His to Control (Cape Falls) (2 page)

BOOK: His to Control (Cape Falls)
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“You keep staring at me, and I’m finding it creepy.”

“Deal with it.” He gritted his teeth as her tone began to stir the dominant within him. Up until this point he’d been able to keep his natural possessive and dominant nature at bay. She reminded him a little of Amy. Amy was his best friend’s wife, who had been abused by her husband, and any form of punishment or domination scared her. William kept that part of him locked away in her presence. With Daisy, he’d done the same. Learning about being a sister to the Steer brothers had opened up a wound inside her. She was scared and hurt. He saw that and recognised being in control with her was not right. However, his instincts were taking over for him to force her to show him some respect.

“You know they’re trying to shut this place down?” she said, licking her lips as she turned those dazzling green eyes toward him.

“I’ve heard, and they’ll lose.”

“Why? Because you’ve got a lot of money?”

“No, because Paul and David Steer want this place kept open.” The moment he said their names he saw the flash in her eyes. The pain and hurt shone for only a second but long enough for him to see it. Daisy was hurting a lot more than she let on. Her walls came down, and she smashed the bottle of expensive whisky on the counter.

The liquor went everywhere. She threw the bottle on the floor, stood up, and slapped him on the face. “Don’t ever say that. Don’t ever say their stupid names.” She screamed at the top of her lungs. The noise she made drew other customers' attention.

“Peter, deal with this while I deal with her.” William caught both of her hands in one of his and led her out of the main bar back through to his office. His temper was high, but his hand wanted on her plump ass. She deserved what was coming to her, and William was more than happy to give it to her.

“Let me go,” she said. The way she pulled and tugged at him was pathetic. He knew she wasn’t even trying hard enough to stop what was about to happen.

He slammed his office door shut, turned the lock, and marched over to his sofa. Tearing off the jacket he wore, he sat down and pointed at his knees. “Get over now.” He ordered her.

She shook her head. “You either get over now or the consequences will be far worse.”

“How worse?” she asked.

“I’ll never allow you in this bar again. I’m sure there is no other place to get the quality whisky you’ve just wasted anywhere else in
Cape Falls. Or, I can get Gabriel over here to have you arrested. Over now.”

She hesitated for several seconds and then moved closer. His hand ached, and his dick throbbed. He wanted to touch her ass and show her the consequences of her actions. Daisy McAllister was a submissive woman, and she’d been let loose for far too long. He was about to show her what it meant to test a dominant man.


Daisy knew she’d fucked up. She’d never done anything as crazy as this. There was a time at Anna’s birthday party where she’d made a fool of herself. She’d spent the next couple of weeks feeling embarrassed about what she’d said. Her mother’s cruelty was starting to rub off on her, and she didn’t like it. At twenty-five years old she’d never been with a man because all of her potential partners had despised her mother on sight. One guy had said he’d never take the risk with a woman if she ended up like her mother. That statement had hurt harder than anything else.

When her mother had admitted to having an affair with the Steer brothers’ fathers, Daisy had felt her whole world crumble. They’d done a DNA test at Paul and David’s insistence. She was their half sister. Finding out that piece of news hadn’t helped matters. Paul and David refused to talk to her. They’d rejected her at every turn. All she’d wanted from them was a photo of her fathers. None of them knew which Steer brother had fathered her. They only knew it was one of the three dads of Paul and David Steer.

“Over now,” William said.

She stared at his legs for several moments. William Johnson was a large man. His muscles and size rivalled most of the men at Cape Falls. She’d been attracted to him from the first moment she’d met him. He’d been walking through town at the time. They were never introduced. She’d simply seen, looked, and then moved on. No one ever considered her for a wife or partner. At twenty-five years old she was tired of being a virgin. Tired of never knowing what it was like with a man.

Staring at his legs she knew he was going to punish her. Her pussy warmed under his intense gaze. She wanted to give up her control. Daisy knew she needed to feel comfort in something. She moved to him and lay over his knees.

One of his hands went across her back to keep her secure. Daisy was aware of her rounder stomach. All the chocolate chip ice cream she’d been eating lately had begun to take its toll on her body. Her ass was probably the size of an elephant's. She cringed, wondering what William thought of her.

“This dress is far too revealing. Next time, I want you to wear something that covers your body.”



She cried out from the pain, but then she felt the warmth spread over her ass. The sensation went straight to her clit. A moan escaped her lips, and the pleasure shocked her to her core.

“You’re so responsive,” he said. His hand caressed her butt. She felt embarrassed at how she was displayed. What would people think if they saw her like this? “I’m going to spank this ass another eleven times. I don’t like dealing with odd numbers, Daisy. I think you deserve twelve for the liquor you’ve wasted and for your cocky attitude. Agreed?”

Did she agree? How would she feel if he pushed her off his lap and told her to get lost? Another rejection. She didn’t know how many more rejections she could take.

“Yes, please, William, please.” She begged him at every turn. She had no idea what she was begging for. Daisy knew whatever she was begging for, only William could give her. He was the only person who had cared about her these last few months. He came out to the bar to sit with her. Sometimes they talked, and at other times, they didn’t. Daisy enjoyed talking to him. She liked his presence. In some way, he comforted her.

“So eager,” he said.

She no longer cared. His arms were around her, and she felt comforted in ways she’d never felt before. One of his arms were around her waist while the other caressed her butt. Her heart pounded inside her chest, and she didn’t care. William had her. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

“Are you ready, pet?” he asked.

“Yes.” She’d never been ready for anything else. Daisy closed her eyes and waited for his hand on her ass. When the whack of his hand landed over her ass, the pain stung, but the pleasure pulsed throughout her body. She bit her lip to stop herself from crying out. The pain helped her see clearly. Her mind was foggy from the strong alcohol she’d been taking. For the first time since finding out about her fathers, she suddenly felt warm inside. Her doubts and fears began to fizzle out.

Her butt was not exposed. He was landing the blows over her dress. She loved it and would have happily stayed in that position for the rest of her life. Tears streamed down her face as the final blow came.

William ran his hand over her ass and talked to her, his sweet voice making her heart melt and her entire world spin out of control.

“I’ve got you,” he said. He lifted her up in his arms, pressed her head against his chest, and comforted her.

Never had her mother given her this kind of comfort. Tears poured from her eyes as she tucked her hands against his shirt. Daisy glanced at her fist resting against his shirt. There was nothing to hold her in place. The world was sucking her down once more. She felt the fear and pain begin to take hold. The panic inside her scared her.

“I can’t do this,” she said. Daisy tried to move away. William stopped her from moving. “I can’t do this.”

“What can’t you do?” he asked.

He tilted her head up so she was looking at him. Through the tears she saw him gazing down at her. She felt his gaze right in the centre of her soul. “You’re losing control. I can see it.”

She watched as he ran his fingers through his hair. He let out a curse, which made her flinch. Why was he mad? She didn’t understand.

“I know you’re intoxicated at the moment, and I can see what’s happening to you,” he said.

What is happening to me? Why was I fine when you were hitting my bottom and now I can’t think?

“I’ve got an idea that might help. I’ll need you to nod your head and promise me when tomorrow comes you’ll talk to me when you’re sober.”

“I’ll do anything. Please, just make this pain go away. I can’t bear it anymore,” she said.

He nodded his head. “Come with me.” William stood, grabbed her hand and was heading out of the door. She followed him up a flight of stairs to the door at the end of the hall. He unlocked the door and took her through to the other side of the house. She noticed it was different from the club. The colours were brighter and the décor more personal. This was his personal home. His place was connected to the club.

She followed as he walked up another set of stairs and through to a bedroom. There was a large wooden four-poster bed in the centre of the room. He locked the door, went to the closet door and pulled out a pair of stretch pants and a long shirt. “Put these on,” he said. He left the room, and she heard the lock on the outside slide into place.

Closing her eyes, she began to remove her dress and underwear. Her ass burnt as she put the sweat pants on. By the time he came back, she stood in the room feeling as attractive as a wet piece of lettuce. The sweat pants covered her entire body and hid all of her curves. He held a long piece of rope in his hand. It was a coloured piece of rope. She’d seen some like it on the internet during her searches into BDSM. It was treated rope, designed to tie a person up but not hurt them.

“I’m going to tie you to the bed. You’re going to close your eyes and get some rest.”

“How will that help me?” she asked. She eyed the rope wondering how being bound would help her. The rope looked threatening. She wouldn’t be able to get away, just like she had not been able to get away from William while he spanked her.

“Because I’m going to tie you to
bed. You calmed down when you were over my knees. I’m doing this, Daisy. No one else.”

“Will it help?” she asked.

“We’ll find out. Do you want to do this?” 

Her mind was foggy. She hadn’t slept well in months. Her body hurt all over. The rope was a lifeline. Daisy nodded her head.

“I’m going to need you to say the words out loud, Daisy.”

“I want you to tie me to your bed,” she said.

“Lie down.”

She moved to the bed and watched as he advanced. He tied the rope to the bed post. She waited as he made a test of the rope, pulling on the length to see if there was much give. He then locked her hands together and tied the robe in a loop behind her hands and back. The knot was not tight, but she couldn’t get away.

William tested the rope for give and to allow her movement. “Does it hurt?” he asked.

Daisy shook her head. Her mind was beginning to clear as she stared at him.

“I’ve got to go back to the club. I’m going to lock this door. You’re safe here, Daisy. No one will hurt you. I want you to close your eyes and sleep.”

“Will you come back here when you’re done?” she asked.

“To sleep?”

“Yes,” she said. Her eyes were already starting to droop.

He leaned down and brushed a kiss to her temple. “Pet, this is my house and my bedroom. I wouldn’t sleep anywhere else.” William kissed her one final time on the temple and then walked out of the room. Before the door closed and locked he stuck his head around the door. “Sleep, Daisy.”

She heard the door close and the bolt slide into place. Daisy waited for the fear and panic to assail her. She tested the rope. There was enough give for her to move but not enough for her to get away. She licked her lips, turned over onto her side and closed her eyes. Sleep couldn’t come fast enough. Daisy rested her bound hands next to her head and fell asleep.



Chapter Two


William waited for the last of his customers to leave. Peter was seeing them out of the door as he sat at the bar waiting. The phone rested on the counter next to his brandy. He hadn’t made the phone call or drunk his brandy. Peter walked back into the room twenty minutes later.

“I didn’t see Daisy,” Peter said.

“Don’t worry about her. I’m dealing with her.”

The younger man nodded his head. “She’s falling apart, isn’t she?”

He sighed. “Yes, she’s falling apart. I don’t think that girl has ever felt needed before in her life. I get the feeling she’s been rejected at every possible turn. It is heart-breaking to see.”

Peter nodded his head but didn’t say anything.

“I’ve got to talk to Paul and David Steer. I’m not looking forward to that conversation.”

“They’re going through a rough patch at the moment,” Peter said.

“I don’t give a shit. Their marriage is their own issue. Daisy is still their sister. Half or otherwise. She has a right to know about her fathers and their life. I don’t like this crap.”

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