Hitman's Revenge (a Forbidden Bad Boy Romance) (14 page)

BOOK: Hitman's Revenge (a Forbidden Bad Boy Romance)
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Present Day

as I walked inside and up the stairs, scared to death at the gauntlet I just threw down before Jack. He always liked to be in control, I knew that, and I had a fifty-fifty chance of having him do what I wanted him to do. Which would he choose?

I entered his bedroom and lay myself across the bed, the comforter cool under my bare skin. If he didn’t come tonight, I was going to stick to what I had told him. I couldn’t live with these what ifs anymore. Either he wanted me or he didn’t. Either he cared about me or he didn’t. I loved him, that was not going to change, but I wasn’t going to allow Jack to rule my life or heart anymore. Besides, we could be dead in a day or so anyway.

When the first footstep entered the room, my skin broke out into goose bumps. I forced myself to continue to lie still on the bed, my eyes fastened to the ceiling. I wasn’t going to make any more moves. It would be all up to Jack, but at least he had made the choice to come upstairs.

It was a start.

His hand slid up my calf, warm where my skin was cool, and I bit my lip, feeling the effects of his touch on my skin. When it slid up my thigh I felt the sudden rush of warmth between my legs.

His face loomed over mine, his eyes a startling blue as he stared down at me. “Are you the slaughtered lamb for the lion?”

“I’m here for you, Jack, I’m whatever you want me to be,” I breathed, reaching up to touch his face. “Do you want me?” He exhaled hard, and I knew then I had won. I was going to get Jack, all of him. “I saved myself for you…”

“You’re killing me, Hazel,” he growled, his eyes widening as he realized the meaning of my words. “All this time?”

I rose up onto my knees, clinging to the material at his chest and nodded. “You’re the only one I’ve ever wanted. The only one I ever wanted inside me.”

He stood there, those beautiful eyes of his watching me as I knelt before him, my hands going to the belt on his jeans. I heard the sharp intake of his breath as I made quick work of it, pulling his jeans over his slim hips and down his legs, breathless as I realized he was commando.

“You better stop, Hazel, before it’s too late,” he warned.


His cock was standing to attention, pulsating in anticipation. My hand reached out and gripped him lightly, feeling it jump at my touch. Here I was in control, and I absolutely loved it.

As my lips touched the velvety skin of his head, he hissed, and his hand reached to grip my hair, guiding my mouth over him. “Hazel, god that feels fucking amazing,” he said softly. I responded with a low hum, my hand gripping the base and sliding up it with excruciating slowness. Jack murmured my name softly, his hand flexing in my hair before pulling me back. “Enough,” he said, his voice strained. “I can’t take that much more.” His eyes flickered down to my pussy.

I smiled and drew back up, my hands going to the hem of his shirt. Carefully I slid it over his head, gentle with his shoulder. His magnificent chest came into full view. Jack was beautiful, his body sculpted to perfection, and I tried not to show that I was in awe of the man he’d physically become. I didn’t want to scare him off now, not when we had come so far. I could see in his eyes I had to tread carefully; he needed some control back, and I was about to give it to him. “Come take what is yours, Jack.”

A wolfish smile appeared on his lips, and he stepped out of his pants.

“You’re going to regret you ever said that.”

The glaring white bandage on his shoulder did not impede him whatsoever as he loomed over me, his hands running up my thighs. “I’ve dreamt of this, Hazel. I’m going to make you scream my fucking name.”

My smile wavered a bit as his dark head bent down at the vee of my thighs. The rasp of his tongue scorched me as he traced the thin material of my thong up my seam. I was already wet with anticipation as his finger hooked the material and drew it aside. My arms trembled and my body collapsed onto the bed as his tongue sought out my swollen clit.

No one had ever done what he was doing, and I could already feel the pressure building within me as his tongue drew lazy circles around the nub, causing me to clench the comforter in my hands in anticipation of what was to come. “Jack,” I breathed as that feeling started to come over me. He ignored me and pressed against my center, his fingertip teasing my hole, flicking once then twice as I came hard and fast, the force of my orgasm taking even me by surprise.

His smile was wide as he slid up my body, the after-effects of the orgasm still causing me to tremble slightly beneath his touch. I could feel the pressure of his cock at my wet entrance and I pushed against it, desperate to have him fill me completely. I wanted all of Jack.

“I’ll be gentle this one time,” he whispered and kissed my cheek.

He winced slightly as I hooked my arms around his neck. I remembered his shoulder, but it didn’t seem to affect him too much as he braced himself with his good arm against the mattress.

Poised above me, his eyes met mine. I desperately wanted to tell him how I felt, to make this even more meaningful. But I held back. I loved Jack, always had, but I didn’t want to have him running off into the night because I had scared the shit out of him with my feelings. Besides, if he stopped now, I would combust on site.

I felt the head of his cock nudge into my entrance, pulsating against my quivering flesh, and slowly, with my heart thudding hard in my chest, his cock filled me. With a quick sharp thrust he claimed my virginity. He groaned, and I cried out as the pain shot through me, pleasure following not far behind it.

For a moment we just stayed there, our eyes connected. A feeling of love washed over me as his gaze licked over my skin, and I smiled, knowing he was thinking of only me in the moment, the woman who had carried a torch for him for so long.

When his hips started to move I gasped, bending my knees to allow for deeper and better access. “God Hazel,” he groaned, his hand coming up to my breast, squeezing my nipple lightly. The sensation shot straight to my center, and I moaned myself, tilting my hips to meet his thrusts. I hoped this wasn’t going to be the last time and I hoped I would be good enough for him. “I’ve needed you for so long…”

At his words my orgasm took over, and I screamed out his name as Jack pushed into me faster, his roar filling my ears as his hard cock stripped me of my innocence once and for all.

“I’m all yours, Jack,” I whispered.

“You’re fucking right, you are,” he growled, lust clouding his eyes as he held me tight against him, my body writhing pleasurably on the end of his cock.

Present Day

couldn’t sleep
. Hazel’s warm body was snuggled up against my side, her breathing slow and even, and as much as I knew I should leave, I couldn’t.

Hell, I couldn’t even force myself to remove the arm around her shoulder. It had been hours since our last sexual encounter, and my shoulder was burning in pain, but I didn’t give a shit. I had bigger problems to worry about now, mainly the woman next to me and how she finally made me realize how much I needed her. She’d gotten way under my skin once again, and this time I didn’t want to have to push her away. And not just my skin, but into my damn heart, as well. I should have never touched her, but once she had thrown down that challenge, it was hard for me to resist.

Sighing as I took in her sleeping face, I rubbed my hand over her naked shoulder, grasping the edge of the comforter and pulling it up over her so she wouldn’t get cold. I almost laughed. I had gone from a killing machine to worrying about someone getting cold.

How was I going to deal with this change? Was it so bad, though? Was it so bad that I had given into the one thing I couldn’t resist and enjoyed the hell out of her? Hell yes, it was bad. Someone like Hazel didn’t deserve to be in the spotlight with the position I was in. If my enemies, my targets, found out that I had someone that I fucking cared about on the other end, she would be a target herself. Constantly a pawn to be used against me. But then again, that had already happened, and we were still here.

Tightening my hold on her shoulder, I stared up at the ceiling. I didn’t want to let her go. I didn’t want to see the hurt in her eyes or hear the breaking of her heart when I was forced to act indifferent. Hell, my own heart, what was left of it, would be in jeopardy, as well. Hazel allowed me to glimpse the man that I could be if things were different, but they weren’t. I didn’t think I could be the person she needed, the married type with a desk job, and it was going to kill me to tell her that.

Present Day

, you have to protect your thumb, or you will fucking break it. Try it again.”

I frowned and tucked my thumb into my fist, my mood soured this morning. I had awoken to an empty bed, and by the time I had dressed, Jack was waiting for me downstairs. There was no trace of the man who had licked every inch of my body last night.

He had told me he was going to teach me some basic moves and had moved all of the living room furniture out of the way in preparation for my instructions. For the last hour I had learned to jab and punch, kick and hit. I had even figured out how to break a man’s nose with my palm, but not once had Jack kissed me or even touched me in any way that wasn’t part of the training. As I had drifted off to sleep the night before, I held a tiny flicker of hope that maybe this was going to work out. That was just an illusion now; we were back to square one.

A phone beeped from somewhere near me, and Jack held up his hand, a frown appearing on his face to replace the scowl that I had thought was going to be there permanently as he pulled out his phone and looked at the screen. “Shit.”

“What?” I asked hesitantly, wiping the sweat off of my face with my hand. “Am I worth a cool million now?”

Jack shot me a dark look as he held the phone up to his ear, walking away so that I couldn’t hear the conversation. Something was going on, something that wasn’t going to be good for me, I just knew it.

With a sigh, I sat down on the couch and braced my head with my hands, staring at the back of Jack’s head as he carried on his important conversation. He was dressed in a t-shirt and dark lounge pants, his feet bare. He looked completely at home here. I watched as he slammed the phone back into his pocket and ran a hand through his hair roughly before turning around, his expression devoid of any emotion. “We will be leaving in thirty minutes.”

“What’s going on, Jack?” I asked, wishing that he would tell me something.

“Not now, Hazel,” he replied, walking up the stairs. “Thirty minutes.” I watched him leave the room, and I looked around at my surroundings with a little bit of sadness. I liked this house and really thought I was safe enough here. Would I ever be safe anywhere? Would I always be looking over my shoulder?

Present Day

as Hazel came down the stairs, my anxiety level on high. The phone call from Pedro giving me a head’s up had rattled me, the news not good at all.

Romano had paired up with Colt to find Hazel and me, the half a million bounty too much to ignore. Now we had to move, for my mountain hideaway had been found out, and it was only a matter of time before we were stranded up here. Who was I kidding? There was no way I could fend off the onslaught that was coming, not now, with my shoulder. Originally staying here would’ve been perfect, being able to spot that anyone that came calling or using my ability to fight in close quarters… that had all been ruined. I had a new plan, though I wasn’t sure how much Hazel was going to like it.

Hoisting the bag onto my good shoulder, I led her to the front door and down the steps, hiding my grin as I heard her swift intake of breath. “Oh no. Whose car did you take this time? That is not an incognito car whatsoever, Jack.”

“This one is mine,” I said as I looked at my prized possession, the sleek black Porsche that I had paid cash for. Nixon had laughed when I told him what I had bought, but I had just given him the bird with a grin on my face. I thought of the Pontiac I had to ditch in favor of the 4x4 before rescuing Hazel, one day I’d find Lucky again and reclaim her but in the meantime, the Porsche would do just nicely. It was a car I had always wanted since I was a little kid, and now it was mine… if only it would be that easy with Hazel.


“Come on,” I said, opening the passenger door. “We need to move.” She looked at me as she climbed inside, the hurt evident in her eyes over the way I had treated her this morning. It made me feel like an asshole, but I shrugged it off, shutting the door behind her before walking to the driver’s side. Now wasn’t the time to worry about whatever relationship I had with Hazel. We had bigger fish to fry, and once I told her my plan on the way back to Louisiana, I hoped she didn’t jump out of the car or the plane I had waiting for us. The seven-hour drive was too long, so I’d called in a few favors to the last remaining trustworthy person who owed me his life.

I gunned the engine and backed out of the driveway, turning the car down the mountain with ease. Hazel was quiet beside me, her hand on the door handle as I executed the twists and turns. “Where are we going?” she finally asked, her voice small.

“To the airport,” I responded, keeping my eyes on the road as we finally made it out onto the highway. “We’ve got to get back to Louisiana.” I looked over at her, seeing the multitude of questions on her face.

“Go back? We can’t, Jack!”

“I promise I will explain it all to you when we get in the air.” She let out an angry breath, nodded and went back to looking out of the window, her face showing the strain of the unknown. I knew I wasn’t being very fair to her, but what could I do?

The rest of the trip was silent, and I felt the apprehension myself as I pulled up to the airport, grabbing my bag as Hazel climbed out. I was taking her directly back to the danger instead of keeping her away from it. But it would be the last thing Colt or anyone else would suspect.

The private jet was right where the owner had said it would be, the pilot waiting with a smile as we walked up the stairs and inside. But I still made sure I had easy access to my gun just in case this wasn’t on the up and up.

As requested, food was already laid out on the table, the smells filling the cabin. Hazel was looking around, unsure of where to even sit. “Have a seat anywhere,” I offered, placing my bag in a seat. “I figured you would be hungry, so I arranged for some food to be here.”

“Do you own this, as well?” she asked quietly, setting her bag on the seat opposite mine.

“I might be good at what I do, but not that good,” I chuckled as the pilot closed the door and climbed into the cockpit. “I’m turning in some favors. Relax, Hazel, and enjoy the ride.”

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