Highland Vengeance (25 page)

Read Highland Vengeance Online

Authors: Saydee Bennett

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #historical, #ncp, #new concepts publishing, #saydee bennett

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That’s right Olivia, try to
scream. I want to hear you cry out when I take your body. Fight me,
English beauty, with those powerful muscles and make me hold you
down. I like to work for my reward,” Malcolm laughed.

The closer he moved towards her, the
harder it seemed for Olivia to get away. He grabbed her by the
wrists and every second his mouth got closer to hers. Finally,
Olivia cried out into the dark night.

Camden!” She

Hush, my love, you are
safe. I am here,” Camden said as he touched her face softly with
his fingers.

Olivia was fully awake now and aware of
what had happened.

He has to die. The bastard
will not stop torturing my mind and I have to end it,” she

Camden could feel her heart racing and
he instantly knew she spoke of Malcolm. She was right and the laird
knew it. He had to get rid the filthy MacKay man once and for

Olivia, close your eyes. We
are safe. We will find him, I promise. I love you.”

I love you too Camden,” she

The two held each other closely but
Olivia could not close her eyes. The fear of seeing Malcolm again
in her dreams had her restless and she laid there until the morning
light thinking of ways to find the MacKay man.

In a barn somewhere in the lowlands of
Scotland, Malcolm buried himself in the hay to stay warm through
the night. It had been almost two weeks’ time since the night his
holding was attacked and the laird lost everything. The sinister
man had made his way from the Highlands by stealing a horse and
foraging from other clans. He was furious that no one would protect
him or let the MacKay man hide amongst them. It seems everyone
feared the wrath of Camden Sinclair and his elite guard and no one
wanted to be feuding with that warrior. Malcolm had heard from the
lowland farmers that Lady Sinclair had lived and recovered with
their clan in the Highlands. This only drove the rogue man even
more mad for now Camden had everything.

All of the misery that Malcolm
experienced was because of Laird Sinclair. The small error of not
killing the man on the night of the wedding massacre had completely
changed the course of Malcolm’s future. He was filthy and cold,
lying in the hay with the animals and the villain vowed revenge on
Camden for bringing him down. Malcolm knew there was only one way
possible for him to get even with the Sinclair laird and that was
to take his English beauty.

Malcolm could not go after the
Sinclairs or the land for that would be entirely foolish. The
MacKay man had no army to battle with and not a clan in the
Highlands would be an ally to him. His only option was the woman.
The capture of Camden’s wife would be a double reward for Malcolm
too. First, he would enjoy the wench in all her tempting beauty
with his own body. Having her sinuous body under his would be an
intoxicating and exhilarating prize for his patience. Then Malcolm
would destroy Laird Sinclair’s most valuable possession and leave
the man miserable without her.

Chapter Twelve

The Highlands were definitely beautiful
and when she had arrived in the earlier winter months, Olivia
enjoyed the chilly weather but now she wondered if the snow would
ever stop falling. She was truly grateful for the plaid she wore
because it helped her to stay warm throughout the day. The pace of
the Sinclair clan had not slowed with the cold weather and the
people carried on in their usual manner as if nothing had changed.
Olivia decided their blood must be thick as molasses from birth in
order for them to ignore the frosty air. Lady Sinclair hoped that
she too, would get use to the blustery conditions for she hated
being cooped up by the hearth all day to stay warm.

At night, Olivia was kept warm by her
husband’s heated touch. The two lay skin to skin after their
passionate lovemaking and never once did Olivia become cold. It had
been two weeks since she had sent a letter to her sister-in-law
Ella and Olivia was anxious to receive word back from her. Camden
and his men were prepared to leave, as soon as Olivia knew when the
babe would be coming. By her estimations, Olivia thought Ella would
be due in early spring but she wanted to be there early to help her
before the birth. Her brother Garrison had two small children from
his first wife before she passed away but this was Ella’s first
time to give birth and Olivia wanted to be there for

Olivia watched out the window of the
Sinclair holding as the messenger approached Camden in the
courtyard. She became instantly excited and hoped it was news from
England. From the scowl on Camden’s face, Olivia knew something was
wrong and she raced outside to question her husband.

My laird, what is it? Is
something the matter?”

It is not your concern
wife, you need to go back inside before you catch chill,” he

Have you not learned yet
husband, that you might as well tell me because I am going to
continue to ask you until I find out what is wrong. And, I am not
so fragile that I cannot be out in the cold for more than a few
moments without catching a fever.”

Camden sighed and knew his wife was
right, she would pester him until the stubborn woman got the answer
she wanted. He would need to tell Olivia of the king’s request
anyway so he might as well not fight her.

I need to speak with my men
first and then I will explain everything to you. Please go back
inside and I will find you shortly,” he asked.

Olivia smiled at her husband. “Thank
you my laird.”

The Sinclair laird watched his wife go
back inside the castle and he realized how he could never deny
Olivia anything. She merely had to ask and he would grant her
request. Camden wished that he had better news to give his wife but
at least now, they would begin heading towards England. Laird
Sinclair instructed his guard to prepare to leave at first light
the next morning. Broderick and his clan were still at the Sinclair
holding and planned to stay there until spring. The new Kincaid
clan could not go back to their own land until the frozen earth had
thawed and they could provide for themselves. Camden also had
little soldiers of his own and still needed help protecting the

Camden found Broderick with his
soldiers and asked him to come at once to the main keep so he could
explain to both he and Olivia what was happening. When Broderick
came into the large room, he saw Lady Sinclair standing by the
massive hearth and he thought she looked radiant. The Kincaid laird
was grateful for her recovery and he continued to tease her about
their impending battle. Each time the two discussed the supposed
fight they were to have, both Broderick and Olivia claimed that
they would be the victor. Camden did not think their bantering
about the fight was humorous and he let them both know there would
be no battle. Laird Sinclair believed that if there were to be a
duel between Broderick and Olivia, he would put money on his wife’s

Broderick, I am glad you
are here. I was hoping you could help me change my husband’s mind
about something. I asked him earlier if we could use the stables
for the soldiers to train in instead of outside in the cold. If we
did that, then I would be able to be there and help you but my
stubborn husband believes the frigid weather is good for the men.
He says it builds their endurance,” Olivia explained.

M’lady I am sorry to tell
you this but Camden is right. It is better to have them train

I think he is just trying
to keep me locked up in this damn castle, he knows I am not use to
these freezing temperatures yet. I tell you Broderick, I was never
one to sit around and do nothing. I am restless and I need to get a
sword in my hands or else I am afraid I might go mad.”

I do understand but if you
think I am going to try and persuade Camden into letting you have
your way, then I think you are sadly mistaken Lady Sinclair,”
Broderick said with a smile.

Maybe we could at least go
on a short hunt. I can be out for a few hours and if you were with
me, I am sure Camden wouldn’t mind.”

Yes, I would mind, wife. I
have told you countless times that you have to get use to this
weather slowly. I will not have my wife frozen solid her first
winter in the Highlands. Besides, we have other matters to attend
to,” Camden pointed out.

What is wrong my laird?
What did the messenger say? Is everything alright with my family?”
Olivia questioned.

I do not know because the
message was not from your family. We have a problem though, King
James has requested our presence in Edinburgh.”

I do not understand, why is
speaking with the king such a problem?” She asked.

From the way Camden and Broderick
silently looked at one another, Olivia knew there was much more
going on than she had been told. Lady Sinclair was quickly becoming
upset and she wanted to know everything that was

Laird Sinclair, you will
tell me everything now,” she ordered to her husband.

Broderick knew no matter what the
problem was, Olivia would want to be in on the plan. He had learned
that it was easier to include her rather than chase after the
stubborn woman when she carried on her own strategy.

M’lady, speaking with the
king is not the problem. I do not believe this is a social call
though and it seems your husband is trying to keep all the details
from you.”

Camden glared at his friend for stoking
Olivia’s fiery temper and then relented and gave his wife all of
the news.

It seems that there is a
criminal on the loose in the lowlands. He is burning homes and
slaughtering sheep at night. The madman is leaving a note with each
crime and it reads the same thing each time,” Laird Sinclair

What does this have to do
with us?’ Olivia asked.

The message states that he
will continue his rampage until I hand over my English beauty,”
Camden said slowly.

Olivia’s body froze and her heart began
beating wildly. “Malcolm,” she whispered.

The bastard is a fool if he
thinks you are going to just give him your wife,” Broderick said in

I am not worried about him.
The king is none too happy about this situation though and he wants
a resolution.”

There will be a resolution.
Malcolm will be dead and buried,” Broderick vowed.

Broderick, I need you to
stay here and take care of the Sinclairs until we return. I am
going to take my guards and my wife to Edinburgh to meet with the
king. I will explain to him all that has happened. After King James
knows of what has taken place, I am going to take Olivia to England
to stay with her brother while I hunt down Malcolm and get rid of
the blackheart,” Camden said.

M’laird, I want to help you
find him,” Olivia said quickly.

No, you are staying with
your brother under his protection until I come back to get

But it will not be as cold
in the lowlands and I can track him as well as you, maybe even
better. You could use me to draw him out of hiding.”

Damn it wife, why don’t you
understand? I will not let you be harmed. I almost lost you before
and I will not let it happen again. There will be no more
discussion of this. You are going to England,” Camden said

Olivia had never seen her husband so
upset before and she knew better than to say another word. From the
look on Broderick’s face, he was just as shocked at Camden’s
outburst as Olivia was. Laird Sinclair left the keep and slammed
the door behind him. He was angry for so many reasons but he felt
guilty for exploding at his wife. Camden wanted this nightmare with
Malcolm to be over and the thought of him harming Olivia again made
him sick. He had not met Olivia’s brother Garrison but if he
trained his army the way Olivia had been trained, then the man
deserved the Highland laird’s respect.

When Camden entered their chamber later
that evening, Olivia was waiting by the fire wrapped in nothing but
her plaid. She knew her husband was not going to change his mind
about her staying in England and Olivia decided to go along with
his plan instead of fighting with him. The countess stayed silent
and did not move from her chair as Camden began to

Go ahead wife, you may
begin your argument now.”

I have no dispute with you
my laird,” Olivia said as she stared into the crackling

What is this? You have
suddenly become the timid and obedient wife.”

If that is what you want. I
have decided that I will stay in England while you find Malcolm.
Not because I believe you are right but because I respect you my

Camden came to her side and pulled
Olivia up to stand in front of him. The firelight made the smooth
skin on her face glow and he tried hard to remember what he was
going to say.

Olivia, I thought you
understood how much I love you. I do not want you to be obedient or
hesitant with me but your safety is something I will not take a
chance with. I was brought to hell and back as I watched your
fevered body fight with death. I need you to understand. You may
disagree with every other thing I say and do so for the rest of our
lives but not on this subject Olivia.”

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