HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2)
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“Wait! Victoria wants to speak
with you.”

“Hey, Megan, I can tell you’re in a hurry so I’ll be quick. I’ve tracked the ownership of the building the brothel is in to a dummy corporation owned by another dummy corporation. I still haven’t seen anyone important or that matches the men in your photos. I’ve heard a rumor of another brothel that I’m checking out tonight. Maybe I’ll have more
luck there.

“Call me when you have more time, and we can compare notes over the phone or in person, whichever works best
for you.”

Maybe Victoria could find something at the other location. Anything that could help them finish this. “Thanks, Victoria. I’ll call when
I can.”

She ended her call and handed AJ the cell phone. “It’s
all yours.”

* * * * *

“What? You look like you’re a kid waiting to sit in Santa’s lap,”
AJ said.

A chuckle burst from her. “We might be drawing
him out.”

“That’s what we want. If we disrupt things enough, he’ll have to come out and fix it himself.” That thought gave him an idea for part of his
new plan.

“Rumor is he’
s pissed.”

“I don’t doubt it. You made one of his advisors’ crimes public. Plus, we’re both
still alive.”

She smiled at him. “You probably sent Damian to
the hospital.”

“I’m sure he’s long gone. Now, let me finish up with my informants.”

He called Javier and received the
same answers.

When he finished his last call he walked over to Megan. She had papers and photographs spread out on the desk with a determined look on her face. “Looking for another story?” he
asked jokingly.

“No. I’m just looking at these photos. I snapped a lot while I walked the streets. Especially when someone didn’t look like they fitted in. I’m sure there’s something in them. Someone important. My sources haven’t seen any of my recent photos to help me
identify anyone.”

He peered over her shoulder and almost choked on his water. She had a photo of Jimmy, Carl and Paul, a street boss and two advisors. He picked up the photo, curious as to where she’d captured
them together.

Having a photo of Jimmy and Carl was bad enough. Prison escapees don’t like their photo taken. But Paul was the Magician’s most secret advisor. Only a handful of people knew
about him.

If they knew she had a photo of the bosses, they’d double their efforts to find her before she realized it and
published it.

“Do you know those men?” she
asked softly.


“I had to get their photo. They didn’t belong. Who
are they?”

He set the photo down and moved to his bed. “Don’t you think it’s time you told me why you’re so ferocious
with this?”

Her shoulders stiffened. She slid the photos back into her laptop bag. “I’m an investigative reporter. I investigate. This
needed investigating.”

“Are you sure it had nothing to do with your brother’s disappearance
last month?”

Her head whipped around so fast he wouldn’t be surprised if she had whiplash. “What do you know
about that?”

“Just what I’ve heard. He worked at the same newspaper as you. I’m guessing since you’re so far from home, you moved here to be close to him.” He paused and assessed her. “He was investigating Magic Shop when he disappeared, and they secretly
took credit.”

Slowly, she asked, “Were you involved in
his disappearance?”

“No.” He wished he could give her an answer to soothe
her pain.

“Were you there when he disappeared or did you hear about it?” she
asked hopefully.

“I heard he found out something he shouldn’t have.” Kevin overheard Tim, Ted and Paul discussing past prison breaks and where the latest escapees had been
relocated to.

Why they left the other reporter alone, the one digging into the prostitution ring baffled him. It might be because she hadn’t reported anything like Megan. But she had recently stumbled across one of the brothels. A brothel filled with trafficked women. He’d have Jesse take care of
that also.

Sadness overshadowed her expression. “But he never shared anything
with me.”

He sighed. Pain radiated from her eyes. He didn’t like seeing her this way. “Maybe he was trying to protect you. Maybe he didn’t have time
to share.”

They didn’t give Kevin enough time to go to the police or FBI with what he’d found out. He was taken care of immediately, before he had an opportunity to speak
with anyone.

He watched the tears slip down her face and couldn’t stand it. He rose and walked to her, offering his hand. She accepted it and stood. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her tight against him. He pressed kisses against her silky hair, his hands rubbing up and down her back in an attempt to soothe her. He inhaled the pomegranate scent of her hair
and smiled.

Tightening her hold, she tucked her face in closer to him. “I’
m sorry.”

“It’s okay. You can use my shoulder anytime, my
little dove.”

She pulled her head back and looked up at him. All he could do was fixate on those beautiful, wet, dark blue eyes holding him captive. He witnessed sadness and pain in them and wanted to take
it away.

He brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, slowly lowered his head and gently covered her mouth with his. He didn’t want to stop. She tasted so
Goddamn sweet.

Raising his head, he looked into her eyes again and saw the blue darken even deeper as desire flickered and finally
held on.

His jeans tightened as his cock swelled. “What about Trent?” he asked in a
raspy voice.

“What about him?” Confusion marred
her features.

“I won’t take a friend’s girlfriend, but you tempt me something fierce, Megan.”

“Trent and I aren’
t together.”

Relief thundered in his heart, and he smiled. “Good.”

AJ raised his hands to either side of her face, and his lips descended to meet hers. His mouth covered hers hungrily, their tongues tangling, exploring. With only a kiss, sparks of pleasure wound their way to
his loins.

She slid her hands up his chest and wound her arms around his neck, pulled herself closer and sighed against his mouth. Her breasts rubbed against his chest, the feel of them elicited a low growl from deep in his throat. This woman had no idea what she did to him, how much he
craved her.

His hands left her face, slowly traveling up and down her sides reaching the hem of her sweater and tugging it up. She didn’t protest. Instead she stepped back and raised
her arms.

His heart pounded. “Beautiful,”
he murmured.

He reached for her breast, his thumb lightly circling her rosy, puckered nipple. He watched goose bumps form on her body. She closed her eyes and a soft whimper escaped, making naked desire flood
his veins.

“Megan, I won’t stop unless you tell
me now.”

Holding his heated gaze, she whispered, “Don’t.”

They stepped to his bed and he gently eased her down onto
the mattress.

His body sizzled as she watched him remove his weapons and pull his sweatshirt over his head. He lay down beside her and stretched out on his side, turning
to her.

She reached a hand up to touch his chest with feather-light strokes around his bruising. He closed his eyes and sighed. The cool brush of her fingers set his chest to tingling instead of the pain her touch should’
ve caused.

She gasped. “It’s a dove. What does
it say?”

Damn. She’d made out his tattoo from beneath the mess covering his chest. He didn’t wish to discuss
it now.

His mouth landed on hers for a deep, scorching kiss where the heat level increased as she met his fire with her own. He burned deep for her, wanted to engulf himself in her essence, fan the flames, let it reach its hottest, and then help
it explode.

His lips left hers and kissed a trail down her ivory, silky body, stopping to play at her neck, nipping it playfully. She leaned her head, giving him full access to
his playground.

He spent another minute playing before his mouth made a path to her breast. His tongue slowly circled her areola, the rosy peaks instantly firmed. He flicked her nipple with his tongue, teased the taut bud and then tugged on it with
his teeth.

Her hands stilled in his hair and her breath released in long surrendering moans. His cock almost busted through his jeans at the sensual sound. An urgent need to fuck her hard and fast battled a need to bask in a slow, sensual bout of sex, not rushing things
like before.

Right then he decided she would stay with him. That’d give him plenty of time to fulfill his fantasies with her. But he needed to get his stiff manhood inside her velvety
heat now.

His mouth left her breast and recaptured her lips. Those glorious tasting lips. His hands slid across her soft belly over the new goose bumps forming under his touch. He tugged at the waistband of her jeans. “I want to taste you
this time.”

Her hands left his hair and moved eagerly down his stomach. His blood pumped faster. She unbuttoned his jeans, reached in and released him. His breath rushed out at the blessed relief from confinement, and finally being held in Megan’s hand which held him tight, slowly moving up and down. He groaned. He’d embarrass himself if she kept up
the movement.

“I don’t want to wait that long. I want you now.” She moved provocatively against him. His little dove wasn’t a timid lover. He thanked his lucky stars for that. He liked
her fire.

“I want you too, but I want to take my time
with you.”

His mouth left hers trailing damp, heated kisses down her body, taking his time with each one, listening to her soft whimpers. He looked up from her stomach and smiled at her watching him. He moved lower, the musky scent of her arousal calling
to him.

Arriving at her the top of jeans, he reached for the zipper, slowly releasing it, teasing her, drawing things out, ensuring they both enjoyed it, that they both exploded from the fireball building inside them. He smiled, his arousal increasing when she lifted her hips to aid him in removing her jeans. It appeared she felt the same madness that drove them into this
sexual stupor.

He kissed what he knew was a hairless mound through her panties, eager to taste her, to feel her come with his tongue on her clit and his fingers
inside her.

She exhaled a
ragged breath.

A cell
phone rang.

Fuck! He couldn’t ignore it but the caller had best have a damn good reason for calling
him now.

He jumped from the bed and answered
the call.

out now!”


“Get dressed! We’re leaving,” AJ ordered, pushing his cock back into his jeans and then reaching for
his sweatshirt.

With the urgency in his voice, Megan knew. They’d been found. She jumped up and scrambled into her jeans and sweater, bypassing her bra. There was no time to get back into that contraption. Plus her hands shook too much to even attempt
the clasps.

“Grab your bags.” He checked his weapons, tossing his holsters in
his bag.

It must be worse than she thought if he didn’t take the time to put them on. Fear returned, carrying the trembling and the racing heartbeat with it. She hated it. Hated she couldn’t remain fearless
like AJ.

He quickly tossed the Kevlar vest over her. “You ready? We have to move.” He turned and peeked out
the curtain.

She picked up her bags, thankful she’d followed his direction to keep everything ready to go. She’d have unpacked and would now be leaving with only the clothes on her back. It showed her how much she needed him to stay alive. She held her gun. “I’
m ready.”

“Let’s go. You stick with me no
matter what.”

She watched his eyes roam over the areas outside the door with his weapon in front of him before he opened
it fully.

He led her in a hurried pace, constantly scanning the area. She barely kept up with him. She’d drop her bags and run if she had to. He was the only one who knew what they
were doing.

The trunk popped open as they approached. Thank you for fancy car remotes. They dumped their bags and hurriedly jumped in the car. AJ had the car moving almost before they closed
the doors.

“How did they find us?” she asked in a shaky voice, her heart attempting to break out of her chest, with the intensely hard, fast hammering. She kept glancing around expecting to find gunmen standing behind them pointing a weapon at her and AJ. She squeezed her eyes shut at
the thought.

“I’m not sure. We’ll think about that later. Keep your
head down.”

She didn’t question. She did as he commanded. Magic Shop had found them. How could they have tracked them? Had someone seen them when they went out? What about using the phones? Couldn’t they triangulate or something like that? Oh no. She’d used the Internet. Wasn’t that how criminals were captured on the
crime shows?

How long before they stopped the manhunt for them? Would it ever stop? Would they ever be safe? She knew the answer but didn’t like it. A ragged, nervous breath
escaped her.

He turned right out of the parking lot and swore. “
Buckle up.”

It took her trembling hands several tries before she locked the mechanism
into place.

back down.”

She held on as AJ turned a corner and his tires squealed from their increasing rate of speed. He pulled out
a phone.

“I need
help now!”

She swallowed the bile rising in her throat. They were being chased.

Oh God. Oh God.
Oh God.

Would these men shoot at them out in the open on the street? What kind of help did AJ ask for? Would it be in time? She hated having nothing but questions and no one to
answer them.

She squeezed her eyes closed tightly and fisted her hands. They would survive this. He would save them, and she’d do whatever it took to
aid him.

Several metallic tings frightened her. Oh. My. God! Did they just shoot at them? Panic jetted through
her body.

Goddamn fuckers!”

She turned her head and peeked up at him. “Did they…Did they just shoot
at us?”

He checked the rear view mirror. “Don’t worry about it. Just keep your
head down.”

Several unexpected turns tossed her back and forth until her seatbelt snapped her back each time. It had been several minutes and he hadn’t shaken them. The one bit of enlightening news was that they hadn’t been shot
at again.

Police sirens burst into her thoughts.
No! No! No!

“AJ, slow down! The police will catch us.” What was wrong with him? Did he plan to go on a high speed chase like some crazies who
want publicity?

He reached a hand over and rubbed her back. She wanted to lift her head and rush into his arms while he told her everything would
be okay.

Trust me.”

The sound of the sirens slowly faded, and
AJ slowed.

“You may sit
up now.”

She jerked up and craned her neck to look out the back window. “Where are they? Did you
outrun them?”

He laughed. “No. I’d say they’re explaining the weapons they’re carrying to two
police officers.”

“Was that the help you
asked for?”

He turned and smiled at her, warming her heart. That half-smile and wink melted her insides. She basically fell into a puddle
around him.

“Never underestimate the power of the
Hamilton brothers.”

* * * * *

Thank you, Blade, for saving
our asses!

AJ released a long, heavy sigh. The adrenaline spike had ended but his muscles remained tight, ready for action. He owed his informant.
Big time.

“Do you…” Megan asked in a shaky breath, “Do you think they tracked us because I used
my laptop?”

“I don’t know. Did you use your email? Open any
of them?”

She nodded. “I opened a message from Kristen and one from my mom. I was quick in my responses then I went off-line.”

He clenched his jaw until the muscles ached. He couldn’t catch a fucking break. He didn’t know if that led the enforcers to them or not. They’d left the room a couple of times and may have been spotted. Too many things could’ve been the cause of them being found. He knew they’d been there too long. He had to get on the ball. It wasn’t just his life at
stake anymore.

Why she trusted him with her life was beyond him. Their first meeting had not been pleasant. Hold that. There’d been part of it that had been real pleasant. Shit. He’d fucked her without a condom. What the hell had come over him? He’d never been so careless. She drove him
to madness.

He’d have to speak with her about it. He hoped she took some form of birth control because he couldn’t become a father. Not
right now.

Who the fuck was he kidding? There could be no happy ending for the two of them. She had no idea what would happen when this ended. But dammit, he liked her. He liked being around her. He wanted to fuck her from here to Sunday
and back.

He looked over at his passenger. She stared straight ahead. The fear in her eyes had subsided. She couldn’t fool him. She tried to put on a brave front but failed miserably. She still trembled slightly, and she kept wringing her hands in
her lap.

He didn’t know what to do to ease her fear. She should be afraid. That had been too close a call. They’d been caught with their pants down, literally.

He had to be ready for anything. He couldn’t do that if he had his cock buried deep inside of her. Fuck! That image launched the rush of blood to his now twitchy cock. What was it about this woman that had him
losing control?

No matter how much he wanted her, he had to remain alert at all times which meant no sex. Hell. Who was he kidding? He’d be buried balls deep inside her as soon as she
allowed him.

He ached to reach out and run his fingers through her hair. The next hotel took them well out of Magic Shop’s territory. It’d be safer to spend time playing a little slap
and tickle.

Once he was certain they weren’t being followed he turned toward I-695.

“Where are we going?”
she asked.

He chuckled and wished he hadn’t. He needed her magic hands softly touching his chest, taking away the remnants of pain. He mentally shook his head and cleared his throat. “Are you always planning to ask
me that?”

She looked at him and crossed her arms under her breasts. It emphasized her braless state and made his mouth water. Damn. She tempted him even when she wasn’
t trying.

“Why wouldn’t I? Why would you keep it a secret? It’s not like I’m going to
tell anyone.”

He merged onto the interstate and sighed. She had a valid point. “We’re moving to Elliott City. There’s a Residence Inn we’ll stay at. It has a kitchenette, so our only risk is
purchasing groceries.

“We need to lay low a few more days. It’s too risky for either of us on the streets and that’s where we’ll get what
we need.”

He knew the risks of heading back out, but he needed to pay the bastard back for shooting at him and Megan. Someone had to know about the next prison break or more about the Magician. He would find the
right person.

“That could take us forever. Since our sources haven’t found him before, what makes you think they’ll find
him now?”

“I really don’t think they will. It’s like you said. We’ve disrupted things, and we’re going to find a way to disrupt things even more. He’ll come out to fix the problems. When he does, we’ll
be there.”

She unfolded her arms. “You mean we are going out there? I thought you just said it wasn’
t safe.”

For thinking it wasn’t safe, she sure had a lot of excitement at the prospect of being out. Her determination to unmask the crime boss appeared to have once again overridden her fear. Not what he needed right now. She tended to act foolishly in her pursuit. He’d spend as much time keeping her out of trouble as he would tracking
his prey.

“We’re not going just yet. Be patient, my little dove. I have
a plan.”

“Do you plan to share it
with me?”

Not yet.”

She narrowed her eyes at him and jerked back facing front, her back stiff as
a board.

He’d made her angry, but he couldn’t share. She had no patience. Nor could she keep things out of print. If angry kept her safe then so
be it.

Having her with him had changed everything. He’d had a direct attack planned that would no longer work now that she’d become involved. He’d devised a new one where she would play an important role. A part she
would love.

She turned to him and broke the silence. “I’m writing an article about being on the run and our experiences
so far.”

Dammit! Fucking journalists and their need to write about every-fucking-thing. Writing calmed and excited her at the same time. She needed it. This article wouldn’t be a direct attack on Magic Shop’s business, but it would be a slap in the face. It could get things slowly rolling in the direction he needed. She had a
good idea.

“As long as you don’t give away our location or
mention me.”

“But it won’t be a story without you. I can be general and not describe you. It could be as if you were one of my bodyguards who survived.
I promise.”

He sighed. There’d be no use arguing with her over this point. She had determination written all over her face. “Okay. As long as I read and approve your article first.” He’d make sure she didn’t accidentally give anything away. Didn’t help them realize he was the one protecting her. They needed to think him long gone so he could sneak up
on them.

She smiled. “Thank you. Oh, is it safe for me to get online to send
the article?”

He grunted. “You won’t be using your laptop anymore. I’ll set you up safely later today on a different one. We’re making a few changes. You’re not using your email. You can’t even check it. We’ll set you up with a new email address each time you send an article. You won’t use the same
one twice.”

He reached over, opened his hand, palm up, fingers spread, waiting. His heart did a little flip-flop when she quickly laced her fingers
through his.

He merged onto I-70 West and knew their relationship had changed.

* * * * *

Megan’s excitement over their new hotel room with the yellow sofa they lounged on, gave him a deep down joy that had been buried too long. The room resembled a small one bedroom apartment with a closet-sized kitchen, a dining table with four chairs, a desk and most importantly, a queen bed behind a closed door. The heavy, white, down comforter on the bed called to him to dive deep under it
with her.

He needed to start things in motion, and he needed to keep his hands off of Megan. He pulled the encrypted phone from his pocket, dialed, stood and
then paced.

“Hey, AJ.”

“They fucking
found us.”

Silence greeted him from the other end of
the line.

“If it hadn’t been for one of my informants, we’d
be dead.”

Devon sighed. “This has gone too far. Wait until Brad, Matt and the
team returns.”

“Is the
ride ready?”

“It’s there with
the toys.”

The toys he expected included several burner phones, a laptop with a secure connection, binoculars, night vision goggles, slap-on GPS trackers, bugs, weapons and more, some of which would be illegal to use. Desperate times call for
desperate measures.


“No problem. Anything else I can do
to help?”

“Finding me the Magician would
be helpful.”

His brother laughed. “Wouldn’t this be much easier if I knew? I wouldn’t have to worry about whether you’ll stay alive. I would like to have a beer with you again at some point. And, I’m sure Dad
would too.”

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