Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (28 page)

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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The next few pages
got a lot more intimate. There were questions about my sexuality, my
experience, what I expected from my relationship with Damien, how
often I wanted sex, and what types of domestic skills I was good at.
Behind that was a list of words for which I had to write down my own
definitions. The last few pages of the questionnaire contained a
mile-long list of kinks. I was supposed to indicate which ones that I
would be interested in trying, my level of interest in the activity,
and which ones I absolutely wouldn't do.

By the time I
finished filling out the questionnaire, it was past midnight. My
brain felt completely fried, and I couldn't believe I had spent
almost three hours on the thing. Thank God the weekend loomed ahead,
and I didn't have to be at Damien's place until four o'clock the next

Exhausted, I crawled
into bed, staring across my nightstand at the stack of papers that
had consumed so much of my time, wondering if Damien Reed would be
pleased with my answers. Whether he was or not, I probably wouldn't
know. His face was usually expressionless, rarely betraying a hint of
his true emotion. It was one thing I hated about him, adding to the
mystery that was Damien Reed. So many times, I had wondered what was
going on inside of that gorgeous head of his. I suppose it didn't
matter now though. Once I turned in that stack of papers, he would be
mine. At least, that's how I assumed it worked. In reality, I still
wasn't quite sure what to expect. But Damien would teach me. He was
good at that.

Despite the
tiredness that plagued me, my mind swam with thoughts of upcoming
lessons with Damien Reed. He promised me so many new and exciting
experiences. After reading the extensive list of kinks, I wondered
how many of them he planned to explore with me. Some sounded more fun
than others, like fantasy rape and toy play, but at the very top of
my list was spanking. I yearned for Damien Reed's large powerful hand
to slip my panties down and spank my ass until it was a warm pink.
The very thought of it made my pussy ache.

Chey, you've been
a very bad girl,
I pictured him saying, looming over me, tall and
dominant and handsome. He'd stare down at me with those hard brown
eyes, eyes that always meant business. Like a good submissive, I'd
turn my backside to him for punishment, or was it pleasure?

He'd look at me with
little regard, making me feel small and uncertain, as he often did.
When his fingertips touched my hips to pull my underwear over my ass,
I would quiver with excitement, my body's central pleasure core
heating up like a switch had just been turned on. I never understood
how a simple touch of his hand could ignite my desire so, but I
certainly didn't mind it. Damien Reed was a sexual circuit, and I was
his conductor. Together, we made electricity flow until both of our
bodies exploded in ecstasy. It was a perfect match.

Even as I thought
about him, electricity was flowing to my sensitive areas. I sneaked a
hand beneath my nightshirt to tweak one of my perked nipples before I
slipped it down the front of my panties. Already, I was wet for
Damien Reed, for his deft hand on my smooth wanton skin.

My mind returned to
the fantasy while my finger absentmindedly flicked across my pleasure
button, massaging teasingly, as Damien would do. I pictured myself
crawling onto his lap, leaning over it, my naked bottom poised for
punishment. Silently, I begged for it, waiting with a yearning that
put my entire body on edge.

He'd rub his palm
over my ass, groping and squeezing, warming me up for what was to
come. By that time, my pussy was throbbing, the tides of my pleasure
slowly moving into shore. The hand would leave my ass, and I'd bite
my bottom lip, picturing it pulled back, ready to strike. Then the
blow would come, sending fire through my backside as skin kissed
skin. I'd cry out, but not from discomfort.

I whispered, and again he would draw back and let his hand crack
against my ass. Blow after blow rained down on me, not hard enough to
bruise, but just enough to blush my skin. Each strike would send a
shot of pleasure straight to my cunt.

stop,” I begged, wanting to feel the warmth drown me. And he
didn't stop. Not until the tidal wave of bliss consumed me, and the
sensitive nerve endings in my clit fired off, rejoicing from the

I gasped into the
darkness, rubbing tight circles against my clit and feeling the
contractions play beneath my fingertips. The pain in my ass subsided
as my orgasm ebbed away, leaving me gasping and content. Damien Reed
was nowhere to be found. I was alone in my room, panting, with my
hand shoved into my panties, staring up into the blackness of night
in my bedroom, praying for sleep, waiting for morning to come.


At promptly three
forty-five the following evening, I was sitting in front of Damien
Reed's massive house. I glanced at the three-tiered fountain in his
circular driveway and the blue and red flowers that surrounded it.
The water cascaded down serenely, as it always did, and I found
myself wondering if he ever turned the fountain off.

It was a stupid
thing to think about, especially when I should be worrying about
other things. In a matter of minutes, Damien Reed would be reading
the answers to my questionnaire, assessing them and considering
whether or not he had made the right choice in asking me to be his

I turned my gaze
down to the stack of papers, which I had neatly stapled back
together. Did the continuation of our relationship rely on the
answers within? Probably not. Damien had been pretty adamant about
wanting me as his submissive ever since the night at the cheer
studio, when he had taken me so violently against the glass window.
My cunt pulsed every time the memory came to mind. It had been the
first time we had sex together, and probably the most memorable
sexual experience of my entire life, not that I had many to boast

My heart raced with
equal parts nervousness and anticipation as I climbed out of my Miata
and straightened my skirt before walking up to the door. It seemed
like no matter how many times I found myself in front of his house,
the butterflies in my stomach didn't realize I had been there before.
Many many times before.

I knocked and waited
for the sound of his footsteps. When the door opened, my butterflies
took flight, swirling the emotions in my body. Admiration. Love.
Lust. They were all there when I looked at Damien Reed.

in,” he said, stepping aside for me to enter.

If he was excited to
see me, I couldn't tell, but that was to be expected. I was slowly
getting used to his poker face. It was rare that Damien Reed was
anything other than strictly business.

Instead of leading
me to the classroom, Damien took a detour and went to the living room
instead. I shamelessly watched his ass as he walked, that perfect
round ass that was oh-so-squeezable.
Someday, while we're making
I'll wrap my arms around him and dig my nails into that
ass. Not today though.
touch Damien Reed without his permission was almost unthinkable,
though I couldn't help but wonder how he'd react. Part of me wanted
to find out, but the part of me that was still unfamiliar with him
was too shy.
time, perhaps.
there ever be another time though? Soon, I would belong to him.
Acting out of line might earn me a punishment.

I bit my bottom lip,
thinking of my spanking fantasy from the night before. Damien had
told me punishments wouldn't be like that. But oh what fun it would
be if they were.

When he gestured for
me to sit on the sofa, I was forced to put all naughty thoughts
aside. Now, we would be getting down to business.

noticed another stack of papers sitting on the coffee table, and I
groaned internally.
for the love of God, don't make those papers be something else I have
to fill out.
filling out the questionnaire had been fun in its own right, I really
didn't want to have to go through it again.

Damien caught me
looking at the papers but said nothing, which didn't make me feel
anymore confident in what they were.

you finish the questionnaire?” he asked, holding out his hand
to me.

I nodded, leaning forward to give him the paperwork.

you fill it out completely?” The tone in his voice implied
doubt, and also a sense that he'd be highly disappointed in me if I
hadn't. After all, I'd had the questionnaire for much longer than I
was originally supposed to.

took me a really long time, but I did complete it entirely,” I
replied, watching as he turned the first page over.

As he read my
answers, he spoke, “That stack of paperwork on the coffee table
is for you. On the very top is a list of my rules. Beneath that is a
mock contract for you to take home and go over. Tonight, I'll input
all the missing fields. Tomorrow, we can discuss the contract and any
changes you think should be made to it. After we agree on the terms,
I'll print out the actual copy for both of us to sign.”

It didn't take a
genius to know he expected me to look at it right away. Taking his
queue, I picked up the stack of papers. When I flipped them over, it
took everything in me not to scowl. I suspected what I would find.
After all, this wasn't the first time I had seen a submissive
contract. While I had never been a submissive before, I distinctly
remembered looking at one in a book about BDSM. This one seemed
longer somehow. Tediously longer. I dreaded the thought of having to
read it all. Would everything in the lifestyle be this complicated?
Hopefully not.

I sighed, starting
from the beginning. By all rights, the document looked legally
binding. It was written in the serious style that a lawyer would use,
with specific clauses sectioned off, addressing every aspect of my
submission, from the purpose of our relationship to the rules of my
servitude. Each line was meticulously detailed, and far more
restrictive than I thought our relationship should be.

Damien coughed,
forcing my attention to him.

can read that later tonight. It's the paper that was on top of that
stack that I want you to read now.”

On top? I stared
down at the paperwork for a moment before I realized what he meant.
Feeling stupid, I pulled the paper from the bottom of the stack and
placed it on top of the contract. Down the length of it was a
numbered list of rules. It read as follows:

  1. I will obey, serve,
    and please my Master, understanding that whatever my Master wishes
    of me is for my own good.

  2. When I am not in
    the presence of my Master, choices that I make will reflect only
    what I think would please my Master.

  3. When my Master
    speaks to me, I will respond without hesitation.

  4. When others are
    present, I will not speak unless my Master gives permission except
    to say that they must speak to Him first.

  5. I will not enter a
    room without requesting permission from my Master.

  6. I will learn
    everything that my Master is willing to teach me and will
    demonstrate my knowledge upon request or whenever it pleases my

  7. When around
    company, my Master is to be treated as the most important person. If
    I am called upon to serve, I will always serve my Master first.

  8. If I have done
    something to displease my Master, I must tell him immediately.

  9. I will never
    disrespect my Master, whether in a public or private setting,
    whether He is present or absent.

  10. I will not flinch
    away from punishment or hesitate when it is time to receive it.

  11. I will thank my
    Master for my punishments and, after punishment is received, will
    promptly recite why I was punished so that I may always remember not
    to repeat the same mistake.

  12. My Master's needs
    must always come before my own, no matter the circumstance.

  13. I will always tell
    my Master before I am about to orgasm so that he may decide whether
    or not to allow it.

  14. I will not date or
    engage in sexual activity with others unless I have received
    permission from my Master first.

  15. The safe word I
    have been given is for my protection, and I may use it at any time
    that I feel necessary without the fear of punishment.

  16. I will never think
    of myself as weak for my decision to submit. It takes a lot of
    courage to be able to give myself over fully to the care and
    pleasure of someone else.

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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