Read Hold On (Delos Series Book 5) Online

Authors: Lindsay McKenna

Tags: #Romance, #Military

Hold On (Delos Series Book 5) (13 page)

BOOK: Hold On (Delos Series Book 5)
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As he slowly eased into her, he felt how tight she was. Beau knew that it had been a long time since she’d made love with a man, and he leaned over her, his fingers moving through that flaming red hair of hers, capturing her gently, holding her in place. Moving his mouth across her lips, tasting her uneven breath, he rasped, “I’m taking us slow, Callie. I don’t want to hurt you. It’s been a while for you, hasn’t it?”

He saw her barely nod, her eyes dazed and deep green, saturated with arousal, lost in the heat boiling between them. Yes, it would probably kill him if he kept his rock-hard erection in tight check; he had never wanted a woman more. But he wanted to build her pleasure, feel her orgasm swell around him. Her body was like heated satin against his, a sheen of perspiration building as their breaths grew shallow, urgent. He tried to hold on to some small part of his mind, to give her, from his heart and soul, the love he felt for her.

He slowly eased into her, feeling her small body give beneath him. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her, so he thrust into her gently, then pulled out, then eased into her again, hearing her moan, hearing those sweet sounds build in her throat.

But he had miscalculated her ability to be patient. In fact, with her athletic strength built from hours of belly dancing, she insisted on pulling him deeper and deeper into her, despite his wish to spare her any possible discomfort.

Callie knew what she wanted and went after her climax with a vengeance as Beau gritted his teeth, trying to hold back until he felt her begin to build rapidly toward it. Callie came first, and he allowed her to set the rhythm for them. Every stroke sent him deeper, her channel tightening around him, the fluids hot and juicy as he groaned with pleasure, knowing his release would soon join hers.

Now he felt contractions begin, heard her gasp, felt her fingers dig into his shoulders, demanding what was hers. Beau would have surrendered to her wild needs, her hunger that truly matched his own, but he was damned worried about taking her as hard as he ached to do. And when her strong, slender legs wrapped around his hips, he knew he was lost, because she thrust her hips boldly, seating him as deeply into her as she could.

And then, he felt her body spasm, a violent contraction around his, squeezing the hell out of him, making him hiss through clenched teeth as an avalanche of boiling heat scalded through him. Callie screamed, clinging to him, her body arched against his, his name spilling from her lips, her eyes tightly shut as she felt the explosion throughout her lower body, sweeping him away with her.

The violence of her orgasm engulfed him along with her, erasing what was left of his resolve, igniting a fire that burned every cell in his body. Now, freed of his restraints, he thrust repeatedly into her, milking her orgasm, cries of satisfaction pouring from her as he finally gave her what she wanted.

He held her in place, his fingers locked into the thick strands on either side of her head, her body quivering, gripping him almost to the point of torment as he took her, caressed her, and felt her scorching orgasm continue to undulate throughout her, bringing her to tears.

Beau couldn’t hold back any longer; the sweet tightness of her body, the hot moisture surrounding him, was his undoing. He pressed his sweaty brow against hers, his fingers gripping her hair, groaning as the fire contracted through him, racing down his spine, slamming into his tightened balls, and jettisoning deep into her hungry, needy body. His whole body shook with the power of his release.

Callie continued moving against him, her hips twisting, sucking him in, draining him until he collapsed against her, panting, the sweat sliding between them.

Beau breathed heavily against her hair, the strands tickling his nose and face, the sweet smell of her filling his lungs, filling him. He groaned her name, releasing her silky strands and enclosing her shoulders with a sweep of his arms. He held her tightly against him, locked within her welcoming body, feeling her hands move restlessly against his back, stroking him in the aftermath, loving him.

He had no idea how long he lay against her, his angular, muscled body against her own soft curves. He wasn’t ready to leave her—overwhelming emotions poured through him. There was something so powerful, so nurturing about their union that all he wanted to do was absorb what it had awakened in him and share it with Callie.

Beau knew it had been good for her, too. In fact, he’d barely been able to hold off long enough to let her come first. Now, weak beyond belief, he lifted himself off her, hearing her mew like a hungry little cat that wanted to keep him close. He reluctantly slid free of her and then brought her against him as he lay on his side.

He used his leg to draw her lower body close to him, holding her fully against him. Her tousled hair spilled across his arm like a red cloak, and gazing down at her, Beau felt his heart open completely. Her russet lashes were like soft fans against her pink cheeks, her lips slightly swollen from the power of their kisses. Her breasts brushed against his hairy chest, creating tiny fires of pleasure for him. She was still breathing hard, the sheen of perspiration making her shadowy body gleam in the soft light.

He took a mental picture of her in his arms, the beauty of her body glowing in the aftermath of their lovemaking. He never wanted to forget this moment. She was radiating satisfaction and pleasure, all because he had loved her so well, so completely. Now he leaned down to kiss the corners of her luscious mouth, which were drawn upward in a happy smile, letting Beau see how much he’d pleasured her.

Then he kissed each of her eyelids, the intimacy between them strong and unbroken. He wanted to bind her to him, his mouth moving to her satiny cheek, then back to her mouth again. His hand ranged from her sleek shoulder to cup her breast, hold the rounded weight of it in his palm, as he heard a sound of pleasure vibrating in her throat.

He just couldn’t get enough of her. There were so many ways he wanted to please her so he could hear again and again those small, soft sounds emanate from her, telling him he was satisfying Callie.

In his world, a woman’s body was an altar to be worshipped at, tended to and cherished. He gently captured one rosy peak, pulling it into his mouth, suckling her. She cried out softly, then pressed herself wantonly against him, letting him know she loved everything he was doing. He slid his hand downward, cupping her buttocks, allowing his fingers to move to that sweet curve between them. His fingers were saturated with her juices, and he knew she was ready for him once more. The naturalness, the trust with him, was unbroken, and it humbled Beau as nothing else ever would. Callie had given him her heart, her sweet, beautiful body, and that damn near brought him to tears. She had overcome her fear of what might happen, thrown her lot in with his, and taken a chance.

He didn’t want fear stopping her or making her hesitate where he was concerned. He was here today, and God knew he wanted to be with her tomorrow, too, and the tomorrow after that.

Beau had only two more nights to convince Callie of his intentions, because he knew he was being sent on another mission. He was almost desperate to give her enough physical pleasure to capture her heart once and for all. But could he do it? Could he convince Callie that he was worth risking abandonment and disappointment, which she’d been programmed to expect from a man? He knew they could climb this challenging mountain, because he believed what they had was stronger than anything he’d ever experienced with a woman. And yes, he was falling in love with Callie, a woman as natural as nature herself.

Callie was no game player. Beau felt his heart swell so powerfully with love that it nearly overwhelmed him. His primary purpose now was to keep her safe, make her happy, hear her sparkling laughter, absorb the husky quality of her voice after they had made love, explore with her how she saw the world.

As he felt her move her hips in anticipation of his entering her again, he smelled her sweet, seductive fragrance. He instantly became hard again, so quickly that it surprised even him.

A raw cry tore from her as he lifted her leg across his hip, giving him full access to her. And as he eased two fingers into her entrance, feeling that sweet knot swollen once more, he took her mouth, took those melodic sounds emanating from her, drinking them deep into himself, wanting to consume her on every level.

He slowly entered her, twisting his fingers, widening her, feeling her contractions respond to his strokes as she shuddered against him. And as he moved deeper, her breathing became faster, lighter.

Lifting his mouth from hers, he recaptured her hard nipple, suckling her, and she screamed, bucking hard against him, clinging to him as she was swept away by another orgasm. He found her center again and stroked her there, feeling her entire body clench around his fingers. Her sobs sounded like music to him as he continued his rhythmic movement, and she came again and again with a violence that staggered him. She was now his, completely, in every possible way.


Callie didn’t know
what time she awoke in Beau’s arms, her body resting against his, the simmering heat once more beginning to build within her lower body. There were no windows to reveal whether it was night or morning. Beau slept deeply, his breathing slow and shallow against her, his arm possessively around her waist, holding her to him.

Closing her eyes, her head on his shoulder, her arm curved across his narrow waist, she realized she’d lost count of how many orgasms he had coaxed from her. Right now her body shimmered like the radiant heat waves one found moving across the hot desert floor.

She had to admit it: never had she felt as fulfilled as she did right now. This man knew how to love her, but even more important for Callie was the intimacy they’d shared afterward. Beau was fully present, fully involved with her, and whenever he placed his mouth against some part of her body, she felt his heart and soul engaged with hers. And when he smiled knowingly into her eyes, she felt her heart explode with such happiness, she could barely breathe.

Not only was he worshipping her physically, which she had never before experienced, but Beau kissed her as if they were long-lost lovers finally reunited.

When Beau touched her, he seemed to be holding her soul gently within his loving hands. Best of all, Beau caressed her with a tenderness she’d never experienced from a man, and it left her sighing with fulfillment. Now all she wanted was to be close to him, to love him, to hear him groan or growl as he slid deep within her.

Callie finally understood what bliss was. It was far more than physical gratification. It was when two people were so attuned to each other, their hearts opened fully, transcending the physical world into a whole new sphere of experience.

Looking up at Beau’s sleeping features, she smiled softly, wanting to lift her fingers and graze his cheek. His face was free of tension for the first time since she’d known him. That deliciously shaped mouth of his was slightly parted, his breathing deep and slow.

She also thought of how humble he was, and yet how superior he was to other men she’d known. He might have called himself a country bumpkin, but truly he was a warrior of the first order. His mind was sharp and deeply intuitive, with a mature insight into life, and into her. He was complex, layered. There was so much to learn about him . . . and she couldn’t wait to see Beau continue to reveal himself. The thought excited her as nothing else ever had. He reminded her of a treasure chest that had been placed before her, and she had been offered the privilege of opening it. This was the greatest gift she’d ever received from a man.

How had she gotten so lucky? She’d been ready to classify him with the rest of the men who’d pursued her for sexual conquest. Now she saw that Beau, by showing her unconditional love, was in a class by himself.


allie stretched languidly
as sleep lifted from her. She sighed, feeling Beau’s lips against her brow, placing small kisses there. She slowly lifted her lashes, struck by his tender gaze as he watched her begin to wake.

“You are so damn beautiful when you start to pull out of sleep,” he told her, caressing her cheek. “I want to wake up like this every morning with you.”

She purred and leaned into him, her breasts against his chest, feeling his erection pressing into her belly. “Mmm, that feels so good,” she whispered. Then, “What time is it, Beau?”

He lifted his head, glancing at the clock on the dresser opposite the bed. “It’s 0300. We still have some time left.”

She gloried in the warm, hard strength of his arm curved beneath her neck, holding her protectively. “I think,” she said, her voice husky, “I dreamed you up, and none of this is real. I’m simply in a wonderful dream.” She saw his mouth turn up, his eyes crinkle with his smile.

“Well, then, sweet woman, we’re both dreaming the same dream.” He slid a few strands of hair away from her ear, nibbling on the other one.

A cascade of heat skittered down through her as he licked her ear, and Callie sighed. She felt boneless, sinuous, sexy, and desired.

BOOK: Hold On (Delos Series Book 5)
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