His Naughty Little Mate (9 page)

BOOK: His Naughty Little Mate
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“How could you tell Nuemis that we’d think about it? Are you crazy?” She walked halfway across the room and turned with her hands on her hips. Anger and frustration radiated from her small form.

Remaining near the door, Erik watched as she blew her top. She raged and she cursed the Blumerans to the depths of hell, her face reddening as her tirade continued until she was breathless. Falling silent, she glared at him for a few tense moments, her body rigid. Suddenly tears shimmered in her eyes, and her lips quivered.

Erik swept across the room and gathered her in his arms. She didn’t sob uncontrollably like she had when he’d spanked her, but a few tears did escape down her cheeks. She breathed in and out slowly before pulling back to meet his stare. “I can’t believe this is happening. This is so fucking crazy. Even if we agreed, that means they’d be watching us have sex. Then we’d have to do it until I got pregnant.”

Unable to restrain the wry grin from curling his lips, he smirked down at her. The situation was so fucked up he might as well have a sense of humor about it and tease Carmen in the process. “Which part bothers you the most, little girl? Being fucked by me or having them watch?”

She bristled, her lips parting as she seemed to search for words. “They want to watch us fucking. They want us to have a baby. They want to study the whole process. I don’t want them touching me, or you, or any child we might have. I want them to put us on one of their fancy spaceships and take us back to Earth, and I want it yesterday.”

“I won’t force you, Carmen, but I will ask you to think about it. Just think about it.” God, he loved her so much his chest tightened each time he looked at her. He wanted to fuck her, and to make love to her tenderly sometimes, depending on his mood. Once they left Vella, if they ever left Vella, he wanted to continue their relationship. The thought of ever letting Carmen go left a black void in his soul, an aching space that would haunt him forever.

“I don’t need to think about it. My answer is no. We will find another way off this planet. We’ll escape this facility and steal a ship if we have to, but we’ll find another way.”

“Even if we managed to escape this facility, do you really think we’d get far? Do you really think we could locate, steal, and navigate one of their ships?”

Her eyes narrowed. “You’re a pilot.”

“Yes, I am. I am also practical, and I can tell you that I can’t guarantee I’d be able to fly one of their ships, let alone figure out how to set a course for Earth. I know nothing about their technology and neither do you.” Taking a long breath, he leaned down over her, cupping the side of her face in one hand. “Just promise me you’ll think about it, Carmen.”

An eternity of silence passed, their gazes locked while she stared at him unblinkingly, before she drew back from his touch, her posture softening. “Fine. I’ll think about it. But I can’t promise you I’ll say yes, and I am very angry with you for so calmly accepting their offer.”

Calm. He grinned. She thought he was calm right now. A storm brewed inside him; he was so on edge he wanted to break out of the building, infiltrate one of the council’s meetings, and pound some sense into the aliens. But he couldn’t do that. They were two humans against millions of Blumerans. Nuemis had told him the population on Vella was just under four million. As much as he hated the idea of becoming a fucking science fair project, he wanted to save Carmen first, and then himself. They could escape Vella in just a few years if they had a child together, and in those few years they’d live in luxury. It was an added bonus that he took as a gesture of goodwill from the aliens, despite his anger at them over their ridiculous ultimatum.

The truth was, he could clearly envision a future with Carmen. A future as husband and wife. In his daydreaming, they lived in a cabin in the mountains with a couple of kids. Daughters with the same brown hair and blue eyes as her, and sons too.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close even though she tensed as he drew her near. “I’m not as calm as I look right now, Carmen. I’m angry. I’m frustrated. I’m also worried, but mostly about what will happen if you decline their offer.”

She stared at his chest. “We’ve never even had sex before, and what if they want to examine us, you know, on one of those tables again?” She glanced to the corner of the room where the medical table sat, unused since their first few days on Vella.

“I can inform Nuemis that we will accept their offer with the condition that I am to assist with any of your examinations. I’m sure they will want to examine you once you become pregnant, or perhaps monitor you when you’re ovulating. I don’t know the specifics yet, but I can issue an ultimatum of my own, little one.” The image of Carmen spread open on the table, naked and vulnerable did a number on his libido, but he pushed his desires down, his need to calm her fears far greater.

“Fine. I’ll think about it,” she said, her shoulders relaxing. The anger shimmering in her eyes faded, and she reached up to stroke his face. She swallowed hard. “We were interrupted before I could tell you what I was going to say, you know, earlier.”

His pulse raced, his nervousness returning. No matter what she said, no matter how she felt about him, he’d still protect her. He wouldn’t stop loving her, even if she didn’t return his affections. “You mean after I confessed my undying love and you just left me hanging? I should spank you for being so cruel, little girl.”

She giggled and stood on her tiptoes to brush a quick kiss across his lips. “I was going to tell you that I love you too. Even though you’re a domineering macho human male.”

“I think perhaps I should show you just how domineering I can be.” He turned her around, swatted her bottom, and guided her to their bed.

Chapter Six



Carmen drummed her fingers on the side of the chair, her nails clicking on the hard surface. She inhaled the scent of the beach, the wind leftover from an early morning rainfall sweeping the scent of the sea into the porch. She tore her gaze from the gray sky and regarded Erik with a sneaking glance. He sat in the chair next to her, his body tense and his expression troubled.

Her mind wandered to how rough he’d been with her yesterday afternoon, after they’d returned to their room and argued about the Blumerans’ ultimatum. She’d thought he intended to finally claim her, to make love to her now that it no longer mattered if she got pregnant. That was the goal now, right?

Instead, he’d taking his time kissing every inch of her body, until finally his tongue darted between her thighs and gave her the most immense pleasure imaginable. Fire licked at her center as she recalled the feel of his hot tongue dancing over her clit.

Her heart heavy, she pushed away her naughty thoughts and returned her gaze to the view below, her impatience flaring. Nuemis had promised to meet them here today.

At last, the alien strode onto the porch, his hair more disheveled than she’d ever seen. An anxious cloud hovered over him, and he glanced at them warily before coming to stand in front of them with his hands clasped together. Apparently he was too unsettled to sit down. He fingered the necklace he wore that projected his thoughts and enabled them to communicate. As angry as Carmen was over this whole situation, she couldn’t help but respect and admire the tall alien for his quick invention.

Her tummy fluttered with apprehension, her palms breaking into a sweat. Erik wanted to accept the Blumerans’ offer, but he’d said the final decision was hers. After all, she’d be the one carrying a child. Her heart pounded. His child. She hoped she was making the right decision. For the first time since her grandfather died, she uttered a little prayer for everything to somehow work out.

“The council is anxiously awaiting your answer,” Nuemis said, his gaze darting between them and the door, as if he expected to be interrupted by one of his colleagues at any moment.

Carmen hadn’t had much interaction with Nuemis, but she’d never seen him so nervous, and judging by the worry lines etched on Erik’s face, neither had he.

“Carmen,” Erik took her hand, his warm touch steadying her. “It’s still up to you. You can change your mind and I won’t be upset.”

She smiled, though her heart felt increasingly heavier. Surely this was the biggest decision she’d ever made in her life. “My answer is still yes, as long as they don’t examine me without you there. And especially as long as they promise to never harm our child.”

“Are you sure, little one?” He brushed her hair behind her ears, his fingers lingering on her cheek.

“I am sure.” Though she suspected it would be a few years before the Blumerans took them back to Earth, at least they would return one day, and her ambitions had changed. Her desire to explore the caves of Mars was a distant memory, and she knew that scientific expedition was continuing without her while she was a captive on this strange alien world. The importance of that expedition paled in significance after her interactions with living, breathing alien life. Had it only been three weeks ago that she’d been on a spacewalk on an asteroid between Earth and Mars?

“The council has agreed to allow you to assist with any medical examination of Carmen.” Nuemis’s eyes lit up, his earlier nervousness vanishing. “I will inform them of your decision immediately, and I know they will want to begin soon.”

With that, the alien left the porch, the door whooshing shut behind him.

Carmen’s pulse raced and raced. They wanted to start the breeding soon. Breeding. What a strange word for sex. So different from fucking, making love, or procreating. Warmth quickened between her thighs as her eyes collided with Erik’s heated gaze. He tipped her chin up, and she felt a rush of vulnerability, as if he was staring directly into her soul. What was he thinking?

Did the idea of fucking her over and over again, filling her up with his seed, excite him? She should feel nothing but fury over being used in such a way, but she couldn’t ignore the pleasure coiling and throbbing below her waist.

Erik squeezed her hand. “You’re being very brave and I’m proud of you, Carmen. But if you change your mind at any point, I want you to tell me immediately, and it will be okay to stop. I won’t be angry.”

Nodding, she became lost in his handsome gaze. “Okay, I will. I promise.”

His warm lips caressed her forehead with a feather-soft kiss, and his masculine scent drove her senses wild. She leaned against him, her hands twisting the fabric of his shirt, drawing him closer for a kiss that made her toes curl. He pulled her onto his lap, and a jolt of liquid heat seized her aching center when she felt his hardness beneath her sore bottom.

Breaking the kiss, he leaned his forehead against hers. His hot breath fanned against her face. “When we return to Earth, we will be a family.”

His tender words spoke to her heart. She hoped he was right. All her hidden dreams of settling down to start a family might happen now, though a little out of order and under the strangest of circumstances. If she’d been stranded on Vella with any other man but Erik, she wouldn’t be so optimistic for a happy ending. But she’d known him for years and had grown to trust and respect him. Now she loved him with everything inside her.

“I hope I can get pregnant quickly.”

“Aren’t you looking forward to the process of
Carmen?” His hands tangled in her hair, giving a tug that sent another jolt of heat to her center.

She tried to look away as her face grew hotter and hotter. “I’d like to be released from this facility before I go crazy. The sooner I get pregnant, the sooner we’ll be able to move into that house Nuemis told us about.” She imagined her stomach swelling with his child, decorating a nursery, and arguing about baby names. A smile reached her lips. She grasped at his face and leaned up to kiss him again, grinding her bottom against the hardness that poked up between her tender cheeks. His tongue met with hers, his taste sweet and spicy, and so addictive. She groaned into his mouth, wanting more. Wanting all of him, and wanting him to take all of her.

He cupped her breast and swirled his thumb over her nipple through her sheer dress. She arched into his hand, inviting his touch as she continued meeting the thrusts of his tongue and squirming on his lap.

Reaching up her dress, he gave a short chuckle when his hand met bare skin. “Proper young ladies wear panties, Carmen.”

She peered up at him from under her eyelashes. “Well, sir, I haven’t worn panties in over a week. I must be very improper.”

“That’s very naughty. Someone needs to teach you a lesson, little girl.” His eyes darkened. “Get on your knees right now.”

“But I thought—”

“On your knees, little girl.”

Face flushing, she complied, slipping off his lap and falling to her knees on the hard floor of the porch. Her eyes widened as he released his cock from his pants. A pearly white drop of his essence rested on the tip of his large, swollen shaft. Anticipation thrummed through her. If taking him in her mouth was her punishment for not wearing panties, she’d go commando for the rest of her life.

He fisted a hand in her hair, his gaze scorching her in its intensity. “Be a good little girl and suck on daddy’s cock, and swallow every last drop daddy gives you, Carmen.”

She felt moisture from her pulsing center trickle down her leg. God, she was so wet, so ready for him to finally claim her. As she wondered if he’d fuck her before their first official breeding session, he shoved his hard cock into her mouth. Moaning around his length, she tasted his salty essence and slowly bobbed her head up and down, her lips sealed around his massive girth. Keeping her mouth suctioned around his cock, she swirled her tongue up and down his length and over the tip, where she delighted in another taste of his essence.

“That’s it, little girl, keep going.” He fisted his hands in her hair, guiding her movements. “Such a good girl.”

A thrill rolled through her at his rough treatment. Her nipples hardened, her breasts growing heavy as she ached to be touched. Moisture continued to drip down her thigh, her arousal rising as she pleased him, taking the punishment that somehow felt like a reward. His cock pressed against the back of her throat with each swift thrust, and his grip tightened in her hair. His body stiffened and his pace quickened, a low moan ripping from him as his cock grew even harder in her mouth. She braced herself, preparing to swallow like a good girl. She wanted to please him so much she was eager for the first spurt of his seed, and when she tasted it she swallowed once, then twice, and a third time as she accepted every last drop he gave her.

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