His Golden Cuffs: Christmas

BOOK: His Golden Cuffs: Christmas
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His Golden Cuffs: Christmas

A Steamy Contemporary Short Story

by Flora Dare


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Copyright 2015 by
Flora Dare

First Amazon Edition:
Jan 2015

Cover design by
Flora Dare; Stock © konradbak




Anya and Leo found their way through a past marked by betrayal, murder and intrigue.

Now, as they look forward to life together without worries about her father, they find that being together can be just as hard as being forced apart.

Can they figure out life as a couple? Or will the pressure of creating a perfect christmas turn out to be too much for these two tested lovers?

This sexy, sultry, seductive short story is set after the events of the
His Golden Cuffs
trilogy and is sure to drag you back into Anya and Leo's world of danger, intrigue, and undeniable romance.

His Golden Cuffs: Christmas

Anya stood in front of the rack and stared at it
She reached forward and flipped a shirt to one side, when Shayna poked her head around and said, "Okay, Anya
I get it
You are over this store

Anya sighed at the cheerful woman and said, "It's not that
I'm just at a loss for what to get Leo for Christmas

"Latest iGadget?"

"Oh, he already has it
The latest anything in the world and he already has the damn thing
He has everything and it literally doesn't occur to him not to buy whatever catches his eye
There is nothing that he wants that I can give him

"An experience instead?"

Anya gave Shayna a look
"Seriously, if there is something he wants to try, he goes and does it
There aren't any impossible-to-get concert tickets that he doesn't already have

"Oh, the glorious agony of wealth!"

"Right?" Both women giggled

Anya sighed at her friend and assistant and continued, "Sorry
I know I'm being ridiculous, but I just can't seem to help it
I'm so freaking run down lately
Everything feels like such a mess

"Except for being wildly in love with a man who would fly you to the moon
Hey, actually

Anya interrupted her and said, "He's already in talks with the Russians
Although I'm not especially keen on him doing a space flight

Shayna laughed, "Of course! Of course Leo is in talks with the Russians to be blasted into space
I'm now officially tapped out of ideas

"I'm being a bear
I just don't want to get him yet another pair of cuff links
" Anya smiled to herself when she thought about the first pair of, well, the first cuff link she'd given him
She had the other half of that set, part of the still ongoing game between them

Shayna said, "Guys need to wear more jewelry

"I know! He has a pretty easy out giving me stuff
I don't wear much, but with the holiday season and all the charity balls, apparently I can't wear the same necklace every time

"Oh the pain, the pain of paparazzi judging your gems!" Shayna flung a hand over her eyes, laughing at Anya

"They get really mean! I shouldn't look at the gossip sites, but getting nailed as a 'worst dressed' just because I didn't wear enough fancy sparklies burns

"They are assholes whose only job is finding something, anything, to say to get clicks
You guys are super boring these days
No good drama for them to feed off of
Go have a drunken nightclub brawl! Ohhh, we can do fishbowl drinks again! That always leads to an interesting night

Anya shuddered at the memory of the big blue bowl of mystery booze she had imbibed with Shayna and Brian
"No way, Shayna
I had a hangover for a week solid after that
Staying out super late and getting up to shenanigans just isn't that appealing to me
I fell asleep at eight last night! We curled up on the sofa, watching TV and I was basically out cold during the opening credits
Leo had to carry me to bed

Shayna said, "We've been working pretty hard lately, maybe we should ease up?"

"I think maybe it's just the cold of winter settling in and I'm hearkening back to my primordial ancestors
I'm ready to hibernate!" Anya held a dress up but put it back after Shayna wrinkled her nose and shook her head at it

"I would love to just sleep through winter
Especially when it snows
Which, FYI, we've never really talked about it, but if it snows or sleets or whatevers? I'm working remote, in my PJs

Anya said, "Definitely
I've never gotten the drive to get people to come in when it's so dangerous to be on the roads
Unless you are an actual brain surgeon, it can wait
I have no idea what the various business policies are, I should get on Leo about that

"Don't forget the little guys
Not every job can be remote, and the lowest paid employees are almost always the least able to spare a day off
" Shayna realized she was practically wagging her finger and grinned at her boss

Anya smiled and said, "And they still deserve to be safe
Thanks for bringing that up, Shayna

"No problemo
I was looking at the weather for the week and was dreading having to deal with driving

"Well, you are also welcome to one of the spare rooms if it turns while you are here
Maybe bring a few changes of clothes, just in case?"

"Sure, no prob
We can sit around draped in all your fabulous gems and drink hot cocoa
With marshmallows
Marshmallows are a hard limit and a deal breaker

"A girl has to know herself

"And this girl knows she likes hot cocoa with marshmallows during snow storms
Maybe a little peppermint or cinnamon schnapps
To keep our spirits up

"I'll make sure Effie keeps us well stocked
Let me run to the ladies, then let's go find someplace else to shop?"

"Sure, let me buy this
" Shayna flashed a set of handkerchiefs
"My dad will absolutely love these
He's all about a nice hankie

Anya ran to the bathroom and by the time she made it back to Shayna, the woman was waiting at the front of the store with her package

Shayna waved her phone at Anya and said, "Oh, you just got a message from a Mr
Jon Maccie
He said, 'Nothing yet
' And that is all it said
Do I want to know who he is and what he's talking about?"

"It's fine, I meant to tell you when I hired him
He's sort of a private investigator
I keep hoping my father will finally pawn that necklace he took from me
I really liked the damn thing
I'm hoping he didn't melt it down or anything crazy
Who knows with my father, it could be literally anywhere in the world

"He could have given it to Miranda

I literally had not thought about that as a possibility
I'll make sure he knows to approach her in a 'reward offered, no questions asked' kind of way
I'm sure she'll jump on it
It's not like she can wear it out anywhere

"I take it there is no word from your father?" Shayna looked at her boss

Anya said, "Surprisingly, no
I expected him to last about fifteen minutes in Witness Protection
I guess the bad guys actually scared him enough to keep his head down

"Plus, the courts move so freaking slowly
He'll have to pop back up eventually, at least for the various trials

"He's like a bad penny, he always turns up
Still, some very bad men would like to skin him for winter gloves


Anya clutched her mouth and shuddered
"Wow, I just grossed myself out so hard I might just barf
" Anya took a few deep breaths trying to control her suddenly riotous stomach

Shayna pulled a bottle of water out of her purse and offered it to her
Anya opened the bottle and took a few sips

"Sorry about that
Anyway, I expect to hear that someone is fleecing the Girl Scouts of their cookie sales any day now
And then I can rest easy knowing my con-man father is out there - somewhere
Being him
Even if 'him' is really awful

Shayna took the water bottle back from Anya and stowed it in her purse
She snapped her fingers and said, "Oh, I know what you should get Leo!"

"What? Please let this be a good idea

"All my ideas are good ideas
You should get an amazing pair of wool socks and shuffle around the house, and threaten him with evil static electricity shocks if he doesn't stop buying himself things and let you buy him freaking anything
Oh! Or even better, every time he buys something, you completely replace a wardrobe item of his, until he has nothing but teal suits, shirts, ties, socks, shoes

Anya started laughing, imagining the look on Leo's face if he opened a drawer to nothing but teal boxers
"Oh my God, Shayna, he would absolutely murder both of us if we messed with his suits

Shayna threw a hand out theatrically and said, "Vanity is a sin! I mean, and it's not like we would give them all away, it would just be until he bent to your will

Anya shook her head at her overly dramatic assistant and said, "Let's table that idea until, say, about mid-March
It would be perfect for April Fools’ Day
That would make for a spectacular work day, and I'll have to make sure I'm well out of the house before he wakes up

Shayna pulled her phone out and fiddled with the calendar, giggling all the while
"I bet that would be what finally made his gorgon of an assistant crack a smile

"Be nice! I happen to like Larry

"You would like anyone who wasn't a tall, sexy blond named Miranda

"I should not dignify that with a remark, but that is also really true
" Anya frowned at the memory of all the trouble Leo's former assistant had made for them

"At least she’s well out of your hair now
" Shayna shoved her phone back into her purse
"She wasn't even that good of an assistant
Too busy trying to get a ring on her finger

"I still feel a little bad for her

"After what she did? Seriously? She framed you, so Leo would leave you
You do not need to feel bad for her

"But she gave up a good job and all her connections to run off with my father

"I suppose the fact that she had sex with your dad is punishment enough

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