His Heart's Desire (9 page)

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Authors: Kristi Ahlers

BOOK: His Heart's Desire
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He winked at her and blew softly on her aching clit before sucking it gently into his mouth for a final toe-curling touch.

Braden slowly crawled up her body. As he leaned over her, his hair drifted forward, tickling her cheek. The look in his eyes caused her heart to turn over in her chest. His heart and feelings were bared to her by the expressions on his face. She traced a finger across his lower lip. “You’re so beautiful, Braden.” She leaned up and captured his mouth with her own in a soul-stealing kiss. Tears
burned the back of her eyelids.

Braden’s body pressed down on hers, and she reveled in the hardness and weight of him against her sensitized flesh. She wrapped her arms around his waist and palmed his backside, wanting him closer, needing him to move on her. Slowly he thrust against her belly as they continued to kiss. She was so close to orgasm, and he wasn’t even inside her yet.

“Braden,” she moaned.

“Aye, love?” He kissed her neck and reached down and pulled her left leg up, high against his waist.

“You feel so good,” Cat whispered against his mouth.

Before she had a chance to understand what he was about to do, Braden thrust into her body. For the first time in her life, she felt complete. She’d never experienced the full scope of being loved by him in her dreams. There’d always been a slight buffer between them, keeping her from the sensory exp
erience of the man in her arms.

Both were breathing hard as Braden braced himself on his arms. Their bodies were joined in the most intimate of ways, and she watched a drop of perspiration track down his chest. She licked her lips and sighed.

Neither said a word as he slowly moved inside her. Her overly sensitized flesh grasped his erection, and she relished every moment. She ground herself against him. She couldn’t get him deep enough and her body felt as though it was on fire.

Braden rotated his lean hips and sent Cat cresting over the edge of release. She arched into his body, holding him deep inside her as she rode the waves of her orgasm. Seconds later he ground hard against her and groaned. She felt each throb and spasm of his release and relished knowing she had brought him to this point.

After the sensual storm, Braden rolled to the side and cradled her against him. The musky scent of their lovemaking hung in the air, and she rested against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. Now that she’d experienced what making love could be like with a man who owned her heart, she couldn’t help but wonder what their future held. Would this be the only time they’d make love? Her uncertainty over their future kept her from fully enjoying the moment and allowing her to fall asleep. She feared that if she let her guard down and fell asleep, she’d wake to find this had all been a dream. That possibility would completely destroy her.





Cat stretched with languid abandon, and she felt the delicious pull and extension of muscles and tendons. Sensations washed over her as each muscle relaxed. Once she’d fallen asleep, her rest had been uninterrupted. Scotland definitely agreed with her. This land called to her in ways she’d never imagined. The myths, legends, stories and Banbury tales, so much a pa
rt of the culture, charmed her.

Braden’s lovemaking also agreed with her. His touch was addictive and, for the moment, managed to banish all her insecurities and worries. This was a welcome respite to Cat who, as her friend Meagan liked to point out, lov
ed to worry on a regular basis.

Braden rested on a pillow beside her and she took time to look at him. The sun shone through the mullion-paned window, highlighting the almost blue streaks in his hair. Her heart seized at his beauty. Granted that was not a masculine description her Highland warrior would embrace, but it was an apt one nonetheless.

The night before had been amazing; better than any dream she could have had. Braden had made love to her twice more; each time sweeter than the last. If she hadn’t already been in love with him, she was now. His gentleness and giving touched her heart and her soul. Fatigue pulled at her and she allowed sleep to once again work its magic. The combination of emotional stress, jet lag, and her rather active evening, finally caught up with her.

When she woke again it was to sun streaming in through the open window, and the sounds of the ocean drifting on the wind. She noted Braden was gone, and she missed the intimacy of waking next to him. Tossing the bedclothes back, she stood and made her way over to her suitcase and pulled out a robe. She looked around and realized there was not a bathroom attached to her room. She hadn’t noticed that the night before.

A second later, Cat peered out of her bedroom door and looked first right and then left. No one was in the hall, so she wandered to the only other door in the tower and prayed she’d find a bathroom. The idea of going outside, or having to ask directions to the loo, was not something she relished.

Thankfully the open door did reveal a bathroom of sorts. There was an old toilet, a pedestal sink, and a claw-footed tub. The idea of a warm soak was too tempting, so she quickly ran water for the tub before she ran back to her room to gather her toiletries and a change of clothes. Although the sun was out, the air was still very cool. She settled on a pair of jeans and a twinset in periwinkle blue.

Cat relaxed in the steamy water and thought back over the previous night. They’d had unprotected sex but, instead of this thought scaring her, she realized there were worse things in life than having Braden’s baby. Of course, this was jumping the gun just a bit, but still . . . Once the water began to cool, she got out and dressed. It was time to go and see if she could find Braden or his cousin.

Downstairs Cat found the table set for breakfast for one. Disappointment curled in her belly when she looked for Braden but didn’t find him.

“Oh, there you are, lass.”

Cat looked up and saw Elspeth. “Good morning, Elspeth.” She smiled as she took a sip of orange juice.

“I see you’ve found your breakfast. Braden and his cousin are currently meeting with the Trust.” She sat and helped herself to some juice. “I imagine they’re almost done.”

Swallowing, Cat put her glass down and helped herself to scrambled eggs. “I’d forgotten about that. Do you think they’re both ready to do that? I mean, they’re new to this time period.”

Elspeth gave her a smile. “Och, lass, all will be well. Have no fear. Your Braden has always been a master tactician. Fear not, he won’t give himself away.”

Cat gave her a dubious look. Sure he’d been able to watch the world change while trapped wherever it was he’d been, but that didn’t mean he could just step into this time and blend, could he?

“Let me explain a little about myself. I am fey.” She paused and when Cat didn’t say anything to that announcement, she continued, “I have been waiting, actually the entire clan has been awaiting, the return of our laird. Certain, er, steps–if you would–have been taken in order to make sure Braden and Alec did not have any problems acclimating themselves to whatever time they were brought forward to.”

Cat sat quietly absorbing this bit of information. Somehow she wasn’t surprised. Elspeth was fey. “Are you also immortal.”

“No, dearie, I am not immortal like a vampire. I age just as you do, only very slowly. Extremely slowly, as a matter of fact.”

“How slow is slow? If you don’t mind my asking, how old are you?”

“Not a bit of it; at last celebration, I passed my four hundredth summer.”

“Four hundred?” Cat choked on her juice.

“Aye, I took over from my mother when she passed.”

“Will you start to age now that Braden is here?”

“I really don’t ken. Mayhap.” She took a bite of her breakfast and looked up. “Oh, here they come now.”

Cat watched as Alec and Braden wandered into the great hall. Her heart pounded in excitement each time she saw him. Braden was so handsome in his Levis and polo shirt. Damn, but it should be against the la
w for anyone to look that good.

When Braden caught her gaze, he winked and smiled, sending flashes of heat coursing through her body
. Oh, yeah, she was in trouble.

The two men joined the ladies at the table, and Braden gave Cat a sweet kiss on the lips before resting his hands on her shoulder. She loved how he liked to touch her. The need for human contact had never really dawned on Cat until this moment. It took all her self-control not to curl into his hold and purr like a kitten.

“The meeting went well, and I’m now in charge of my holdings. Thank you once again, Elspeth, for taking such good care to make sure that I would be accepted by those who would judge me wanting.”

Elspeth clapped her hands with excitement. “That’s wonderful, Braden.” She turned to Cat. “See, I told you all would be well.”

“You doubted me, lass?”

Cat resisted the urge to squirm in her seat. All three of them were looking at her with mixed expressions, ranging from humor to surprise. “No, I didn’t doubt you; I was worried that perhaps you wouldn’t understand what was going on
. . . you know, the legal jargon and what have you.”

“Aye, the lass doubted you, Braden.” Alec winked at her. “But then again, so do I on numerous occasions.”

This time Cat did squirm. “I didn’t doubt him. I trust him totally.”

“I know you do, lass. Ignore the git behind me. ‘Tis not easy, I ken, but try.”

“Who are you calling?”

“So what are your plans for the keep now, Braden?” Elspeth shook her head at Alec. “Why do you insist on provoking him?”

“‘Tis fun.”

“‘Tis annoying, is what it is.” Braden sat beside Cat and took her hand. “I have a great deal planned. For now, the castle is closed to tourists. We’ll be undergoing a great deal of renovation, such as electrical wiring, plumbing, and so on.”

Cat had a bad feeling about this. Her stomach dropped to her feet. If she didn’t know better, it sounded as if he was getting ready to make this his home. Of course, that was his right; she didn’t blame him for wanting to stay here. The castle and estate was beautiful and filled with his family’s history. But that also meant she would be leaving him behind. She couldn’t live here in Scotland. Her home was in Louisiana.

“Did you hear me, lass?” Braden was frowning.

“I’m sorry. I was woolgathering. What did you say?”

“Would you like to take a tour of my home?”

“Yes. I’d like that a lot.”

Braden stood. “Come.” He turned to Elspeth. “The contractors will be arriving shortly and will be going directly to work. A member of the Trust made calls earlier during the meeting. I w
ant all of the wiring updated.”

“Aye, Braden. I will take care of all the details. It will be nice to see this old castle restored to its original splendor.” Elspeth slipped her arm through Alec’s. “Why don’t you come and help me with the contractors? You look like you could use something to do besides annoying our laird.”

Cat tried not to laugh at the shocked look on Alec’s face.

“Do you mean for me to work?”

“Oh for the love of . . .” Braden smiled. “You’re not going to go to work like a laborer. Although I fail to see how that would be a problem.” He held up a hand. “Except perhaps one should not dismiss the fact you know nothing about modern day plumbing or electricity.”

“Good point, my friend.” Alec smiled.

“Come along, Alec. I’ll show you a wonderful new invention called the Internet. I think you’ll enjoy this a great deal.” Elspeth dragged Alec behind her.

Cat fiddled with the hem of her sweater as the two left the great room. She didn’t know why she was overcome wi
th nerves. This was ridiculous.

“What is wrong, Catrìona?”

Braden’s softly spoken question startled her. “Nothing is wrong.”

“You’re a poor liar.”

What was she supposed to say?
Please don’t want to live here
. Yeah, that would go over real well. She didn’t own him or have a claim on him. He was free to do what he wanted, wherever he wanted to do it.

“Come, we have much to discuss and much I would like to share with you.” Braden held out his hand.

Cat offered a small smile as she twined her fingers with his. “I’d like that very much.” They walked out of the great hall and down a long hallway Cat had yet to see. There were beautiful works of art hanging along the walls. They were landscapes and what looked like original artwork by Tissot and Leighton. She took a closer look and, sure enough, both artists’ signatures graced their canvas. Cat stood in awe as she took in the beauty of the paintings.

“You like those, Catrìona?”

“Yes, aren’t they beautiful?”

“Not as breathtaking as you are.”

His words made her heart skip in her chest. Why did he have to be so romantic and say the right things? Leaving him behind would be so much easier if Braden thought belching and scratching were forms of art, and his idea of beauty was a six pack and a remote all to himself.

Cat didn’t know what to say to such flattery. Her cheeks burned and, instead of saying anything, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him softly. “Show me your castle.”

“Much has changed since I was laird. The members of the Trust informed me there are now two ballrooms, a music room and a conservatory, just to name a few rooms that have been added over the centuries. And the scullery is now attached to the keep.”

Cat nodded. She could only imagine how strange it must be to finally be home but see so many changes. Braden was handling this new time very well, all things considered.

“Why don’t you look at me, lass? Are you ashamed of what we shared last eve?”

His words surprised the hell out of her. This was a first—a man who wanted to talk about emotions. And how could he think for a second she was ashamed of what had gone on between them? “No. Never, Braden.” She took hold of his hands. “Last night was incredible.”

“Aye, it was. So why are you acting so daft?”


“Aye, you are not speaking, and I sense that something is wrong.”

“I’m fine, Braden. A great deal has happened in the past few days. I’m just processing it all. I don’t regret last night, and I’m enjoying spending time with you now.” She meant to give him a sweet kiss of reassurance, but the moment their lips touched, she realized she was looking for hope and comfort.

With reluctance Cat pulled away from the embrace. “So show me your castle, Braden.”

“The pleasure will be all mine.”

* * *

As they wandered around the castle grounds in the glooming, Cat spied a patch of white among the purple and pinks of the heather that covered the surrounding hillsides with their vivid color.


“‘Tis white heather, a very special bloom indeed.” Braden came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist. “It has a very special legend surrounding it—a story of love and loss.”

Cat pulled him down beside her on an old bench and snuggled into his warmth. “Tell me your tale.”

“Long, long ago in Scotland, the famous Celtic bard, Ossian, had a daughter called Malvina. She was beautiful and sweet-natured. She won the heart of Oscar, a handsome warrior. Eventually they became betrothed, but Oscar left in search of fame and fortune.”

Cat said, “Fame can be very intoxicating.”

“Aye.” He traced a finger down her cheek. “But no’ as intoxicating as holding the one that you love in your arms.” He bent and placed a kiss upon her upturned lips. Pulling back, he continued his story.

“Malvina pined for him and sought solace by telling her father how much she loved her brave warrior, Oscar. Then one autumn day, the two were sitting on a hillside not unlike this one, when a ragged messenger staggered toward them. He brought the terrible news that Oscar had been killed in a mighty battle. After delivering his sad news, he held out a spray of purple heather to Malvina—the last gift from Oscar. He then divulged that Oscar had died whispering her name and pledging his love.”

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