Home Before Dark (35 page)

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  1. When you first met Jessie, what did you think about her decision to come home from abroad after fifteen years? Was her motivation valid? Self-serving? Understandable?
  2. What do you think the real story is behind the break up of Simon and Jessie?
  3. What's your opinion of the “situation” between Jessie, Ian and Luz? Each of Luz's kids is at a different stage of development. Did you recognize the stages? Did they remind you of anyone you know?
  4. Was it fair and/or wise for Jessie to take matters into her own hands and keep her secret from the man who fathered her child? Why do you suppose she made the decision she made? What would have happened if she'd come clean right from the start?
  5. What would you have done in her situation? Would you have a problem raising a niece or nephew as your own child? Why or why not?
  6. Luz and Ian kept a big secret, too. Do you agree or disagree with the way they handled it? Why or why not?
  7. When Lila found out the truth, did she react as you would have expected, or did her reaction surprise you? Did it seem realistic, contrived or understandable?
  8. Dusty's initial reaction to Jessie is instant attraction. Do you believe, if not in love at first sight, at least the sense some people have of destiny? Why or why not? Have you ever experienced it?
  9. Rather than leveling with her sister, Jessie takes off without explanation. As Part Two opens, several weeks have elapsed. What do you imagine her life was like during those weeks?
  10. How does the novel's conclusion echo its beginning? How do you think the future will unfold for each of the principle characters? Jessie and Dusty, Luz and Ian, and finally, Lila.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1181-0


Copyright © 2003 by Susan Wiggs

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