Highland Persuasion (The MacLomain Series- Early Years) (25 page)

BOOK: Highland Persuasion (The MacLomain Series- Early Years)
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Water skin set aside she put her hands on either side of his torso. Though she truly appreciated the muscular cut of his body something else made her magic hum… something very interesting and ancient. Eyes closed, she slowly ran her fingers up his stomach and over his chest then up his arms so far as she could reach. On the underside of his arms she stopped. The fingertips of her right hand tingled and a bright light flared within her vision.

“Alba,” she whispered. Her eyes shot open and she stared at the mark on his skin. Iosbail’s eyes flew to his. “You’re of Pict royalty!”

Steady, his eyes met hers. “I’m one of the last of the royal line. ‘Tis the only reason I have to be thankful I was born a Sinclair royal bastard. Their very arrogance protected my Ma’s heritage.”

“Nay, you’re no bastard,” she murmured softly. “How did I not know this when first I saw you so long ago?” she whispered.

His eyes narrowed, less interested in the first thing she’d said but the second. “When was that?”

Iosbail’s mind was in such twists that she didn’t realize she’d spoken aloud. “When was what?”

“That you saw me so long ago.”

“I didnae say such.”

“Aye, you did just a moment ago.”

Iosbail shrugged but saw that it was already too late. Though she may consider him her enemy she never doubted his intelligence. Strangely enough he didn’t seem to be calling on his magic as he peered at her. She imagined he wasn’t able to anyways being bound by not only chains but by what she recognized as Adlin’s magic.

“Tell me, Iosbail.”

Interestingly enough, had it been a week prior and he’d been imprisoned when he asked this very question she’d gladly spit the answer in his face. A strange rippling burn squeezed her chest. Wasn’t it a week ago that she wanted the Sinclair in the very position in which she now found him? Well, perhaps not this exact position. She’d wanted to destroy his whole clan, every last Sinclair. She licked her suddenly dry lips. When exactly had she stopped feeling that way?
Because she so obviously had.
Why else would she be standing in this dungeon trying to save the man’s life?

Somehow all the vengeance she’d felt over her friend’s death had slowly melted away. It was hard not to feel shame at that moment. Aye, the Sinclair’s had been very wrong when they tried to take land from her clan. Yet, was that any different than what all the clans did to one another daily in this country?

Alexander’s eyes drifted slowly down her body before they once more met hers, shocked and pained…betrayed. He whispered, “’Twas you.”

Iosbail blinked away unexpected tears and shook her head.
“You dinnae ken.”

Rage filled his eyes and turned them a bleak, stormy gray. “All along it was you. The lass I saw so long ago, the Broun who seduced the king. How did I not realize sooner?”

Unfamiliar with the emotions coursing through her Iosbail said, “I’d have done anything for my clan.”

Iosbail jumped back when he launched forward. Held back by the chains, his muscles strained. Furious he spat, “You lay with me after you’d been with him, the Sassenach king. William the Conqueror was Scotland’s enemy, my parents his fools. And you allowed him between your thighs. What sort of lass are you?”

Iosbail felt no need to explain her reasoning from so long ago. Instead, bitter feelings arose sharply and she shoved a finger against his hard chest, eyes wild. “Was it you? Did
travel back in time to kill my dear friend before my verra own eyes?
Aye, and yet another one of my lovers!”

Alexander growled, his face contorted in hurt and rage. “To think I cared for you.” He struggled against the chains. “You’re nothing but a monster and manipulator, a user.”

“At least I dinnae slay my enemies before they see me coming.”

“Nay, you wear them down slowly with pure poison.”

“I do what I need to in order to survive. And above all else, I do for my clan.”

“As do I but without hurting so many along the way.”

Iosbail hated the taste in her mouth. More than that, she hated the way he looked at her. Regardless, now was a time for all truths. “Tell me who so brutally killed my friend or I will kill you now where you stand.”

An eerie, heart wrenching calm surrounded the Sinclair. “Then do so, lass because I’ve nothing to tell you. Do you think me capable of what you speak?” Alexander leaned as far against his restraints as he could. “I’m no killer save to protect. You’ve seen it all along. You’ve
it all along. I would never murder out of revenge.”

Iosbail clenched her teeth. Though she knew he spoke only truth she felt betrayed not by his words but by her own actions. She felt betrayed because all along she’d been going after the wrong man. Alexander had become the face of the Sinclair’s when in truth he was the best of the lot. This man was far better than the clan from which he thought he came. Yet in this moment reason meant little.

“Show me you’re sorry for what you’ve done in the past. Free me,” Alexander ground out.

Pride reared its head. “I’m not sorry. I protected my own and I willnae ever be sorry for that.”

Even as she said it she knew it a lie. Iosbail had never been sorrier in her life.

Alexander leaned back against the wall and looked down at her, expression turning to granite. “All along you targeted me. Somehow you knew that I’d seen you with the king and I struck you as yet another lad you could manipulate. How has that gone so far?” Loathing crawled into his eyes. “Tell me, which cock did you prefer?”

“I never took him into me!” she suddenly screamed. Iosbail gasped for air but it was hard to find. She put a hand over her chest and shook her head. “’Twas how I got him to do as I asked… I never took him into me but promised more if he only did what I asked.”

A sob raked her but still she said, “I should have. Perhaps then no Broun land would’ve been given away and somehow all of this would’ve been avoided. Perhaps I could have persuaded the king to grant the Sinclair’s other lands. My dear friend wouldn’t have lost his life within a blink.” She tried to catch her breath. “I wouldn’t have the anger. You wouldn’t have the anger. None of this would’ve existed. The Broun’s and Sinclair’s would never have been enemies,” she whispered.

Powerful emotion clogged her ability to speak and she crouched, holding her head.

Silence fell. All that could be heard were the faint drops where the moat dripped into the dungeon and the torch spit small flames.

In all her long years, Iosbail had never felt so strongly. It alarmed and frightened her. Without saying another word she fled the chamber and rushed up the stairs. Though dark it was easy enough to find her way. Nevermind magic, the basic need for escape made for sharp senses. Only when she’d reentered the main hall did she stop to catch her breath. People bustled about obviously preparing for something.

“How are you lass?”

Iosbail jumped at the sound of Adlin’s voice.

Her brother leaned against the wall in full Highland regalia from the MacLomain plaid right down to the boots. He was dressed to represent his clan.

Hurt, angry, confused, she didn’t hesitate but slapped his cheek as hard as she could. “Why is he imprisoned?”

Adlin touched his cheek but didn’t get upset.
“’Twas the only way lass.
While the MacLeon admires the lad he had to be shown discipline. Have you any idea how important Innis’s tribe really is to Scotland?”

“Not so important that a good man should be shackled so a bad man can set an example.”

Adlin took her hand and led her up the back stairs. “Let us go talk where ears

Though she tried to pull her hand free, it was useless. When they arrived on a small wall walk tucked away on the backside of the castle he let go. Though protected from the wind the loch below made obvious a storm brewed. Unsettled, small white tipped waves formed. Overhead, the almost dark sky felt oppressive.

Before she could speak, Adlin said, “Innis has a great deal of respect for Alexander’s Pict lineage. He willnae hurt him.”

“He already has. I see the bruises and Alexander is in your dungeon.” Iosbail shook her head. “And if he knew of Alexander’s lineage why put us through everything he did on his isle.
Ahh, to once more show what his clan needed to see?”

Adlin looked at her as though she were daft. “You well know the Sinclair possesses strong magic. Do you think him so weak that he’d allow Innis to see who he really was?”

Iosbail rounded her eyes. “Innis is as powerful as you and like us he’s immortal. Naturally he knew the right of Alexander from the start!”

“It seems you underestimate the lad you’ve grown so fond of. Innis saw no such thing until moments before you left the Hebrides. What do you think Alexander bargained with dear sister?”

She shook her head and leaned against the railing overlooking the loch. “I’ve not a clue. Even he does not know who he really is.”

Adlin leaned against the railing beside her and looked out over the water.
“’Twas not necessary.
He bargained with a clan far more valuable to him than the Sinclair’s. Alexander was willing to risk his Ma’s clan to save who he considered his friends.”

Iosbail felt that same squeeze on her heart as she turned and looked down on the water. It took several long seconds for her to say, “What exactly did he bargain?”

“Better yet,
Adlin looked skyward and seemed to say a prayer. “He meant to offer up the MacAlpine.”

“Kenneth MacAlpine, first rightful king of Scotland? King of the Picts,” she said, incredulous. “Nay, he’d never. Surely you’re wrong.”

Adlin’s eyes shone a dangerous, magical intense blue when they looked her way. “I’ve the chieftain of the Hebrides, fifty men stronger than he needs, in my castle as we speak. Nothing I say is anything but truth. Your Sinclair has gained his interest, enough so to bring him through time to me.”

“He’s not
Sinclair,” she muttered. Had Alexander really done such a thing? Iosbail watched as lightning lit the horizon. Aye, but he’d done such a thing. How could she doubt it for a moment?

“Aye, he’s
Sinclair,” Adlin retaliated. “Or you wouldn’t have been down in the dungeon with him the moment you arrived.”

Her eyes cut to Adlin. “I want him out of there now.”

Which brings us to my very reason for bringing you up here.

Iosbail didn’t like the sound of that.

Her brother’s eyes watched hers closely as he said, “Innis only ever wanted a stronger affiliation with the MacLomains. He wishes land and connection to our clan.”

“The brute!”
Iosbail rolled her eyes. “And I suppose you intend to give it to him.”

Adlin shrugged.
“Unless of course you want the Sinclair freed.”

She shook her head. “The swine would want a piece of what you worked so hard to gain even though he resides over such a powerful piece of Scotland, a beautiful run of islands unlike any I’ve seen.”

Her brother smiled. “So you’ve a love for the Hebrides then?”

“I’ve a love for all things Scotland.” Iosbail cast a suspicious glance in his direction. “No more. No less.”

“Have you a love for the Sinclair?”

Iosbail swallowed hard.
What has he to do with the Hebrides?”

If you walk away from your marriage to him and marry Innis, the Hebrides Laird will consider the MacLeon’s, MacLomain’s and Sinclair’s stout allies.”

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