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Authors: Hilary Wynne

Hold On (9 page)

BOOK: Hold On
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Julian leans forward and pushes me off of him with a thrust of his hips. He takes
my hand and starts to lead me out of the foyer. I think he’s going to take me into
his bedroom but he stops in the living room. He stands me up against the back of the
couch and pulls my shorts and my panties off but leaves my shoes on. He gets on his
knees in front of me and spreads my legs with his hands. He takes one of my legs and
puts it over his shoulder. His face is right between my legs and before he launches
his oral assault on my throbbing sex, he gives me a command, “Hold on to the couch,
Lexie. When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to stand.” I listen and grip the
back of the couch with both hands as Julian runs his magical tongue through my hot,
wet, needy sex. I teeter on my heels as I involuntarily roll my hips in small circular
motions. “It feels so good, Julian. Please don’t stop.”

Julian doesn’t stop. He never stops until I’m fully satisfied. He continues to voraciously
lick me until I feel the stirring of my orgasm. It starts in my toes and rolls up
my legs and into my core. My nipples tighten and my legs start to tremble as Julian
brings me to a massive climax. He keeps his mouth on me, breathing on my sensitive
flesh until he’s sure my orgasm has subsided. I gently push his head away, unable
to stand the intensity of his mouth between my legs any longer.

He stands and places a deep, wet kiss on me. I can taste myself on him and it feels
so personal, like there’s nothing we haven’t or wouldn’t share. I try and wrap my
arms around him but he moves back and turns me around so I’m leaning over the couch.
My ass is in the air and with these heels on; I’m the perfect height for Julian to
take me this way.

“I’m going to fuck you now, just like you’ve wanted me to all night. Am I right, Corazón?
You want me to fuck you?”

I turn my head and look up at him. The heat in his eyes as he looks down at me and
my naked ass is scorching. “Yes. I want you to fuck me, Julian. Hard.”

He doesn’t respond with words, just his body. He guides himself into me and does what
I asked him to do. He fucks me hard and I enjoy every deep thrust and every moan that
comes out of his mouth. As he nears his climax, he reaches down, grabs my hair, and
pulls me up toward him as he releases himself into me. He calls my name and shudders
as he gives me every last drop of him.

We stay in the position for a few moments, neither one of us trusting our shaky legs.
When Julian finally pulls out I feel the wetness of his orgasm, or mine, on the inside
of my thighs. We both came hard. It makes me smile. I’m still feeling a little weak
from the intensity of what we just did and want to take this party into the bedroom
so we can lie down. As I walk away I glance over my shoulder on the way. “Come to
bed with me. I still haven’t been naked underneath you.”

I hear him moan as I shut the bathroom door behind me. I get undressed, brush my teeth,
and clean myself up a little. Julian is sitting on the bed, naked, and waiting for
me with a bottle of water and two Advil. He thinks I’m drunk, but I’m really not.
I just feel relaxed and good. I take them without comment and lean in for a kiss.
His minty breath suggests he brushed his teeth as well.

We climb into bed and snuggle close to each other. I ask him about his trip and he
gives me an abridged version. It sounds like it was a success. He tells me his dad
was good and he felt confident coming home today. He tells me he missed me. He doesn’t
bring up Alejandra and neither do I. I figure we’ll talk about it tomorrow.

We lie there, facing each other. Julian has his hand around my waist and is running
his fingers softly up and down my lower back and my ass. It’s relaxing and putting
me to sleep. I try and enjoy the moment because these mean so much to me. I love when
we just “are”.

After about ten minutes, right as I’m about to fall asleep, Julian breaks the silence.
Apparently he isn’t ready to go to bed. “You know, we’ve never really talked about
sex. We haven’t needed to, I guess, and I think I’m taking care of you, but if there’s
something you want, or need from me, I hope you know you can tell me.”

I chuckle softly. We haven’t needed to talk. The first time I touched him I was turned
on, so this hasn’t been a steep learning curve as far as what works for me. I wonder
if he’s hinting he needs something more. I’m a little scared to ask, but I do anyway.

“You haven’t needed any directions. Everything you do works perfectly for me. You
know that. I’ll let you know if something doesn’t. But, if you need something from
me, you can tell me too.”

“So there’s nothing you want to try?”

Okay, he is going somewhere with this. “Just say what’s on your mind. I can handle

That makes him laugh. “There isn’t much you can’t handle, baby. I’m just wondering
if you have any fantasies you want to share with me.”

Fantasies? I’m living a freaking fantasy with him as a lover. I don’t say that though
because I’m actually a little uncomfortable with this line of questioning. It’s odd
considering how sexual our relationship has been from the get-go. Julian has never
made me uncomfortable either, but I’m not sure I can talk to him about my fantasies.
I’m more a “just do it” girl than a “talk about it” girl. So, in true Alexa fashion,
I do what I always do when I feel uneasy. I make a joke.

“I do have a fantasy but I’m not sure you want to hear about it.”

Julian raises his eyebrows and flashes me a seductive smile. “Sí, quiero.”

“Okay, but you can’t get mad.”

“Mad? I won’t get mad. Promise.”

I put my face really close to his and talk in my most seductive voice. “I have this
fantasy about meeting a really hot guy in a nightclub and grinding against him in
a dark hallway. I want him to make me come without even really touching me.”

Julian catches on two seconds into this and chuckles a little but looks disappointed.

“Good luck with that.” I can see he’s giving up when he takes his hand off of me.

I grab it and place it back on my hip. “I’m not comfortable talking about this. I’m
not sure why either. I like that you usually take the lead on these things and if
there’s something I don’t like, I’ll let you know.”

Julian is staring at me intensely. “I’m glad you trust me and tonight was hot. I love
that you were talking about getting nasty with me. But, I’m not sure what that really
means to you and I’m not comfortable venturing into unchartered territories. I don’t
know what’s okay with you and I don’t ever want you to feel uncomfortable with me.”

I know he’s thinking about the rape and that bothers me. I can’t imagine Julian ever
putting me in an uncomfortable situation or hurting me in any way.

“Julian, I’ve never had this kind of sexual relationship before and I love experiencing
new things with you. I want you to venture into unchartered territories.” I lean and
give him a soft peck on the lips. “But, I’m wondering what you have on your mind right
now. And please don’t say you aren’t thinking about something specific, because this
isn’t coming up out of the blue. It’s making me feel like you’re the one not being

Julian kisses me back. “I’ve never been more satisfied in my life. But you’re right,
I do think of things from time to time. I can’t help it. Since I met you, I’ve been
walking around with a hard on like I’m thirteen, and it makes me think about things
I’d like to do to you, or with you. Your comments about being nasty tonight got my
imagination going.”

“Por ejemplo.”

“I love when you speak to me in Spanish, it turns me on.” He kisses me again. “You
want examples? Okay. I’d love to use restraints on you, handcuffs, or anything to
tie your hands up. I’d love to just have my way with you until you come over and over
again. You always make me stop touching you, or tasting you, after you come once.
I’d love to make you come multiple times with my tongue.”

My core clenches at the thought of Julian between my legs. “I’m absolutely okay with
you making me come over and over again, obviously. You do it all the time, even though
it’s not back-to-back like you want. But the restraints might be too much for me.
I’ll try, but I’m not sure how I’ll feel when it happens.”

“Fair enough. How do you feel about using toys?”

He’s a smart one. He’s easing me into this conversation despite my reservations. “Like
a vibrator or a dildo?”

He nods his head.

I get the seductive smile again. “For starters, yes.”

“I’m not sure why I’d need either when I have you, but I’m not opposed.” I place my
hand around his shaft and he stiffens immediately. “As a matter of fact, my vibrator
hasn’t been used in months.”

He takes my hand off of his shaft. “Mmm. I want to finish this conversation and if
you keep doing that we won’t.” He actually scoots back a little. “Tell me about this
vibrator. You used to be good friends?”

He’s being very causal and flirty; it’s loosening me up. “Very good friends. My shower
head too. I preferred their help over my fingers.”

A throaty moan escapes his lips. “That’s so sexy, baby. I’d love to watch you get
yourself off that way. I love to watch you period.”

I’m getting turned on again and Julian’s rock hard erection right in front of me isn’t
helping put out the flames. I’m feeling way less shy right now. “I kind of like to
watch too.”

He raises his eyebrows. I’ve shocked him a little. “Watch what?” His voice is seductive
and inquisitive.

I shrug my shoulders a little. “Anything. You, us, other people.”

His eyes turn dark with desire. I’ve hit a hot button here. “Other people? Do you
enjoy watching porn, Lexie?”

I’m trapped; I’ve played myself into a little corner. “I haven’t watched much, but
yes, it turns me on a little. I think I like the real life stuff better though.”

I may have shocked him a lot now. “You enjoy watching other people have sex?” I can’t
read his tone. I may have gone too far. But then again, he looks even more turned
on and he’s completely hard now. I try not to get embarrassed.

“I’ve never actually watched anybody having sex, but I get turned on watching people
kissing and touching each other. Like at a bar, when a couple is dancing and grinding
against each other. When you know they’re going to end up fucking. It’s hot.”

He actually licks his lips and I feel a burst of heat spread through my core. This,
what we’re doing right now, is hot. I pause and stare at Julian. I wonder if me talking
about getting turned on by watching other guys bothers him. He pulls me close again
so his erection is pressing up against my stomach. I guess he’s fine with my admission.

“So you’re into voyeurism are you? I wouldn’t have guessed that about you. Exhibitionism
maybe, but not voyeurism.”

I’m surprised he thought I was into either. I hadn’t thought about it at all. “You
thought I was into exhibitionism. Why?”

“Because you had no problem grinding against me in the hallway. Your dress was barely
covering your ass. We could’ve been caught.”

I giggle a little. “Guilty as charged. The idea of being naughty in public is a turn
on too and, unless you told someone about that night, someone did see us.”

I tell him about the conversation Luke and I had, and how he’d known.

“I never kiss and tell, or grind and tell. I was so into you rubbing your hot body
into mine I didn’t notice anybody. One of my employees must have seen us and told

He doesn’t seem to care so I move on. Luke is never a good topic. “So now you know
all my secrets. I like to watch and I like to live a little on the edge. I really
haven’t done much of either though.”

“Well we can change that. You stop wearing panties and I promise the next time we
have a good opportunity we’ll live on the edge a little.”

My sex clenches at the thought. I can feel how wet I am right now; this conversation
has me completely aroused. I move a bit so Julian’s hard shaft is between my legs,
and I take him in my hand and guide him into me. He slides in easily and I put my
leg over his so he can go deeper.

Julian closes his eyes for a moment and moans as he moves slowly inside of me. “Mmm,
you’re still so wet. See, you can be honest with me. I want to be the one who fulfills
all of your fantasies.” He picks up his pace a little. “You feel so good.”

I grab his ass and pull him deeper. “You always feel good inside of me, Julian. I
love having you in me and on me.”

As he picks up his speed, his thrusts go deeper. His hand is on my ass now and he’s
pulling me into him as he thrusts. “You love having me in your pussy? What about your
mouth? Do you like having my hard dick in your mouth?”

“Yes, Julian,” I whisper breathlessly. “I love you in me anywhere. I love feeling
you and tasting you.”

Julian moves his hand down my ass until his fingers are between my legs.

“And here, Lexie? How would you feel about having me in you here?” I feel his fingertip
pass south of where he’s in me and push down softly. I’m sure my sharp intake of breath
shows my surprise.

I put my lips on his and whisper into his mouth, “That’s definitely unchartered territory,
completely unchartered.”

None of the other men I’ve been with have ever shown interest in anal play and I’ve
never encouraged it. The thought of trying new things with Julian excites me, but
scares me as well. He’s huge, I’m inexperienced, and it would be something we’d need
to work up to. I guess this is the conversation he was interested in having from the
very beginning.

“Mmm. I’d love to be the first one to explore that with you.” His finger is still
there, still touching me softly. He’s still in me too.

“Is that your fantasy? Is that what you enjoy?” I ask the questions and as I do, I
think about him doing that with another woman. I try and push the thought out of my
mind as quickly as it came in and focus on the fact that this man is in me right now,
but it’s not easy. I want him to tell me he hasn’t done that with anyone else before,
but he doesn’t.

BOOK: Hold On
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