for a bonfire this Saturday?”

“Yeah.  I don’t have any plans.”

“Really?  Cool.”  He smiled.

“Could Bree and Cassie come too?”

“Uh sure.”  I scowled at his hesitancy and he rushed to explain.  “It’s not that I don’t like them or don’t want them to come.  It’s just that usually wherever they are, Cade, Hunter, and Brody are too.” 

“So you just have a problem with the boys?”

“Well, it’s easier when they aren’t around.”  He hedged.  I thought about it and couldn’t find fault with his reasoning.  The boys didn’t really mix well with other boys in school.

“If I can get the girls alone, would that be better?”

“That would be an impressive feat.”  He commented with raised eyebrows. 

“Done.”  I nodded. Confident I could find a way.  “What time tomorrow?”

“Any time after 7 is fine.  I’ll text you the address.”

“Great.”  I smiled then looked over my shoulder.  “I should go before someone comes looking.”

“Yeah, like Stalker Boy?”

“He’s not in this class.” 

“Then one of his enforcers.”  Tyler replied almost nervously as he looked around. 

“His what?”  I asked, confused. 

“Oh, it’s a tag name that came up a few years ago.  One of my friends overheard Brody talking about Cade being the leader and Hunter and Brody being his enforcers.”  Tyler shrugged.  “The name stuck.”

“Do they know you call them that?”

“Hell no.”  He grinned.  “We like to not get beat up on a daily basis.”

“They aren’t that bad.”

“You didn’t see them in their early-teen years.”

“True.”  I nodded.  I waved as I headed back to Bree to see what she found.  As I sat next to her at another computer she turned to me and surprised me with her question.

“So, a bonfire, huh?”

“How did you…” I asked, confused how she could possibly have heard our conversation.

“Oh, I checked the bookcases when you were taking so long and overheard you talking to Tyler.”  She shrugged as she dismissed my question.  I wasn’t so convinced.  I was sure Tyler and I were alone the entire time. 

“Yeah, he invited us, but no boys.”

“How you going to manage that one?”

“I have an idea.”  I said smiling. 

“Oh, boy.  This should be fun.”  Bree chuckled before she returned her attention to the screen. 


Saturday rolled around and I’d convinced Cassie and Bree to give it a shot.  They were coming over to my house to have a “girl’s night.”  The boys were put out that they weren’t invited but as soon as we started talking about painting toe nails and watching chick flicks, they soon found other things to do. 

I told Steve and Nicole that the girls were coming over before we were going to the bonfire.  Cassie and Bree were telling their parents that they were going to my house.  Which wasn’t a lie, just a stretch of the truth and one little omission.  I heard their car pull into the driveway and bounded to the door in excitement.  I opened it before either of them had a chance to knock.

“Hi!”  I said excitedly as I motioned them to come in.

“Hey!”  They chorused.  Both of them were just as excited as me.  In a way it felt like we were breaking out of jail or something equally rebellious.  I closed the door behind them and ushered them into the kitchen for introductions. 

“Steve, Nicole,” I said, “You’ve met Cassie, and this is Bree.” 

“Welcome!  It is so nice to see you again, Cassie.  And nice to finally meet you, Bree.”  Nicole said warmly. 

“Thank you.”  Bree smiled.

“So, you girls are headed to a bonfire, huh?”  Steve asked, leaning back against the kitchen counter.

“Yep.”  I answered. 

“Who’s house again?”

“Tyler Lunt.”

“Lunt…Lunt…Oh yeah.  His dad works down at the building center.”  Steve commented and I shrugged. I didn’t have a clue.  “Nice family.”

“Yeah, he seems really nice.”  I replied. 

“What’s your brother up to these days, Cassie?”  Nicole asked.

“Oh, he, Brody and Hunter made their own plans tonight.  Something about tracking.”

“They’re tracking an animal in the forest?”  Steve asked curiously. 

“Yeah, but don’t worry.  They know how to take care of themselves.”

“Did they say what kind of animal?”  Steve questioned.

“Uh, I don’t think so.”  She shrugged.  I narrowed my eyes at Cassie.  I could tell she was avoiding Steve’s question. 

“Well, let me grab a sweatshirt then we can go.”  I said and led the way out of the kitchen.  Cassie and Bree followed me up the stairs and into my room. 

“Wow, what a view.”  Bree breathed as she moved to my window seat.  “You can sit here and see right out to the forest.”  The last was said while she looked at Cassie who moved to join her.

“Yeah, I like to sit there at night and look out into the darkness.  The stars are pretty too.”  I commented as I hunted for a decent sweatshirt.

“You ever see any animals?”  Cassie asked, not turning from the window.

“No, I haven’t.  Why?”  I finally found my sweatshirt and pulled it free. 

“Just curious.”  She answered and turned back to me.  “Ready?”

“Yep.  Time for the great escape.”  I grinned which they returned excitedly.  They followed me down the stairs and after saying bye to Steve and Nicole, we headed out the front door.  Bree sat in the back since I had the directions on my phone and Cassie drove.  Even though it was a small town, Cassie wasn’t sure exactly where Tyler lived since she’d never been there.  It didn’t take us very long before we were on the south edge of town and pulled up to a big house that butted up against the forest.  One thing about the mountains, you never escaped the trees.  We stepped out and made our way to the front door which opened before we were halfway up the sidewalk.

“Hey!”  Tyler called standing in the doorway.  “You guys made it.”  I noticed his not so subtle search behind us and almost laughed when his face showed relief in not finding “Stalker Boy” and his “Enforcers”. 

“Yeah, hope we’re not too early.”  I replied as we walked up the front steps. 

“Not at all.  Things are just getting started.”  He stepped aside and all three of us filed past him.  Right away I recognized a few people from class, others only in passing.  There were probably around ten people standing around inside the house. 

“Come on.”  Tyler grinned as he led us to the kitchen.  He made a round of introductions but I didn’t catch everyone’s names.  The intros had to be for my benefit since everyone else knew each other since birth.  Tyler’s parents were there and really nice.  His mom made some awesome snack food that we gathered up as we made our way outside.  His dad had already lit the fire pit and the fire was well on its way to a blaze. 

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