His Dark Obsession (12 page)

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Authors: Blake,Zoe

BOOK: His Dark Obsession
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“Why are you being punished, Sarah?”

“Because I went on another assignment,” she sniffed.

“Why are you being punished, Sarah?” he asked more firmly.

After a moment to think, Sarah quietly responded, “Because I was undressed in front of another man.”


“And I disobeyed you by not coming here.”

“So you were a very naughty girl.”


“Say it. I was a naughty girl who disobeyed.”

“I…was…a…a…naughty girl…who disobeyed,” she choked out through her tears and distress.

“Ask for your punishment.”

“Oh please don’t make me do that,” she whined.

“Ask for your punishment, the proper way,” he insisted.

“May I be punished…my lord?” she whispered.


“Punish me, my lord! Punish me!” she screamed.

Pierce forced the cold ginger root tip into her bottom. Pushing it past the resisting ring of muscle. Watching as the pink, puckered skin turned to a smooth white as it strained to open for the thick width of the root. Her tiny hole opened under the force. The slick root slid in. It was only slightly wider than his thumb but twice as long. He wanted to make sure it lodged deep in her bottom. Pulling back slowly, he pushed forward again, watching her bottom hole twitch and shudder under the assault.

At first, she was uncomfortable with the cold wet feeling of something resting against her skin. Then he began to push it inside of her. It felt foreign and wrong. She clutched and strained to keep her bottom closed, but it was useless. The offensive object kept moving deeper inside of her. It felt worse than when he put his thumb back there. The deeper he pushed it in the more it hurt. The stranger it felt.

Then the stinging started.

At first, it was just a prickling feeling. Then another. Then the prickling feeling became more intense. Now it was stinging, red hot stings.

“Ow! Ow! Oh god! Something is wrong! It burns! It burns! Take it out!” called out Sarah as she tried to rise. Her fingers uselessly twisting and writhing against her bonds.

Pierce placed a warning hand between her shoulder blades, keeping her prone. “It is supposed to sting, that is part of the punishment.”

Every time it stung her poor bottom hole clenched from the pain which only seemed to make the stinging worse. It felt like her body was on fire, from the inside.

“I can’t stand it! Please!” she begged as her bottom bounced up and down, desperately trying to escape the burning pain.

Pierce’s only response was to push the root in deeper. Finally, her tight ring closed over the groove he created at the top of the “finger”, anchoring the root inside her.

“It burns!” sobbed Sarah.

The skin around her puckered entrance turned a deep pink from the burning irritation of the ginger root.

“Do you want me to take it out?”

“Yes! Yes! Oh god! Take it out!”

“I didn’t hear a respectful tone.”

my lord
. Please!”

“Sit up on your haunches,” he commanded.

Sarah sat back on her knees, grimacing when the movement caused a fresh round of burning stings deep inside her bum.

Pierce moved to stand over her. Leisurely, one by one, he undid the buttons at his trousers.

Shimmying back and forth on her heels, the burning intensified. “Take it out,” she wailed.

Pierce fisted his cock as he pulled it free from the fabric restraints. Slowly stroking his length, he looked down at Sarah’s open mouth. Her lips were swollen, bruised a rich, dark pink from her biting down on them in her pain.

“First, you are going to open that pretty mouth of yours nice and wide and take my cock in.”

Sarah was confused. Did men and woman do such things?
His member in her mouth?
She couldn’t do it. It seemed wrong. In her distress, she clenched down on the root in her bottom. The stinging burn was unbearable.

“I don’t understand.”

Stepping closer, he used his hand to guide the head of his cock over her bottom lip before tracing her top lip, leaving the creamy evidence of his arousal coating her mouth.

“Do you know how I put my cock in your sweet cunny?” At Sarah’s embarrassed nod, he continued, “I am going to do that same thing to your mouth. It is called fucking. I’m going to fuck your mouth.”

“I don’t want you to fuck my mouth,” she whimpered. The tears falling down her cheeks.

“You have no choice if you want me to remove the ginger from your bottom hole.”

Sarah grimaced as another wave of scorching torment sent shocks up her spine.

“Now open your mouth like a good girl.”

Sarah reluctantly opened her lips.


She opened her mouth wider. Closing her eyes and whimpering when she felt the large, bulbous head push past. It was not like his tongue when he kissed her. The head of his cock filled her mouth. Her tongue was smashed to the bottom against her teeth. He slid in farther, the shaft forcing her mouth open even farther. Her lips felt stretched and sore as she struggled to breathe through her nose. Still he pressed farther.

Sarah started to gag as the head of his cock pushed against the back of her throat. In fear, her bottom clenched. Squeezing the offensive root only released more of its painful juice into her tight passage. The soft tender skin no match for the harsh astringent burn. She screamed in pain. Her throat opening further, Pierce thrust, pushing past her strong throat muscles to slide deep. Grabbing her by the back of the head with one hand and under her jaw with the other, Pierce began to move his hips.

Sliding his cock in and out of her unwilling throat. The dragging of her teeth along his staff no match for its sinewy strength. The mild bite of pain only spurred him on. He could feel her tongue as it moved along the sensitive underside. How her mouth was warm and wet. The back of her throat narrowing, putting just enough pressure on the head to make Pierce moan as he forced it in. Each time his rigid shaft pushed its way down her throat she choked and screamed, sending pleasurable vibrations through his cock, especially knowing with each tortured scream she felt an increasing burn deep inside her bottom.

Releasing her head with one hand, Pierce reached over to the table, picking up the small camera, easily palming it in his large hand.

“Look at me,” he ordered.

Sarah raised her glittering eyes at his command. Watching as her eyes slowly widened, Pierce relentlessly pushed his hips forward, burying his thick cock in her small, unprepared throat. Watching her mouth stretch and strain around his girth. Watching as her pert nose was tickled by the dark hair over his bullocks as he compelled her to swallow him to the hilt. The moment she had taken his full shaft down her throat with her nose buried in his abdomen, Pierce released the shutter, knowing this would be one photograph he would truly treasure above all others. He thrust a few more times before warning her.

“I am going to cum in your mouth. I want you to keep all my cream on your tongue. Do you understand me?”

Sarah could only look up at him with tortured eyes. Her mouth filled with his cock. Her bottom so sore she was afraid to move lest she cause herself more harm.

“I will take that as assent.”

Pierce laid the camera aside and fisted his cock at the base. He didn’t want to ruin her mouth for future play by fucking her too hard. His fingers around the widest part of the shaft, would protect her from him thrusting too hard or deep. Moving his hips in an ever-increasing rhythm, Pierce violated her mouth. Paying no attention to her whimpers of fear, he moved his shaft over her tongue and down her sore throat at a swift pace. He could feel his release build. Felt his abdomen tighten. His balls grew heavy. Finally, with a roar, he released his seed onto her waiting tongue.

Sarah grimaced the moment the warm, salty liquid hit her mouth. Her first instinct was to spit it out but she knew that would only lead to more punishment. She wanted to plead once again with him to remove the torturous ginger root from her bottom but she couldn’t unless she dared swallow some of his cream.

Placing his now sated member back in his trousers, Pierce went down on both knees to her side. Reaching beneath her nether cheeks, he slowly pulled the ginger root free.

Sarah gave a sigh of relief. Her bottom still burned but at least there was not the stretching awful filled feeling of the root pressed deep up her bum. Pierce placed two fingers into her mouth, scooping up his cream. Positioning himself behind her, he rubbed those two fingers over her tormented hole.

“There, my love. I’ll make it all better.”

The cream from his body relieved the harsh sting from the ginger juice. Sarah’s cheeks burned at the intimate gesture.

“Do you want more of my cream on your bottom hole?”

Sarah shook her head vigorously not wanting him to put his fingers back in her mouth after touching her

“Very well, you may swallow then.”

Sarah’s face scrunched up at the thought but she obeyed, swallowing the warm cream down her bruised throat.

Pierce released her binds. Sarah immediately brought her arms forward, rubbing her wrists. Pulling her to a standing position, but still supporting her by her shoulders, Pierce told Sarah, “I want you to go lay down on your back on the edge of the bed.”

“I don’t want to be punished anymore,” she hoarsely whimpered.

Pierce gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “This is your reward for being such a good girl and taking your punishment,” he soothed. “I’m going to put a nice cool cloth on your sore bottom hole and cunny and then I’m going to kiss it and make it all better.”

Sarah could already feel a tingling sensation in her middle at his seductive promise, “Yes, my lord,” she murmured as she went to do his bidding.


Across London, Florence arrived back at Mrs. Needham’s. Angry at the humiliation she suffered at Lord Warrington’s hands, she was determined to seek her revenge on Sarah. The rooms above were usually empty during the day with everyone occupied with tasks and assignments. Florence crept past her own door, to stop at the room shared by Sarah and Elma. Perhaps a slashed gown would teach Sarah a lesson. It was only right, reasoned Florence; the savage had ruined one of her gowns. The fact she was handsomely paid back by Lord Warrington escaping her mind at the moment.

As she entered the sparsely furnished room, she noticed a prettily wrapped package on Sarah’s bed. Picking up the gold wrapped box, Florence tore open the card.

For you.


Lord Warrington’s Christian name was Pierce. She remembered seeing it on the signed bank notes he gave her. So the savage had him buying gifts for her! Florence ripped open the gold and silver paper. It was a box of her favorite chocolates from Lyon’s Corner teashop. Well, I guess I will just help myself, thought Florence with a smile. Enjoying the idea of Sarah coming home to find all the chocolates eaten with only the note and wrapper left. Florence popped another sweet morsel into her mouth.


Chapter Ten


“You have to let me go!” she laughed.

There it was again. That simple phrase which always caused his stomach to twist.

Holding her warm body close to his side, he said, “I don’t see why I do.”

Sarah sighed. They had spent the rest of the afternoon in his large four-poster bed making love. Sarah felt like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole. She no longer understood the world about her. Everything was topsy-turvy. Pain led to pleasure. Torment to laughter. Art to love making. Innocent to wanton. She did not regret losing her maidenhead. Lord Warrington was the most fascinating, enigmatic man she had ever known. No one had ever looked at her as he does. As if he could see into her soul. As if he instinctively knew what she wanted what she needed before she could even form the words. As the punishment was now over, she could even appreciate the strength in protective feeling on his part that led to her being disciplined. Having lost her father at a very young age, the idea of a strong man protecting her, caring for her, keeping her safe…drew on something deep and wanting in Sarah.

Having never given much thought to marriage before, she gave even less to it now. Not for a moment did she think this would lead to a wedding. He was a powerful lord. Powerful lords did not marry misses from America with no connections or vast fortune. Besides, this was the modern age. A girl had options. She could make her own way if she chose as a governess, a seamstress, a shop girl or yes, even as a mistress. The options were plentiful. Sarah had seen it happen at least twice in her months with Mrs. Needham. One of the girls would form an attachment with a great lord or wealthy painter and off she would go! She would be petted and taken care of for several months as the man’s mistress. And then, more often than not, return to Mrs. Needham’s employ when the affair ended. There was no judgment. What was there to judge? Each had a grand time while it lasted.

Even as she tried to adopt the casual carefree attitude, Sarah knew it was pointless. There was one glaring difference between her and those other women. Sarah had been foolish enough to fall in love. She had read enough scandalous sensation novels to know in order to survive a casual alliance the girl had to keep her wits about her and hold her heart close otherwise it never worked. Sarah was not even a mistress yet and already she had violated the cardinal rule. She had fallen in love with the handsome yet mysterious Lord Warrington. As much as she may fight him, she loved the domineering primal side of him that simply took what he wanted regardless of her protests. Who forced her to come to terms with what her body truly wanted, truly needed. Who punished her not only for discipline, not only for pleasure but because he cared about her well-being, of that she was certain. Were it not so, he would have punished her for no reason, without any regard to her pleasure. Yet, each time she had been punished it had been justly earned. At the end of every punishment, he rewarded her for her subservience.

Now there was a choice to be made. Did she dare live as his mistress knowing it may lead to her own heartache or did she try to leave him again? The first time did not go so well. Despite the harsh punishment, Sarah was secretly pleased he was so angered at the thought of her replacing him. The thought of him being fine when Florence showed up in her place tortured her. She hated the idea of leaving him as much as she hated the idea he might not care or notice. His actions this afternoon put those fears to rest. As to Victoria’s warning about the Linked Rings Brotherhood, it was probably just idle gossip.

Still she needed time to think. Time alone. Time to truly contemplate what she would be giving up and gaining by agreeing to become his mistress…and what she could be risking.

“I cannot stay here with no clothes!”

“My groom fetched your dress and shoes from that pitiful artist’s studio.”

“One wrinkled gown is not sufficient or remotely decent.”

“I will buy you new gowns, a room full of gowns with shoes to match.”

Pierce rolled her on to her back with those words. He began to place leisurely kisses across her belly up to her breasts. It was beyond the pale to install one’s mistress in one’s own home but Pierce did not give a damn. He was not letting her out of his sight. The idea of installing her in a small home in a less-fashionable but respectable part of town did not appeal to him. He wanted to go to bed at night with her lying sated in his arms only to wake her up the next morning with the feeling of his cock sliding into her waiting cunny.

“Do not distract me from my purpose,” she playfully warned. “I have to go to Mrs. Needham’s if only to give her proper notice and to give Elma a forwarding address.”

“Very well, but you’ve earned another spanking for defying my wishes,” he said with a lighthearted growl. “Do you want your punishment now or later?”

Sarah bit her lip. Their jovial conversation had taken a dark turn. Her eyes lit with anticipation the moment he threatened to spank her. Her bottom twitched at the memory as much as her cunny tingled.

“I am your lordship’s to command,” she responded in a throaty whisper.

With a primal roar, Pierce flipped her on to her stomach, pulling her hips up and back so the seam of her rounded backside cradled his growing cock.

It was sometime later before Sarah was finally allowed to leave in the carriage with strict instructions to fetch her things and return within the hour. He had teased her with some very scandalous ideas for another photographic session later this evening in his studio. Sarah felt a soft, flurry in her middle at the thought of him taking more of those terribly naughty photographs of her.

Pierce would soon learn to regret giving in to her impish pleas. He should have never let her go.



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