His Dirty Secret - The Billionaire's Affair - Hot BDSM Erotic Romance (10 page)

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - The Billionaire's Affair - Hot BDSM Erotic Romance
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From her position on all fours, she squirmed and pushed back into Tyler as his hand roamed down her sweat-slickened back, gasping and moaning and already panting with desire at the feeling of being filled in such a taboo way.


He rubbed his palm over her buttocks, caressing the already fading red marks that his spanking had left on her creamy skin. “Absolutely beautiful,” he murmured as though to himself, and Isobel wasn’t sure if he was talking about her or the marks he had given her. He smacked her ass, making her yelp in surprise and pain even as a moan escaped her when the plug that was so firmly ensconced in her ass moved deliciously deeper.


Again and again, Tyler brought his hand down on her ass; alternating cheeks so that he didn’t hurt her too much. By the time he stopped, Isobel’s pussy was dripping juices, coating the tops of her legs and making the floor beneath her wet.


“Oh, God, Tyler! I can’t take much more.” Isobel was close to tears, but they were tears of frustration and longing rather than tears of pain. She wiggled back as far as her spread legs would allow her, unwittingly begging for him to fuck her and giving up a prayer of grateful thanks when she felt him move in close behind her.


With one hand on her hip, the other took hold of his cock and directed it to her slit, teasingly stroking it up and down against her sex. “Please!” Isobel was begging again, but past caring how needy she sounded.


“Please what, slut?”


“Fuck me! Please!” The desire and want was evident in her voice, and she wiggled her ass against him again as she pleaded.


She heard the smile in his voice as he answered her. “Just remember, I’m doing this because
want to,
because you’re begging me to. Although it is delightful when you beg like that.” His cock brushed over her pussy lips once more, and she held her breath, anticipation eating her alive.


Tyler slowly inched himself into her, his head spreading her wide as her lips parted for him. Isobel moaned as she felt herself being stretched; his girth almost more than she could handle. But eventually he was in as deep as he could go, and then he paused, allowing her time to adjust to the weight and feel of him inside her.


She didn’t think that she could take much more, but then he withdrew just as slowly and she realized that no matter what
was going to prove her wrong. The heat that coiled inside of Isobel was almost unbearable, and she tried to lean back onto him to make him go deep inside her again. A swift smack on her ass soon stopped her though, and all she could do was arch her back in response as her climax started to build up inside her once more.


As though sensing it, Tyler paused again. “Don’t you dare come unless you ask me for permission first,” he commanded. “Do you understand?”


No. she didn’t understand any of this. All she did know was that she wouldn’t have swapped places with anyone in the world right now.


“Do you understand?” His voice was firmer now, impatience tinging his tone.


Isobel nodded; her hair damp and hanging in a curtain on either side of her face. “Yes!”


Tyler started to move again, and Isobel could have quite happily sent up a prayer of thanks as she felt him fill her once more. “Is this what you want?” His voice was gruff and it sent tingles running up Isobel’s spine.


“Faster,” she gasped. “Harder. Please!”


He laughed breathlessly, and then pulled his hips back before slamming into her with such force that he knocked the air out of her lungs. He did it again, and she cried out as she felt him hit her cervix as his balls slapped against her swollen clit. “Like that?” Now he was breathless, and Isobel relished the sound.


“Yes!” She only just got the word out before he pounded into her again. “Oh, God!”


Every time he plunged into her, she moaned loudly and felt her climax drawing closer, until with sudden clarity she knew she was going to orgasm. She frantically tried to pull away from him, to make him pull out of her so that she would have time to ask him for permission, but he was having none of it and slammed back into her again.


“Please!” Her voice was hoarse. “Tyler, please!”


“Please. What?” He emphasized both words with two more deep thrusts, and she was lost. Incapable of begging and incapable of stopping, all she could do was tumble over the edge into a climax that left her also incapable of thinking of anything but what she was experiencing.


One orgasm led into two, and two triggered off three, all of them rolling into one and all of them so intense that she didn’t even register the fact that her pussy had clenched and milked him into his own climax. Whimpers of pleasure were drawn from her and her pussy gripped hold of his cock as he exploded deep within her, their mingled juices leaking out of her and coating his balls.
In her post orgasmic haze, Isobel barely registered Tyler removing the plug from her and releasing her ankles from the spreader bar as she came attempted to steady her breathing. From her position Isobel couldn’t see Tyler’s grin as he fought for breath. Nor could she see the look of satisfaction in his eyes. “You are in so much trouble, my slut.” His voice was almost as hoarse as hers had been. “Didn’t I specifically tell you to ask me for permission to come?”


Isobel took a deep, steadying breath and willed her heart rate to slow down. “I’m sorry. But I…” Her words trailed off as he reached under her and pinched her nipple hard.


“It’s too late for ‘sorry’ or excuses, my little slut,” he chuckled wryly. “But you will have to be punished for your indiscretion.”


Isobel felt a smile of her own creep over her face. She really did like the way he punished her.


“But, right now we have work to do.” He moved away from her and stood up, holding out a hand to help her to her feet.


Isobel shook her head in a daze. She’d completely forgotten that they were at the office. Standing on shaky legs, she took the towel he passed her and mopped herself up before pulling her clothes back on.


“Tyler, can I ask you something?” It was now or never.


“Of course. You can always ask me questions, Isobel. I may not always answer them though.” He was buttoning up his shirt and missed the nervous expression on her face.


“Could we possibly go out for lunch?” She cleared her throat. “And maybe have a drink?” She knew she’d need one of those to give her a little Dutch courage before she asked him the real question.


Tyler paused before answering her. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea, Isobel.”


“But why not?” She really didn’t want to ask him what she needed to know while they were here at the office, but she really needed to know the answer.


“How do you think it’s going to look to everyone else if I take you out for lunch?”


“Well you’re the boss, so they couldn’t very well complain to management, now could they?” Isobel had a cheeky grin on her face that he simply couldn’t resist.


“Look, let me make a phone call, and I’ll let you know. Okay?”


She supposed that she had to be satisfied with that, she thought as they made their way back to their respective offices. And less than thirty minutes later she answered a phone call from him that had her smiling and her stomach flipping all at the same time.


“Be ready at noon. I’ll meet you at the car park elevator.” He didn’t say anything else, but he didn’t have to. Isobel was getting her way.



Chapter Eight





At midday, Isobel grabbed her coat and purse and made her way to the elevator, riding it down to the parking lot and waited outside the door until Tyler joined her a few minutes later. Without a word being said, they walked to his car where he held the door open for her to get in first and then drove the short distance to the restaurant still in silence.


He opened the door and stood to one side to let her enter first.
Always such a bloody gentleman,
at least in public
, she thought with just a twinge of irritation. Isobel’s thoughts were halted, however, when she looked around the restaurant. Apart from the staff, it was completely empty; not a single customer at a single table.


She looked over her shoulder at Tyler, and was about to tell him that maybe the place was closed when a member of staff came directly to him and started talking.


“Ah, Mr. James, how nice to see you again, sir.” He gestured with his hands to a table at the back of the room. “Everything has been prepared just as you instructed, sir.” He pulled out a chair for a very bemused Isobel, and continued talking as he pushed the chair in under her. Amanda will be your server today, and we have your champagne on ice all ready for you.” He smiled politely at them both as he draped a linen napkin across Isobel’s lap. “If you need anything at all, please feel free to let me know, Mr. James.” And with that he was gone.


“What on earth is going on?” Isobel was completely confused.


Tyler looked up from the menu and raised an eyebrow questioningly. “What do you mean, Isobel?”


“I mean, what’s going on?” She repeated herself. “The place is empty. Where is everyone?”


“Well of course it’s empty. I reserved the whole place so we wouldn’t be disturbed.” He smiled enigmatically at her.


“You did what? Why?” Isobel was amazed that he would go to such lengths.


Tyler smiled at her as though she was a child and he had to explain everything in really simple terms. “Because I didn’t want us to be disturbed while we ate and talked, that’s why.” He looked back down at the menu. “Now please decide what you’d like to eat, Isobel. We don’t have all day.”


Suitably chastised, Isobel turned her attention to the menu and gulped when she saw that nothing had a price next to it, which meant that everything was crazily expensive in her book. Oh well, if he could afford to buy out the whole restaurant over one of the busiest times of the day, then he could afford to pay for her grilled Tuna.


Amanda the waitress came to take their order and bring them their drinks, and then they were left on their own. Isobel fidgeted nervously, trying to think of how to start the conversation that she knew they needed to have.


She didn’t realize that she’d been twisting her napkin in her fingers until Tyler spoke up. “Please try not to look so nervous, Isobel. I’m here to eat lunch, not to eat you.” Isobel couldn’t help the little thrill that flickered over her at the mental picture his words conjured up. “And for God’s sake stop wringing that napkin as though you’re trying to strangle it.”


Isobel let go of the offending item and looked at the wall behind him, and at the table on the other side of the room, and at the members of staff who were busy rushing around doing absolutely nothing because Tyler had paid an exorbitant amount for them to not be disturbed while they said absolutely nothing to each other.


She finally looked at the man sat opposite her, and couldn’t help but be struck once again by how good looking he was. Not handsome in the traditional sense of the word, but chiseled muscular and very masculine. She didn’t think there was a woman out there who wouldn’t want to be in her shoes right now.


“Is something amusing you?” She jumped and looked at his face, relieved to notice that he had a twinkle in his eye that belied his stern voice.


She gave a tinkling laugh and shook her head. “I’m sorry, Tyler. No, nothing is amusing me. It was just a private thought.”


He smiled at her. “I love it when you laugh. You should do it more often.” He raised his eyebrow again. “Care to share your ‘private’ thought?”


Isobel felt herself blushing. “Um, no, but it was nothing bad, I promise you.” She cleared her throat nervously. “There is something I need to ask you though, Tyler.” Her blush deepened. “Remember when you left me in your office yesterday?” Tyler frowned reflectively and nodded. “Well I was sort of curious about you, and I, um…” Her words trailed off as she fidgeted nervously.
Please, God, don’t let him be too mad
, she thought.


“Out with it, Isobel.”


His tone brooked no further delay, and she gulped and took a deep breath. “It’s about the night we met.” He scowled again and raised his eyebrow in that sexy way she had become used to. “Well, you were kind of drunk, and you kept referring to something that’s had me wondering.”


“Continue.” Just a single word, but it held a wealth of emotion; curiosity, impatience and a hint of annoyance.


“You kept talking about a woman. And from the tone you used I don’t think you like her very much.” She hesitated again to gather her thoughts. “I was wondering if she was a woman you’re in a relationship with, or maybe it’s someone you possibly work with?”


Tyler leaned forwards in his chair and steepled his hands together, resting his chin on top of them as he regarded her thoughtfully. “I can’t remember that conversation.” His tone was thoughtful as though he was really trying to recall what he’d said. “Why are you even wondering about this, Isobel?”


Oh man, she wished he hadn’t asked her that. “I found a ring in your desk drawer and it looked like it might be a wedding band. Are you married, Tyler?” She took another gulping breath and sat back in her chair to await whatever fate and answer he gave her.


“In my desk…” Isobel watched his color deepen and his eyes darken. Tyler was pissed off, and she knew that it was justified. “What the fuck were you doing going through my desk?” She very rarely heard him swear, so the fact that he did it now showed her just how angry he really was.


“Like I said, I was curious. I know I shouldn’t have done it, Tyler, and I’m sorry, but…” She jumped as he brought his hand down on the table, making the plates and silverware rattle.


“You’re damn right you shouldn’t have done it.” His back was rigid and Isobel quivered in her seat. But it was too late to take her words back now. All she could do was sit there and wait for whatever came next.


Tyler sighed again and ran his fingers through his hair, tousling it sexily and making Isobel wish they were back at the office rather than sat in a restaurant. Coming to a decision, he squared his shoulders again and started talking. “I don’t agree with what you did, but I can understand why you did it. I need to be honest with you if we are to continue with our office relationship, but please understand that I have very good reasons for not volunteering the information previously.”


Isobel sat silently; suddenly nervous about what he was about to say and what the impact on her might be once he’d said it.


“The ring you found is indeed a wedding band, and it does belong to me.” Isobel felt her heart sink. She’d never had an affair with a married man before, and she distinctly abhorred the knowledge that she’d embarked on one now, albeit unknowingly. “However, it’s a marriage of convenience and not one of love, so I don’t consider myself to be a husband in the conventional sense of the word.”


“Married is married, Tyler, no matter what the reason behind the marriage or the emotion that is or isn’t in it.” Isobel felt stupidly close to tears. What the hell was wrong with her? She’d only known the guy for a few days, and nothing about their relationship was conventional or traditional, so why on earth did she feel so betrayed? “I’ll send my resignation when we get back to the office.”


“There’s no need for that, Isobel. Please don’t make any hasty decisions until you’ve heard the whole story.” He paused as the waitress came and placed their meals in front of them. Neither he nor Isobel picked up their silverware and started to eat; thinking more about what was being said rather than the food.


As the waitress left the table, he took a breath and continued talking. “The woman I’m married to is the daughter of the owner of Holbrook Holdings. Have you heard of the company?” Isobel nodded to let him know that she had. “We married so that we could merge the two companies and consolidate our assets. Holbrook had dealings with a number of my rival companies, and I had dealings with a few that they wanted to get their claws into. It was mutually beneficial to us both at the time and more secure than a mere contract. It meant that in the long term I knew that my company was going to grow.”


He hadn’t taken his eyes off Isobel while he talked, and she could clearly see the sincerity, as well as hear it in his tone. “It’s a paper marriage, Isobel. It means nothing to either of us other than the wellbeing of our respective companies.”


Isobel sat there in thoughtful silence for a few minutes, formulating what she wanted to say next. “Is your company secure now?”


“Yes, it is. We’ve actually grown exponentially in the last five years, so it’s even bigger than I initially anticipated.” She loved the look of pride that flitted across his face.


“Then why are you still married to her?” The question was one that she hadn’t been sure she should ask, but it was something that she had to know.


Tyler laughed sardonically. “To be honest with you, I have no earthly idea. Maybe it’s because I’ve never thought about doing anything about it. It suited us both to be married; kept away unwanted attention from unsuitable people, both on a personal and a professional basis.” His expression changed to one of thoughtfulness as he seemed to digest his own words. “I’m not so sure if it suits me as much now though, and neither one of us is happy with our lives the way things are now.”


“Sometimes we do the wrong thing for the right reason. You’re only human, Tyler, but maybe it’s time to reevaluate your business and corporate needs.” She knew she sounded like a lecturing schoolteacher, but it was something that she truly believed, and not to say it would have gone against the grain, and it would most definitely have been out of character for her.


He looked at Isobel and smiled. “You do realize that if we don’t eat this food now it’s not going to taste as delicious as it really is.” He picked up his knife and fork and promptly started to tuck in, and Isobel followed his example, but as delicious as the food was supposed to be, it tasted like cardboard.


Tyler had made it crystal clear that the conversation was over, but she had so many questions left unasked. Oh well, it looked like they were going to have to wait until another time. They finished their meal in silence, both of them lost in their own thoughts.


As they made their way back to the office, Isobel had a silent war going on within her. Should she cut her losses now before she got in any deeper with either Tyler or the company he owned, or should she stay and see where the natural progression of both their personal and working lives went?


On the one hand, Tyler had been more open with her than she could have dared to hope for, and the unspoken barrier that had been between them had seemed to crumble slightly. But, on the other, she knew that there was still a lot that she didn’t know, and probably even more that he had no intention of ever telling her. The look on his face when he’d more or less told her that he wasn’t happy had cut her to the core.


As they pulled up in the office parking lot, Tyler put a hand out to stop her from exiting the vehicle right away. “Isobel, while I do appreciate why you went snooping through my desk, you do realize that there will be consequences, correct?”


Isobel felt her pussy come to immediate attention at his words. She knew that he was referring to her having to be punished, and she also knew what that entailed. What she didn’t know was why her body reacted in delight at the prospect rather than quiver in fear. She decided not to analyze it too much right now, however, and just settled with a demure, “Yes, Sir,” as an answer.


“Good girl.” He brushed his thumb over the pulse in her wrist and then released her so that they could both get out of the car. They walked to the elevator in silence and Tyler pressed the button to take them up to the top floor, and Isobel stood by his side with both her mind and her body in turmoil.


As the elevator door opened, Tyler stood to one side to allow Isobel to exit first, giving her ass a swift swat as she passed him. She turned her head and stuck her tongue out at him cheekily before walking away towards her own desk with his, “You’ll pay for that later,” ringing in her ears. She grinned to herself as she set her bag on top of her desk. Maybe working for him wasn’t going to be too bad after all, she mused.

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