Highland Vengeance (11 page)

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Authors: Saydee Bennett

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #historical, #ncp, #new concepts publishing, #saydee bennett

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Camden was about to lose his control
when he saw her erect nipples through the thin chemise. He loved
her boldness and he could tell Olivia loved the power she had over
him. The sweet temptress moved between his hard thighs making him
widen his legs for her to nestle into the space. Olivia could feel
her husband being aroused and this made her burn deep inside for
him to touch her. She had only meant to tease Camden but now she
was being affected too.

He cupped her from behind and pulled
her close to him. Olivia brought her mouth to his and plunged her
tongue deep inside imitating the movements he taught her the night
before. Camden knew he had to stop this before someone found them.
With any other woman, he would not have cared but he wanted no man
to lay eyes on what belonged to him. The laird pulled back from his
beauty and tried to distract her.

Wife, I will give you
duties to fulfill. Will this please you?” He said.

You please me,” she said
breathlessly against his neck as she moved her hips to feel his

Lord, you are going to be
the death of me. Tell me what you want,” Camden

To feel you inside me
laird,” she said before she kissed his mouth again.

He pulled back. “Not here wife, please
stop. What duties do you want?”

Olivia smiled. “Let me help train the

Camden became serious. “No.”

She began shifting her hips closer to
the hard erection between his thighs and lightly nipped at his


No,” he said

Then I wish to find
resources for food and provisions. May I have that duty my laird
Sinclair?” She said breathlessly.


Olivia laughed against his

Is that a hell yes or a
hell no?” She smiled looking into his eyes.

Camden thanked the Lord he was sitting
because he swore he would have fallen to the ground from the look
she had just given him. Before Olivia had come into his life, he
had felt like a mighty eagle with a broken wing, a powerful laird
without a clan. When Olivia looked into his eyes, she completely
changed the way he felt inside. This beautiful woman gave him
unspoken strength and made him suddenly want to be the man he knew
he was destined to be.

It is a hell yes, wife. You
may take care of the food and supplies. If you need any assistance,
please ask me. And one other thing, do not think you can use your
body to get what you desire from me. It makes a man weak,” he said
with a grin as he stood with his arms wrapped around

Olivia knew even though he was smiling,
Camden was being completely honest about the desire they had
between them that made him weak because she felt the same

My laird, it makes a woman
weak too,” she added.

Olivia heard her husband’s thunderous
laughter deep inside his chest. She wanted to laugh with him but in
truth, she was frightened. Olivia had come to a realization of her
own, she was falling in love with her husband.

By noon, the huge warriors in Camden’s
guard had gathered all of the members of the new clan to listen to
the commands of their laird. Olivia could tell there was excitement
in the air as the people were buzzing with conversation. With
Camden in their presence, they seemed to all be getting along well
with no arguments or fights.

After Olivia had returned from the
stream with Camden, she began to take her new duty seriously. She
had written a letter to her new sister-in-law Ella and sent it with
a messenger. Olivia told the man taking the message that if it got
there in the next two days, he would be greatly rewarded. She
smiled as he left and wondered if Camden was going to be upset with

Olivia watched Camden as he walked to
the front of the crowd of people. He showed his power and strength
with ease and everyone watching bowed their heads to show respect
to their laird. Camden stood like a massive mountain with his arms
struggling to fold because of his bulging muscles. He had his sword
on his hip and a small dirk tucked inside one of his deerskin
boots. Camden commanded authority.

She found his power to be beautiful and
Olivia wished she could feel the way he did at this moment. She, of
course, had plenty of people that bowed to her as the royal
countess but Camden’s power was different.

When the laird had walked to the front,
he had noticed that his wife had put on the plaid he had given her.
Camden could see that she had taken great time to make the pleats
as he had. He was grateful that Olivia was standing behind him now
for he would have had a difficult time speaking if he could see

I commend all of you for
your choice in following me. You have made a wise decision and I
vow to you this day that this clan will indeed prosper,” the laird
said with power.

Camden’s men stood behind him and
nodded their heads in agreement.

Some of you may know
already who I am and where I come from. Some of you may also have
heard the tragic tale of what happen to my clan. I am here to tell
you that every gruesome word is true. The MacKay clan tricked my
father into a marriage with Laird MacKay’s sister, Lorna. The night
of the wedding, my father appointed me laird over what was to be
the uniting of both clans. I have always been guarded and I doubted
the McKay’s intentions for they have always been a lying group of
thieves but my father was still in power.”

Olivia watched as Camden relaxed his
stance a little and she could see the profile of his face. He
looked as if he were recalling a horrific memory and she instantly
wanted to soothe him.

I left the wedding
celebration early with my soldiers and in the morning when we
returned to the Sinclair Castle, I found most of the men in my clan
slaughtered. The MacKay clan came for the wedding and then killed
the Sinclair men while they slept. They had the women and children
rounded like cattle while they burned homes and buildings. My
father’s lifeless body lay in a pool of blood in the center of the
village. My men and I were outnumbered by at least thirty to one
and there were sure to be more MacKay men on the way. We are
fearless but not invincible,” Camden voice was almost trembling as
he finished his remembrance of what happened.

I let my clan down that
night and I will not rest until I have taken back what is mine. My
land has great wealth and natural resources and the MacKay clan
will ruin it before too long. I come to you to bring you a leader
and to have your help in defeating the MacKay clan. I have already
secured the Sutherland, Drummond and the Macleod clans to fight
with us. I will train you to fight as we do and together we shall
kill the bastards that killed my father in cold blood. I will rule
the Sinclairs and I will appoint Broderick Kincaid to rule this
clan. You will be the clan Kincaid. Who here is willing to accept
what I have said?” Camden said with authority.

Broderick walked to stand next to his
laird. “I am Broderick Kincaid and my laird asked you a question.
Who here is willing to accept this plan?” Broderick

The crowd erupted in cheers and shouts
as they all became part of a united family. Seeing and knowing whom
this Broderick Kincaid was that Camden spoke of, was all this group
needed. The powerful looking man standing next to Laird Sinclair
would rule these men and this would be the Kincaid clan.

Olivia watched as her husband gave an
elderly woman in the clan a plaid that was threaded in deep forest
green and had a thin red stripe running through it. She wondered
whose it was and why he was giving it to the woman. As the Sinclair
warriors began to organize the men into groups for training, Olivia
found her husband to ask him about the plaid.

My laird, may I ask you a
question?” She said softly from behind him.

Just hearing her feminine voice made
him smile. “You are quite the puzzle wife,” he said turning to face

What do you mean my

I know your fiery spirit
wife, for I have seen it many times yet now you come to me with the
temperament of a mouse to ask a question. Have you not realized
that I will always answer your questions and you do not have to be
timid around me?” He said.

Aye, husband I know you
like it best when I am not timid for I found that out this
morning,” she smiled with her eyes lighting up.

Camden laughed out loud at her comment
and he thought to himself how much he enjoyed being around her. A
few minutes ago, he was reliving a nightmare and now Olivia made
him alive with her beauty and wit.

I know you will answer my
questions my laird, for you always have. And if you don’t answer
them, I know of a few ways to torture you until you do,” she
whispered as she moved closer to him.

He laughed again and he suddenly wanted
to pull her into their cottage and claim her again as his

Now to my question, I saw
you hand a plaid to Agnes that didn’t look like ours. I was just
curious as to why.”

It pleases me wife that you
have already gotten to know the names of these people. The women
have taken to you well,” he praised.

You have taken to me well
too, my laird,” she smiled.

My God, he thought, she has to stop
smiling and teasing this way. Camden could not seem to

Yes, I certainly have. And
to answer your question, the plaid was the only one left in
Broderick’s family and it will now be replicated and made for all
in his new clan,” Camden answered.

So this will be Broderick’s
clan soon?” She asked.

Yes wife, as soon as we are
prepared to take over the Sinclair land, he will be laird here and
we will go home to my holding.”

I have another question my

You will call me Camden
now,” he ordered.

She quickly stiffened. “Then you will
call me Olivia.”

What was your question?” He
smiled ignoring her demand.

Why do you call me wife and
not Olivia?” She persisted.

Is that the question you
were going to ask?”

Just answer me damn it!”
She yelled.

Camden enjoyed getting a small rise out
of Olivia. She was fun to tease with her quick temper. Lord, she
went from calm and cool to boiling hot in a heartbeat. Camden moved
to be extremely close to her, so close that the tips of her breasts
rubbed against his chest and their mouths almost

I call you wife because
that is who you are to everyone else, my wife. I call you Olivia
when we are alone. When you are in my arms and I am buried deep
inside your heat, then you are the passionate feverish woman that
belongs to me,” he said with his deep voice.

Olivia had chills run down to her toes
and she could not resist herself as she softly touched her lips to
his. She quickly pulled back remembering that they were in view of
most of the clan.

Damn you! You make me
forget myself,” she whispered turning head away.

He took her by the chin and turned her
to face him. Camden thoroughly kissed her mouth with no regard to
anyone that may have been watching. Olivia belonged to him and
everyone witnessed the masculine display of possession.

Hundreds of miles away, the evil
villain that had planned the entire demise of the Sinclair clan was
sitting at the large table inside his crumbling fortress. The
deception of Lorna marrying the old Sinclair man had gone smoothly
and the attack on the drunken clan was executed perfectly except
for one ill-fated mistake. Camden lived and the Highland warrior
would certainly seek vengeance.

This sinister criminal, Laird Malcolm
MacKay, was enraged with his sister Lorna when he got word that
Camden had not been killed on the wedding night. Malcolm knew he
should not have trusted a woman to do a man’s job but the MacKay
laird had no other way of having his plans come to life. Poor
Lorna, he thought, if she only knew that she too, would be a victim
in this little charade. She would be taking the fall for this
horrible attack on the Sinclairs.

Malcolm MacKay had been sure that he
was nowhere close to the Sinclair land during the wedding massacre
so that he would not be held responsible for the grisly butchering.
Now that it was over, he planned to come in and rescue the
Sinclairs by getting rid of his own sister. The people would love
him and then he would be the laird over all. Now, Malcolm sat
drumming his fingers on the cold stone table and bearing a wicked
grin while he thought of a way to kill the bastard Camden so he
could finish his plan.

Chapter Six

Six days had passed since Laird
Sinclair had made his plans known to the new clan. Things seemed to
be running smoothly as the warriors trained the men and tested
their bodies for endurance and strength. Olivia was getting anxious
about the letter she had sent to Ella almost a week past. She hoped
that her plan had already been set in motion.

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