His Hired Girlfriend (34 page)

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Authors: Alexia Praks

Tags: #book about refugees, #novel about love, #book about new york city, #novel about forbidden love, #fiction novel, #romance novel, #book about cambodia, #contemporary romance

BOOK: His Hired Girlfriend
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Britney grabbed Alex’s arm and
swung her back. “Admit it! Admit you’re only trying to get Jayden’s
money. Admit it’s because she rich. Admit it now.”

Alex snorted, thrust her arm
free. “You think I’d snooped that low? Listen here, Britney. I’m
not that kind of girl. I don’t go for a guy just because he has
money to throw away. I’m a big girl. I can look after myself. And
F.Y.I? I happen to love Jayden for the man he is.” She faked a
smile at the woman and turned on her heels.

“Go back to your slum, bitch,
and leave us alone,” Britney growled.

Alex swirled around and slapped
Britney on the face, hard. She felt satisfied indeed to see red
fingers mark on the woman’s flawless cheek. “I’m not a bitch, not
like you, Britney. And I happen to live in New Zealand, a clean
country that’s hardly a slum.” Then with her head held high, she
marched off.

Along the corridor, still
breathing heavily from the unexpected encounter, Alex could hear
Britney shouting, “I’ve warn you, Alexandra. You’ll see. He’ll go
back to Sarah. He’s still in love with Sarah. He will never love
the likes of you, you slum bitch!”

Alex gritted her teeth, holding
back tears. God how she wished she could go back and slap that
woman silly. As she got closer to the hall, she wondered if perhaps
Britney was right. Perhaps Jayden still had feelings for Sarah.


Alex turned to see a handsome
receptionist before her. “Yes?”

“Are you Miss Alexandra
Stewart?” the young man asked.

“Yes I am,” Alex replied,
wondering what this was about.

“This is for you.”

Alex took the little card he
handed to her. She glanced down and saw that it had the name Jayden
at the bottom. “Thanks,” she said.

The young man nodded and left
her. Alex read the content of the note.


Alexandra, meet me at 11pm
exactly in room 879.



She was curious. What could
this mean? Why would he ask her to see him alone? Had he planned

When she got back to her seat,
Jayden was no where in sight. Perhaps he had already gone up to
room 879?






GLANCED DOWN at the note that he had received from a pretty
receptionist only a few minutes ago.
was Sarah doing here in the Hotel? Why did she want to see
He had thought about ignoring the
note and continued on as if he hadn’t received it, but then again
this little meeting Sarah had arranged might have something to do
with their breakup. Perhaps it will clear everything. Perhaps it
was a good idea to her. He wanted resolution. He wanted to ended it

He came to stand in front of
room 879 and then hesitantly knocked on the door. A few seconds
later it was flung open, and Sarah stood there, very beautiful and
sexy in a short, flimsy night dress.

“Jayden, you came,” she said,
smiling, her eyes shinning. “I was beginning to think that you’d
back out. That you wouldn’t come after...” she paused dramatically,
her face appeared to have gone very sad. “But please do come

Jayden stood there hesitantly.
Sarah saw this and said, “It’s okay, Jayden. Kyle is not here.”


as if
he was afraid of Kyle. The reason why he didn’t know whether to go
in or not was because he wasn’t sure what was to come.

The living area was very
elegant and comfortable, and Jayden saw Sarah with her back to him,
pouring wine. Of course he did not see that Sarah had dropped a
small tablet into one of the glass. She swirled it about until the
tablet had dissolved completely.

“A drink?” she asked softly as
she turned round, holding the glasses up.

“No thanks. So why did you want
to see me?”

“Jayden,” Sarah said, striding
toward him, her voice seductive and sad at the same time. “Why are
you talking to me like this? We used to be so close. We used to be
in love.”

“Things changed, Sarah. You’ve
chosen your path and I want to know why.”

Sarah gritted her teeth at the
reminder. Sure she had chosen Kyle over Jayden simply because she
had thought Kyle was better looking and had better prospect in term
of money and status, but she was not going to tell him that.

“Jayden,” she moaned, forcing
tears to brew in her eyes. “I’ve made mistakes. I now know that...
that I don’t love Kyle after all. I thought I did.”

She sat on the sofa and put the
glass down on the table. She shook her head as she continued, “He’s
having an affair with Britney. I just found out. What could I do,
Jay?” She looked up at him, her eyes large and glistening with fake

Jayden couldn’t believe this.
Kyle was having an affair with Britney? And all the while he was
dating Sarah? This was beyond his comprehension. Damn! And the man
had also wanted to rape Alex. Oh yeah. He’d never forget that. The
thought that Kyle had used to be his friend was beyond believe.

Suddenly Sarah started crying
hard out that her shoulders were shaking. She reached her hand out
for him, begging him to come to her.

Jayden reluctantly did and sat
beside her. She wrapped her arms around him, her head resting
against his chest as she sobbed gently. “I couldn’t believe it,
Jay. I couldn’t believe it. But you know in a way I am glad because
I now know what he’s like. I now know I don’t love him.” She looked
at him then, moving her face toward his. “I realised that I still
love you, Jay. Sweet heart, won’t you forgive me?”

Jayden snorted. “Sarah, I

“Oh, Jay, please...” she
begged. “I love you. Don’t leave me. Please...” She pulled him
toward her and started kissing him. Jayden tried to push himself
back up, but she only held onto him tighter.

The door flung open. There was
a loud gasp.

Jayden glanced up to see in
shock Alex standing there staring at them in confusion. “Alex!”

Alex, trembling, shook her head
and murmured, “No. No. No.”

“Jay,” Sarah said seductively,
tightening her arms around his neck and started kissing his cheek.
“Come on, babe, tell me you want me. Tell me you love me.”

Alex’s tear
rolled down her cheeks. She felt the world spinning around her
mercilessly. Her ears were deafened by the noise of her thumping
heartbeat. She was having difficultly breathing.
Oh God!

She stepped backward, her knees
barely holding onto her. She turned on her heels and started weakly
and sickly running down the corridor.

“Alex!” Jayden shouted.

“Jay,” Sarah purred.

“Alex!” Jayden yelled, angrily
unwrapping Sarah from him and headed toward the door. “Alex!” he
shouted, racing after her. “It’s not like what you see.”

“You liar! You’ve always lied
to me, Jayden!” Alex shouted back, tears in her eyes. She ran into
the elevator and pushed the ground floor button. Still crying, she
watched as Jayden got closer to her. The door shut just moments
before he reached it.

Jayden pushed on the down
button a couple of times in frustration. The elevator door,
however, didn’t open. He swore under his breath and headed toward
the stairs. He ran down two steps at a time and headed toward the
elevator on the lower floor. He pushed on the down button and the
door opened. But not the one that Alex was in. He quickly got

Down on the ground floor, he
raced through the main lobby toward the entrance. Outside he saw
Alex getting into a taxi.

“Alex!” he shouted. “Alex,

She saw him, closed the door
and rapidly told the taxi driver to go.

Jayden ran after the taxi,
shouting, “Alex!” Once he knew he couldn’t catch up, he stopped,
standing in the middle of the traffic. He swore under his breath
and then growled loudly.











WITH A MURDEROUS expression on
his face, Jayden stalked toward room 879. Once there he didn’t even
knock, he busted the door open and wasn’t surprised to see Kyle.
Not to mention Britney who was sipping champagne. The three people
looked at him in surprised.

Jay headed toward Kyle, his
chest heaving and his hands fisted tight. As he got close, he flung
his fist forward and smashed it on Kyle’s handsome face. Kyle
staggered backward, landing against the wall.

“Shit man!” Kyle swore,
touching his sore, bruised face and bleeding nose.

Jayden ignored the man he had
injured and turned to face the two women. He said coldly, “Stay out
of my life. If any of you interfere again, I swear I’ll make your
life a living hell. You’ve been warn.” He turned to Kyle, a
disgusting expression on his face. “We’ve never been friends.” Then
he marched to the door. Just as he was about to leave he said to
Sarah, “It really is over, Sarah, you and me. I don’t care why you
left me, and I’m glad you did. You and Kyle deserve each other. And
just so you know I happen to love Alex.” Then he banged the door

In the elevator he rested his
aching head back, his heart heavy. “Oh Alex,” he murmured under his
breath. “I’m sorry all this happen, sweetheart.”

She’d be home, he was sure, and
he’d be there to apologise as soon as all the wedding guest
departed and everything taken care of. He started to plan what he
should say to her.

sorry, Alex, this was all a misunderstanding.’
No! That’s stupid.
‘Alex, I’m sorry for what happened. It has all

His cell rang. He frowned,
wondering who would be calling him at this time. He flipped his
BlackBerry on and said, “Jayden speaking.”

Boss, it’s me.”

“David? What’s up?”

The elevator’s door dinged open
and Jayden stepped out into the lobby.

You have to come and see.
It’s about Mr. Marcelo’s Island. Jeff is here with me. We’ve got
all the information we needed.”

Jay noted the excitement in
David’s voice. “Yeah. We talked about that. Not buying.” He headed
toward the hall where the celebration of his sister’s wedding was
still in full swing.

Oh, you’ll change your mind
when you see this.”

Jayden paused, his attention
caught. “What is it?”

Oil! They didn’t know they
have oil under all that rocky, barren island.”

“Shit!” Jayden swore, his heart
nearly stopped.

shit all right, boss.”
Jay heard a
“You coming?”

“Yeah. Coming.” Jay flipped his
cell off and headed toward his parents.

“Where’s Alex?” Gracie asked
once Jayden was beside them.

Jayden felt a sudden stab of
pain in his chest at the mentioning of Alexandra. “She’s gone

“What happened?” Gracie asked,
frowning when she saw the sorrow in his face that he was having
difficulty trying to hide.

“Nothing. Look I have to go to
the office. It’s an emergency. I’ll see you back at home. And tell
Alex I’m coming.”

“Sure,” Gracie said. She
watched him as he rushed to the door, wondering.

Jayden sped his BMW across town
to the office on the other side of New York City, wanting to get
this thing over and done with so that he could go home and see

He expertly
did a parallel park in the off street parking lot, got out, locked
the door, and raced toward the modern building with the sign
McCartney’s Realty Co
As he headed toward the entrance, the security guard saw him and
quickly pushed on the open-door button.

Jayden rushed in as the guard
greeted him warmly. “Evening, Mr. McCartney.” Jay nodded and waved
his hand as he headed to the elevator.

In the office he met Jeff and
David who excitedly led him to the desk shattering with papers
everywhere. They went through every bit and pieces of information
about the property Mr. Marcelo intended to sell to them, the
property that he had claimed to have a 5 million dollars hotel
building but in fact was only a rocky, barren land. But now,
however, his people had found oil in the vicinity, of which Mr.
Marcelo did not know he had.

“Well?” Jeff asked three hours

“We’re buying it,” Jayden

“He’s gonna think we’re
stupid,” David chuckled.

“Let him think that. After all,
it’s what he wants,” Jayden commented.

“Yeah. Definitely,” Jeff

Jayden flip
his cell on and dialled Mr. Marcelo’s number. The phone rang a
couple of times and then,

“Mr. Marcelo. It’s me.

Ah, Jayden. How’s

“Never better. Straight to the
point, I’ve decided to buy the island. How about we meet up
tomorrow and seal the deal?”

Jay heard the
man laughed – loud and clear like he had just concur the
he thought.

Good man. Make the meeting
at 10 am?”

“Yes. See you then,” Jayden
said and flipped his BlackBerry off. He turned to Jeff and David.
“Good job, men.”

“Thanks, boss,” Jeff said,
grinning from ear to ear.

“Well, goodnight and see you

“What about the contract? We
need to write that up before tomorrow,” Jeff pointed out.

“Shit! Yes of course,” Jayden
muttered, raking his fingers through his hair. He really wanted to
see Alex, but he knew he had to finish write up the contract before
the meeting. “All right. Let’s begin.”

The three men had their jacket
off, their shirts sleeves rolled up to their elbows, and their hair
in a state of messes as they brainstormed what to put in the
contract for the purchases of the property.

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