His Absolute Authority: A Scandalous Billionaire Love Story (Jessika, #3) (24 page)

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Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #New Adult Romance, #bad boy alpha male, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance, #romantic suspense

BOOK: His Absolute Authority: A Scandalous Billionaire Love Story (Jessika, #3)
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We even had a special satellite system for private internet, a landline phone, and TV, completely unconnected to the mansion or the guest house.  There was a bed, cabinets filled with canned food that had a lengthy expiration date, spices for added flavoring, and drink mixes.  I really didn't think Asher needed a fully stocked liquor cabinet and bar down here, but there was that, too.  It was like its own mini apartment, hidden away from the world.

I lounged on the overlarge king-sized bed and stared up at the ceiling.  The only thing missing here were real windows, but even then, there were fake ones.  They changed depending on the time of day and the weather, too.  Using the solar panels as cues, they pulled a small amount of power from the battery backup cells that the solar electricity filled, and then showed sunrise, sunset, bright summer days, clouds, rain, and even snow.  It wasn't real, but if you didn't look directly at it, they looked realistic enough.  Even if I was standing in front of them and staring at them, I could pretend that I was just looking outside instead of into a false window showing me an approximation of what outside looked like.

I wanted food.  I liked the food down here, because it wasn't exactly good for me.  I didn't think it was the worst, either, but there was something like a hundred cans of beef stew.  The big ones, too.  Chunky, with huge, thick pieces of potatoes.  Those were really good if you heated them up and poured them over a bowl of rice.  There was so much rice down here.

I think I started drooling while I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling.  I could cook some rice in about ten minutes or so, and heat up a bowl of beef stew at the same time, and then... yes.  Yes, I would do that.

I started to sit up, but someone sat at the edge of the bed as soon as I did.  Surprised, I jumped back.

Obviously it was Asher, though.  He stared at me with the strangest look in his eyes.

"Hi," I said, feeling nervous all of a sudden.  I didn't know why, because it was just Asher, my husband, but the way he kept looking at me...

"You really do look so different," he said, almost laughing.  "What's with the outfit, though?  You got that at the train station?"  He gave in and laughed this time.  "Go team, go!"

"Yes, well," I said.  "I didn't pick this out.  Jeremy got it.  Apparently he thought I would look inconspicuous in college team-related clothes."

"I think it works.  I don't know if I would have recognized you.  You look like an entirely different person.  Maybe a sorority sister vibe going on?"

"Are you insinuating I'm a dumb college girl?" I asked, teasing him.  "I'll have you know that I was in a sorority back in college and I also had excellent grades."

"Did you?" he asked.  "How about the sorority hazing?  Anything good?"

"We didn't do sorority hazing," I said.  "I don't think most groups do that now.  I'm sure some might, but it's not really a big thing.  It wasn't at my college, anyways.  We weren't the most exciting sorority, to be honest.  We just had small parties every now and then.  Mostly just us.  The fraternity guys weren't very cute, so we never invited them."

"Ah," Asher said.

"You're looking at me funny," I said.  "Why?"

"Am I?" he asked, coy.


"Just thinking of doing a little sorority hazing," he said.  "Maybe make up for the fact that you never got to experience it in the past?"

"I can't believe you," I said, laughing.  "Now I know what that look is.  You're
, Asher!  You're looking at me like I'm some sexy little college girl, just ripe for the picking.  Do you want to pluck me, Mr. Landseer?"

"Something like that," he said.  "Definitely rhymes with pluck, that's for sure."

I crawled across the bed to get closer to him.  Asher grinned when I leaned over to whisper in his ear.  "Do you want to play?  I can be the innocent little college sorority girl and you can be my demanding professor?  I've been a bad girl, sir.  I can't afford to fail your class.  I'll do anything for a passing grade."

Asher's eyes glimmered in glee and his smile spread so wide it took up most of his face.  Oh, he liked that, did he?

I liked it, too.  It sounded fun.  And he was my husband, afterall.  If we couldn't have fun together, what sort of marriage did we have?

We had a really good one.  I loved him so much.

He sprang into action.  His silly grin turned into something more wicked and mischievously malicious.  He pushed forward, looming above me, eyes staring into me.

"Miss Fevrier," he said.  "You want me to accept your excuses?  You've been turning in papers late and not bothering to come to class half the time.  Why should I help you get a passing grade?  Why should I give you an extra credit assignment?"

I gulped.  "Mr. Landseer, I've... I've been trying, though.  It's just so hard."

"Hard?" he asked.  "
  Did I hear you correctly?  What do you mean by
, Miss Fevrier?  As hard as the football team's cocks on a Friday night when they're pounding into you and your little sorority slut sister's tight cunts?"

I didn't mean to, but I started giggling.  "Asher!  Did you really just say that?  Sorority sluts and tight cunts?  I can't believe you said that."

He changed from stern professor to my grinning, laughing husband in a matter of seconds.  "It was the first thing that came to me.  Was it too much?"

"It was kind of hot," I said.  "Just don't use that word all the time."

"Which one?" he asked.  "Slut or cunt?"

"Um, both!"

He laughed.  "Alright.  Well..."

His hand darted forward, grabbing the waistband of my tight sweatpants.  He pulled roughly, yanking them down my thighs.  I squealed and screamed, trying to slap his hand away.

"You think my class is hard, Miss Fevrier?" Asher said, returning to his role.  "I'll show you hard, you little tramp.  If you really want a passing grade, show me what it's worth to you."

I kept fighting against him, trying to stop him.  It was fun.  Asher was rough, but he wasn't being too rough; not enough to hurt me.  I kicked at him, but he grabbed my ankle and held my foot in place.  Slowly, fighting against me fighting him, he peeled my sweatpants down my legs, revealing my bare skin and...

"I can see you've got a lot of team spirit," he said.

I didn't understand at first, but I followed his gaze towards my crotch and my extremely inadequate pair of panties, if they could even be called that.

"Is that even underwear or a patch and a piece of string?" he asked.

"Jeremy bought it for me as a joke, because he's terrible and a pervert," I said.

"Jeremy?" Asher asked.  "Is that your football player fuck toy?"

I couldn't help it; I giggled again.  "Fuck toy?  Really, Asher?"

"I'm trying to be the asshole professor that everyone hates!" he said.  "Also, I'm going to have to have a talk with Jeremy about this.  I don't know how I feel about him buying my wife this kind of underwear."

"I wasn't even there," I said.  "It was kind of annoying, because I went to—"  Did I want to tell him all about that yet?  "—I was somewhere else, and he got me my luggage bag and some clothes, and, well, this is what he bought me.  I really do look like some college girl, don't I?  That wasn't what I had in mind before, but I guess it works."

"They look kind of cheap," he said.  "It's sexy, though."

"Did you just call me cheap and sexy?" I teased.

Asher ignored me.  Instead, he stuck his fingers beneath the string that was my underwear, and pulled them to the side, easily revealing my pussy.  I forgot what I was saying and let out a loud gasp when one of his fingers began sliding up and down my slick folds.

Yes, well, we were playing before and I was aroused.  What of it?  Except now Asher had decided to take serious advantage of that fact.  He coated the end of his finger with my glistening wetness, then pushed it into me.  I gasped again, even louder this time.

"Asher..." I said, breathing out his name.

"This," he said.  "This is how you're going to earn your passing grade, Miss Fevrier.  Show me how much school spirit you have.  Convince me that you belong at this university."

My mind fumbled for an answer.  "Sir, yes.  Mr. Landseer, sir, I do.  I belong here.  I have so much school spirit, I..."

He slid another finger along my slick folds, then pressed it in to join the other.  He twisted them around inside of me, pushing them in deep, then pulling them out, slow at first, then a little harder.  I didn't know where this came from, or what exactly was happening.  I opened my mouth to say something, but forgot every word I knew.

Asher pushed himself forward the next time he pushed his fingers into me.  He pressed his body against mine, guiding me towards the bed.  I fell onto it, laying on my back, while he pushed against me.  His fingers curved inside of me, pushing in and out.  So much pushing, everything pushing, all of him against all of me.

He cupped my core in his palm, holding my sex.  The heel of his hand pressed against my clit while his fingers drove into my inner depths.  He moved like that now, back and forth.  His lips found mine, kissing my open mouth.  I tried to kiss him back, but like my words before that, I forgot how.

"You're really excited, aren't you?" he asked.  "Are you going to cum for me, Miss Fevrier?  Are you going to prove you deserve a good grade in my class?"

I nodded fast.  "Please.  I... please.  I promise.  I'll do anything."

"Will you suck my cock?" he asked.  "Will you suck it fast and hard like the little sorority slut you are?  Suck it until I tell you to stop so I can shove it into your tight little college girl cunt?"

I nodded again.  "Please, now.  Do it now.  Fill me, Asher, sir, Mr. Landseer."  I forgot what I was supposed to call him.  I was becoming more and more lost with each passing second.

"Cum for me first," he said.  "How close are you?  Tell me.  Cum for me, Jessika."

"Close," I said.  "I... really close.  I missed you.  I... please, Asher."

He kissed me softly, becoming my husband once more.  "Go on, Jessika," he said.  "Give in.  Just relax and give in.  Give it to me.  I want to feel it."

It didn't take much more than that.  The student/teacher roleplaying, combined with my suddenly vanished and relaxed anxiety from being in this safe, comfortable place, and then just Asher's wonderful touch, his knowing fingers performing magic on my body, I gave in.  I gave myself to him.

I squirmed and writhed on the bed as the first quivers of orgasmic glee spasmed through me.  Asher pinned me there, though, keeping me in place.  His hand pressed hard against my pubic mound, keeping me against the bed.  The heel of his hand rubbed roughly against my clit, forcing harsh pressured pleasure into my body.  Inside me, his fingers curled and pulled, beckoning my ecstasy forth.

My whole body shivered and I clenched against his fingers, clenched then released, clenched over and over.  I reached out and grabbed his cheeks and pulled him to kiss me while he fingered me, keeping my orgasm in a constant, thrumming state of arousal.  I felt giddy and giggly and I started to laugh, then I stopped suddenly and scrunched up my face, then I laughed again.  I laughed and scrunched and kissed and...

It felt so good.  So warm and right and perfect and good.  Heavenly.  My body relaxed, muscles becoming limp and loose, and I just lay there on the bed, feeling Asher against me and inside of me.  He pulled his fingers out of me and wrapped them around my hip.  He rolled to the side, bringing me with him, then again, so that he lay on his back on the bed and I lay cuddled against him.

"I think that definitely deserves a C," he said.  "Maybe a C+"

"That's it?" I asked, laughing.

"We'll get to a perfect grade in a second, don't worry."

"Oh, will we?" I asked.  "I just wanted a passing grade.  Apparently I just got it, so maybe I'm going to leave now."

He laughed.  I wasn't leaving.  I wasn't going anywhere.  He wasn't, either.  Neither of us would.  This was so perfect.  I wanted rice again, though.  And beef stew.  Together.  With Asher.  And we could eat it.  I was so hungry.  I'd eaten a little before, but...

My stomach growled.  I suddenly remembered something.  It's not like I'd forgotten it, but... I just remembered it again.

"Do you want to make some food?" Asher asked, apparently having heard my rumbling hunger.

"Yes," I said.  "Can we have rice and beef stew?  You mix them together in a bowl and it's really good."

He grinned.  "That sounds great."

"It is," I said.

"I'll make it.  You rest, alright?"

"No, I can help," I said.

We both started to get up, slow and languorous, like there was nothing else in the world but us.

There was, though.  It wasn't just us.

Asher stood and held out his hand to help me up off the the bed.

I took it and he pulled me and I stood.  Before he let go of me, before I lost my nerve, I said it.

"Asher, I'm pregnant.  We're pregnant.  We're going to have a baby together."

He stared at me, mouth open wide in shock.  "What?  How?"

"I found out today.  I... I can explain it, sort of."  I laughed a little, giddy and nervous.  "I've been pregnant for about a month now, actually."

He stared at me, confused.  It didn't last long, though.  He stopped being confused almost as soon as he started, then he looked happy.  So happy.  I'd never seen Asher like this.  His eyes sparkled so brilliantly and bright.  His lips were joy itself, pure happiness.  He pulled me close and hugged me tight.

"Really?" he asked.  "You're pregnant and we're having a baby?"

I laughed and squeezed him tight, too.  "Yes, we really are."

"Come," he said, half-pulling me and half-carrying me to the kitchen nook in the saferoom.  "We need to eat.  You need to eat.  The baby needs to eat, too.  What do I call it?  Wait, it's not an it.  Girl or boy?  No, we wouldn't know that yet."

He guided me towards a chair by a circle dinette table.  "It could be twins," I said, lighthearted and silly.

"Oh shit," he said.

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