Hollywood Divorces / Hollywood Wives: The New Generation (23 page)

BOOK: Hollywood Divorces / Hollywood Wives: The New Generation
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‘Thanks,’ she said, glancing around at her guests. ‘What did I do to deserve all this praise?’

, honey,’ Amber said warmly. ‘If I was a guy, I’d think you were the perfect woman.’ She threw Michael a penetrating look. ‘Right, Michael?’

He wanted to take a piece of adhesive tape and stick it right across her mouth. Amber was getting on his nerves big-time.

‘What’s for dessert?’ Quincy asked, patting his extended stomach.

‘Everyone’s favourite,’ Carol announced. ‘Peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream, nuts and caramel sauce.’

kinda woman.’ Quincy sighed. ‘Michael, you’re a lucky man.’

Michael had a strong feeling he was being set up and he didn’t like it.

He wondered what Lissa was doing. Was she thinking about him? Because he sure as hell couldn’t stop thinking about her. The way she looked. The way she smiled. Her blue eyes. Her luscious lips.

Carol went back into the kitchen, closely followed by Amber.

‘Will you stop setting me up?’ Michael hissed, glaring at Quincy. ‘For your information I’m giving her the speech tonight.’

‘Oh, fuck!’ Quincy said. ‘After she’s cooked you this meal, you’re givin’ her the speech?’

‘She’s taking things too seriously.’

‘You can’t do it tonight, man.’

‘Why not?’

‘’Cause you gotta give it to her right after you’ve taken her out for a fine dinner,
when she’s been slavin’ away in the kitchen all day. Doncha know
’ about women?’

‘I have to do it,’ Michael insisted. ‘It’s only fair to both of us.’

,’ Quincy repeated. ‘Be a gentleman about this. I’m tellin’ you, take her out to dinner, an’ let her down easily.’

‘Jeez!’ Michael complained. ‘I never thought the day would come when I’d be getting lessons on how to handle a woman from

‘I’m married,’ Quincy said, with a self-satisfied smirk. ‘I
what I’m talkin’ about.’

‘Like hell you do.’

And then it occurred to Michael that Quincy was right. How
he eat her food, accept her hospitality and then dump her?

No, he couldn’t do it tonight. It would have to wait until he got back from Vegas.

Chapter Twenty-seven

issa managed to look like she was having a good time, although she was quite sure everyone was talking about her behind her back.

‘You’re paranoid,’ James said.

‘I’m not,’ she retorted.

‘Surely you understand that all the women here would give their fake boobs to be you?’ James informed her.

week,’ she said ruefully.

‘Do not underestimate yourself,’ James said sternly. ‘Your talent overcomes everything. Now that you’re rid of Gregg, your full potential will come to the fore.’

‘I thought my full potential already did,’ she said, with a wry grin. ‘I’m forty years old, James. I’ve probably had my best years.’

,’ James said scornfully. ‘Look at Madonna, she’s still dancing around the stage like a teenager, and she’s
than you. Did you see her at the Grammys? The woman’s amazing, and so are you.’

‘She doesn’t have a nineteen-year-old daughter and four ex-husbands. She has a talented,
English guy, who makes stylish, entertaining movies, and two adorable little kids.’

‘What has that got to do with anything?’ James said. ‘I’m so tired of you denigrating yourself. Now stop it, or I’ll
get cross. Come, it’s time for dinner, and I do believe we’re at the head table.’


Saffron entered the party with Lulu balanced on one hip, and Nicci by her side. She headed straight for her father.

‘How’s my two favourite girls?’ Norio exclaimed, grabbing Lulu, throwing her up in the air and catching her with a big hug. ‘We thought you’d gotten lost.’

‘Hi, Daddy,’ Saffron said, kissing him on both cheeks as Lulu screamed with delight. ‘We almost did.’

‘And hello there, Nicci,’ Norio said. ‘How’s my favourite

‘Cool, thanks,’ she said, adding a mischievous–‘Did you and Lissa ever have an affair?’

‘Your mother never gave me a second glance,’ Norio said regretfully. ‘Although I always harboured a secret passion for her.’

‘Daddy!’ Saffron exclaimed. ‘If Kyndra ever heard you say that, she’d have your balls for breakfast.’

Norio rolled his expressive, heavy-lidded eyes. ‘My daughter, the mouth.’

, you’re in the music business, you’ve heard it all before.’

He laughed heartily. ‘Go have a good time, girls. I’ll keep Lulu–it’ll give me an opportunity to play the proud grandfather.’

‘Let’s go get a drink,’ Saffron said, grabbing Nicci’s hand. ‘It’s what we both need desperately.’


Taylor was still in a state of excitement. Working with Montana Gray was indeed an experience. And performing a love scene with Sonja Lucerne even more so. She was in awe of both women: they were mistresses of their craft.

The crew were great, too, because Taylor had to admit that the thought of taking her clothes off in front of a full
crew had been terrifying. Sure, she’d done it when she was younger, but that was before she was Mrs Larry Singer. Now everyone would be looking at her in a different way.

However, the scene had taken place without incident. And in a way Taylor found that being in bed with a woman was easier than making love to a man in front of the camera.

She’d never experienced a lesbian lover, so at first she’d not known how she’d handle the difficult scene. But Sonja was so gentle and firm, so loving and tender, that suddenly Taylor had found herself wondering what it
be like to have an affair with a woman.

She’d smiled to herself. If Larry only knew what she was thinking.

At the end of the day’s shoot, Montana knocked at the door and entered her trailer. ‘You were excellent, Taylor,’ she said enthusiastically. ‘You gave of yourself one hundred percent, became your character all the way. I knew you could do it, although I wasn’t absolutely sure. Now I’m so happy I made the right decision.’

‘Thank you, Montana. That means so much to me,’ Taylor said, thrilled at the lavish praise.

‘Perhaps you can explain to me why Larry has kept you under wraps,’ Montana said. ‘How come you’re not working in

‘That’s what
’d like to know,’ Taylor said, liking Montana more and more.

‘Hmm…’ Montana mused. ‘I remember Larry as being somewhat insecure and possessive. When Neil worked with him, he was still with his first wife. She used to complain about him constantly.’

‘She did?’ Taylor said, surprised.

‘Yes. She used to bitch that he couldn’t get it up, and was extraordinarily needy. I’m sure I’m not repeating anything you don’t already know.’

‘His ex and I weren’t exactly friends,’ Taylor explained,
remembering how much Susan had hated her. ‘After all, I
the cause of his divorce.’

‘I see,’ Montana said. ‘Well, it’s a noon call tomorrow, so I’m glad I didn’t work you too late.’

‘So am I,’ Taylor said. ‘I’m on my way to meet Larry. I’ve barely seen him in two days.’

‘Going anywhere exciting?’

‘The Domingos’ anniversary party.’

‘That’s exactly where I’m headed,’ Montana said. ‘Why don’t I get someone to dismiss your driver, and we’ll ride together? You’ll
my new Ferrari.’

It occurred to Taylor that she had not mentioned to Larry that Montana Gray was directing her movie. Montana had a reputation in town, and Taylor was sure Larry might have objected. Like most men in Hollywood, he was threatened by strong women.

What the hell? He hadn’t asked, so she hadn’t mentioned it.

‘Great,’ she said. ‘All I have to do is change clothes.’

Montana nodded. ‘And I’ll dazzle ’em with lip gloss, remove my glasses, let down my hair, and be ready in five minutes.’

‘Wow! I’m impressed. It takes most women three hours.’

‘Hollywood wives,’ Montana said, with a slow smile. ‘I know most of them. I think Neil fucked a few, not only the lovely Gina.’

Taylor couldn’t help herself, she had to ask the burning question. ‘Is it true,’ she said, ‘that Neil expired on top of Gina Germaine while they were making love?’

‘Not exactly,’ Montana answered matter-of-factly. ‘Gina merely precipitated his decline. Neil actually expired in the parking lot of a Santa Monica drinking establishment after an excess of Scotch.’

‘So the story about him and Gina isn’t the way it happened?’

suffer a heart-attack while they were having sex, and some physical thing caused them to be joined together. So, yes, they
hauled off to the hospital–much to the delight of the tabloids. It was not a happy time for anyone. Although I have to say, Neil did have his moments.’ She smiled at the memories. ‘He was quite an unusual and brilliant man.’

‘You seem so calm about it.’

‘You have to remember it was fifteen years ago,’ Montana said. ‘A lot has happened in fifteen years.’

‘I know–but, still, it
a famous story.’

‘Well, now you’ve heard the correct version,’ Montana said briskly. ‘It certainly doesn’t bother me. I’ve managed to have a pretty nice career.’

‘Is there a man in your life now?’

‘Man? Woman?’ Montana said casually. ‘I travel both roads.’

‘Oh?’ Taylor said, slightly shocked. ‘I didn’t know.’

‘It makes life
much less complicated,’ Montana said with a slight smile. ‘Still want to go to the party with me?’

‘Can’t wait,’ Taylor said.


Saffron and Nicci cruised the party.

‘I feel like a snake died in my stomach.’ Nicci groaned. ‘And you know what? I haven’t spoken to Evan since yesterday.’

‘You mean a whole day has gone by and you haven’t called him?’ Saffron said. ‘Now
’ll make him

‘What do I say to him?’ Nicci wailed. ‘I’m like
not a good liar.’

‘Tell him you’ve been having an awesome time without him,’ Saffron suggested. ‘Oh, yeah,
tell him you screwed his brother.’

,’ Nicci said crossly. ‘I’m upset enough.’

‘No, you’re not,’ Saffron argued. ‘You’re hung-over. Hey–what’s a fuck between friends?’

friends, and I keep on reminding you, I’m
Brian’s brother. Anyway–nothing happened.’

‘Was nothing good?’ Saffron asked slyly.

‘For God’s sake, Saff,’ Nicci said, taking out her cellphone. ‘I’d better call him now. He’s left me six messages.’

‘Isn’t that like

‘No. When he’s in L.A. he speaks to his mother all the time.’

‘So now you’re mommy number two, is that it?’

‘He likes to keep in touch.’

‘Doncha mean keep tabs on you?’ Saffron said.

‘It’s not that way.’

‘I’ll tell you somethin’, Nic. From what I’ve seen of him, Evan seems kinda uptight.’

‘What do you mean?’ she asked, staring at her friend.

‘C’mon, you
what I mean. The dude’s only thirty, an’ acts like he’s sixty!’

‘No, he doesn’t,’ she said, defending the man she planned to marry.

‘Yeah, he
,’ Saffron insisted. ‘He never wants to hit the clubs, or hang with our friends. I’m always inviting you, and you always say, “Evan’s not up to it. Evan doesn’t feel like it. Evan’s busy working.” I mean, what
that? Are you gonna shut yourself away when you’re married to him? You’re nineteen, not some old lady.’

‘It’s ’cause our relationship is new,’ Nicci explained. ‘Evan prefers to spend time with me alone.’

‘Yeah,’ Saffron said disbelievingly. ‘Keep on foolin’ yourself, girl.’

Nicci found a quiet corner and made the call.

Evan answered his cellphone on the second ring. ‘Where the
have you been?’ he demanded.

‘I was busy,’ she said, feeling incredibly guilty. ‘Uh…y’know, like with wedding arrangements and stuff.’

‘And you couldn’t keep your phone on?’

‘Didn’t realize it was off.’

‘I tried you all night, and God knows how many times today. You’ve ruined my day, you know that?’


‘Why didn’t you call me when you got up this morning?’

‘I was going to, then I figured you were busy on the set.’

‘I don’t appreciate this behaviour, Nicci,’ he said sternly. ‘I don’t like it at all.’

‘Sorry,’ she repeated sulkily. He might not like her behaviour, but she was getting real pissed at the way he was speaking to her.

‘Is that all you’ve got to say for yourself?’ he demanded.

‘You’re not my freakin’
, Evan!’ she said, suddenly losing it. ‘And while we’re questioning each other, I heard a rumour you were engaged before me, is that true?’

‘Who told you

‘I’m asking you if it’s true.’

‘It wasn’t really an engagement.’

‘Did you give her a ring?’

‘Yes,’ he answered reluctantly.

‘Then you

‘I didn’t marry her, did I?’ he said belligerently.

‘No, and you also didn’t tell me about it, did you?’ she responded. ‘When I asked you if there had been anyone serious before me, you told me, “Absolutely not.”’

‘This is not something to be discussed over the phone,’ he said.

‘No, it’s not,’ she said. ‘And I don’t like being spoken to as if I’m a fucking
’ She punched the off button.

Now he was going to think that Brian had told her. She’d better warn him. She quickly punched out his number. Thank God for cellphones!

Brian’s voice. ‘Yeah?’

‘It’s me.’

‘Hello, me.’

‘You back at the location?’


‘Did you give Evan the envelope?’


‘You’re gonna hate me.’

‘What have you done now?’

‘I think I blew it.’


‘Evan and I had a fight on the phone, and I told him I knew he’d been engaged before.’

, Nic.’

‘I didn’t say it was
who told me. Only in case he accuses you, deny it. What d’you think?’

‘I think you’re a crazy girl who I never should have gotten involved with.’

,’ she said furiously. ‘I’m
crazy, and we’re certainly

‘What are you–a boy?’ he teased.

‘Suck it up, Brian. I’ve taken enough crap for one night.’

‘How d’you feel?’

‘Lousy. And you?’



‘“Good,” she says. Thanks.’

‘I just wanted to warn you.’

‘I’m duly warned.’ And he clicked off.

Quite frankly, if she never spoke to either of the Richter brothers again, she’d be a happy person.


It was eleven o’clock and the Domingos’ party was still going strong, which was unusual for Hollywood, as most
people scampered home at ten, claiming they had to be up early, even if they didn’t. In L.A. the impression of being incredibly busy was most important, and there were certain rules to adhere to.

Lissa wanted to go home, she’d had enough. She’d sat through dinner making polite conversation, but now Vegas was on her mind and she knew she should get an early night. When Nicci came over, she was delighted to see her.

‘How’re you doin’, Mom?’ Nicci asked.

‘Surprisingly well,’ Lissa replied, thinking how pretty her daughter looked. ‘Off to Vegas on Thursday.’

‘I know.’

‘Sorry you’re not coming with me, but you know how I feel about exposing you to the whole publicity circus, and no doubt they’ll be out in force.’

‘Saff’s arranged my bachelorette party on Saturday, so I couldn’t’ve come anyway,’ Nicci said.

‘I’m sorry I’ll miss that.’

‘C’mon, Mom,’ Nicci said, grinning. ‘You wouldn’t’ve been invited anyway.’


‘Like I hardly think naked male strippers and macho studs dangling it in front of your nose would be your scene.’

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