His Undoing (6 page)

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Authors: Aria Grace

BOOK: His Undoing
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Brett reached across the table and placed his hand over mine. “I knew it was going to be okay. I’m so glad.” He squeezed my hand once and then released it. I had the most absurd urge to lean over our plates of food and kiss him. I’d never had an urge to kiss anyone, not even Maggie, as much. It was all very fucked up.

I was relieved that I didn’t have to worry about what happened while I was passed out but I still had a ton on my mind. We finished eating with only a few words shared. Both of us lost in our thoughts. We parted ways after breakfast and I practically floated to my first class.

The day went by in a blur. I was happy and confused and frustrated and eager all at the same time. I had made a decision about Maggie and, based on how the night went, I would make a decision about Brett. Of course, that was assuming that there was something for me to decide on about Brett.

I still wasn’t convinced that he fully remembered our talk from the night before. He was pretty wasted and may have chalked it all up to a weird dream.

Maggie sent me a text and told me to come by around eight. I waited until closer to ten so I could get to the main event as soon as possible. I didn’t want to have to make small talk with her friends for a few hours, or worse, field questions about my injuries to anyone who wasn’t in my building and hadn’t heard the story yet. 

By the time I left for the party, I hadn’t seen Brett at all. We usually ran into each other in the afternoon between classes or before dinner but he hadn’t been back to the room. I assumed that he was with friends and hoped to talk to him on Saturday. Maybe even get him to clarify what he agreed to ‘do again’ once we both had some time to think about it.

In the light of day, not in post-orgasmic bliss, it was harder to believe that the conversation really took place at all.

Walking into Maggie’s house, I found her in a corner with a group of friends. She was sitting on a loveseat and waved me over to take her spot while she repos
itioned herself in my lap.

Maggie and I
sat on one side and her friend, Sara, was on the other, I was surrounded in high-pitched giggling and squeals.

It’s funny that I’d never noticed how annoying drunk women could be until I was buried under a few.  I tried to keep up with the conversation but my mind was drifting back to the night before.

Maggie had been drinking for hours so she was very generous with the PDAs. Her arm was snaked around mine and she kissed me like her life depended on it. She ran her fingers through my hair roughly and I knew she was ready to go upstairs.

As if
reading my mind, she untangled herself from me just after midnight and announced that we were heading up. I felt a little awkward by her declaration to the world, or at least the twenty or so people in that room, but in the back of my mind I was a little proud. I always thought that guys were the ones that liked to kiss and tell but Maggie was definitely making a spectacle of our coupling.

I kept my head down as we passed the group of hooting and whistling partygoers. The pressure was high and I was regretting my decision to nurse only one beer for the whole night.

A little bit of liquid courage would have gone a long way. But, I needed to have a clear head. A lot was riding on how this night went and I needed to know for sure that I was making the right decision.

Taking my hand, Maggie dragged me up the stairs to her room on the second floor. I’d never been up there before and was surprised by how it was set up with the beds each pressed up against opposite walls and the desks side-by-side in the middle making a solid barrier. She pulled me to the far bed and sat me
down. Standing directly in front of me, she began kissing me.

“I’m glad you’re staying, Mike,” she said as she placed her knees on the sides of my thighs and straddled my lap.

She pushed me back on the bed and pulled her dress over her head so she was left in only a lacy bra and some barely-there panties. My dick was wide awake and ready for more.

The anticipation of losing my virginity was overshadowed by the conflicting feelings I was
battling. But when she reached back and released the shred of fabric that was holding in her large, full breasts, I was back in the moment. I tentatively reached up to touch them and she leaned into my hands, forcing me to fully hold their weight.

She was soft and warm and exactly what I imagined a naked woman to feel like, but it still felt wrong. I couldn’t help comparing her to the hard muscles I’d felt on Brett’s chest.

Her pink nipples were tight under my touch and I was fascinated with the way her breathing changed when I lightly pinched them. But, it was only fascination. If she wasn’t grinding up and down my erection, I might not have been able to hold it. But, she was and I did.

I pulled my shirt over my head because it seemed like the right thing to do and she immediately went for th
e button on my jeans. Leaning over me, her breasts crushed into my chest while she attacked my mouth with her own. My ribs were still tender but I ignored the pain, too focused on watching her. The skin to skin contact felt good, but still too soft.

Once my z
ipper was down, she reached beneath the waistband of my underwear and wrapped her fingers firmly around my cock. I groaned into her mouth as I let the sensation of someone else’s hand on me take over.

I didn’t need to think anymore. I let my hands roam her body and finally trailed my
uncasted hand between her legs.

She was hot and wet and waiting for me to make a move. I slowly followed the seam of her panties to the center and slid
my fingertips underneath the thin fabric. She squirmed around on my hand until I felt my middle finger slide into her.

Gasping at the intrusion, she
started to jerk me even harder. I hoped that was a good sign and continued to slide my fingers in and out until she indicated what she wanted next. I didn’t have to wait long.

“Ugh, that feels so good. I need you now,”
she said between breaths. She lifted her weight off of my hips so she could slide my pants down to my knees. I felt a little silly being half dressed but not enough to get fully undressed.

“Yeah, me too.”
I lied. I did want to do it, but I definitely didn’t need her at that moment.

My mind was elsewhere when I reached down to my jeans pocket and pulled out a condom. I handed it to her knowing that she had probably put them on a time or two.

She fumbled with the package until it opened and then quickly rolled the latex down my shaft. It felt cool and tight as it cocooned me. Without any further prompting, she mounted me.

When she pushed my tip against her opening, I held my breath. I didn’t let it out until she slid all the way down and had fully taken my cock into her wet pussy.

She moaned and kneaded her tits, pushing her left nipple up to her mouth and licking it while squeezing her other nipple. She bounced up and down on my shaft and I laid still in utter fascination. It felt good, but I knew that it wasn’t supposed to just feel good.

By the way she was
acting, there was something that I was missing, although there wasn’t any way to articulate it without having experienced it. I watched her slide one hand between her legs and dig into herself as she rode me even faster.

The audio, visual and tactile stimulations were all too much for me to bear any longer. I lifted my hips in a quick rhythm to meet her body as it slammed into me and I let go.

I felt the orgasm come and go quickly, though thoroughly. It was...nice.  Meanwhile, Maggie was moaning and tweaking and pinching at herself in a way that told me she really didn’t need me there at all. I was just a warm cock to ride but she knew how to take care of herself. Thank God!

Before I had completely softened, her body gave into her own ministrations and she convulsed in pleasure. I was relieved that she was satisfied and I was off the hook for trying to get her off. Not only
did I have no idea how to, I didn’t have much interest.

“That was amazing,” she whispered into my ear as she rolled off of me and cuddled into my side.

“You are amazing,” I said with no exaggeration. That girl had single-handedly gotten both of us off and didn’t even realize it. Good for her.

“I really like you, Mike.” Shit. That was not what I wanted to hear. I was wondering how to break up with her while she was basking in the afterglow.

“I like you too, Maggie.” I did like her. A lot. But, there was no avoiding the fact that I didn’t feel any of the passion toward her that she deserved. But, that was a conversation for another time.

I lay still on her bed as she curled into me and fell asleep. Once I was sure that she was passed out, I extracted myself from her arms and got dressed. It was still fairly early and there were several groups of people hanging out downstairs when I walked out.

I felt like it was a walk of shame but based on the whistles and comments I heard on my way out, I guess some people felt otherwise.









Walking back to my dorm, I was stuck in my head, as usual. When I heard rustling between two buildings, I was startled but didn’t look up until I heard a low cry.

“Help, anyone, I need help.” I strained to see who was calling but it was too dark so I rushed to the alley to see what was going on. There was a guy hunched over a trash can.

“Hey, man, are you okay?” I pulled out my phone to call 911 when he suddenly stood up and knocked it out of my hand.

Mikey. It’s great to see you again.” That voice. I’d heard it before. It was the same terrifying voice that haunted my sleep. He was my attacker. The one that pulled down my pants and planned to ‘teach me a lesson.’

Before I could run or scream
, I felt his huge fist pound into my stomach. I was doubled over but determined to stay conscious. I needed to remember his face and be able to identify him to the police...assuming he let me live this time. He grabbed one shoulder and pulled me up the wall of the building.

“Don’t make a sound or this will be much worse...” His threat was cut off as
he was thrown into the wall beside me. Brett quickly assessed my state before pounding into the giant now crumpled at my feet.

Brett kicked the guy in his side before rolling him over. He froze when he finally got a look at the asshole. “Steve, you mother fucker. What the fuck are you doing?” Brett grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him up the wall
, dragging him to the other side of the alley.

They argued for a few moments and Brett punched him a few more times. By the way the guy was leaning to
one side, I guessed he had a few cracked ribs of his own.

“Mike, are you sure you’re okay?” he asked leaving the guy unconscious in a heap.

“Yeah, I dropped my phone. Can I use yours to call the police?”

“Of course.
But, I know him. He’s sort of an ex. He followed me here but I think now he understands that we are really over.”

Seeing my phone under a small box,
I picked it up and was relieved when the screen lit up.

“You dated that dude? Was he a psycho freak back then too?”

“Kinda. I mean, no he wasn’t. He takes meds but I guess he’s off them right now. Listen, I know you want to call the cops, and if you do I’ll support you 100%...but honestly, I don’t think it’s necessary. I told him I’d be talking to his folks and they’ll make him come home and get him straightened out. When he’s taking his meds, he’s pretty normal.”

“But…” I wasn’t even sure what he meant. “Are you saying you don’t think I should call the police? He tried to kill me.

He ran his hand through his hand through his hair in an uncharacteristic sign of confusion.

“I’m just saying that if you don’t call the cops, I promise to make sure he gets home and gets treated. His parents are big shots down in L. They are very aware of his ‘tendencies’ when he isn’t medicated and they wouldn’t want to draw any negative attention to themselves. If it were just him, I’d say sue the shit out of him. But they are good people that will take care of. You’ll be safe now. I promise.”

He put his fingers to my temple to make sure I wasn’t bleeding. Satisfied that I was okay, he nudged me forward to the main street. We walked side by side, in silence for a moment before I had to get my questions answered.

“So, why me? Why would he think that we are together?”

“I don’t know. I guess he saw us hanging out and
knows that I don’t usually hang out with guys so...publicly. He must have made some assumptions since we always go to breakfast together. I’m so sorry. I had no idea he was capable of something like this.”

He stopped walking and turned me to face him, worry lines coveri
ng his perfectly chiseled face.

Are you sure you’re okay? Do you feel dizzy at all?” He rubbed my bicep for a moment, then let go.

I’m fine.” I nudged him forward and we resumed walking. “How did you find me?”

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