His Captive Bride (9 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Steele

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Kidnapping, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Crime Fiction

BOOK: His Captive Bride
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Chapter Thirteen

Muhammad watched his Boss seated in the backseat and though he was dressed in a tailored suit, complete with cuff links and Italian leather shoes, he was listening to Rap.

his Boss was a contradiction in terms—to say the least. He was a powerful business mogul with street sense—a very dangerous combination.

They pulled into the parking lot and exited. The silver handgun that was tucked in the front of
Drake’s well tailored suit pants was clearly visible and his stride held purpose.

never saw it coming….

















The door frame splintered, as shards of wood flew throughout the air. Rosa’s screams could be heard throughout the complex. 

In unison
they took control of the room. They operated in precise timing; a timing that came from years of working together.

Muhammad grabbed the piece from the table sticking it in his pants and backed out of the apt
, he stayed in the doorway to monitor the hallway.

His Boss would take care of this one and in many ways Drake could be
much more ruthless than Muhammad ever thought about being.

If Muhammad had any mercy, he would feel sorry for the m
an, but there would be no mercy—only justice.

The butt of Drake’s gun slammed down on Rico’s cheek bone laying it open. The blood continued to splatter as Drake put the ‘beat down’ on him. By the time he got done, Rico lay in a heap and his face mimicked that of ground hamburger.

Drake scooped up his ‘little girl lost’ and the two men made their way out of the apt complex. Though the police would be here soon, ‘no one would know what happened.’

Even their victim Rico would not snitch, it was the way of the streets. This had started in the streets and it would end in the streets. One thing rang true though, it was in no means over, this battle was just getting started…











Drake and Mandissa

“What happened?” I had no time to wait for an answer and barely made my way to the bathroom before throwing up.

Drake stood behind me
holding my hair back, as I emptied the little bit of contents on my stomach. When he knew that I was finished, he leaned over filling the tub with water. He placed me down into it and then un-dressed seating himself behind me.

I don’t think that I have
ever felt safer than I did between his legs, leaned against his chest while he washed my hair. He finished bathing me and brushing my teeth and put me back to bed, but seated me up with pillows behind me. I watched as he spoke into the speaker and mandated that Margarita brought me soup.

As I waited
, I looked up to view Precious peeking around the corner. She was holding the first doll that I had ever given her. For some reason it hit me full force just how much meaning that doll had for her. She scrambled up into the bed next to me, but said nothing as I toyed with a long dark curl. She was sucking her thumb and she only did that when she felt insecure. Finally she spoke, “You said that you would never leave me.” Her dark little eyes looked in my direction, as if accusing me of ‘abandoning’ her.

“No, sweetie
, is that what you think, that I abandoned you?”

“You did.” Her voice was candid,
the voice of a child who had not only viewed but experienced adult issues at a very young age.

Drake sat in a white t-shirt with khaki
drawstring pants. He had his ankle up and crossed over his knee, eyeing me, as if waiting for my reply. The look that he held in his eyes was one of accusation also.

I was relieved to see Margarita enter
, but even she had a cold demeanor about her.

“Ok, guys stop! I won’t ever leave again.
The house is big enough to go to a different room when I need to get away, but I won’t leave.”

That seemed to satisfy everyone……

Why was Drake still glaring at me?





I was so mad at that girl right now. If she thought that this discussion was over she was sadly mistaken. I was only biding my time. She would be answering for this episode. She damn near got somebody killed today. And before it was said and done, there would be casualties, there always is in a war.

“Did he touch you?” Though his voice was low, it cut like razors.

“No Drake, I swear, nobody touched me.”

“If I find out that you are ly
ing to me……….”

“Would you blame me?”

“No Mandy, even though it was stupid to put yourself in that situation, I wouldn’t blame you for somebody else’s bad behavior. I would…….”

His voice trailed off,
not wanting to say what they both knew that he would do. Not with Precious here, later on he wouldn’t be worried about candor.

“Drake, I would tell you. Nobody touched me.”

I could tell that he was choosing his words carefully due to Precious’s presence there.

“This is nowhere close to being over and that includes all parties involved!”

I knew that he was referring to me and the thought of having to wait to find out how I would pay penitence for my sins, only served to up the anxiety level of the situation.

That was how Drake operated though.
He used anticipation as a way of control, along with the other antics that he utilized.

I had never dealt with a man
that was such a contradiction in terms. He was a suit, a business man and yet he was street smart.

He was a brainiac
and yet he knew how to deal with issues in the street. He was dangerous; that combination was lethal. Drake had no intentions of letting me go and I had no intentions of becoming the object of his wrath by trying to leave again.

Oh God, why did I leave
? I have always been a hot head, but nothing could have prepared me for what would come later, due to my bad decision making process.…



Chapter Fourteen

             Hushed whispers could be heard throughout the large crowd that had gathered. People knew exactly who had done this.

They were s
hocked that the crazy stalker was not the street kid that they had all assumed he was. They had seen the way that he pulled up with a driver and dressed in a tailored suit. Not to mention the gun that was stuck into the front of his pants.

There wasn’t a whole lot of mercy
from the crowd for Rico. He had terrorized the neighborhood for the last year and many of the residents were glad to see him get what was coming to him.

Rosa had not been hurt during the assault on Rico, but her eyes were now opened to just how crazy that Drake would get over Mandissa.

She was scared that he would come back for her. She could only hope that he didn’t blame her for the incident. I mean it wasn’t like they had kidnapped the girl but
……. Rico had trapped her in the apartment and held her at gun point.

What the hell had he been thinking? The only
thing that she could figure was that maybe he had assumed there was more money to be made. She hoped that it wouldn’t cost her the check that she would be getting from Drake. Oh well, she was going to have find somebody else to cop her drugs from now.

There was no mercy for Rico from her either, all she cared about was the fact that she didn’t have her dealer around anymore. Right now it didn’t matter though, because she had his drugs.

As soon as Muhammad and Drake had walked out the door, she
had coldly stepped over his beaten body and taken his drugs, money, and anything else that she could find.

She wished that she had been able to get his gun
, but Muhammad had picked that up. Oh well, it didn’t matter anyway; she had the drugs and that is all that any junkie cares about…







              I woke up about 3:00am and made my way to the bathroom. I quietly eased my way back into the bed.

“Do you think that this is over, Mandy? You owe me! You took my property and put it in danger of being defiled by another man.”

“I’m not your property
, Drake.”

The hell you aren’t!”

“What do you want from me, Drake?”

“I want what I have always wanted, you.”

“You have me Drake, but not as property.”

He flipped me over in one move, placing me on all fours and then pushed between my shoulders, causing my upper body to be laid out on the bed, but my ass was in the air.

He knelt behind me and waited.

I attempted to move and a sharp sting hit my ass.

I sharply sucked air in, as tears flowed down my face. I was glad for the darkness that kep
t my humiliation from being viewed by him.

“This is embarrassing
, Drake!”

Another sharp slap on my ass,
let me know that I needed to shut up and just let things play out.








Drake & Mandissa

            My hands slid over her smooth skin and I c
ould feel the heat radiating from the slaps that I had subjected her to.

I knew that she was crying
, but I didn’t care. It kind of turned me on. She needed to cry, she damn near got me killed today. She would think long and hard before she ever walked out on me and our kid again.

I could feel her body trembling as my hands moved over her. My fingers slid in and out of her, through creases, folds, and hidden
orifices; places I knew no other man had ever been. I pushed down in between her shoulder blades with one hand from behind, as I stroked between her soaked slit with my pierced cock.

Drake, I will do what you want. What do you want?”

“I want to take you!” His voice whispered huskily in my ear.

I knew exactly what he was asking me for as he pressed against a forbidden place that no man had ever been allowed to venture into before tonight.

He wrapped my hair in his fist and pulled my head back towards him
, breathing heavily into my ear.

“Yes,” I groaned,
“I’m yours, take me.”

“You better make sure Mandy, because there is no turning back once you consent.”

I didn’t want to turn back. I wanted Drake to do everything that he had ever threatened to do to me.

What was it that he had said?
I would never be able to wash the stench from me. But this wasn’t stench. This was a man who wanted me in a way that no one had ever wanted me.

He had pursued me relentlessly. Anyone else had walked out on me
, even my own Mother—but not Drake. He had tapped into a part of me that no one else had ever even cared about. He was literally obsessed with me. I knew what the professionals would say; I had heard it all before, “Abandonment issues.”

Others may call what Drake felt for me obsession. They could argue that it wasn’t love, but I couldn’t have one without the other. For me
, there was no love without obsession, they went hand in hand.

“Drake, I want you to take me. There is only one condition, that y
ou never share me, if I’m yours, I’m yours. If you are screwing around on me, I don’t want to know about it.”

Never going to happen, I don’t play well with others, and you of all people should know that I don’t want another woman.”


                I clawed my hands into that girl’s shoulders pushing into her wetness to soak myself. I continued into the night taking every crack, crevice, and orifice of her body. Nothing withheld. She allowed me access with no restraints.

There was no part of one another that we did
not explore and experience that night.

I loved this woman in a way that felt like we were in an inferno that was consum
ing the both of us. I would never let her out of my sight. To lose her, would be to die.

I might still be aliv
e, but I would be a shell of a man, dead on the inside. I needed her more than I needed the air that I breathe.

And it worked for the both of us
, because she needed me to need her like that. Everyone else in her life had walked out on her, but I offered her the security of never being rid of me.

There were no labels on what we shared. We did what we wanted, when we wanted
, when it came to sex. That night a damn broke and anything was acceptable. There were no boundaries, no boxes, and no rules, only each other………. That was all that mattered, each other…












               I gave Drake all he wanted that night. If he wanted to own me, then so be it. I couldn’t fight the man who had systematically wormed his way into my life. He was an all consuming fire and I had gone up flames. There was no longer a me—or—him, only—us.

I hate you; you have made me love you. Just like I feared that you would. Please don’t hurt me, please, please
, please…




















Drake & Mandissa

         “Ha, ha, Mandy can’t leave again, cuz she ain’t got no apt, no more.”

I corrected her horrid English
, before I had the time to process exactly what she was saying.

“Because she doesn’t have an apartment anymore.”

I pulled my white fuzzy robe around me and made my way to the coffee pot.

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