Highland Persuasion (The MacLomain Series- Early Years) (16 page)

BOOK: Highland Persuasion (The MacLomain Series- Early Years)
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Though overcast the light was painful as they exited the cave. Before she could question his actions, he handed his weapons to Iosbail and turned away. As promised, Shamus sat on a rock waiting. His friend was very ill. He crouched in front of him. “Can you walk?”

“Aye, laddie.”

When he looked over his shoulder, Iosbail’s eyes locked with his. She shook her head and frowned. Her eyes went to Shamus and she breathed deeply. Several long seconds passed before she at last nodded, grabbed Caitriona’s hand and fled.

Alexander turned his attention to Shamus.
“Time to go lad.”
Careful, he put his arm beneath his friend’s and brought him to a standing position. “Are you ready then?”

Though Shamus nodded his legs crumpled.

Alexander lifted him into his arms and started forward. He ignored Shamus as he groaned in both shame and denial. Now was a time to focus on sure foot. When he rounded the first corner he wasn’t surprised to see Iosbail waiting. The moment she saw him coming she continued to run, Caitriona in tow. While he’d hoped it would be otherwise, an arrow hit the tree right behind him.

Innis was after them already.

“Go!” he yelled.

In heed of his own words, Alexander moved faster. The waterfall was not far from the caves. Pray to God it protected them as well as it had before. Iosbail and Caitriona had just vanished behind it when another arrow grazed his leg.

His knee buckled.

Shamus would have fallen from his arms had he not locked his muscles and skidded to the ground. Infuriated, Alexander clenched his teeth and stood. It took a moment for him to readjust. Just long enough for one of Innis’s men to run up behind him. Without hesitation, Alexander set Shamus to the ground and turned. Using his arm as a brace, he swung his body around from ground level and swiped the man’s legs out from beneath him.

Stunned, the warrior lay on his back for a split second. That’s all Alexander needed. Within a second he straddled him and cracked his neck, bringing instant death. Seconds later another man came. Random stick in hand, he stood, ran and jumped. Before the man knew what happened, the wood was through his jugular. Then another came. Alexander knocked him upside the head. That allowed him limited time to deal with the next man who came.

In his element, Alexander methodically began to plan out how he would battle each man. As long as they came one by one, even two by two, he could handle them.

Eyes wild, soul alive, he already had a rock slammed against the next man’s forehead while he broke the neck of the other. Then the next man came. Stick in hand, he stabbed his eyeball and turned to the man hit by the stone. He took that very stone and ended the lad’s life with one well-placed blow.

Then came another man and he began anew.

Nature was full of weapons and he’d make use of every one. When those ran out he’d use every body part. As was anticipated two men appeared. He hit the first hard with fingers to his eyes while punching the other at such an angle that his nose met his mind and he died instantly. When three new men followed, he took a few steps back, positioning himself to protect Shamus. He whipped another rock at one’s throat, the next he punched hard and fast.

The third took a knife to the throat.

Alexander frowned and looked over his shoulder.


She raised his claymore. “More come. Get Shamus to safety. I’ll follow.”

He almost laughed but her eyes grew intense, sad almost when she mouthed, “Please.”

“Nay, I


Before he could say another word she raised the heavy sword and swung, cutting down the next man to appear. Amazed, he watched the man fall forward. Two more appeared. One fell by a rock she threw, the other by her blade across his leg.

“Now!” she roared again.

Alexander didn’t hesitate but scooped up Shamus and moved. The minute he was beyond the waterfall he knew it safe and set his friend aside.  It took him half the time to return to where he’d left her. By that time though she had four men coming at her, six were already dead at her feet.

What a woman!

They were down to two weapons betwixt them and one remained lodged in a man’s throat. Regrettably, that fallen warrior was covered by others. With a growl Alexander ran forward like a mad man. The action was enough to throw two of them off her. Swords ready, they ran at him. All he could do was run, drop and slide along the ground. This startled them enough that he was able to kick up his feet and dislodge at least one of their weapons which he grabbed. The other man swung his sword around and nearly sliced off his foot.

Alexander grinned as he rolled away from both with a new weapon in hand.

When he jumped to his feet so did they.

Though he’d love to circle and parlay for a bit, time was limited. More were coming and Iosbail still battled two. He glanced her way. Make that one. She’d already downed a lad. No time to play. Before they had a chance to fight, Alexander cut them down and joined her.

“Time to go,” he said.

“Truly?” she breathed.

Aye, she liked a fight as much as he. “They
make it without us, lass.”

Though Iosbail nodded she took a few light steps forward and ran one of the men through.

“Time to go,” he repeated.

She frowned.

So he ran the other man through.

She smiled.

“’Tis time.”

Five more men appeared.

“Are you quite sure?” she asked.

Three more men appeared.

The battle’s lost.”

When he saw the hesitation he gave her no choice. “Aim your blade away!”

She understood what he meant when he ducked, tossed her over his shoulder and ran. Only when past the waterfall did he set her down and take her sword. For some reason, it didn’t surprise him in the least to see a wide smile on her face and light in her eyes.

For several long moments he held her waist amazed by the pure energy pouring off her. Though she was blood splattered her blue eyes burst with joy and her body trembled. In some ways, it reminded him much of how she’d looked after they’d made love.

It was as if life was breathed into her for the first time.

“Iosbail,” he whispered. “You need to focus.”

“Focus,” she whispered. “I’ve never been more so!”

He knew bloodlust when he saw it. While this was his first time seeing it in a woman he supposed it couldn’t be all that different. Alexander took her hands and squeezed. This was the first step to ground her. “We’re safe now. ‘Tis time to focus on other things.”

Iosbail shook her head. “Nay, we fight well together. Let us continue.”

“To be sure.”
He brought her hands to his lips.
“Another time.”

Her chest rose and fell. It was as though she’d forgotten where they were. What a thing, bloodlust. Like love, it had the capability to make the world surreal. All vanished beneath its mad, addictive rush. 

Iosbail’s body seemed to slowly relax, her eyes became less glazed.

“Are you with me then?” he asked.

As if suddenly embarrassed she nodded and pulled away. “Where’s Shamus?”

Good, she was back and far quicker than he’d expected, far faster than most men would’ve been. Alexander took her hand and they went to the Oak. Shamus sat slumped against the trunk, Caitriona by his side.

The minute Iosbail saw him she snapped out of the bloodlust and returned to compassion. Alexander let her go when she rushed to Shamus. Though she’d been angered by the Irishman’s deceit at first it seemed she’d come full circle. There was no doubt now she’d lay down her life for the man.

But even that would not likely be enough at this point.

Iosbail crouched in front of Shamus and touched his forehead.

Alexander grabbed a bundle from behind the tree. The sun sat just past high noon but he’d prepared for that. In this desolate land chill existed at all hours. He wrapped two furs around his friend and said, “How are you, lad?”

Even as his body shook with fever, Shamus said, “Ready for battle, my Laird.”

Grim, Alexander sat beside him. “There’s no war to be had here, my friend.”

“Aye,” Shamus whispered.

He watched Iosbail. The
lass was
set for a war all the same and it had nothing to do with the bloodlust from earlier. She’d peeled away the bandages and didn’t like what she saw.

Iosbail ripped a portion of her tartan and handed it to Caitriona. “Go put this beneath the waterfall then return.”

Caitriona nodded and left.

Her eyes met his. Alexander didn’t like what he saw.

Shamus was on the edge of death.

He knew without question what she was thinking. How could she so carelessly kill when her friend was dying?

When Caitriona returned with the wet cloth Iosbail placed it over Shamus’s head to tackle the fever. The Irishman tried to remove it but she’d not allow. She leaned in close and said, “Ye know I never did deal well with not getting my way, aye?”

He nodded weakly.

“Good then. I’ll be gone a wee second or two. Meantime, our Norman lassie will hold the cloth and keep you company. You ken, laddie?”

Shamus jerked his head.

Iosbail urged Alexander to follow. They hadn’t walked far before she whispered, “When will Ma and Da get here? They’ve the power to heal him.”

He’d dreaded this moment.

Alexander shrugged. “I know naught.”

Her trusting eyes looked up into his. “What do you mean? They obviously left instructions. What were they?”

Bloody hell
“They were not your Ma and Da, lass.”

Iosbail looked at him, bewildered. “Aye, they were. Are you addled then?”

Either he could drag this on with more lies or come clean now. With Iosbail… for Iosbail… it could only ever be the truth. “I’ve not the power of healing but the power of visage.”

“Visage,” she murmured and shook her head.
“I dinnae ken.”

Her eyes searched his, confused. She blinked several times, as though she still sought the truth even within her stunned mind. Alexander hung his head. He’d done to another something incomprehensible to save their life. Yet he’d not risk losing Iosbail. And his reasoning had nothing to do with her brother.

Her eyes grew wide. “You are a puppet maker!” Iosbail shook her head as if even she didn’t believe it. “Do you mean to say you’ve the ability to create apparitions?
Believable, lifelike people based on the thoughts of others?”
Her eyes grew even wider. “I’d heard of the dark gift but never truly believed it existed.”

When she started to shake her head in disbelief, he tried to take her into his arms but she pushed away. Her arms shot up in the air. “What
sort of God have
ye that he allows you such a curse!” Body trembling, she turned to walk away but couldn’t step without stumbling. When he made to offer assistance, she shook him off.

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