His Heart's Desire (6 page)

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Authors: Kristi Ahlers

BOOK: His Heart's Desire
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Catrìona spent the next day trying to dress both Braden and Alec in modern clothes. She was not against the whole men-in-a-kilt thing. Both men pulled the look off with panache. But for her own peace of mind and the need for crowd control, she thought it best to get them clad from head to toe with something . . . bulky.

Finding clothes to fit was no easy task and now, after several hours of shopping, Catrìona had to wonder if it was such a brilliant idea to put Braden in Levis. The denim did things to his backside that made he
r blood rush and her body ache.

“I care little for this garment,” Alec groused as he ran his hands up and down
the stiff fabric. “It chafes.”

His complaint was cut short when he looked up and met the eyes of a woman who made no effort to pretend she was looking anywhere else but at his body. “Now, there is a beauty.” Alec rubbed his hands together. “I must say I love the way women dress now. Nothing better than looking at a fine set of legs. I could put up with this strange fabric if this is a side benefit.”

Catrìona couldn’t keep herself from laughing. “So, you’re a leg man?”

“Aye.” He turned and winked at her. “Although I can’t comment on yours since I don’t wish to have my head separated from my body.” He tipped his head in Braden’s direction. “He’s already growling.”

“I am not growling.” Braden moved closer to Catrìona.

“Aye, you are.” Alec looked back and forth between the two. “I think I’m going to wander around a bit. Give you both some time alone.”

“You don’t need to do that, Alec. Besides, do you think that’s such a good idea? You don’t know the area all that well.”

“Lass, this is my home. I vow I know it better than you. I’ll be fine, and I will return to our quarters soon enough.”

With a jaunty wave, Alec turned on his boot-shod foot and headed over to the woman who had been admiring him.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?” Catrìona said.

“Aye. He’s a grown lad.” Braden walked over to her and picked up their numerous bags. “Maybe we should take this opportunity to talk.”

Catrìona shook her head in surprise. A man who wanted to talk and discuss feelings. How extraordinary. “Very well. I confess I have a great deal to ask you, and I’m sure you have questions too.”

They made their way back to the hotel. Fortunately, for Catrìona, they had been able to secure adjoining rooms. The night before she’d had a hard time falling asleep. Braden’s spicy scent had reached out to her, making her ache for his arms, his touch. And Alec had snored.

Tonight they would have their own room, and hopefully she
’d have a little peace of mind.

Once they were in her room, Catrìona began to feel self-conscious. She knew this man
and yet she didn’t. Not really.

“You’re nervous.” Braden sat on the bed and made no attempt to get close
to her.

“No. I’m fine,” Catrìona managed to stutter.

“No, you’re not. I have eyes. You have nothing to be fearful of. I’d sooner cut off my own arm than hurt you.”

The sincerity in both his tone of voice and facial expression allowed her to relax her guard. “I know you’ll never hurt me. I know you in so many ways.”

“Aye, you do, lass. Our lives are forever bound together.” He stood and moved over to her, pushing her chin up with a gentle finger, so she was forced to meet his solemn gaze. “You must trust me and promise you’ll listen to what I have to say.”

Catrìona wet her lower l
ip. “I promise,” she whispered.

Braden led her to the bed and she sat. “Later we must go and meet with Elspeth.”

“You know Elspeth?” Why that should surprise her she didn’t know, but it did.

“Aye. Elspeth has great magic about her.”

“Of course she does.” Catrìona noticed Braden smiling at her. “What has you so amused?”

“You and Alec both like this sarcasm. With him, I find it annoying, but with you it is charming and sweet.”

Catrìona couldn’t argue with that so she didn’t even bother. “I’ll take you to the castle in a little bit. Maybe Elspeth will be able to help you.”

Braden picked up one of her hands, entwining their fingers. “I don’t need anyone else but you.”

His words sent panic clawing through her body. She wasn’t sure how she felt about his full belief in her. It was daunting. She stood, but he wouldn’t let her move from him.

“You’re not going to run from me. I know you’re frightened but you made a promise to me.”

Catrìona let out a sigh. He was correct about the promise. Proud of the fact she’d never broken one before, she decided she wasn’t about to start now. “You’re right.” She sat back down and waited.

“I’ve waited several lifetimes for you to come back into my life.”

Catrìona knew this was coming, but hearing it did funny things to her stomach.

“Your name was always Catrìona, and centuries earlier I fell in love with you.”

The air rushed out of her lungs, and she was glad she was already seated or she would’ve fallen over. Hearing aloud what she already knew in her heart was both terrifying and oddly comforting. “My dreams have been real, haven’t they?”

“Aye, Catrìona.”

His softly spoken agreement made her heart race and tingly sensation to dance up and down her spine. They had shared intimate moments. The feelings that coursed through her were valid and, more importantly, she wasn’t crazy.

Braden moved closer to her on the bed, dipped, and she brushed up against his side. Instantly she shivered at the contact. It was as if she’d touched a live wire.

“Don’t pull away from me, my Catrìona. We have all the time in the world and we will take things slowly.”


“Aye, I willna do anything to cause you to leave me. I won’t lose you again. I plan on courting you as is proper.”

“Courting me?” She felt like an idiot parroting back everything he said. But what else could she do? She could barely remember her name let alone the train of the conversation. All because he sat close to her and his scent intoxicated her. He could probably have her on her back or even against a wall with little effort. How pathetic was that?

“Aye, court you.” Braden ran a gentle finger down her face. “Give you a chance to get to know me. And I you.”

“I’d like that a lot.”

Cat didn’t know who moved first, but the next thing she knew Braden’s firm lips were on her own. She couldn’t believe how warm his mouth felt on her sensitive flesh. It seemed to brand her with its heat. The darkened intimacy, brought on by the setting of the sun, only added to the moment.

She looked up slowly and her heart lurched madly. His touch was so gentle, and he sat so close she could feel the heat from his body and smell the unique, spicy muskiness of him as he pressed her closer. His protective nature spoke to her. He gently wrapped one arm around her back and, with his other hand, gently ran his fingers over her supple lips and then around the curve of her jaw.

Braden whispered, “I want to keep on kissing you.”

Cat noted the tenderness of his gaze and heard the husky desire in his voice. As he slowly lowered
his head, she didn’t turn away.

Braden raised both his hands to cup her face and then he threaded his fingers through her soft hair. Her hair seemed to have a life of its own; she felt it curl possessively around his hands as if to keep him exactly where he was. Finally Braden touched his lips to hers again. This kiss was butterfly soft, and so gentle, almost more of a caress than a kiss. He shifted and took total possession of her mouth. His kiss, although st
ill gentle, was more demanding.

Cat wrapped her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through the long hair at the nape of his neck. Her lips parted, and Braden rewarded her by sweeping his tongue into her mouth. He tasted of deep desire, and it
only made her hungry for more.

One of them groaned, and the kiss deepened. Tongues, teeth, and lips mated in a hungry embrace that seemed to give more than take. Cat felt his kiss melting all of her well placed protective walls. She was sure the only thing
keeping her upright was Braden.

Tearing his mouth away from hers, he stared down at her without hiding his desire for her. Her lips were swollen and damp from his possession. He gently kissed her again. This time the kiss was slow and deep, and what they both needed. Cat felt the hard length of him pressed up against her and ached to feel all of him again
st her. This was so unexpected.

Finally they both pulled away and took deep breaths to calm themselves. They stared at each other. Neither hid the desire and attraction they both felt. Braden slowly ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead then completely pulled away to put some much needed space between them. Then he bent and took her mouth again. This time the kiss was soft. Oh, so soft. The caress went straight through her, leaving her feeling aching and melting all at once. When Braden gently ran his tongue against the seam of her mouth, she was helpless to stop hers
elf from allowing him entrance.

It was a slow, deep, searching kiss. She gripped his broad shoulders in a pathetic attempt at keeping herself grounded. Never before had a kiss made her feel so light, weightless and hungry. The velvet rub of his tongue against her own had her clenching her thighs together as warmth spread across her stomach and an aching took place at her woman’s center. Slowly he parried and thrust into her waiting mouth. She wanted to climb onto his lap, straddle him, and ride him to climax. Never before had she been so turned on by a kiss. He wasn’t touching her anywhere except
her face, and she was on fire.

“Mmm. You taste even better than I remember, lass,” Braden whispered against her cheek. He fanned the flames of her desire by placing open-mouthed kisses along her jawbone and down her neck.

“Braden,” she moaned as he nipped at the sensitive flesh where neck met shoulder.

“Say my name again, lass.”


He growled and lifted her to straddle his lap. She wrapped her legs around his waist and ground against his erection. Even through two layers of denim, she couldn’t ignore the impressive length. Braden took command of her mouth once again and this time the kiss was explosive. Tongues tangled as they each tried to find purchase in the maelstrom of feelings rushing through them.

Braden whispered words she didn’t understand against her skin. His words resonated along her nerve endings. It wasn’t so much what he said, because she didn’t understand Gaelic, but how he said it. She loved the sound of his voice; the velvet rich tones and cadence of his words combined into a potent aphrodisiac. She watched as he leaned forward, his hair drifting down to caress her face. He smelled of pine and sandalwood, a scent she would forever associate with her Scottish knight.

She lost all sense of where they were. Kissing Braden was like being consumed by fire. He cupped the back of her head, changing the angle of their mouths, and deepened the embrace. It was all Catrìona could do to hang on. This was so much better than the dreams she’d had. Now, he was here. Flesh and blood.

Sanity began to rear its head and she realized what she was doing. This was not taking it slow and easy. This was being just plain easy. With a huge effort she pulled back and looked into the handsome face of the man she’d been dreaming of for years. It seemed like a lifetime.

The heavy lidded gaze that met her own said so much. Passion and confusion swirled in his expressive dark brown eyes. His breath danced across her lips and face in warm bursts. He was breathing just as hard as she was. It was as if they had run a race to a fi
nish line they’d never crossed.

“I’m sorry, Braden. We have to stop.”

He lifted her gently off his lap and placed her on the bed beside him. “Aye. I’m sorry I let things get out of hand.” He stood and moved across the room while he ran his hand through his long dark hair. “I hope you can forgive me.”

Forgive him? For what? Giving her the kiss of a lifetime? Not bloody likely, as the British liked to say. “There is nothing to forgive. It took both of us to lose control like that.” She looked down at her feet and said softly, “I’m not sorry.”

Braden turned to face her. He was so beautiful, and she wanted nothing more than to run across the room and throw herself into his arms. She already knew he’d catch her and keep her safe. What the hell more did she really need? You could spend a lifetime trying to get to know someone and never manage to scratch the surface. Sometimes being responsible really sucked.

“Do you want to try and find Elspeth now? We can continue our conversation later, if you’d rather.” Catrìona stood and adjusted her hair in an attempt at normality. Her fingers shook as she ran them through her tangled curls.

“Aye. I think that would be best.”

They stood in silence for a heartbeat before Catrìona extended her hand to him. Her instincts told her all would be well and they needed to speak with the seemingly dotty old woman who’d helped her the day before. Answers were waiting for them both there.



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