His Dirty Secret - The Billionaire's Affair - Hot BDSM Erotic Romance (6 page)

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - The Billionaire's Affair - Hot BDSM Erotic Romance
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Her other wrist was given the same treatment, and then Tyler moved to the other end of the desk and secured her ankles the same way. Isobel was now spread-eagled on the desk, completely immobilized and vulnerable; and she loved it.


Walking back to the top of the desk, Tyler looked down at Isobel and smiled. “Not too bad, huh?”


Isobel smiled back at him. “Not so far.” Her voice was still quiet, but she was pleased to note that the worried wobble had gone from it.


“It’s going to get a little more intense from here on out, Isobel.” He spoke softly in a reassuring way, and Isobel found that even though she was nervous, she wasn’t afraid at all. “What’s the safe word?” He prompted.


“Banana.” She giggled at the word, feeling silly for even saying it in the first place, but Tyler gave her an approving look and bent down to give her a gentle kiss on the lips.


“I’m going to blindfold you now, Isobel.” She’d almost been expecting that so it was no great surprise to her to actually hear him say the words. “It will heighten the sensations you experience, and it might be a little scary to you, but I promise that I am not going to do anything that is going to physically or mentally harm you in any way.” She nodded her head to show that she understood.


Tyler walked towards a wooden cabinet that Isobel hadn’t noticed earlier, and opened the door. He retrieved what she assumed was the aforementioned blindfold and walked back towards the desk. “Lift your head for me.” She did as he asked and he placed the blindfold around her eyes and fastened it at the back of her head, being careful not to catch any of her long hair in the fastener.


Isobel’s world was now filled with darkness, and because Tyler was the only other person in the room, which she assumed to be soundproof, there was nothing for her to hear either. It was definitely a new experience for her, and one she wasn’t completely sure she liked.


“Gags are used a lot in this kind of thing, but I’m not going to put one on you because I want you to know that you can speak when you need to.” Isobel was relieved to hear it.


Everything went quiet again, and she strained her ears to try and hear what Tyler might be doing. All she could make out was the sound of his footsteps though as he walked away from the desk and then walked back again a short time later.


She held her breath in anticipation and just a little fear. Was he going to fuck her or just tease her? Or maybe he wasn’t going to do anything, she thought as time seemed to drag on. And then her breath caught in her throat as she felt his feather-light touch on her ankle. His large hand gave a reassuring squeeze and then she felt his fingers trailing their way up her leg; reaching her knee and then higher still until she almost forgot to breathe.


“You have such beautiful legs.” His voice was quiet, but she heard him perfectly clearly. “And they lead all the way up to an exquisite cunt.” Isobel gasped as his crude wording made her clit pulse in response. “I’m going to enjoy using you for my pleasure, Isobel.” She moaned again and raised her hips up ever so slightly off the desk, trying to reduce the distance between his fingers and her pussy.


“Do not try and make me doing something that I’m not ready to do!” Tyler’s words were accompanied by a sharp smack to Isobel’s left breast, resulting in a surprised yelp from her startled mouth. “If I wanted to touch your cunt, I would. Understand?”


“Y-yes, Sir”


Her reward made her forget to breathe all over again, as he patted her pussy with the palm of his hand. “Good girl.” Tyler then continued his journey of exploration of her body as his hand made its way up over the flat plain of her belly and around to her hip. “I love how womanly you are. I hate women who are so skinny that all you can feel is bone.”


“Thank you, Sir.” Isobel’s voice wasn’t quite a whisper, but it wasn’t far off.


“And these,” He cupped a huge palm around the orb of her tit, his thumb and forefinger tweaking a nipple and making her gasp, “Are delectable.” Isobel moaned as he pinched the pebbled peak again. “Ah, does my little slut like that?”


“Y-yes, Sir.” She gasped when he did it again. “V-very much so.”


She heard Tyler’s footsteps move away again, and strained once more to try and hear what he might be doing. She turned her head in the direction he had taken, but still couldn’t make anything out, try as she might. She didn’t have to wait long for him to return, and once again she felt the warmth of his hand on her breasts as he massaged first one tit, and then the other, pinching and tweaking at her nipples until they ached in the most delightful way, sending a frisson of awareness to her clit and making it throb.


Her gasps of pleasure soon changed, however, when she felt the coldness of something foreign to her up against the tender skin, and then a sharp pain as whatever it was was clamped down on her erect nipples. “Owww!”


“Shhh. The pain won’t last for long. You’ll get used to the feel of nipple clamps, and the pleasure you’ll feel when I remove them will be intense.” He paused for a brief moment. “Do you need to use the safe word, Isobel?”


The initial pain had already subsided, and Isobel knew that it was nothing that she couldn’t handle. “No. I’m fine.” Her voice was breathless, but confident.


“You’re such a good girl.” The warmth she heard in Tyler’s voice overrode any discomfort she had felt and made it worthwhile. Then she felt the coldness of another clamp touching her other nipple, and tensed up all over again. This time the pain wasn’t quite so bad, and Isobel wasn’t sure if it was because she knew what to expect this time, or if her brain was already acclimatizing to the feeling. Either way, she gave a quick sigh of relief.


Her relief was short lived, however, when she heard the unmistakable sound of a match being struck. Was he going to burn her? In a panic, she started to struggle, pulling on her restraints with absolutely no effect other than to tighten them further.


“Banana! Banana! Bananaaaa!”



Chapter Five




Isobel was yelling the word loudly, praying that he would live up to his word and stop what he was doing. She didn’t want to be burnt, she really, really didn’t.


She felt the blindfold being lifted from her eyes, and she blinked a couple of times to let her eyes adjust. “It’s okay, Isobel.” Tyler was trying to soothe her. “Shhh. Calm down, darlin’.” His hand stroked her hair and her breathing slowed down to something resembling normal as she looked up into his face.


“I d-don’t want to b-be burned,” she whispered, the fear still very evident in her voice.


Tyler looked as shocked as he felt. “Oh, baby. I would never do something so horrible to you.”


Isobel hiccupped around a sob that escaped. “B-but I heard a m-match.”


“I was just lighting a candle, Isobel. I’m going to use the wax, but never, ever would I use a flame on you. Why on earth would I want to mar your perfect skin and cause you pain like that?” All the while he’d been talking, his hand had been stroking back her hair, and as Isobel’s fear receded she found that she liked the feeling of being petted. She
liked it.


“You were going to use wax on me?” Her brain finally registered what he had said, but she still wasn’t sure if she’d heard him right.


going to use it on you, Isobel.” His tone had gotten firmer, but he was still smoothing her hair, which was good. “That’s if you decide to take back your banana?” His eyes twinkled a smile at her, and Isobel felt herself smiling back in return.


“I guess I did use it a little quickly, didn’t I?”


“Yeah, but that was because this is all new to you and you didn’t know what to expect. I probably rushed things, Isobel, and for that I’m sorry.” His tone was contrite, and she felt herself relax some more. “How about I leave the blindfold off so that you can see what I’m doing? It won’t be quite so intense for you sexually, but you’ll still get pleasure from it. I promise.”


She nodded her head slowly. “I think I’d like that.”


Tyler reached behind her head and undid the blindfold, pulling it completely free from her and throwing it across the room. “I will use it in the future though, Isobel, so you’re going to have to get used to it. Okay?”


She nodded her head again. “Okay.” She smiled mischievously. “Okay, Sir.”


Tyler laughed as he stood back up. “Cheeky, sexy minx.”


Isobel watched as he picked something back up, and when he turned she saw it was a pillar candle. Striking a match, he lit the wick and she watched as the flames danced in his eyes as he turned back to face her.


“Are you ready?” He held the candle about twelve inches above her stomach and Isobel’s eyes widened nervously, but she wasn’t afraid.


“Yes, Sir.” She whispered, and watched as he tilted the candle slowly and a small pool of molten wax made its way to the edge of the candle and dripped off. Isobel watched with wide eyes as, almost in slow motion, the wax dropped onto her stomach. She was surprised to realize that she hadn’t felt any pain. It was more a case of intense heat, that actually felt quite good, and she smiled up at Tyler triumphantly.


“You want more?” he asked her, his voice now gruff with arousal.


She nodded her head. “Yes, please.” And then, almost as an afterthought, she added. “Sir.”


Tyler let the candle drip again, this time letting the wax fall onto a different spot on her stomach, Isobel gasped, but again, it didn’t hurt her. He did it again in a different spot, this time up her ribcage towards her breasts, and she held her breath, but still no pain.


“Good girl.” Tyler’s voice was still full of approval, and Isobel felt herself glow under his praise.


The next drop of wax made her catch her breath though, as he aimed it actually on her breast where the flesh was softer. He moved across to the other one and gave it the same treatment, and Isobel didn’t feel quite so comfortable.


Tyler kept dripping the wax on her skin, the hot, molten liquid quickly drying and molding itself to her body as it coated it and quickly cooled.  Isobel watched and listened to the flame sizzle and flicker as he tilted the candle, and then she looked down herself and gasped at the sight of the hard white wax on her creamy skin.


He tilted the candle again, this time moving down towards her pussy, and Isobel felt herself tense up all over again. Was he seriously going to do what she thought he was? A second later she had her answer, as he tipped the flickering candle and a drop of wax landed directly on her swollen clit. A moan broke free from her mouth as sensations like she’d never had before rushed through her.


“Oh yes, that’s what you need. Right there.” He let another drop hit her, the candle closer to her skin this time, and Isobel felt her body raise up off the desk as she inadvertently strained to get closer to him. “Such a good little slut. You were made for this.”


She looked at him and as her lust-filled eyes travelled up his body she took note of the bulge that he made no effort to hide. This was turning him on just as much as it was her, she thought in amazement. Tyler leaned down and trailed his free hand up her leg from her knee to her thigh, and then she gasped again as she felt him stroke her pussy lips, sliding through her moistness and parting them even more than they already were.


Tyler rolled his finger over her wax-encrusted clit, and she felt it crack and fall away from her sensitized nub. She moaned again as her rubbed a little harder, and then she felt him pushing a finger inside her and she unintentionally clenched around it with a gasp.


“You’re so wet, darlin’.” He hooked his finger up; reaching for that special spot that he knew would drive her crazy with lust. “Is this what you want, something inside your sweet little cunt?”


Isobel made a sound that even to her ears sounded like a kitten mewling. “Please.” Her voice was hoarse and filled with lust.


“Please, what?” Tyler’s tone was stern, and too late she realized that she’d forgotten to use the proper words.


“Please, Sir.”


“I told you to make sure you addressed me that way, didn’t I?” His voice was still harsh, but it wasn’t mean or bullying, and Isobel felt her pussy contract around his finger again in response. “Oh no. You don’t get to enjoy that when you’ve been a bad girl.” Tyler promptly removed his finger, leaving Isobel feeling empty.


Her moan soon turned to a howl as he removed first one and then the other nipple-clamp, letting the life and feeling flood into her nipples with a suddenness that brought her to an instant orgasm. Chuckling softly, Tyler leaned down and gently lapped at each nipple in turn, soothing the sting and making her climax even more intense.


And as abruptly as her orgasm hit her, Tyler stood up again, leaving her aching and quivering, longing to feel his touch again in whatever capacity he chose fit to give her.


She moaned in protest and then watched as he walked to the end of the desk. Feeling him untie the silk cord that bound her ankles, she was hopeful that maybe it was all over and he would get down to the very serious business of fucking her. When he moved to free her wrists as well, her hopes went up even higher.


They were soon dashed though, when Tyler pulled her off the desk, kissed her hard on the mouth and then turned her around so that she was facing away from him. Placing a hand on the back of her neck, he pushed her down so that her upper body was flat on the table with her legs firmly on the floor.


“Keep your legs straight and your ass up!” He ordered, and Isobel felt herself quiver once more. With her face down on the desk, she heard Tyler moving; zippers being pulled, shoes being kicked off, and the rustle of clothing as it hit the ground. She felt goosebumps rise up on her skin, and she trembled with anticipation.


Tyler walked away and she heard a drawer or cupboard being opened, then he walked back towards the desk, and Isobel held her breath all over again.


“You do know that I have to punish you, don’t you, Isobel?” Her head rose up off the desk and she looked at him with a pretty scowl.
Removing the nipple-clamps hadn’t been punishment?
She thought it had been plenty punishment enough, but he obviously had other ideas. “Remember, you can use the safe word at any time and I’ll stop. There’s no shame in having to use it, Isobel, and it will show me what your limits are with regards to pain, pleasure and punishment.”


Isobel put her head back down and braced herself for whatever was coming next. She didn’t know why, but she wanted to please him more than she wanted to be pleased, and if that meant taking his so-called punishment, then that’s what she’d damn well do.


She felt the warmth of Tyler’s hand rub against the smooth globe of her ass, and her spine stiffened even while her insides turned to a molten puddle of lust. “You have such a perfect ass.” His rich, deep voice was soothing and served to add yet another dimension to what she was feeling.


All further thought was pushed from her mind when she felt the unmistakable sting of his hand connecting with her ass. “Ouch!” Okay, so it hadn’t hurt too much, but it
taken her by surprise.


Tyler spoke again, and this time his tone was informative; almost devoid of emotion. “When I punish you with a spanking, you will count the number of the spanks and thank me after each one. Is that clear?”


“Yes, Sir.” Isobel was almost breathless with excitement. If this was all a spanking was then she knew she would be able to handle it with ease.


The next time Tyler’s hand connected with her rump however, she had to rethink her last thought. The smack was slightly harder than the first one, and overlapped the position the first one had been placed, so it stung a little more.


It hadn’t hurt so much that she was going to forget what he had just told her though. “Two. Thank you, Sir.”


“Good girl!” The approval was back in his voice, and Isobel smiled, happily. Then his hand came down again and the smile disappeared. She counted a total of ten smacks, five on each cheek and each one harder than the one before, and she thanked him meekly for every one of them, although by the end of the ordeal she was gritting her teeth and wishing he’d hurry up and get it over with.


While the experience hadn’t been overly painful, it hadn’t turned her on either, and she was finding it hard to understand the attraction. She chanced a look at Tyler, noting that the bulge in his pants was even more prominent than before, so he was clearly enjoying himself and was visibly aroused even though it didn’t look like he intended to do anything to alleviate it at the moment.


She felt the warmth of his hand on her ass again, but this time it was stroking the tender flesh; soothing it and causing a delicious, sensual friction that had her moaning again. “That feels so good,” she said in a quiet voice.


“It feels better than the spanking did, huh?” Tyler’s voice was curious, but not stern, and Isobel felt confident enough to answer candidly.


“Can I be honest with you?” She lifted her head to look at Tyler as she spoke.


“I would be very displeased and disappointed if you weren’t.” Tyler reached a hand down and helped her to stand up. “In fact, it’s one of the things I insist on, and if I ever discover that you’ve been dishonest or held anything back that may be pertinent to our relationship or the care that I take of you, you can rest assured that there will be consequences.”


Standing there naked in front of her new boss, Isobel knew that she should feel embarrassed or at the very least a little uncomfortable; but she felt neither of those things. In fact, she felt incredibly confident and natural, almost as though this is what she had been waiting for without even being aware of it.


“I promise that I’ll always try to be honest about everything, and if I’m not then I’ll expect you to take whatever action you see fit.” Did those words really just come out of her mouth? Isobel had never been the meek and docile type; quite the opposite in fact. And yet here she was telling this man that she knew hardly anything about, that he could do whatever the hell he wanted to her.


“I’m very pleased to hear that, Isobel. Thank you.” He had been stroking her arm while he spoke, and it felt as though her skin was burning where his fingers touched. “Now continue with what you were going to tell me, please.”

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