His Captive Bride (4 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Steele

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Kidnapping, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Crime Fiction

BOOK: His Captive Bride
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Chapter Five

I sat on my bed with my laptop and eyed the business card that my stalker had given me. It looked nothing like he did. It had an elegant black back-round with gold embossed writing that boasted of professional photography skills. Now I had all that I needed to research the man who seemed to know more about me, than I did about myself.

I was shocked when my laptop began to spit
out info faster than I could process it. This guy was some world renowned photographer. The articles went on and on, each more impressive than the last. I had taken this guy for some kind of street thug and he was a famous photographer. Photography is a highly competitive field and for him to be that successful said quite a bit. Suddenly it hit me and part of me was excited, yet part of me was scared, my stalker had been photographing me. Just how big of a shrine did he have built in my honor? I would be shocked when I found out.


















                I knew that she would be finding out who I was now. I didn’t care though, because I knew that she wouldn’t try and use it against me. I went out of my way to keep my identity from the people that she took care of, the last thing that I needed was some gang banger popping a cap in me for twenty bucks.

I looked down at the computer screen. I was pleased with this batch of pics. They had come out really well. She mesmerized me without even trying. That girl had put a spell on me and she didn’t even know it. The only problem is, that I am a ‘predator’ by nature and now ‘Little girl lost’ has become my prey! It remained to be seen if she could handle the intensity of my innate nature, very few women could. The only women who seemed to be able to handle me were the women that frequented kink clubs. Though there were some beautiful women to be had there, they weren’t the woman I wanted.

The predator in me had mandated that Mandissa be taken and made mine. Any man, who houses the primal nature that I do, fully understands that once the cravings have begun, only that which the predator craves will satisfy. Yes, my primal nature had lifted its nostrils into the night air of desire and I would not only take Mandissa—I would consume Mandissa. I would consume her, until she craved me with the intensity that I craved her.














           I didn’t sleep well that I night. I couldn’t get Drake out of my head. It wasn’t some kind of lovey, dovey, dream of romance either. To put it simply, Drake scared me. He put every instinct within me on high alert when he was around. The professionals call the term, “Fight or Flight.”

What I couldn’t figure out, was why I liked it. It was settled, I would be staying away from Drake. It was evident that he could have any woman that he wanted and I sure as hell didn’t plan on being a notch on any man’s belt. For me it was all about work and Mid-way…And now my little Preciosa…




















                          Precious cried herself to sleep. She didn’t like the new man Mommy had staying here. There was only one bed and before she and Mommy slept in it, but now she and the new man did. She now slept on the floor with the cock roaches and mice, it scared her.

hugged her doll tightly against her. It was the only thing that made her feel safe in her ever changing world. Things just seemed to be getting worse and she wished that she could live with Mandissa. She went to sleep and dreamed about what it would be like.


















Chapter Six

“Now Mandissa, I’m not the pompous prude that you think that I am. You might even find that you liked me if you gave me a chance. You know, maybe dinner some evening.”

“Well, as flattered as I am Richard, I don’t mix business with pleasure. I have found that blurring the lines only leads to trouble. I simply don’t
break that rule.”

Mandissa held her gaze as she spoke. There was nothing that intimidated her
about this man, nothing at all, and she wanted him to know it. In fact Mandissa wasn’t intimidated by much of anyone.”

“Well I will not hear of it, I have made a reservation for lunch and if it makes you feel any better we can discuss the terms of you branching out into a broader area. It is an inner city show that you host, so I believe that it would be beneficial to branch out, well…… Shall we say…….Into more prestigious areas.”

Yeah, that is a real smart idea, being that the rich and elite are so concerned with the ‘hood’ and all…..Rolls eyes…….

Mandissa knew that there were those who were wealthy that did have a concern for those less fortunate, but Richard, damn sure didn’t fall under that category. He was not fooling her one bit.

He had spoken as if he didn’t hear a thing that Mandi
ssa had said, or maybe he just didn’t care. She knew that it was probably the latter but whatever, it couldn’t hurt to have lunch, or so she thought.










                Drake seethed as he took pictures. What in the hell could she see in a guy like that pompous ass? He watched as Richard touched her arm, or leaned in when he spoke to her and there was no denying it. Drake was jealous and Drake was mad. Those were two combinations that did not go well with his intense personality. He cringed every time that he saw Richard touch her.

Mine! The Predator within him growled.

This was not good and Drake would be dealing with it before it got out of hand.

He watched as Richard palmed the lower part of her bac
k when they exited the restaurant, the lower part of her back that housed the dimples that he considered to be his. Yes, Drake would be dealing with this.

















                          “Mommy won’t wake up and I’m scared.” The tiny voice trembled from the other end of the phone line. “I’m on my way!”

It struck me as sad that a three year old knew enough about survival to use her Mother’s phone to call me. Grant it—she was almost four but she was growing up far too fast due to her Mother’s neglect.

I jumped up and tossed on jeans and a t-shirt and made my way out of my apt. I don’t even remember the drive over, but I would remember what was getting ready to happen, it would be seared within my sub-conscious for the remainder of my days on earth. I exited the car not even worried about the element that now housed the Mid-Way area. There was anything and everything out tonight that could be imagined. There were pimps, whores, drug dealers, and the clients that sought out the drug of their choice. Whether it was flesh, drugs or alcohol, they were here to feed the craving that was deeply lodged within their souls.

“Ah hell yeah! Look at what we got here; why little Miss. Bleeding heart decided to grace us with her presence. Are you slumming tonight, baby?”

I chuckled and stated: “No, just babysitting.”

“Well you can baby sit me any day of the week. You are one fine ass woman and classy too.”

I was grateful that I was a staple in the neighborhood and silently prayed that I would make it out un-scathed. The men had gone back to their crap game by the time I entered the next darkened hallway. Suddenly, I was pinned against the stained wall with an arm twisted behind my back and threats being whispered in my ear, “You’re in trouble!” A hand reached up and squeezed down on the braless nipple that my tight white t-shirt housed.

“Oh God…….. That hurts
…… Drake……. Please……..”

I felt him
harden and it hit me; Drake was excited by my lack of control and the fear that it ignited in me. The fear that I emitted excited him, because he had caused it, the fear that had gained him control over my body in a darkened hallway, had been birthed by him and Drake reveled in the knowledge of that.

“Please Drake
; I’m begging you, just let me go and get her, I think Rosa over dosed, please.”

I felt him stiffen even more so at the sound of my p
leading. This guy was dangerous, he knew it, I knew it and it only served to ignite something within both of us. The problem was that I had never been privy to it before.

As quickly as he had pinned me
, he released me and spoke into her door way. “Open the door little bit.”

Open the door baby, it’s me,” I pleaded.

The door opened and Drake scooped her up.

“Wait! My doll, I can’t leave her with them.”

I scooped up the doll and we made our way down to the car.

“Give me the keys, I’m driving.”

I threw him the keys and jump
ed in the back seat with Preciosa.

“What the hell do you think that
you are doing, coming down here at night? I’m not done with you, you get her ass inside and bathed and then you and I are talking.”

I was grateful to be in the backseat. Drake was mad to say the least.
The rest of the ride back to my apt was spent in silence.
















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