Home (24 page)

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Authors: Melissa Pearl

Tags: #second chance, #country music, #coming of age college romance new adult, #new adult clean romance, #small town country western romance, #songbird novel

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A fall chill was starting to touch the air and I wrapped my arms around myself, crunching over leaves as I walked through the backyard.

“Come on, Dukey. Let’s get inside.” I clicked my fingers and ushered him in the back door. He trotted up behind me, bashing my legs with his tail when he scampered through the door and headed for his water bowl.

I grinned, scratching him behind the ears and kissing his head.

“Love you, you crazy bloodhound.”

I stepped behind him and flounced through the kitchen, checking my watch and figuring I had at least an hour before I had to start setting up the bar.

Josh was out running a few errands, so I skipped over to the stage and picked up my beloved guitar. My fingers nestled onto the strings and I started strumming. I didn’t know what to play, but fell into a chord structure that led me to singing, “I Just Call You Mine.”

A smile brushed my lips as I thought of Josh…my grizzly bear.

Since finally letting go and having the courage to admit that he was all I really wanted, and I didn’t need to follow Mama’s dreams to be happy, I’d found a new level of contentment.

Success, as Leo would say.

I never thought I could be happy in Payton, but I was. I loved it. I mean, sure, there were still the old gossip biddies and the odd glare from stuck-up grandpas. I still had to flick off wandering hands on busy nights, but none of it mattered, because each night I went to bed and I lay my head down on Josh’s shoulder. His big arms wrapped around me, and I fell asleep with a blissful sigh on my lips.

I was a country girl, in love with a country boy, and I didn’t need anything else.

Duke, who had wandered in and flopped at my feet, jumped up, his tail going crazy. He let out a gruff bark and trotted for the kitchen, meeting Josh halfway.

I grinned like I did every time I saw my man. Yes, it was safe to say we were in the
period, but I was hoping it’d last a good long while. I loved those butterfly tickles and heady rushes. They were so much more potent now that I knew how precious they were. Living without someone you crave is a damn good way to get your priorities straight.

“Hey, honey.” I propped my guitar against the piano and jumped down from my stool.

“You got some mail here.” He dumped his bag on the bar and unzipped it.

“Really? Mail? When does that ever happen?”

“I know it.” He chuckled, catching me against his side and pecking my lips before handing me a white envelope.

A delighted laugh punched out of me as I read the return address.

“It’s from Leo and Jody. You know, the couple in LA who helped me out.”

Josh nodded, his hand tightening on my back the way it did every time LA was mentioned. I’d told him everything, early morning pillow talk bringing out more honesty than I’d expected. Josh was livid when I got down to the nitty-gritty of what Aren had been forcing me to do, but I’d convinced him that Leo and Bobby had done enough. I didn’t need Aren and Parker to pay for their lies. Besides, Bobby seemed pretty set on making sure no other girls could fall into the same trap I did, and last we’d heard, Club Liberation was being closed down due to building-code violations. Yes, that tickled my fancy some. I’d laughed pretty hard over that one.

Ripping open the envelope, I pulled out the letter and a card dropped onto the floor.

Josh bent down to collect it while I read the letter aloud.


Hey Rachel,


I was cleaning out the studio apartment and stumbled across a postcard that was addressed to Josh. I don’t know why I felt compelled to send it to you—maybe it was your four-word message that touched me, I’m not sure—but here it is anyway.

I often think of you and wonder how you’re doing. I’m glad everything worked out and you were able to stay.

Angel still points to the studio every now and again saying, ‘Day-dee ting.’ It makes me laugh every time. You’ll always be a very sweet memory in our lives, and I hope we get to see you again one day.

You won’t believe how small this world is, but I was talking to my best friend, Ella, yesterday and she told me that Nessa Sloan had stopped for a drink at Clark’s Bar. She met Josh. Apparently, he saved her life.”


I looked at my boyfriend. A pained smile crested over his face as he tapped the postcard against his thumb.

He’d always wished he could have done more.

Ness had flown back to LA a few days after her accident. Josh had gone to see her one last time before she left, but he figured he never would again. She’d still not been in a great place, and Josh worried about her all the time.

“Does it say how she’s doing?”

I blinked, glancing back at the letter.


Can you tell Josh that she’s hanging in there? Ella didn’t say much, but Chaos fans are hopeful and Torrence Records announced recently that the album and tour are still going ahead, although they have been delayed. There’s still a very big question mark over whether Ness will be part of it, but we’re all crossing our fingers.

Anyway, I hope this letter finds you well and that you’ve found that dream you were searching for. 


Lots of love,



I folded the letter with a wistful smile and gazed up at Josh. He was looking at the postcard, his expression like melted chocolate.

“With love forever more,” he finally whispered.

“Of course I was going to sign it that way. You told me to.”

Flipping the postcard over, he studied the picture of the California sunset, his expression pensive.

Nudging his leg with my hip, I started singing the song he’d given me…well, just the line about how something always made her stay.

“You’re my reason, Josh. I may not have stayed, but you pulled me back, so thank you.”

Flicking the postcard over his shoulder, Josh tugged me against him, lifting me up like I weighed nothing. I wrapped my legs around his hips with a grin as he hummed the rest of the tune, dancing around the empty bar. I giggled and kissed him, pushing my tongue into his mouth to cut the song short. His hum turned into a moan, and I pulled away with a laugh.

“I think it’s time we find ourselves a new song.”

He tipped his head to the side, his eyes sparkling as his deep voice started singing, “You’re my home, you’re my home, you’re the place where I belong.”

My smile was so damn wide it hurt my face. Hearing my own song sung back to me was the coolest thing ever. Sliding my arms around his neck, I pressed my forehead against his cheek and closed my eyes, letting his deep voice wash over me and remind me of everything I was staying for…and everything I’d never leave again.




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Due for release November 2015




One night can change everything…


Nessa Sloan has been in love with Jimmy Baker since the ninth grade when they started up a rock band together. Five years later they’re about to hit the big time—
wins a recording contract and nation-wide tour with Torrence Records. After their celebration party, the two best friends have a one-night stand that will tear their relationship apart.


On the run from Jimmy’s rejection, Nessa takes off on her motorbike, but an accident brings her escape to a tragic end. Now trapped in a broken body, Nessa has to face a future stripped of the one thing that’s gotten her through every past challenge—playing the drums.


Jimmy never meant to break his best friend’s heart, and he will forever regret taking her to bed then treating her like one of his groupies. But once he’d crossed that line, he couldn’t go back. Now Jimmy’s on a mission to do something he’s never done before—win a girl over. 


Angry and confused by her new disability, Nessa doesn’t want Jimmy’s help. But she has nobody else to rely on…and his pigheaded ass won’t leave her alone. Can these two stubborn hearts get past their own insecurities to figure out what true love really looks like? Or will they drive each other crazy before they finally see the truth?


It’s infuriating, irresistable, and all-consuming…it’s true love.







Ella & Cole’s story



Morgan & Sean’s story



Jody & Leo’s story


If you'd like to stay up-to-date with the SONGBIRD SERIES, please sign up for the newsletter, which will include cover reveals, teasers and new release info for all the Songbird Novels.




It’s so cool to get to work with all these amazing people to pull together a project like this.


Thank you so much to:


My advisors: Lisa and Pete. Thank you SO much for your medical and technical advice for this book. I couldn’t have written those accident scenes without you.


My country music girl: Ashley. Thanks for your suggestions and opening me up to a bunch of songs I’d never heard before. I’ve seriously fallen in love with country music, so thank you!


My critique readers: Cassie, Theresa, Ashley and Rae. As always, your thoughts and opinions are invaluable. Thank you so much for your time.


My editor: Laurie. I’m in love with your eagle eyes and brilliant brain.


My proofreaders: Kristin, Marcia and Karen. Love what you guys do for me. You’re amazing.


My cover designer and photographer: Regina. What can I say other than
you rock
, lady!!


My publicity team: Mark My Words Publicity. Thanks for all your time and effort. You guys are the best.


My fellow writers: Inklings and Indie Inked. Thanks for your constant support and encouragement.


My Fan Club and readers: THANK YOU! Those words never seem enough, but I am so grateful for your support.


My family: You guys make life worth living. Thanks for your belief and your love.


My savior: Thanks for helping me find my home, and for never leaving my side no matter where I travel to.




The Songbird Novels


Coming in 2015: True Love


The Fugitive Series

I Know Lucy — Set Me Free


The Masks Series

True Colors — Two-Faced— Snake Eyes — Poker Face


The Time Spirit Trilogy

Golden Blood — Black Blood — Pure Blood


The Elements Trilogy

Unknown — Unseen — Unleashed


The Mica & Lexy Series

Forbidden Territory—Forbidden Waters


Find out more on Melissa Pearl’s website:




Melissa Pearl is a kiwi at heart but currently lives in Suzhou, China with her husband and two sons. She trained as an elementary school teacher but has always had a passion for writing and finally completed her first manuscript in 2003. She has been writing ever since, and the more she learns, the more she loves it.

She writes young adult and new adult fiction in a variety of romance genres—paranormal, fantasy, suspense, and contemporary. Her goal as a writer is to give readers the pleasure of escaping their everyday lives for a while and losing themselves in a journey…one that will make them laugh, cry, and swoon.

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