Highland Harmony: Avelina and Drew (Clan Grant Series Book 8) (21 page)

BOOK: Highland Harmony: Avelina and Drew (Clan Grant Series Book 8)
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Chapter Twenty-Four


Lina had seen enough death and injury in a day and could handle no more. All she had to do was say aye and the threat to her family would be lifted.

Father said, “Lass, you must speak up. I cannot accept a nod.”

Lachlan pinched her neck. “Do it.” Did she have a choice?

Her vision blurred and her legs buckled. How she wished it were Drew standing here, but he had sworn he would never marry. Lachlan yanked her back up.

“Say aye, Avelina,” he bellowed.

Someone nearly collapsed in her peripheral vision. She could see the blood running down one side of his plaid, covering his legs. Who was it? Was he hurt? She tried to see, but she was weakening. Her legs threatened to drop her out from under her at any moment. She was holding her knees locked tight to keep from being skewered on Lachlan’s knife, but she could not hold out much longer. Closing her eyes, she gave in to the needs of her body, no longer caring what happened. She prayed her life would end quickly. At least this would free her from the terrible choice she was being forced to make.


Her eyes flew open. Drew? Could it be? She searched the area again, finally recognizing him as the wounded man she’d noticed moments before. He was not far away and covered in blood.

“Drew, nay…” she whispered, hoping he wouldn’t come for her. She could not bear to watch him slaughtered. Her heart beat faster in her chest. If she were to live and he died, he would take a part of her with him. Oh, how she loved him.

“Lina, I love you. Marry me!” Drew shouted. He forced himself back into a standing position.

What had he just said? She felt the knife at her throat again. Hell, but it hurt. Her mind was slowing, and she didn’t like it. It was getting harder and harder to breathe, to think, to swallow…

She heard her name again.

“Lina,” Drew bellowed. “Will you marry me?”

“Lass?” the priest whispered. “Who is it you wish to marry?”

As she stared at Drew, it felt as if her throat were closing, in fact, she didn’t know if she’d even be able to speak because the pressure on her neck was so strong. Swallowing and mustering up as much strength as she could, she croaked, “Drew. I wish to marry Drew.” Lachlan still had the weapon pressed to her neck, so she knew they might well be her last words. If so, they were worth it.

A horde of butterflies flew out of the trees, straight into Lachlan’s face. The hand with the dagger shifted just enough for Drew to leap forward and grasp it. He knocked the dagger out of Lachlan’s hand and punched him in the face. Lina fell to the ground, rolling onto her side, but still clutching the sword. Logan hauled Drew away, and while Lina did not understand why at first, as soon as her brother tossed her love aside, an arrow sliced through the air and caught Lachlan between the eyes. He collapsed to the ground, and Lina crawled away on her hands and knees, gasping for air and coughing. A set of hands wrapped around her waist and lifted her onto a nearby horse.

Drew’s hand stayed with her as he climbed up behind her. He was about to turn the horse around, but he stopped mid-action. “Father!”

The priest stared at him, obviously still shocked at what he’d witnessed.

“Finish it. We wish to marry. I want her to be my wife.”

Sheer chaos reigned around them as Lachlan’s remaining men continued to battle or did their best to run off, but Lina didn’t care. She only had ears for Drew. Lina turned around to look at him. “Are you certain of this?”

Drew cupped her cheek with one hand and kissed her. “Aye, more certain than I’ve ever been. I love you, Lina. Will you be my wife?”

Lina wrapped her arm around him. “Aye, I love you.” She turned to the priest. “Father, marry us, please?” She clung to her love as if he were about to disappear at any moment.

Logan came over to join them. “Father, I’ll serve as your witness, but you must do this quick if it’s to happen. You can see the unrest around us. Sorry, Drew, but I’d like my sister away from here and safe.”

Drew nodded, “Aye, proceed, please.”

The priest took a piece of Drew’s plaid and wrapped it around their entwined wrists, then spoke in Gaelic for the short ceremony.

As soon as he finished the blessing and nodded his head, Logan tugged Lina down to kiss her cheek and said, “Congratulations, sister. You’ve chosen well, and I promise to tell the others. Now on with you.” He positioned her back in front of Drew, slapped the flank of the horse and said, “Get her out of here, Menzie. Have her on Ramsay land in two days.”

Drew galloped off with his arms wrapped tight around her waist.

As soon as they cleared the sea of warriors, she held up her hand, and Drew slowed the horse.

She turned to gaze into his eyes. “Is it true?”

The gleam in his eyes told her he would tease her. “Is what true?”

“Are we married?”

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her soundly. “Aye, we are. Does this please you as much as it does me?”

She nodded and sighed, then settled back against him and fell fast asleep.

When she awakened, Drew helped her off the horse. “You all right, my sweet?”


He took her by the hand, grabbed the satchel someone had thrown at him as they were leaving, and led her down a path toward a stone outcropping. As soon as they rounded a corner, Lina gasped. “Oh, Drew. ‘Tis the most beautiful spot I’ve ever seen.”

A small pool sat in the center of two walls of stone, its edges covered with moss and lovely flowers, and there was a beautiful waterfall at the far end. He set the satchel on a large rock, threw his plaid and tunic off to the side, and held his other hand out to her. “Come. We need to clean you up.”

Lina took one look at his broad chest with the dark hairs scattered across it and her mouth went completely dry. Her gaze trailed all the way down to his toes before her eyes jerked back up to his face. A calm settled in her soul because, at that moment, she was happier than she’d ever been in her life. After tugging on the ribbons of her bodice, she stripped out of her bloodied gown and shift and stood in front of her husband with naught on, just as he was.

His gaze traveled the length of her and back up again. “Lina, you are so beautiful. But please do not distract me from my plan.”

She quirked her brow at him. “Plan? What plan?”

He leaned down to kiss the slices on her neck where Lachlan had held the tip of the knife. “I need to wash you first. There must be no reminders of what you’ve just been through to interfere with this night.”

She touched the side of his leg. “Seems you need some washing as well. It looks as if you have two wounds on the same leg. Is that possible?”

“Aye, but they will heal. Do not worry about them.” He took her hand and waded into the pool. Once they were in the water, he set the slice of soap he had taken out of the satchel and placed it on a nearby ledge, then let go of her to get in up to his shoulders and duck his head under the water.

“Is it cold?” she asked as soon as his head came above the water.

“Nay. ‘Tis summer and still warm. Come.”

She tiptoed in up to her knees, squealed, but then followed him the rest of the way.

He tugged her over to the ledge and started washing the dried blood off her neck, kissing each spot that had been cut. Her eyes welled up from both the sting of the soap and the tender way he washed her skin.

As soon as he finished, a swarm of butterflies fluttered around them. “Oh, Drew, you’re going to meet her, I hope.” Lina glanced up to see Erena standing near the waterfall. She was dressed in a beautiful pink gown decorated with blue feathers. The sun reflected off the tiny pearls decorating the full skirt, and the lace sleeves fell to her wee wrists.

For some reason, she looked more regal today. In fact, Lina thought she could almost see a pair of wings behind her back, transparent in the fading sun. Her hair was pulled back at the nape, which allowed the multitude of colorful butterflies to rest on her shoulders and all down her arms. She held them out for a moment before sending the winged creatures off into the sky.

“Are you happy, my dear?” the Queen of the Fae asked, her face beaming.

“Aye, I am verra happy.” Lina leaned toward Drew, letting herself sink a little deeper into the water as he wrapped his arm around her.

“You needed to have more faith in me,” Erena said. She wagged her finger at Lina, but her lively expression assured Lina that she was not very angry.

“My apologies, Erena, but ‘twas a bit close with the dagger at my throat.”

“Aye, ‘twas a bit closer than we would have liked, but so much of what happens in this land is in human hands. Still, all has ended as we wished, and I am verra proud of you. We chose well.”

Drew whispered in Lina’s ear. “Will she allow me to speak?”

“Of course, Laird Menzie. You are not laird yet, but you will be.”

Lina grinned and spun around to catch his reaction to Erena’s announcement. Drew hadn’t moved a muscle, but his jaw had dropped open in shock.

The Queen of Harmony continued, “Besides, Lina has been chosen by the fae, but you have been chosen by Lina. That makes you quite special on your own merit. What is it you wish to ask me? I’ll answer if I can.”

“This is true? There is naught more we need to do?” Drew could hardly take his eyes away from the queen, he was so entranced.

“Nay. You have the sapphire sword with you, do you not?”

“Aye.” Lina nodded. “I managed to keep it without slicing my own skin open.”

“Then take it with you, and when you have decided where you are to live, find a safe hiding place for it, where it will be concealed from prying eyes. Let it be known that you no longer have it in your possession, lest others seek to steal it from you. You will still be protected by it. The sapphire sword is an ancient legend, and most of the Scots know of its value. Be wise in your care of it.”

Lina glanced at Drew and nodded, accepting this part of their fate.

“She will not need it at all?” Drew asked.

“Nay, not in the near future. Once your family is older, mayhap a score of years from now, much unrest will come to pass, and it may be needed again. If so, we will come to you. But please do not release it to anyone without my approval. I promise to come to you when it’s necessary.”

“Erena, the dreams I’ve had. Sometimes, I know what will happen. Will they continue?”

“Aye, my dear. You have the sight. ‘Tis the gift you’ve been given. The fae have always had a few seers in the Highlands, and you are to be one of them. I trust you will use your sight wisely.”

Lina and Drew stared up at the Queen of Harmony, awaiting any further instruction.

She waved her hand. “I am off. I wish you two a most wondrous life together. In time, Drew, you shall forgive your parents, and you will learn to trust them again. They do love you, and will be wonderful grandparents to your bairns.”

“Bairns?” Lina asked, raising her brows.

Drew hugged her close. “Aye, bairns. Our bairns.” He paused for a moment. “Erena, are you sure our bairns will be safe with my parents?”

“Of course, I shall be watching. Your first-born will be verra special. We shall need another chosen one to replace you someday, Avelina. If you do not mind, please name her Elyse. I love that name. Then she’ll feel a wee bit like my verra own daughter.” Erena leaned over to wink at them.

Erena held her arms out to beckon the butterflies, then sent them off to the heavens with a smile. “For now, ‘tis time for you to soar, as I told you would happen someday. Enjoy.”

Lina watched Drew as he stared at the butterflies overhead. “She’s something to see, is she not?” He shook his head, still having trouble absorbing all that had transpired.

Once they were no longer in sight, he turned to Lina. “How could you handle all of that on your shoulders? I never thought about it until I saw her. I’ve not seen anything like her before. Lina, you are a verra brave lass. I admire you for all you have done. ‘Tis amazing that you’ve accomplished all that you have.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close. “And to think you are all mine. My wife.” He growled and ravished her lips.

When he ended the kiss, she whispered, “I do love you, Drew.” She bit her lower lip as he soaped her in one last spot, then pronounced her clean.

Once he was finished, he set the soap aside, and settled her back into the water to gently rinse her neck. “Lina, I love you more than I truly comprehend,” Drew said, gently pulling her to him, “and I’m so sorry I made you wait. This could have all been avoided.”

She set her fingertips against his lip. “Let us
talk about how we could have done things differently. It will serve no purpose, and I prefer to enjoy what we have now. I love you, and you love me. What more do we need?”

He nodded and melded his lips to hers. She parted for him, and he invaded her mouth, teasing her with his tongue.

She pulled back and held up her hand to indicate she wanted him to stop. “Please allow me.”

He gave her a puzzled look, but he did as she asked, breathing hard. Her hands reached up to the peak at his forehead, and she followed the lines of his face with her fingertips, moving down each side until she traced the angled edge of his jaw. “Do you know how long I have wanted to touch you, but could not?”

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