Highland Persuasion (The MacLomain Series- Early Years) (19 page)

BOOK: Highland Persuasion (The MacLomain Series- Early Years)
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Her heart pounded and her throat closed.

Such a long time ago.

It took all her five hundred years of experience to keep a steady voice when she said, “No man ever had the right to give away my clan’s land simply because he’d declared himself king.”

“And no Broun woman ever had the right to seduce a married man to serve her own purposes.”

“You speak as though the king was the only man ever seduced by a woman.” She narrowed her eyes. “Are you not a bastard, Sinclair?”

Fury ravaged his features but he smoothed them in a heartbeat, as if he’d had to do it a thousand times before. “I have wanted revenge for so verra long that it’s become part of who I am. What of you, Iosbail? You come to me with purpose. Is it that you hope to seduce me as is the way of the Brouns before?”

So he did not yet suspect she was the very same who had manipulated the king. She leaned forward, voice soft. “Have I not already seduced you?”

Iosbail gasped when he in a split second sat with his back against the rock and pulled her onto his lap. Though she wouldn’t exactly label his expression angered it certainly wasn’t amiable. When she tried to move away he held her in place. “Nay, I’d say the seducing was mutual. And I’d say that you’ve secrets worth sharing here and now.”

Iosbail ignored the press of his erection against her backside and locked eyes. “There’s no secret here that you’ll ever know of Sinclair.”

She yelped when he pulled one of her knees across his midsection. This landed her in a straddling position. Furious by both his action and presumption she pushed away. But his arms locked around her back, pinning her between his body and bent knees.

Just as angry he said, “Tell me where you came from and why you’re here, lass.”

 A woman of the world she knew when to switch tactics. “I’m from Lothian and I’m here because I’m determined to have the Sinclairs and Brouns find peace within a marriage.”

“Never,” he said softly. “’Tis what I was willing to give into minutes ago but ‘twas never what you wanted. You’ve a mind for complete destruction, lass. I can see it in your bonnie blue eyes.”

For just a moment she wanted to tell him where her heart lay, the pure hurt, but she knew better. What good would it do? He was a Sinclair. “Then let me go then.”

Alexander didn’t release her arms but used his eyes to ensnare hers when he leaned closer.
I’ve a mind to have you again.
‘Tis been
a verra trying day.”

The way he said it with a come-hither look in his turbulent eyes had her aroused and interested. However, it had always been her way to control every situation with a man and she intended the same now.
“Nay, lad. ‘
Twould only confuse things.”

“Would it?” he asked innocently while he shifted his hips up a fraction.

She bit her lower lip and nodded. “The time has passed.”

With one arm still locked around her back, his free hand wrapped around the back of her head and his lips closed over hers. Though she pulled back at first his lips closed more securely and his tongue slid into her mouth. Lightning quick, the feelings she’d had when in his arms earlier resurfaced. As before, the emotions that bubbled to the surface were a heady rush of both rage and desire. A wicked burn flooded her center and brought near pain to her abdomen and thighs.

Even as Alexander’s tongue danced with hers he pulled a fur cloak around them to hide from curious eyes. Unable to help herself Iosbail wrapped her arms around him and kissed more deeply. She lifted just enough to allow him to pull up both of their robes. When his large weapon roughened hands slid up her legs and cupped her arse, she groaned.

Her head fell back and she bit her lip when his lips trailed down her neck and his thick, rigid cock burned against her belly. Hot steam started to simmer between them and sweat broke out all over her body.

“Iosbail,” he murmured, sucking her nipple through the wool material of her robe.
“So perfect, lass.”

What she wouldn’t do to have their bodies without clothes. But the others slept just across the way and this was all they’d have. Impatient, wet, she dragged her center over his member and kissed his lips hungrily when they met hers again. Throbbing, in a pain she’d never quite experienced, Iosbail positioned him and slowly sank.

Alexander released a strangled sound and his head fell back.

Still she sank.

The Sinclair had more than most so it took time to work her way down. Perhaps there was something to be said for a Norseman after all. In a near pant she continued, determined, until fully seated. His eyes, mere slits, watched her closely. It was the way his eyes studied her face that made Iosbail nearly release without moving another fraction.

As though he had her right where he wanted her… imprisoned in near brutal pleasure.

Trembling, it occurred to her she’d lost any control she’d thought she had. The feeling of his strong hands gripping her arse beneath the fur made her legs weaken. When he lifted her slightly and pulled her back down pain and pleasure cut through her core so sharply that she cried out.

Though his chest rose and fell harshly, Alexander’s eyes stayed steady, watching her every reaction. Before she had a chance to recover from the sensation he pushed her up again then down. Hands braced on his robed chest Iosbail bit her lip, alarmed, her skin aflame. Unable to control what he did next, the Sinclair lifted her further then slammed her back down.

Muscle upon muscle locked up and she became instantly breathless.

Alexander pulled her forward and brought her mouth alongside his neck. Still her muscles locked from her thighs to her feet. When her body started to tremble he wrapped his arms around her and thrust up one last time.

Iosbail didn’t recognize the sound that came from her throat when her body exploded. She’d never felt such a wonderful pain. It seemed to rip her open from head to toe. In that single moment she gave up all control and screamed against his neck.

Though she’d made love more than most women this was different, unique, capturing.

“Shh,” he whispered, stroking her sweat slicked head.

Ripples of pleasure continued to slice through her so quickly that she had no choice but to let him hold her… own her. The masculine smell of him filled her nostrils; the heavy thud of his heart thrummed against her body. White knuckled she continued to grasp his robe. Time seemed to pass without passing. The fire dimmed.

Long minutes passed in an instant.

Eventually his soft words met her ears. “I must keep the fire going.”

Though it took all her strength Iosbail nodded. He’d not found his own release. On purpose he’d not released.
But why?
Before she could pull away he cupped her cheeks and kissed her once more. Slow and with intent, he kissed her. Aroused once more she ground forward but he pulled back and shook his head.

When he left her to feed the fire she pulled the fur around her and watched.

What sort of man wanted but didn’t take?

Not any she’d ever met.

“You should eat, lass. Gain your strength.”

Iosbail took the bit of meat he handed her and chewed absently. Why was it she felt so empty? Unfulfilled? The Sinclair had just made her feel exceptional. But as they ate in silence Iosbail found herself brooding. Aye, he was a handsome man. Aye, he had a wonderful way of filling her and pulling forth the sex.

But something remained lacking.

For once in her life Iosbail felt a hole inside her, an unhappiness she didn’t understand.

It was with those thoughts in mind that she ate her fill then sat back watching him.

Alexander Sinclair, rightful heir to the throne of Scotland.

Yet something much, much more.

Though she thought herself watching him the whole time it was only when Alexander shook her awake did Iosbail realize she’d nodded off.

“Come, now. I must show you something.”

She made to respond but it was too late.

He was gone.

Chapter Ten


Alexander stood outside waiting, his every thought of her.

It’d been half the night since they last stepped outside, most of which she’d slept. He, however, had not. The fire needed attention to keep the others warm. Besides, he’d been in no mood.

He’d much preferred watching her.

Never before had he lain
with a lass
and not taken care of his needs. With Iosbail, he’d had no choice. Somewhere along their journey he’d grown tired of their battle. He’d grown tired of being enemies. When they’d been together this time he wanted to take control… needed to. If only to make sure she was fulfilled and not he. 

Iosbail needed to realize that he wanted more than just the physical pleasure.

But he’d left himself in a state of ferocious need, a feeling that he’d have to temper.

When she came from the alcove it was with boots on and a fur cloak wrapped around her. “What is so pressing that we need be out right now?”

He led the way around the edge of the wall until he found the spot he was looking for. A small path cut through the mountains. She followed him without question down a fairly steep ledge. Six inches of newly fallen snow gave traction enough to keep them from slipping.

“Careful.” He took her hand as they rounded a corner. As if God himself were on his side the storm rolled away and the moon peeked out from beneath the clouds.

Iosbail stopped. “Is that what I think it is below?”

He stepped behind her and held her shoulders. “Those are the rocks that led us here and this path leads straight to them.”

“How is this possible?”

“I know naught.”

Iosbail turned. “This is too easy. Even you must see that!”

“With the sun comes a new day, one that says we can leave this God forsaken place.”

“And what is your plan?
To have all of us down there at the crack of dawn?”
She frowned and shook her head. “Innis will be waiting. I have no doubt.”

“What choice do we have but to go back beneath the waterfall?” Alexander took her arms. “And if we do that will Innis not be waiting?”

Though shadowed by the miscellaneous light, Iosbail’s expression darkened. “This is a treacherous route. We’ll be weakened once we descend. Innis will count on it. At least the other way you and I stand a chance to defend and fight our way through.”

“Fight our way through hundreds of men, some with magic?
We’d go down proud for sure but trust me, we’d go down, and what would that mean for Shamus and Caitriona?”

She glanced at the ocean.
“A better future than dropping hundreds of feet into the sea!”

Alexander squeezed her arms gently. “Iosbail, this is our chance and as I see it one given us from your ancestors.” When her eyes grew defiant he continued. “In one thing you must trust, while I manifested your Ma and Da when with the enemy I didnae manifest the Oak or the verra safety in which we’ve enjoyed.
That, lass, is of the Eire.
Surely you know it to be the truth!”

Her hands clasped his arms as he held her. “So stands reason that they’ve sent you to help me along. We fight well together. The Goddess knows we do. Let us take the opportunity afforded and break through all to get to the stones, not this death-defying route!”

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