His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (9 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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No thank you. I would
rather stay here.” She had no wish to join the guests headed from
the room. With any luck they would all leave.

As the crowd thinned, Emily moved from
her chair to stand by the long window looking out over the garden.
It was as she had predicted and hoped. Nobody noticed her as long
as she wasn’t with the Her Grace. A duchess tended to attract
attention. Most of the guests had left the room for the promised
refreshments except a few couples who remained behind. One such
couple stood at another window. Emily could see the woman’s face,
which was softened with a smile and her cheeks were slightly
blushed. A blond head was bent, whispering in her ear. The lady
turned to respond to his words, and Emily was struck by the love
that shown in her eyes. It stabbed her heart to see such love and
she couldn’t help but wonder if the same was in her future. The
only man she had ever known was Dillon and she could easily love
him. It was a thought she quickly put aside. It would do no good
wondering about such a thing. They had promised each other nothing
and there was no guarantee he would still be free when she returned
in July. It was better not to dwell on how much she missed him and
concentrate on surviving the season. When she returned to her aunt,
then she would see if Dillon still held the same appeal or if he
was even interested in continuing their odd relationship. Emily
couldn’t even bring herself to call it a courtship since they
always met in secret and, no intentions had been declared. Only an
agreement to meet.

The man turned to escort the lovely
lady from the room and Emily smiled, averting her eyes. She knew
him. It had been many years, but she did know him. Taylor,
something or other. Oh, yes. Qualls. He became Lord Sandlin before
he was out of school and had been a student of her father’s and her
first serious crush. He probably didn’t even remember her. Still,
it was nice to see a familiar face.

Why hadn’t it occurred to her before
that she could meet her father’s former students in London? They
had been titled or heirs to titles then, which would put them in
society. She doubted anyone, other than Noah, would recall her, but
Emily began rethinking her position on attending functions. Even if
she didn’t ever speak with them, she would like to see what type of
men they had grown into and what type of wives they had

Sensing a presence behind her, Emily
turned from the window and came face to face with

It is you,” he

It is I,” Emily returned
with a small smile. It was nice to be recognized by one of the
gentlemen her father had taught.

Miss Emily Frasier,” Taylor
paused for a moment. “Is it still, miss?”


Miss Emily Frasier, may I
present my wife, Phoebe Sandlin.”

Emily sank into a curtsey. “It is a
pleasure to meet you, my lady.”

Taylor reached for her elbow and lifted
her back into a standing position. “What would your father have
said to that display?” he asked with a gruff tone, but a twinkle in
his eyes.

That it is appropriate for
the circumstances, Lord Sandlin,” Emily replied

You have never addressed me
by my title before,” Taylor reminded her.

We are no longer in my
father’s home with his rules.”

It feels awkward and I
don’t like it. After all, we do share a history and I wish you
would continue to address me as you have in the past.”

Very well, Taylor.” Emily
returned his smile, warmed that he really remembered her and sought
her out.

Taylor turned to his wife.
“Professor Frasier refused us to be addressed by titles or even
last names in his home. He insisted it was to humble us to make us
better men than the current
of the
. If we remembered we were men and
not aristocracy we would be better for it.”

Emily warmed at the memory.

I’ve been told.” Lady
Sandlin smiled and returned her attention to Emily. “You must call
me Phoebe as well.”

I am not sure that is
proper, my lady.”

Of course it is,” Taylor

Emily looked again at Phoebe, Lady
Sandlin, who nodded her head in agreement.

I brought you some punch,
Emily, since you didn’t wish to join us for refreshments,” Her
Grace approached from behind Lord and Lady Sandlin.

Thank you.” Emily accepted
the cup. “May I introduce Lord and Lady Sandlin. Lord Sandlin was a
student of my father’s”

The older woman smiled warmly. “I am
well acquainted with them, my dear.” Her Grace turned to Lady
Sandlin. “You look lovely as always, dear, and how are the

They are well, thank

The duchess then turned her attention
to Lord Sandlin. “You, my lord, are you well also, and are you
taking proper care of your wife? Raising twins can’t be

Taylor wasn’t put off by the duchess.
“I try my best, Your Grace.”

See that you do.” She
turned back to Emily. “I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me
before. I should have remembered that you would probably become
reacquainted with your father’s former students. Perhaps it would
have gotten you out of the house sooner.”

It wouldn’t have mattered.
I would have doubted they’d remember me.” Emily

How could we not?” Taylor
argued, then glanced at the duchess. “She was always part of her
father’s studies. Emily knew more about history than I and she was
merely a child. It was quite insulting and something none of us

You exaggerate.” It was
nice to hear praise from one of them. Her father had chosen his
special students well.

Did she take part in the
tutoring?” The duchess asked, intrigued.

She was with us most of the
time when we visited. Her father liked having her close, and we
really didn’t mind. Even at a young age Emily had more maturity and
sense than the young ladies we met in society.”

Emily looked away, her face heated at
the compliment.

Well, she risks turning
into a spinster,” Her Grace informed him. “This is the first
function she has agreed to attend with my daughter and me. She
wouldn’t even allow my husband to give her a proper season and she
is now practically on the shelf.”

Emily’s face was on fire after that
statement. “Your Grace, you know the reason as well as I.” Emily
wished the duchess would talk of something else.

Posh.” Her Grace dismissed
her and returned her attention to Taylor. “Emily believes that
since her father was only a mere professor, she is unworthy of
. Tell me,
do you really see that as a problem?”

Taylor looked at Emily. “No. I believe
you are mistaken, Emily.”

Please, can we discuss
something else?”

Phoebe turned the topic of discussion
much to Emily’s relief. “Yes, why don’t we make plans?”

Plans?” Emily

Yes.” Phoebe brightened.
“Are you free for dinner tomorrow evening? I thought you would like
to become reacquainted with some of your father’s other

Lord Sandlin’s friends?”
She would love to see them all again, but would they treat her as
Taylor just had?

Of course. I know they
would love to see you again. You have changed since they last saw
you,” Taylor encouraged.

I’m not sure I have changed
that much.”

Forgive me, Emily, but you
have changed very much. We last saw you as a young girl and now
here you are, a lovely young woman.”

Emily turned to Her Grace for guidance.
“Yes, go, dear. Claresta and I are going to stay in tomorrow
evening, but that isn’t any reason why you shouldn’t go and enjoy

I’ll call for you at
seven,” Taylor insisted.

I can take His Grace’s
carriage.” Emily knew she would not be able to avoid the

A lady shouldn’t travel
alone, especially at night,” Her Grace reminded her.

Very well. I’ll look
forward to seeing everyone again,” Emily stated graciously, trying
to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. She hadn’t seen any of
them since she was fifteen, except Noah. What if Taylor was wrong
about them wanting to meet her again?

* * *


Why didn’t he just call on her? Dillon
argued with himself. He knew where she lived, but how would he
explain their knowing one another? If Emily had been afraid to tell
her aunt and uncle of their association, he was certain she hadn’t
mentioned it to the duke. A gentleman doesn’t just call on a lady
without a proper introduction first.

Each day he was becoming more and more
frustrated. If he didn’t see her soon, he would arrange an
introduction to Lady Claresta. At least that would get him in the
door. Besides, his mother would be overjoyed if she believed he was
interested in the duke’s daughter. Dillon had no intention of
allowing the young lady to believe it however, and he would have to
be careful in his approach.

Unfortunately, that approach
would have to wait for another evening. His servants had learned
that the duke’s household was to remain in this evening. Why they
could never learn if Emily would be accompanying them he hadn’t
been able to ascertain. At least they had been able to find out
where and when the Duchess of Ellings and her daughter would be
present, saving him much time. Unfortunately, he had missed the
musicale the evening before, much to his irritation. Not that he
enjoyed that type of entertainment forced on the
by eager parents each
season, he hated missing any opportunity he could have to finally
see Emily, if she ever decided to come out of hiding.

Another reason he would have had to
forgo looking for Emily this evening was because of an invitation,
not to be ignored, from Phoebe. Taylor had given each of them the
sealed envelope stating, in a telling manner, that they would be
attending Phoebe’s impromptu dinner. There was to be a guest. A
lady everyone was familiar with but had not seen in sometime. None
of them could begin to guess who Phoebe’s mysterious guest was and
reluctantly agreed to join them that evening. Not that any of them
really had a choice in the matter.

Had the Ellings family made plans for
the evening, Dillon would have probably missed Phoebe’s dinner and
suffered her anger later. At least he now had something to do
instead of sitting around, thinking about Emily.

His decision was made as he dressed for
the evening. He was also running an hour behind. If Emily didn’t
show the following evening then he would begin a friendship with
Lady Claresta and find out where it led.


* * *


Emily was a bundle of nerves by the
time the carriage called for her. Her Grace had continually
reassured her and helped her pick the perfect dress.

In the carriage Emily tried to calm
herself. It wasn’t nerves over seeing the gentlemen, it was being a
guest in Lady Sandlin’s home. Though she had been with His Grace
for years, this was the first time she had been invited to dine
with aristocrats without her guardian. Hopefully she wouldn’t shame

The carriage stopped before a grand
house, and Phoebe met her in the foyer before ushering her into the
parlor immediately upon her arrival. Three gentlemen she hadn’t
seen in years were present, along with two women. Emily couldn’t
keep the smile off of her face as she was greeted by Lord Meadows,
known as Martin, Lord Lavins, known as Richard, Lord Parker, known
to her as Marius. The two ladies were Lady Meadows and Lady

Phoebe wouldn’t tell us who
the mysterious guest was and I must say, I had never thought to see
you again, Emily. How have you been?” Martin asked.

I have been well, Lord

No lord, Emily. Remember,
your father forbade titles within his home.”

We are no longer in my
father’s home,” she reminded him.

You’ve called me Martin
since our first meeting and I insist you continue to do so.” The
others nodded their head in agreement. Her father had wiped away
social status at the doorstep, intending to teach young men, not
titles or one-day titles, because they needed to learn to be men
before they were anything else.

I had to tell my brother
who our guest was or he refused to come to dinner.” Phoebe turned
to Emily. “He was afraid I was playing matchmaker.” Emily had no
idea who Phoebe’s brother was and didn’t want to insult her by

Where are the other two,
Phoebe?” Marius asked. “I was under the impression this was a
dinner we were not allowed to miss.”

They will be along. My
brother will be late, due to a meeting.”

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