High Country Bride (20 page)

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Authors: Jillian Hart

BOOK: High Country Bride
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November, three months later

hose were Aiden’s boots coming up behind her. Joanna let go of the scrub brush, leaned back on her heels at the foot of the stairs and swept her bangs out of her eyes. “I suppose you want something from our bedroom, don’t you? Too bad. I’m afraid the floors are still wet.”

“And you’re not going to let me in with my boots?” He looked like a man who’d been working hard in the barn. Bits of hay and straw clung to his shirt and trousers, but that only seemed to make him more handsome. Perhaps it was because there were no more shadows. He was whole and alive and happy.

She couldn’t resist teasing him, just a little. “Sorry. I’m not going to let you through. You’ll just have to wait.”

“Wait, huh? It might take a long time to dry. And it’s not yet time for me to drive to town to pick up James and Daisy from school. I’m not sure what I ought to do with this free time.”

She plopped the brush into the bucket of sudsy water and rose, wiping her hands on her apron. “You could go back outside and bring in more wood for our fires.”

“I could, but it’s turning awfully cold out there. It might snow.”

“That’s a handy excuse.” She let her fingertips run up the placket of his flannel shirt, thinking of those ribs he had broken that were now good and truly healed. “Am I supposed to believe that a big man like you doesn’t want to go outside in the cold?”

“That’s right.” His baritone dipped warm and low.

“Excuses, excuses, Mr. McKaslin.” Her fingertips reached the top button on his shirt and she couldn’t resist laying the flat of her hand there over the reliable beat of his heart. His devoted, faithful heart. “I can think of only one more chore that’s left on my list and this is an important one.”

“Is that so?” His hand covered hers, affection alight in his eyes. “You can trust me. I won’t let you down.”

“I know.” Happiness filled her as she went up on tiptoe. “You could kiss your wife.”

“My wife?” His right hand cradled the side of her face. “I love calling you that. Almost as much as I love kissing you.”

“Lucky me.” Joanna closed her eyes, breathless, waiting for the brush of his lips to hers.

His kiss was sheer perfection. It was pure sweetness and complete tenderness. It was like floating on clear blue sky without a storm in sight.

“So you only wanted one kiss?” he murmured against her lips.

“I suppose I could endure a second one.”

“It will be tough, but I think I can, too.” He brushed the tendrils out of her eyes. “I can endure anything as long as I am with you.”

“Me, too.” His lips claimed hers again, this time as reverent as a promise kept. As miraculous as grace. She gave thanks for this man’s everlasting love. He loved her, honest and true, the way she loved him.

“I love you, Joanna, with all of my soul,” he said, and kissed her forehead.

“As I love you.” She was so happy, it was easy to see the future with her beloved. There would be more children filling this house one day, James graduating from school and taking over the ranch, and some day, far from now, Aiden would walk Daisy down the aisle. Joanna’s dreams for her children were coming true.

But for her, there would always be Aiden, strong and true and loving. He was her shelter, her dream, her everything.

Lace curtains framed a snowy view at the parlor window directly behind them, a reminder of the power of love and faith. And of their great love.

“I have one more request.” She stepped back to look into his eyes. “Take me to town with you.”

“Sure. Let’s go fetch our children home.” He slipped his arm around her shoulder and they went off into the world together.


Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for choosing HIGH COUNTRY BRIDE. I hope you enjoyed Joanna and Aiden’s journey toward love as much as I did writing it. I first met Aiden when I was writing his brother Thad’s story (H
), and my heart ached for this man so closed off from the world but so unshakable in his faith. I wanted him to find love again, and Joanna seemed the perfect wife for him. I hope their story to hope, faith and love touches you.

Wishing you the best of blessings,

Jillian Hart

  1. At the beginning of the story, when Aiden finds Joanna and her children living out of their wagon on his land, what is his first reaction? What emotions are beneath his anger? What does this say about his character?
  2. Joanna is in difficult circumstances at the beginning of the book. How does she handle hardship throughout the story? What does this say about her character?
  3. What is Aiden’s initial behavior toward the children? What does this reveal about him?
  4. Joanna has been let down by love. How has that affected her? What does that reveal about her faith and her values?
  5. Joanna has lost track of her faith. She fears God has stopped listening to her. How does this change through the story? How does she come to an understanding? What role does Aiden play in this?
  6. How important is the theme of second chances in this story?
  7. Joanna believes she is not the kind of a woman to inspire true devotion in a man. How does this change through the book? How does she come to believe that Aiden can truly love her?
  8. How are the themes of compassion and duty developed throughout the story?
  9. How does Aiden turn to the Lord in times of need? What does he discover about God and faith?
  10. What do you think Joanna has learned about love?
  11. What role does James play in the story? What impact does he have on Aiden? How does that change through the story?
  12. What makes Aiden risk his heart again? What do you think he has learned about life?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-1975-9


Copyright © 2008 by Jill Strickler

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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