Highlander's Challenge (36 page)

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Authors: Jo Barrett

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Historical, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Historical Romance

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"Nay, lass. I'm here and whole." He raised his head and marveled at the sight of her once more. "I never dreamed you would return, although I wished it with all my heart." She smiled tearfully as she slipped her fingers into his hair at the nape of his neck. "I didn't know I could come back. Jenny figured it out. She helped me be where I wanted to be."

"Then the lass is well?"

She nodded.

"Glad I am tae here it. But—" He glanced at the spring burbling alongside them. "You left so much behind. Your friend, your work, so many things."

She took his face in her hands and turned him back to her.

"You weren't there. None of it was any good without you." A 349

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

wide bright smile spread across her face. "And we can always take a little trip if we want to."

He thought on it a moment, then said, "I'm not sure I want tae test that particular form of travel, but if you ever wish tae go back—"

She silenced him with a finger to his lips. "I don't want to go back. This is where I want to be. This is my home, my family. This is where I belong."

"Then here is where we'll stay." He kissed her softly.

"I've missed you so much. Make love to me, Colin," she whispered against his lips.

He grinned. "Do you not fear catching a chill? Or that we'll suffer an untimely interruption from some verra nosy kinsmen?"

"I think Ian will keep them away as long as we show up at the castle before dark. And as for a chill, somehow I don't think you'll let me cool down enough to catch one."

"Aye. You have that aright, love," he said, starting them on a slow sweet journey.


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett


"I don't care," Tuck whined, a sound completely foreign to Colin's ears.

He knelt before her where she sat in the large chair in the solar and took her hands in his. "But love, what do you expect me tae do?"

"I don't know, but I can't do this without her." She sniffled.

"Ach, mavourneen." He gently laid his head atop her rounded belly. She'd made little sense these last months as the time of their first-born's arrival neared. "You'll be fine, the babe will be fine. Have faith, love." Her fingers splayed in his hair and he moaned, but quickly curbed his growing desire. Making love to her was more than awkward at this late date, and they both feared for the babe's welfare.

But soon, he silently chanted to himself, he would have his wife back and an heir. He often had a hard time containing his immense joy at the turn his life had taken and was thoroughly teased by his men and Ian, but he paid them little heed. How could he be angry when he was so happy?

"I'm afraid, Colin," she whispered. "There are so many things that can go wrong."

He lifted his head and peered into the emerald depths filled with worry. "And having Jenny with you would ease your mind?"

She nodded. "But I can't go to her. I'm afraid to travel like this, and—and I want our baby born at home." 351

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

A scowl settled over his brow. "Nay, you'll not travel through that hole in time carrying my son." Her chin tilted up. "Don't you dare order me around, Colin MacLean. This is my
too." He grinned at her quick show of temper and pecked a kiss on the tip of her nose. "I want
child born here as you, and we both agree 'tis not safe tae travel in that way in your condition." Climbing to his feet, he said, "Which leaves only one alternative. She must come here."

"You're not going after her, so don't even think about it."

"Leave you now?" He crossed his arms over his chest and eyed her. "I'm beginning tae think that being with child has rattled your wits. Perhaps we aught not have any more bairns. Nay, I'll not make love tae you again if this is tae be the result."

"Like that'll ever happen," she said with a deep chuckle, tossing back her head and sending her long wild curls sliding over the fabric of the chair.

How he longed to love her thoroughly and see that mane of fire spread across his chest, but other matters took precedence over his increasing longing.

He returned to his place at her feet, gently cradling her belly in his hands. "I'll send someone, an emissary." She lifted her head. "Who? No one knows—" A crooked grin stole across her lips. "Do you think he'll go?"

"Aye, love. He'd lay down his life for you—for me." She giggled. "Jenny's gonna' freak." He gave her a perplexed look, lost in her use of such an odd word. When would he ever learn them all?


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

"I mean, she's going to be totally stunned. He's what you might call her idea of a knight-in-shining-armor."

"That rogue?" he asked chortling heartily.

"Did someone call?" Ian asked, strolling into the solar, a teasing grin on his too-handsome face.

Colin exchanged a knowing glance with his love then rose.

"Aye, my friend. We were just speaking of you." He clasped him across the shoulder and guided him toward the large window looking out over the island. "Amelia and I are in need of a favor."

"Anything. You have but to ask." Ian glanced at Amelia sitting in her chair, struggling to raise her feet onto the stool, but he made no move to assist her. All knew of her determination to do things for herself. She reminded them more often than not.

Ian smiled. "Ah, you have finally decided on the child's guardian. 'Twould be an honor."

Amelia paused and looked at Colin, then bit down on her bottom lip, holding back her laughter. Although they had agreed on Ian as their child's guardian, he would never guess what they truly wished of him.

An idea flashed between him and his wife, and Colin turned back to his friend. "Aye, Ian, we wish you tae be the bairn's guardian, but 'tis Amelia's wish for the babe tae have two such protectors. Unfortunately, the one we've chosen isna here. We would like you tae fetch her back in time for the birthing."

"Of course I'll escort the lady," he said, and took Colin's hand in agreement. "Where shall I find her?" 353

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

"She lives in the U.S.," Amelia said, watching Ian closely.

"The—you mean to say you want me to—to—good Lord." He paled and slumped in a nearby chair.

"Will you do this for me, my friend? I know 'tis a lot tae ask, but Jenny is a healer from Amelia's time. She wants her here tae make sure the babe comes intae the world safe and hale. I'll understand if you doona wish tae do this." Ian swallowed hard then got to his feet. "Nay. I said I would, and I shall." He turned toward Amelia. "I am your servant, my lady. Tell me what to do." 354

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

Look for the sequel to Highlander's Challenge, coming in the spring of 2008.

Can Ian bring Jenny back in time to help deliver Amelia and Colin's baby? Or will something or someone get in the way?


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

A word about the author...

Jo currently resides in North Carolina with her patient and supportive family while she juggles her writing career and her position as a programmer analyst. In her early years, she wrote folk songs, poetry, and an occasional short story or two, but never dreamed of writing a book. She didn't even like to read! But one fateful day, she picked up a romance novel and found herself hooked. Not only did she discover the joy of reading, but the joy of writing books. These days, if she isn't tapping away at her computer on a story of her own, she has her nose buried in the latest romance novel hot off the presses, and is enjoying every minute of it. Visit her website at www.jobarrett.net

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