Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series) (30 page)

BOOK: Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)
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Turning to him, my emotions became heated and angry.
But he was right, I didn’t plan on telling

“You’re a fucking piece of work.
I was nothing more than another woman whom
you fucked.
More to the point, you knew
fully that you could have gotten me pregnant.
Did you once fucking call me after the fact? No you didn’t.
You weren’t man enough to ask the question
yourself. You fucked me knowingly unprotected.
You set us up for a pregnancy yet now here you stand with the audacity
to put blame on me?
What was I supposed
to do?
Come running to you? For what? So
you can just fucking disappear out of my life for a second time! Fuck you

I stood up and blew past him.

In the kitchen, I didn’t give a shit what time it was, and
pulled the Tequila out.

I heard him follow me out and into the kitchen.

“By all means run away and burry yourself in a glass of
tequila Lil.” He yelled at me through the house.

“Fuck off Charlie!!” I turned and yelled back at him.
“You are precisely why I drink.”

Shit, I noticed the audience we now had. Looking over at
Sebastian as he looked smug and amused. I yelled at him too. “What the fuck are
you looking at?” I screamed.

Pouring the glass full, I lifted it and sucked it

“You’re fucking unbelievable.
You had no intentions of telling me did you?”

“Again, the world revolves around Charlie Vaihn.
No, I had no intention to.” I slammed the
glass down. “You came into my home and my life.
I didn’t search you out.” Shaking my head, my rage was getting the
better part of me. “I told you I wasn’t interested in games and you fucked me
anyway, engaged no less to someone else.
You had no consideration for me when you decided to run up in me
Where was your consideration for
You have no idea what it was for
You weren’t here when I started
You didn’t have to go
through the loss and pain of being told your baby died inside your womb.
You didn’t have to go through a C-section to
deliver a dead baby. I did all that. So fucking excuse me for not putting you
to the fore front of my mind.”

“I had the fucking right to know Lil.
You should have told me when you found out
you were pregnant!”

“Just as you should have called me not Julie to inquire
whether or not I was. It was a two way street Charlie.
You can’t put this on me.
Last I checked, we both had a hand in getting
me pregnant!”

“Hold up you were pregnant with Charlie’s kid?” Sebastian
chimed in.

Looking over, Wesley was standing next Sebastian.

He shook his head looking between Charlie and me.

“I should have known the moment I saw Charlie here.” Wesley
looked at me then to Charlie.
shook his head at Wesley. “I was stupid. I should have realized you were
talking about Lillian. She’s the one isn’t she?” He looked like he was waiting
to Charlie to confirm something. “It was always her, of course it was.” Wesley
looked back to me. His expression disappointed.
For the first time I felt shame course through me.

“I have no idea what in the world the two of you are
referring to Wesley, but I’m sorry.
should have been more forthcoming, however, I didn’t see the need of sharing my
sorted past.”

“You owe me no apology Lillian. You certainly didn’t owe me
an explanation of your past.
Hell, we
all have a past.
I certainly do.” He
smiled so sincerely. “However, it seems your past isn’t truly finished with

“Wesley,…” I didn’t know what to say.

He walked over and kissed my forehead. Then looked back to
Charlie. “I think the two of you need to sort this out and finish it.” He
looked over to Sebastian, “I think you and I should go and let them end
They don’t need us to witness.” He
turned and kissed me on the cheek.
a patient man Lillian.
Call me when this
is finished.”

“Wesley, it was one weekend over eight months ago.”

“Then clean this up and end it if it’s over.” He smiled and
rubbed his thumb against my jaw line. “I’m not going anywhere. I don’t scare
easily Lillian. I think it’s safe to say that you know what you mean to
Finish this.”

Funny how his words meant everything to me, yet it wasn’t
him, whom I needed them from.

I reached up and kissed him “Thank you Wesley.”

“You’re worth it and more.” He offered then pulled away
“Come on Sebastian, let’s leave them too it.”

I watched as the two left.
Looking over, it was just Charlie and me, alone.
I hadn’t even noticed that Brady and Sam had
also left.
I guess all my yelling had
everyone running.

A tremble suddenly released and coursed through me.
Wesley’s words registered with more
The man whom should have my
heart just walked out of my house. The man whom owned it stood before me.
What was I to do?

“What am I to you Charlie?” I looked firmly to him for an

“I could ask the same question Lilly.” He matched my expression.
“Hell, Wesley is clearly in love with you, does that mean anything to you, even
Sebastian for that matter seems to be more than taken with you.”

“Yet, I am asking you Charlie?
Are you in love with me?”

He just stood there.

“I don’t know why we are even arguing. It’s obvious you
don’t love me, yet you expect everything from me.
I’m sorry, I’m not like the women you’re a
custom to.
I don’t lay down for any man
I have no fucking clue what
game you’re playing, but I’m not interested.
We had one weekend together.
Do I
regret it? No. I don’t.”

Shaking my head and pulling another long sip, “I was once
foolish enough to allow myself the hope that you were someone different.
I fell for you almost instantly.
I thought of you as my knight in shining armor
when I was just fifteen.”
bitterly, “Then you pop up in my life again during prom, that fucking vending

“Then that fucking weekend.
I needed, hell wanted to hold onto those childish fantasies of you.” I
closed my eyes trying to will the tears away. “For as smart as I am, I’m very
The man that should have my heart.
The man I should be in love with, just walked out of my house.” I looked up to
him. “Yet the man I gave my heart to, the one I realize I’ve been in love with
for almost all my life stands before me and doesn’t deserve it.”
Go me, for the second time in my life, I
chose to love a man that would never be what I wanted him to be.
Lucian was a past that grew me into who I
was, but Charlie, yeah Charlie was a damn fantasy I created.

I walked towards him stopping just mere inches in front.

“You love me?” he asked.

“Always have but that doesn’t mean shit does it? I can’t do
this with you anymore Charlie.
I deserve
to have a life.
I want someone whom will
love me back.
I want someone whom thinks
I’m worth it.
Someone, whom will fight
for me, I deserve that Charlie.” Slighting my head, “I don’t want to be like
It’s obvious to me that someone along the way
stole your heart and you haven’t been able to shake it. That’s why you treat
women the way you do. I don’t want to be like that.” The tears fell as I looked
into his eyes. He said nothing. “Let this be done Charlie.”

I walked past him feeling my heartbreak all over.
This time it hurt like hell.

“I need you leave Charlie. I can’t do this anymore.” I
called out and paused as my tears fell.

“We’re far from done Lil.” He walked over and turned me
around. His lips fell hard to mine igniting all the locked up tension and
passion. I had no resolve when it came to him.

Before I knew it, he had me stripped down and in my
Fully undone, he pressed his full
arousal deep in me. His lips a constant moving along my jaw and neck. His pace
was tempered and timed working in a rhythm matching my own. My climax found me,
as I was lost to every sensation he provided. I didn’t realize that my tears
were ever constant.
I hated myself, for
I loved him.

We spent hours in bed without rest. The sky was darkening,
as a storm seemed to be moving in.
Finally satisfied, he looked over at the clock.

“Lillian, there’s something we need to do.” He lifted me
from the bed and forced me to dress.
Stepping to the family room, he walked to the door as if you was
expecting someone.

Sure enough as he opened the door, he greets someone.
When and how did he order someone to come
Shocked and completely stunned, I
had no clue what was going on.

“Do you have the license?” the gentlemen asked
License? What does he need a
license for?

“I do, please do come in.”
Charlie’s voice was urgent.

“Lillian this is Frank Forester and this is my attorney

I looked to him, not understanding what he was up to.

I pulled my hand out and greeted them both.

“What’s going on Charlie?” I looked to him confused.
He paused and winked at me.

“I need you to have some trust and faith in me.
This is for your own protection and needs to
If not you may end up losing
everything Lillian.
Sebastian is a
dangerous character and I understand that you are very in the dark but trust me
even though I can’t explain everything right now.”

“Why can’t you?” I looked to him then back to the two
Dawning hit. I now knew what
he was asking of me.
He wanted to get
married? But why?
This had to be some
kind of scheme.
Taylor handed me a bunch
of legal documents outlining both a trust and a

“We don’t have the time for you to process it all. Please,
you said you loved me now find the strength to trust what you feel for me. I
promise you after this I will let you go. But this we keep secret.”
Let me go? I didn’t realize we were an
The more he explained this was somehow
to keep Sebastian from doing something against my company and me.


“Let’s proceed. Sebastian will be suspicious if I’m not
back in an hour Charlie” Taylor the attorney looked anxious.

It all happened so fast.
Charlie was right it would take me time to process it all. Both Frank
and Taylor left. Charlie looked to me and smiled.

“How does it feel to own part of Vaihn Enterprises?”

“I don’t know.

“Because I owe you Lilly, plus, you don’t deserve what
Sebastian has planned.” He came over and kissed my fore head. “Remember this
has a shelf life on it and this is our secret.
It’s the least I could do for breaking your heart.”

Taking it all in, he didn’t marry me because he wanted me,
no this was about business.
I felt used.

“Wow, your just leaving me again aren’t you?” I stepped to
him, arms crossed.
He had once again
fucked me in more ways than one.
the hell just happened?
My head was
spinning with the bullshit he just tossed at me.

“Yes, Lilly.
Call Wesley as I’m sure he’s
patiently waiting.”
The arrogance that
laced his voice had me screaming inside.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I yelled.

what you want and deserve
remember? You asked me to leave; you told me you didn’t want to do this

Standing in shock, I had no idea what had just happened.

“I can’t fucking believe this. What kind of mind fuck is
this?” the front door opened and I turned noticing Sebastian walk in and cock
his head.

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