Hollywood Kids (19 page)

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Authors: Jackie Collins

BOOK: Hollywood Kids
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Some of his habits drove her crazy. He played Sinatra and Tony Bennett on the stereo - full volume yet! He ate cornflakes in bed in the middle of the night. He was always stoned. And he liked her to give him endless head.

After several days she decided to go to her father's guest house and collect a few more of her possessions. Even though she slept most nights with Charlie in his bedroom, she'd staked out a nice big corner room in the house and there was plenty of space for her things.

'You gonna tell your old man you moved in with me?' Charlie asked, a wicked glint in his eyes.

'Why would I do that?' she replied coolly, unwilling to get into a discussion about her father.

'Surely he's curious to know where you're living?'

Shrugging, she said, 'Jordan has a new wife to worry about, he doesn't care what I do.'

Charlie nodded wisely. 'He will - when he gets a sniff you're living with me.'

Was it her imagination or did he seem to want Jordan to know?

'You have your opinion, and I have mine,' she said, thinking that she had no intention of telling her father. If she was lucky she could sneak back to the guest house, grab her stuff, and be out of there before anyone even realized she was around.

Unfortunately it was not to be. When she arrived at the guest house she was confronted by Kim, standing at the door supervising a couple of maids and two removal men.

She watched in amazement as her favourite couch was carried out. 'What the
going on?' she asked, outraged.

Kim hardly glanced in her direction. 'Oh, it's you.'

'Yeah, it's me, and what
the fuck
are you doing with my stuff?'

'I was under the impression you left,' Kim said briskly. That's what Jordan told me.'

'Whether I left or not you have no business messing with my things.'

'I'm having everything put in storage,' Kim said offhandedly. 'We need the space.'

'You've got enough space to accommodate a fucking football team!' Jordanna said furiously.

We need more,' Kim replied, with a tight little smile.


Kim gave a long-drawn-out sigh. 'I suppose you'll hear soon so I may as well tell you - your father and I are having a baby.'

The hooker was pregnant?
No fucking way

Jordanna caught her breath, desperately trying to stay in control. 'Does Jordan know?' she blurted foolishly.

Kim threw her a withering look as she fiddled with her blonde curls. 'Of course he does.'

'I wasn't talking about the pregnancy,' Jordanna retorted sharply, determined to gain the upper hand.

you talking about?'

She played her ace card. 'Remember Donna?'

'Donna who?' Kim said, her pretty face mask-like.

In for the kill. 'Donna Lacey.'

Kim didn't take a beat. 'I met her once or twice. Why?'

'Because she sure remembers you.' Jordanna paused briefly before continuing. 'Tell me, Kim, is Jordan aware of your past?'

Not a flicker. 'I don't know what you're talking about.'

She pressed on. 'I think you do.'

Kim's tone turned low and angry. 'Why don't you leave us alone? Isn't it enough you're still taking money from him at your age?'

That's none of your business,' Jordanna said angrily.

'I'm making it my business.'

They glared at each other.

'Your father's had a very difficult life,' Kim said at last. 'He doesn't need to listen to your lies about me.'

'A difficult life indeed!' Jordanna snorted. 'Like
would know.'

'I know everything about Jordan - including how disappointed he is in you.'

Kim's words stung. Was he really disappointed in her, or was Kim simply making it up to hurt her?

'The only thing you know is that you love every moment of being Mrs Jordan Levitt,' she fired back. 'You sure moved in on him big time, didn't you?'

'Yes, I did,' Kim replied defiantly. 'And you're not spoiling it for me.'

'I can try.'

Where's your proof? He'll never believe you.'


'I'm having his baby,' Kim said triumphantly. 'You don't have a chance.'

'We'll see.'

'Do what you have to do,' Kim said with an exasperated sigh. 'Because, frankly, if it's a choice between you and me, I
who he'll choose.' She turned around and marched down the path towards the big house.

'Don't bet on it!' Jordanna yelled after her.

Kim didn't look back.

Jordanna rushed into the guest house. Two Spanish maids were busy loading up boxes with her possessions. 'What are you doing?' she asked, grabbing a stack of tapes out of one of the women's hands.

'Mrs Levitt - she told us to pack everything,' the shortest woman said, her broad face expressionless.

'Please get out of here,' Jordanna said wearily, 'I'll take care of it myself.'

The women exchanged glances and left.

So Daddy really wanted her out permanently. Well, that was fine with her, she certainly wasn't staying where she wasn't welcome, and there was no way she'd accept any more money from him either.

Grabbing the phone, she dialled information and got the number of a moving firm. They promised to have a van there within the hour.

By five o'clock she was packed and ready to split. There was no word from Jordan. Surprise, surprise. Should she go say goodbye, and casually throw into the conversation she was living with Charlie Dollar?

Why not? May as well piss him off all the way.

She headed for the main house and was disappointed to find nobody around except Kim, who emerged from the kitchen and said a curt, 'Yes?'

'Where's my father?'

'Oh, didn't I mention he's away on a location scout,' Kim said sweetly. 'So... I guess your little talk with him will have to wait.'

wait, Kim. When you see him, tell him he can call me at Charlie Dollar's.'

Kim raised an eyebrow. 'Really?'


Licking her pink lips Kim gave a small venomous smile. 'Do give
my love,' she said. 'We're

* * *

Driving back to Charlie's with the moving van following closely behind her Porsche, Jordanna couldn't help wondering about Kim's expression of triumph.
Give him my love. Ha
! Was Kim one of the blondes that Cheryl had mentioned Charlie enjoyed getting it on with?

Easy enough to find out. She called Cheryl on the car phone.

'Where have you been?' Cheryl asked. 'I haven't heard from you in days.'

'I'll tell you later. Right now I'm after information.'

'What information?'

'Remember you told me that Charlie Dollar was into like kind of a watching thing with blondes?'

you were jealous,' Cheryl shrieked.

'Merely curious. Was Kim one of the blondes?'

'I'll have to look up his records.'

'Do that for me, will you.'

'Are you still at Shep's?'

'I'll call back.'

'You're being so mysterious.'

'All will be revealed later.'

* * *

Charlie's housekeeper took one quick look at the van loaded with Jordanna's possessions and scurried off to find her boss.

Jordanna issued instructions to the moving men as they unloaded the truck.

After a few minutes Charlie wandered out to the front of the house, tucking his shirt into his pants. He stood on the top step surveying the action. 'I see you're moving in,' he said at last.

'You told me I could stay.'

'I didn't know you were bringing a van full of stuff.'

She hoped he wasn't going to be difficult. 'Is it a problem, Charlie?'

'Nope. As a matter of fact I'm kind of pleased.'

'You are?'

'I said to make yourself at home.'

'Thank you.'

The thing is, kiddo, we'll have fun while it lasts, but eventually you'll have to find your own place. And like you said - get yourself a job. 'Cause the truth of the matter is, I ain't Daddy, and you gotta make your own spending money.'

She narrowed her eyes, annoyed that he thought she was after his precious money. 'Did I ask you for money, Charlie?'

'No, but I'm sure you're gonna want some, so I came up with a Charlie Dollar special-on-sale brilliant idea.'

'What idea is that?'

'I scored you a job, kiddo.'

'A job?'

'Yeah. I had lunch with Bobby Rush, an' whaddya know, he's looking for an assistant. I told him you'd fit right in.'

Thanks a lot,' she said, not exactly thrilled at the prospect of working for Bobby Rush.

'Anything wrong with that?'

'I did that assistant thing once, it's boring.'

'Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it
who told me you wanted to act?'

'What's that got to do with anything?'

'It doesn't just fall into place, kiddo, you have to learn. It'll be good for you to be on a set watching what goes on.'

'I've been on a set since I was born,' she said, exasperated that he was trying to fix her up without asking her.

'So you'll do it again.
started off shifting scenery - got me an education before I went in front of the camera. It sure put
ahead of the game.'

'Charlie - '

Now he was challenging her, his eyes watchful and amused. 'Too tough a gig, huh?' he asked, staring her down.

do it,' she said defensively. 'I just don't want to.'

'You'll make your own money for once.'

Finally it was getting interesting. 'How much?'

Charlie chuckled. 'I'll negotiate for you, kiddo. I'm a specialist when it comes to killer deals.'

* * *

Cheryl searched through the books. Donna had used a code for important men which she'd explained before leaving town. Movie stars were listed under special names. Cheryl checked for Charlie Dollar and found he was known as Big Money. She then looked over Big Money's preferences. It appeared he didn't indulge often, but when he did he had very particular requirements. Two big-breasted blondes with long hair and no inhibitions.

Rapidly scanning the names of girls he'd had, Cheryl ascertained that Kim was indeed one of them.

She immediately called Shep. 'Where's Jordy?'

'How would I know?'

'Wasn't she staying with you?'

'Left a few days ago.'


'Said she was moving in with Charlie Dollar. I haven't heard from her since.'

'Charlie Dollar? Are you sure?'

'That's what she told me.'

'Hmm... giving it away for free again,' Cheryl said disapprovingly. 'I could make her a fortune.'

'You're disgusting.'

'Why's that, Shep, dear?'

'Don't you realize what you're doing?'

'Fulfilling a need. One that
obviously don't have.'


'Oh, come off it, everyone knows your preference.'

A long silent moment, then, '


She was about to call Arnie to find out Charlie's number when girl arrived for a pre-arranged interview. What a business! Pick the best prospects, send them out on a job and pocket forty per cent of the fee. There was no shortage of girls, they applied in droves, recommended by friends and acquaintances. And because this was Hollywood they were usually pretty, with good bodies - all of them, with few exceptions, would-be actresses, singers and models, out to pick up extra money.

The girl today was a voluptuous nineteen-year-old brunette with a Cindy Crawford look. She was perfectly lovely except for her crooked front teeth which needed fixing big time. Cheryl loved being in a position of power. Criticizing the girls was a definite highlight of the job, plus making big bucks and enjoying the special relationship she was beginning to develop with the Johns,

Ah... the Johns - what a mixed-up group
were. Donna had warned her about their idiosyncrasies, but, jeez, some of these guys were into

One client requested girls dressed as nuns; another required every hair on their bodies to be shaved; and a certain Arab prince ordered up dozens of bottles of Cristal and endless cans of Beluga caviar so he could eat and drink off the girl of his choice. Cheryl's personal favourite was the big action star who got off on being scolded while three girls dressed in green leather elf uniforms led him around the room on a choke-chain leash.

Cheryl felt true power for the first time in her life. In fact, she felt so in control that she'd stopped her twice-weekly visits to her shrink. Being a madam was better than therapy any day. She finally felt fulfilled.

She often thought about what would happen if her illustrious and socially connected parents ever found out what she was doing now.

They would hang themselves in the middle of Chasens, that's what would happen. Her mother - so proper and Nancy Reagan-like when she wasn't rolling around drunk. And her father, Ethan, Mister Big Studio Owner, with two mistresses he'd had for ten years stashed in matching apartments either end of town. What a hypocrite
was, she was surprised she hadn't found him listed in Donna's fat black book.

Fortunately she didn't have to seek their approval any more, she'd made it on her own.

Idly she wondered if Shep was right, and Jordanna
moved in with Charlie Dollar. Shacking up with a dissolute movie star old enough to be her father was pure Jordanna.

'How much can I expect to make a week?'

Cheryl was jolted back to reality by the lovely girl sitting in front of her with the crooked front teeth.

'Uh... it all depends,' she said. 'If the client likes you - return engagements can be quite frequent.'

'I'm only doing this because I need the money,' the girl said. 'And my friend told me I'll meet men who might help my career.'

Cheryl nodded. How naive these girls were. Did they honestly believe anyone was going to help them? The truth was they'd get royally fucked for a year or two, make a lot of money, and hopefully go home to the little town they came from and marry the boy next door.

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