His Naughty Little Mate (10 page)

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Once his cock had stopped pulsing in her mouth and he’d loosened his grip on her hair, she drew back and peered up at him. Her chest rose and fell heavily as she tried to catch her breath, and her heart skipped a beat at the tenderness in his gaze. He stroked her hair while she remained on her knees before him.

“Good girl.”

Her insides turned to mush at his gentle words of praise, and as her breathing slowed to normal she gave him a small smile, her heart brimming with contentment.


* * *


Erik stood at Carmen’s side as she lay on the medical table, naked and covered with a thin white sheet. She was shaking, and he ached to calm her nerves. He watched as the two alien physicians, females named Erra and Stee, prepared the room for her examination, setting out instruments on a sterile table. They’d examined him earlier, running a few tests they said were necessary to make sure nothing in the environment on Vella would adversely affect them or a developing fetus. As soon as Carmen became pregnant, they would be free of this facility, and the Blumerans wanted to make sure their planet was safe for humans. Of course they also wanted to more thoroughly examine their sexual organs and observe the changes that occurred in a human during arousal.

Erra and Stee both turned, their communication necklaces swinging around with their movements. Both women were tall with dark hair, their appearance so similar that he wondered if they were related. As they approached the table where Carmen lay, her shaking increased and she gave a small whimper.

Smoothing the hair from her face, he leaned down to whisper words of encouragement and comfort in her ear. “It’s going to be okay. We talked about what would happen here today, so there will be no surprises. They are going to examine you, and I will be here the whole time.”

“How many Blumerans are watching me right now though? I saw the wall shimmer briefly when we walked in. I know they’re watching me through a window or something.”

Erik had seen the same shimmer of blue along the wall, but he’d hoped she hadn’t noticed. Even if he hadn’t seen the window, he would have suspected her examination was being recorded or observed by others besides the two female physicians. He suspected the examination they gave him this morning had been observed as well, but he’d decided not to dwell on it. He patted her arm. “Just try not to think about it, and behave yourself and this will be over quickly.”

She exhaled a shaky breath and blinked up at him. “But what about the last part, you know, when they need to…” Red blossomed across her face and she bit her lip, unable to complete her sentence.

“You mean when they need to observe your ‘state of female human sexual arousal’?” he asked, quoting what Nuemis had explained to them.

“Yes, that,” she whispered, casting a worried glance at Erra and Stee.

“That will be the fun part, little girl. I promise. I’ll be the one touching you, the one stroking your pussy until your clit is nice and big and throbbing.”

Her breath caught, and he stepped back to allow Erra to place a monitor of some sort on her head, while Stee affixed something similar to her left hand. Next, Erra held a scanner over Carmen’s abdomen for several minutes, moving it around in a slow circle while Stee watched intently. The alien women spoke little, the same female voice emanating from their necklaces only when they needed to give Carmen or Erik specific instructions, such as for Carmen to spread her legs or for Erik to step back for a moment.

Once the scan was complete, Stee motioned at the thin white sheet covering Carmen. “It is time to observe her state of human female arousal. The sheet must be removed.”

It was time for Erik to take over the examination. He gazed down at his sweet little Carmen as the alien women moved a few steps back.

“How are you doing, Carmen?” he asked.

She shrugged on the table. “Oh, just fine and dandy. I’m about to get felt up while aliens watch. Please just make it quick.”


“Yeah, you know, make me come really fast so they can take their notes and we can get out of here.” She glanced at Erra and Stee, lowering her voice. “Or you could touch me for a second, and I could fake it.”

He cupped her breast through the sheet. “Young lady, faking it is a very naughty thing to suggest. As is ordering me to make it quick. Do you want to start out with a spanking?”

Eyes wide, she shook her head. “No, sir.”

“If you are naughty again, Carmen, I will lift your legs up and spank you in the diaper position, and I don’t care who is watching.”

The sheet began to rise and fall quickly as her breathing increased. He moved to caress her other breast to discover both her nipples had hardened. Holding her gaze, he peeled off the sheet and let it drift to the floor. Desire rushed through him, tingles racing up his thighs as his balls tensed with pleasure and his hard cock pressed against his pants. Despite the bravado she’d displayed moments ago, she was nervous and trembled before him with her legs slightly parted.

Circling the table, he trailed his fingers all over her creamy flesh, teasing and stroking as he moved around her. “Focus on me, young lady,” he said. “Do not worry about anyone else.”

She nodded, and most of the worry lines on her face faded. He kept circling her and teasing her until she relaxed further, and when he brushed a hand across her smooth pussy and she arched up to meet his touch, he knew she was ready for the demonstration. After tweaking her nipples and rolling the stiff buds between his fingers, hard enough to make her gasp, he returned his attentions to her center.

“Bring your knees up and spread your legs. Let me see that pretty pussy of yours, Carmen.”

She complied ever so slowly, closing her eyes once she got into the requested position. With her legs spread, her pussy lips parted just enough to reveal a hint of glistening moisture. Even though she was nervous and uncertain about this examination, she couldn’t help but be turned on. Her increased breathing, peaking nipples, and the wetness between her thighs testified to her desire, as did the longing in her wide, pretty blue eyes.

“What’s all this, little girl?” he asked as he ran two fingers along her smooth folds. “Do you feel all achy down here already, Carmen?”

She flushed. “Yes.”

He swatted the top of her thigh. “Yes, what?”

“Yes, daddy.”

He returned to her pussy lips, lightly caressing his way inside to her wet heat. Inserting two fingers into her tightness, he pumped in and out while she tensed on the table, moaning and tossing her head from side to side. The scent of her arousal spurred him to thrust faster. God, if only this was their first breeding session. He ached to release his cock and sink deep inside her slick little pussy. To fuck her long and hard before releasing his seed in her depths. Instead, he settled for giving her as much pleasure as possible, letting his thumb hit the top of her clit with each plunge. It wasn’t long before she was lifting her hips to meet his thrusts.

“I’m so close, daddy,” she begged. “Please.”

“You’re getting so wet, Carmen, you’re making a mess on the table.”

She paused in her movements and regarded him with wide eyes. She opened her mouth and started to speak, but her words were drowned out by a moan as he added a third and fourth finger, filling her up and delighting in her pussy clamping down around his probing digits.

“It’s naughty of you to make such a mess, don’t you think, little girl?” he continued, knowing the shame his words brought her also deepened her arousal. She trembled with pleasure, more moisture gathering in her core as he pumped in and out of her slick channel. “In fact, when we get back to our room, daddy is going to have to clean you up and put a diaper on you. Can’t have you making a mess like this in our room.”

He pressed his thumb down on her clit, swirling her wetness around the swollen nub while keeping his fingers submerged inside her. She came apart in his hands, riding the wave of a release that had her gasping for air. She whimpered and moaned, and tears streamed down her cheeks. Perspiration glistened on her forehead.

Ignoring Erra and Stee, he slipped the monitors off her hand and head. He covered Carmen with the white sheet and scooped her up in his arms, heading for the door. To his relief, it opened at once and he was able to escape the small sterile room with the woman he loved breathing softly against his chest. She’d been such a good girl, and he knew the experience had taken a lot out of her, and not just because she’d had a powerful orgasm. Allowing the alien women to examine her, even though the examination hadn’t been terribly invasive, had been mentally taxing. Allowing Erik to bring her to completion while others watched had also taken her outside of her comfort zone. He planned to spend the next few hours caring for her, helping her feel safe and loved.

Upon entering their room, he carried her to the bed and laid her atop the covers. The white sheet shifted as he placed her down, the top sliding to reveal one firm breast, her nipple still hard. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him with confusion.

“Is it over? We did what they wanted?”

“Yes, little one. It’s over. Daddy’s here to take good care of you now, okay?”

Biting her lip, she nodded. Tears formed in her eyes again, and she blinked rapidly as if trying to rein her emotions in.

“What is it?”

She let out an unexpected laugh, smiling through the moisture that spilled out of her eyes. “I am so relieved. I thought it would be a terrible experience. But you were there, and you made it, um, kind of fun.” She giggled and wiped at her face, then laughed again as she tried to stifle a yawn.

The worry for her he’d been carrying around on his shoulders lessened, and as he watched her cover another yawn, he smiled at the sweet girl who’d slowly stolen his heart over the years. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, Carmen. But the experience still took a lot out of you, and now it’s time for a certain little girl to go down for a nap.”

A frown chased away her smile. “But I don’t wanna nap. I’m not tired.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

Erik ignored her protest and retrieved her diapering supplies from across the room, bringing the basket over to the bed. “I bet that bottom of yours is still sore from your last spanking, Carmen. Do you want daddy to spank you before putting a diaper on you?”

She shook her head and avoided his gaze, a pretty blush staining her cheeks. “I don’t want a spanking,” she whispered, swallowing hard.

Pulling the sheet from her body, he let it slide to the floor. He grasped her ankles and lifted her legs as he reached for one of the warm, moist wipes in the basket. He cleaned her with care, running the cloth down her center and through her pussy lips. After placing a diaper beneath her bottom, he sprinkled the white powder atop her folds and gently rubbed it in, holding her gaze as he tended to her. Her expression was soft, and she didn’t resist him once, even as he closed the diaper and patted her bottom.

“All done, little girl,” he said. “Now let’s get you all tucked in.” He pulled the covers from beneath her and got her settled in bed.

“Thank you, daddy.” Her voice was soft, sleepy. A sigh of contentment left her lips, and she reached for his hand. “Will you tell me a story?”

His soul rejoiced at her unexpected request. Stubborn, adult Carmen who was used to doing everything herself would have never asked for a bedtime story. But that stubborn woman he’d known had worn a lot of masks and erected a lot of walls around herself. She’d opened her heart to him though, and she trusted him enough to forget the masks and let him break through her barriers. Underneath it all she was still that strong woman he’d always known, but she was vulnerable and aching for love and affection too. He admired her for opening up to him, admired her for being honest with herself and with him about her desires. She was nothing if not brave. His heart swelled with emotion as he tried to think of a story to tell her.

“Don’t you know any stories, daddy?” she asked in a teasing tone.

“Of course I do, little girl.” He knew
a few stories, but he wasn’t so sure he’d be able to tell one from beginning to end without messing it up.

“How about you tell me a story about you? Tell me about the first time you went flying,” she asked through a yawn as she sank deeper into the pillow.

He played with her hair, rubbing it between his fingers as memories of the first time his father took him flying resurfaced. He’d sat in the copilot’s seat, his feet not even reaching the floor as he’d eagerly watched his father prepare the plane for takeoff. It seemed like a million years ago that he’d sat in that seat, feeling like the luckiest kid on the planet. He gazed at Carmen, at the excitement in her eyes, and pulled the bedcovers up higher. There was nothing extraordinary about his first flight, but it was an experience he treasured, and it touched him that she’d asked about it, at the same time saving him from trying to stumble through a classic fairytale he couldn’t remember.

“All right, little girl, I’ll tell you all about it, but you have to promise to close those pretty eyes and go straight to sleep when I finish.”

“I promise, daddy.”

Chapter Seven



Carmen held Erik’s hand as they followed Nuemis through a wide hall on a level of the building that she’d never been on before. From the impressive view out the windows they passed, she suspected they were on the highest floor. Exotic-looking purple and blue plants decorated the hallways, along with paintings of symbols and landmarks she found fascinating. The area of the building they’d been restricted to since their arrival hadn’t revealed much about their culture, other than their scientific curiosities, and she enjoyed the change of scenery.

As they approached a door at the end of the hallway, her pulse quickened and nerves churned in her stomach. She gulped past the lump in her throat and kept moving beside Erik, glancing at him with a forced smile when he squeezed her hand.

Today was the day of their first breeding session, and even though she’d wanted Erik for a long time, she had many reasons to be nervous. The aliens would be watching them through a hidden window. It was her first time with Erik, and the first time she’d had sex in years. Oh, and the icing on her nervous cake—she was trying to get pregnant.

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