Highlander's Rebellious Love (29 page)

Read Highlander's Rebellious Love Online

Authors: Donna Fletcher

Tags: #Adult, #Highlanders, #Historical romance

BOOK: Highlander's Rebellious Love
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“I dispatched the first one fast, but the other was upon me before I knew it and,” —she shut her eyes for a moment, the memory not an easy one, then she continued— “I cut the one on his face good, and he promised to do the same to me, though not just to my face.”

Hunter’s anger mounted with every word she spoke, hating what she had gone through and hating that he had asked her to relive the nightmare.

She seemed to drift off a moment, her eyes on him, though not truly looking at him.

He dropped the wet, dirty cloth in the one bucket, laid a tender hand over her clean hands that rested on her stomach, and waited impatiently.

It was when he saw her eyes glisten with the first sign of tears that he reacted. He lifted her up onto his lap and throwing the blanket over her shivering body pressed her tightly against him.

He should have been there for her. He should have been the one to kill the bastards that had harmed her. He pressed his cheek to the top of her head, the scent of earth stinging his nostrils, evoking an image in his mind of her on the ground fighting the large warriors as they tried to force themselves on her. He wanted to roar with rage. “Never again will I ever leave you. Never again will I obey such a command.”

She raised her head off his chest to look at him. “Never again do I want you to.” And then she did something she had never done in front of any man, not even her da... she let her tears fall.

Hunter was stunned when one tear after another rolled down her cheeks. He had comforted many a woman when they cried, but never had any of their tears pierced his heart as his wife’s tears did. Then suddenly it dawned on him, she loved and trusted him enough to cry in front of him...something she had done with no other man.

“I love you so very much, husband,” she said through tears. “And I want no other man’s hands on me. I belong to you and you alone and you are mine and mine alone.”

“Aye, I am yours now and always, and it is glad I am that you finally admit you belong to me.” He wiped away her tears, though he could not still the tide.

“It hit me suddenly when the two attempted to take from me what I had given to you, what belongs to you and only you—my husband. The thought that they would defile me angered me beyond belief, and the thought of never seeing you again,” —she shook her head— “I could not bear the pain. So, I fought with all my strength to return to you, though I doubt I would have been successful if Beast had not helped me.”

He had planned on killing Greer and being done with it. Not anymore. Now he would be sure to make him suffer.

“Beast assisted you, but it was your warrior skills that kept you alive and brought you back to me.” He reached down and rinsed the cloth in the bucket, then began cleaning the blood from the corner of her mouth. She had suffered a hard blow, but he did not want to remark on it. It was time for her to rest and to heal.

She eased the cloth away from her mouth. “It was returning to you that kept me going, though it was a startling revelation that nothing in the world mattered but getting back to you. All I could think of was you and how much I wanted to be in your arms, taste your kisses once again, feel your touch, and make love.” She rested her hand to his chest. “I want to feel your heart pound against mine, feel you spill into me as you come, and hear you groan with pleasure. I need you to wash away the bad memories and replace them with ones that will last forever. I need you to make love to me.”

Chapter Twenty-six

A knock at the door prevented Hunter from responding. He hastily pulled the blanket up over his wife’s breasts before opening the door.

His mum stood there with a pitcher and two tankards in hand and Ewan stood behind her, holding a wooden tray covered with a cloth.

“How is Patience doing?” Una asked her son, handing the pitcher to him, though remaining just outside the door.

Hunter took them from her and sat them on the chest. “She needs rest.”

She turned and took the tray from Ewan, then handed it to her son. “We will not disturb her. Make certain she eats something. We will see you both in the morning.”

“Where will you sleep?” Hunter asked. “This was to be your room for the night.”

“Worry not,” his mum said, “Ewan has already seen to it.”

“Wait,” he said to the both and took a moment to place the tray on the small table, then stepped out into the narrow hall to speak with them. “Inform Edward that Patience is too battered and bruised to leave tomorrow. We will give her a day to rest and see then what she wishes to do. Tell him I will speak with him as soon as I can.”

Ewan nodded. “Take good care of her. She is a strong warrior who continues to earn the respect of her clan and admiration from all who meet her. Donald Macinnes would be wise to make her laird of the Clan Macinnes.”

“I wish my father felt the same about me being laird,” Patience said after Hunter closed the door.

“I think you underestimate your father,” Hunter said. “He is known for his fairness and wise leadership skills. Surely, he sees that his daughter is much like him.”

“The problem is that I am his daughter and not a son.”

“And glad I am for it,” he said with a teasing glint.

She laughed softly. “We were not separated long and yet I missed your humorous tongue.”

“It is also a very talented tongue.”

“Show me,” she said with an inviting smile and stretched her hand out to him, only to wince in pain.

“Do not move,” Hunter ordered, returning to sit on the bed beside her and taking her hand in his. Her hand felt chilled and he rubbed some warmth into it with his two hands. “You have been through a terrible ordeal and you need to rest and heal,” —he raised his hand when she tried to interrupt him— “at least for tonight, rest. There is always tomorrow.”

She pulled her hand out of his two and struggled to sit up, annoyed at herself for letting her need for her husband interfere with her duties. “I must speak with Edward.”

Hunter took hold of her shoulders gently, though firmly. “Lie down. I have spoken with Edward.”

That got her ire up. “What did you tell him? You should have spoken to me first and—”

Hunter pressed his fingers to her mouth, stilling her words. “You were—still are—in no shape to do anything but heal, if you hope to finish out this mission. I instructed Edward to do what I assumed would be your orders, to post more guards along the wall and remain alert and that I would speak to him about your condition as soon as I could. I also had him informed that we would not be leaving in the morning as planned—” He pressed more firmly against her lips when she tried to speak. “That you are too battered and bruised to travel and once rested, we would see what you wished to do.”

Patience glared at him, her anger obvious in her bold green eyes.

Hunter brought his face close to hers. “Be angry all you want. I am your husband and I will make decisions that are best for you when you are unable to or when you are too stubborn to admit what is best for you.” He kissed her softly, her lips rigid against his. “I respect your position as leader of your warriors and will not interfere unless necessary, like now. And I do so, not to usurp your authority, but because I love you and would find life without you quite unbearable.”

Patience lifted her head just enough for their lips to meet and she kissed him as softly as he had kissed her. “At least we agree on one thing,” —she grinned— “life would be unbearable without each other, though I never would have thought, at least not so soon, but then I had not expected to fall in love with you so suddenly and so deeply.” It was her turn to press her fingers to his lips to prevent him from responding. “It is not so much that you gave Edward orders, though it does rankle me some, but more so that upon my return I gave no thought to my warriors and instructing them. My thoughts rested solely on you, and that is not good for a wise leader to do.”

“Is it not better to know that there is someone there who knows you, understands you, and will lead in your stead if you are unable to? Is it not more comforting to know that you are never alone, but that someone will always be there for you to help, to guide, to listen, but most of all to love you?” Hunter smiled. “And did you not instruct Ewan about the ghost warriors? Do not be so hard on yourself, Patience. You are an exceptionally skilled warrior and should be proud of all you have achieved, that includes being wise enough to have married me.”

“How is it that you can make me smile, even when I am angry?” she asked, losing her fight, along with her will, not to smile.

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, love,” he said with a chuckle. “Now, you need some food and rest.”

“I need you more,” she said, sitting up with a wince that had Hunter immediately reaching out to help her.

She winced again when he braced her back against wall, the abrasive stones painful to her bruise and his annoyance flared that she continued to suffer and would until her bruises faded.

“Lean forward, while I fetch something to put behind your back.” He retrieved his mum’s blanket that she had left draped over the lone chair. He wondered if she would need it, then knowing his mum as he did, he knew she left it there for Patience to use. He folded it and placed it behind her back as he eased her to rest against it.

“Much better,” she said with a sigh.

He handed her a tankard of wine and a piece of cheese. “Eat, so you regain your strength.”

“I would regain it faster if you would make love to me,” she said, then took a bite of the cheese.

“You need—”

“You,” she said, tossing the remaining piece of cheese at him. “I need you. How do you not understand that?” She shook her head. “I can still feel the grip of the one warrior’s hands on my wrists and the other one straddling me and tearing my shirt,” —she shut her eyes— “I fear I will never rid myself of the horrid memory.” She opened her eyes, tears lingering in them, though this time she refused to shed them. “So, please—please—make love to me.”

Hunter stood and striped off his garments. He tenderly lifted her off the bed and sat again, straddling her across his lap. He would not cause her more pain by letting her lie on her injured back, nor would he straddle her like her attacker did. He kissed her lips gently. “Tonight we make new memories.”

She tightened her arms around his neck and pressed her cheek to his, “Promise.”

“Promise,” he whispered his hand going to her breast to gently cup it while his lips settled on hers.

His kiss was tender and teasing and she soon was lost in it and the sensations it was awakening in her. His hand was equally as gentle and teasing with her breast, his thumb doing wonderful things to her nipple.

She moaned in disappointment when his lips left her mouth, though she cried out in pleasure when they settled on her nipple. And when she felt him grow hard beneath her, she wiggled her bottom against him, eager to have him inside her.

When his hand moved to stroke her sensitive spot, she cried out, feeling as if she would come there and then, and she let him know it. “I will not last long.”

His lips moved from her breast to brush across her lips. “Then come now and I will see that you come again.”

He slipped a finger into her while his thumb teased her tight nub and it was not long before she screamed his name, though he caught the scream in a kiss. Passion rippled through her like never-ending waves crushing along the shore and it felt so wonderful that she wished it would never end.

“Hunter,” she whispered.

“Not finished yet,” he said and lifted her just enough to ease her down on his rock-hard manhood.

She dropped her head back and groaned with the feel of him deep inside her. This was what she had wanted, needed, pleaded for from him. And he had not denied her. She lowered her mouth to his and said, softly, “Thank you.”

“I am not finished yet,” he teased and with his hands at her hips, he moved her up and down and after a short while he felt her limbs weaken and he shifted positions. He cupped her backside, swung her down on the bed, staying inside her, and then lifted her legs over his shoulders as he knelt between her legs and hurried to finish, knowing exhaustion was about to claim her.

Patience shut her eyes tight and moaned with satisfaction so deep, she swore it touched her soul. And when she burst in another climax, it rocked her body so hard that she felt herself grow faint.

Hunter came along with his wife, hard, fast, and explosive. The last of it was just fading away when he felt his wife’s limbs go limp, much too limp. “Patience?” he said, looking down at her. When she did not answer, he pulled out of her and his worry grew when her legs slipped off his shoulders. He leaned over her. “Patience,” he snapped and patted her cheek.

She did not answer and he hurried off the bed, cursing himself for giving into her instead of making her rest. But she had to go and plead with him. How could he deny her when she begged him?

He dumped a clean cloth in the unused bucket of water and rinsed it, then ran it over her face. “Damn it, Patience, answer me.”

His sharp voice had her eyes springing open. “Why are you shouting?”

Hunter released a heavy sigh before saying, “I was worried I had hurt you and you had fainted.”

She smiled and raised a weak hand to drop against his cheek. “A slight faint, I believe, though it was from the fantastic climax you gave me. I am such a lucky wife.”

He shook his head and smiled, thinking he was the lucky one. “You need to rest.” He tried to sound stern, but his smile betrayed him.

“But not alone,” she said and tugged at his arm.

“It is a narrow bed and—”

“Perfect, for we will have to snuggle close to fit.”

He thought then that perhaps she did not want to be alone, but then he had no intentions of leaving her alone. He wanted her where he could see her at all times or he would lose his mind with worry. At least until the problem of his brother was put to rest.

Hunter eased the blanket out from under her and stretched out beside her, tossing it over them as she turned and rested back against him.

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