Home to Me (The Andrades, Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Home to Me (The Andrades, Book 2)
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He used his good looks to get what he wanted, and today that had meant getting around her. How far would he have gone to achieve his goal? And would his ploy have worked? Rena was glad she’d never know. Whatever feelings she’d once had for him were in the past. As she’d grown up, they’d fallen by the wayside, as all teenage crushes should.

Now was not the time to start asking what-ifs.

Plus, dating Nick was probably the only way she could lose her job at Cogent, and she didn’t want to. It wasn’t a perfect job. Gio had a reputation for being demanding, impatient, and often blunt when a softer touch was warranted, but Rena wasn’t bothered by his moods. He’d even fired her a few times since she’d started there. She hadn’t taken him seriously, and he’d always called back to apologize and rehire her.

Job security was a perk of being his best friend’s little sister, but she worked hard to make sure she deserved to be there. No one worked longer hours or was more dedicated to the company than she was, and she was proud of how she could keep the office functioning seamlessly during Gio’s many business trips.

Kane teased her that she only wanted to work there because it kept her in the middle of any and all Andrade drama. Rena would have denied it, but she didn’t like to lie. Gio and his brothers needed her.
When someone needs you, you help them—whether or not they ask you to.

It’s practically our family motto.

Permission to assist appreciated, but not necessary.

Over the eighteen or so years she’d known them, she’d watched the four Andrade brothers grow from sad boys into angry men. They each hid their scars in different ways, but they didn’t fool Rena. Yes, they had lived a privileged life that, on the surface, appeared ideal, but Rena knew the truth of how they’d been raised. Between their workaholic father and their viciously insecure and spiteful mother, they’d been deprived of what Rena considered any semblance of a healthy home. They craved love and understanding like half-wilted flowers crave water.

Gio: the angry family patriarch. His word was law and his temper was short. Until he met his fiancée, Julia, he’d hidden himself away in his work. The change in him had been heartwarming. More than ever before, it made Rena wish the same happiness for the others.

Nick: the unredeemable and notorious playboy. Young, rich, and gorgeous. He was photographed more than many movie stars were, and could be counted on to consistently provide front-page-worthy scandalous photos. His dating practices were legendary—heiresses to porn stars—and if half of what the papers claimed he’d done were true, he’d have a lot of explaining to do if he ever made it to the gates of Heaven.

Luke: the rich surgeon and the glue of the Andrade family. He called his brothers daily and smoothed over whatever was brewing. He reminded her of her brother, Kane.

And Max: the youngest, who had branched off to make his own fortune in the hotel and casino business. He was the most private of the four boys and the one Rena knew the least. In general, he kept himself outside of all family drama.

Rena reached for the phone and called the brother she’d been told not to. “Luke?”

“Rena,” Luke answered warmly. “I’m about to go into surgery. Can we talk later?”

“Nick is here,” Rena said in a rush.

“That’s good. I’ve talked to him about getting more involved at Cogent. I’m glad he’s doing it.”

Rena began pacing again with the headset in her hand. “I don’t believe his visit is business related. Nick said he had something he needed to say to Gio and he didn’t look happy about it.”

“Shit.” Luke sighed. “I can’t come now. Do you have any idea what it’s about?”

“I was hoping you did.”

“Nick has been spending time with our mother since she had that episode.”

“You mean her heart attack?”

“I haven’t seen her health records, so I can’t say for sure. It might have been a severe panic attack.”

“You think she lied?”

Luke sighed again. “No. She wouldn’t go that far, but she could exaggerate the situation. She hasn’t been the same since we attended Stephan’s wedding without her. I don’t know what she has against Victor and Alessandro, but she can’t handle the idea of any of us spending time with either of them. I’ve tried to talk to her about it, but she won’t discuss it.”

“So you think she said something to Nick?”

“I don’t know. She’s upset that Gio isn’t speaking to her right now. Maybe it’s about that.”

“They had an argument right after the wedding, didn’t they?”

“That’s what I hear. Gio was furious with her for trying to pay off Julia.”

“I still don’t understand why she would do that. Julia makes Gio happy. Who wouldn’t want her son to find love?”

“She would tell you she does whatever is necessary to protect us. For some reason that included keeping Julia and Gio apart.”

“I don’t think Patrice likes you and your brothers getting along the way you have since Stephan’s wedding. I wouldn’t put it past her to have faked an
just to draw attention back to herself.”

“Hey,” Luke reprimanded.

“Sorry, I know she’s your mother. I just don’t understand her. She has four amazing sons and more money than she could spend in ten lifetimes. Why isn’t she happy?”

“I wish I knew,” Luke said sadly. “She’s heading to a dark place. I hope she doesn’t take Nick with her.”

Rena stopped and chewed her lip. “I could talk to him.”

“Listen, I know you care. I wouldn’t tell you this if I didn’t consider you one of us, but don’t get involved this time. I have a feeling this is going to get really ugly before it gets better. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Rena laughed even though she found little humor in the situation. “You’re the second Andrade to say that to me today. Nick said almost those exact words a few minutes ago. You should have seen his face when he said it. Something really upset him today. I wish I knew what it was.”

“Don’t do it, Rena.”


“Don’t try to help Nick. He’s right. You’ll only get hurt.”

“I wish the four of you could always be as happy as you looked right after you came back from the island wedding.”

With a sigh, Luke said, “I have to go. Rena, promise me you’ll let them sort this out themselves. I have some time late this afternoon. I’ll come by to smooth over whatever blowup they have this morning. Stay out of it.”

“I will.”

“You’re not a good liar, Rena.”

Rena hung up the phone and squared her shoulders.
Maybe not, but if Nick and Gio wanted me to stay out of this, they would have had their spat away from the office.

Rena placed her hand on the door to Gio’s office and took a deep breath.

I will not stand back and do nothing while they tear each other apart.

Sorry, Patrice. Whatever you’re up to is not going to work. Not this time.

Not on my watch.

Chapter Two


“I went to see Mother this morning,” Nick said slowly, watching his brother’s reaction. Of his three brothers, Gio was the most difficult to talk to about anything. Luke could always be relied on to provide a sympathetic ear. Max gave his unfettered opinion, when he cared enough to have one. Talking to Gio was more like trying to cross a field of land mines while blindfolded. It was impossible to guess which word would set Gio off, but an explosion was inevitable.

Gio took his self-appointed role as head of the family seriously—too seriously. It had been the root of many disagreements between them over the years, even if recently they’d called a truce.

A truce that had ended abruptly that morning when Nick had caught his mother crying and had asked her what was wrong. Her answer had infuriated him.

“How is she?” Gio asked smoothly, as if he were inquiring about the weather.

“Weak. The doctor has her on a monitor while they try a new medication.”

“I hope he finds what she needs.” Gio’s comment held just enough sarcasm to renew Nick’s earlier anger.

“It would be nice if you pretended to care.”

Gio walked over to his desk, sat on the edge of it, and crossed his arms in front of him. “I do, but I’m not convinced she’s as ill as she says she is.”

“I met with her doctor yesterday. His story matched hers. Is he lying? Am I? What the hell is your problem?”

Gio rubbed his chin with one hand. “She has no history of heart disease and the timing was . . . convenient.”

“Don’t you mean inconvenient for you? Afraid if it’s true it’ll cut down on the time you can spend with your fiancée?”

Gio stood up and dropped his hands to his side. “Leave Julia out of this.”

Shaking his head in disgust, Nick said, “I’d like to, but from what I hear she’s part of the problem. You may not care what she says to Mother, but I do.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I don’t believe you, but that doesn’t matter. I came here because you and Julia are upsetting Mother and it’s affecting her health. You need to go see her and apologize.”

Between gritted teeth, Gio said, “I have nothing to apologize for.”

Nick crossed the room and stood nose to nose with his brother. “I could give you a list that goes back years, but right now I’m referring to how you told her she’s driving all of us away and will die alone.”

Gio’s face went white with anger. “I said that because she . . .” He groaned. “Taken out of context it sounds bad, but . . .”

“Gio, you said it to an elderly woman who just had a heart attack. There is no context in which that doesn’t make you look like a fucking asshole.”

Gio rubbed one of his temples. “You don’t know the whole story. I didn’t tell you what she said to Julia.”

“I don’t give a shit what she said. I don’t care about your little security girlfriend. I care that finally getting laid has you so turned around you can’t see how you’re hurting our mother.”

“The only reason you’re still standing is because I know what it’s like to be fed lies by her. I feel for you, but if you value your life you won’t mention Julia again. Mother doesn’t need your protection, trust me.”

“So you won’t go see her?”

“Not until I’m ready.”

Nick shook his head in disgust. “I knew you were a heartless bastard when you threatened to have father’s mistress thrown out of her home if she ever contacted us. As long as you get what you want, it doesn’t matter who you hurt, does it? Mother wanted to confront her, but you wouldn’t let her have that closure, would you? It all has to be on your terms, doesn’t it?”

“How long have you known about Leora?”

“I always suspected Father had someone on the side. No one in the oil business needs to spend that much time in Venice. It was why I offered to go with you to collect his body. I wasn’t surprised by what you found there. But I was disappointed you didn’t think the rest of us deserved the truth.”

“You were young . . .”

“I’m two years younger than you are, Gio. Not a child. You didn’t keep us in the dark to protect us—you took advantage of the situation. While Mother grieved, you took over the company. She was so distraught she didn’t realize you had no intention of ever giving her back control.”

“Is that what she’s telling you? You’re forgetting I made you a full partner from the beginning. You chose not be involved. You could’ve joined me at any time. I’ve kept a goddamned office staffed for you for almost a decade.”

“An empty gesture. I tried to work with you when Father first passed. You shut me down every chance you got. Do you know what it was like to speak at a meeting only to have you correct everything I said?”

“You had no idea what you were talking about. I had worked my way up in the company so I knew what needed to be done. You came in with no experience. I couldn’t let you—”

“Fuck it up? Or learn enough to be your competition? You don’t fool me, Gio. You wanted full control and you got it.”

The door of the office opened and Rena strode directly up to the men. “I can hear the two of you in my office. Is everything okay?”

“This is none of your concern, Rena,” Gio said without looking away from Nick.

Planting herself directly between them, Rena put her hands on her hips and said, “Yes, it is. I love both of you and that makes it my concern.”

Nick put a hand on Rena’s shoulder. “We’re fine, Rena.”

Gio put his hand on Rena’s other shoulder and snarled at Nick. “Get your hand off my secretary.”

Nick said, “She may work for you, but you don’t own her.”

“True, but I won’t let you use her as another way to piss me off. Rena, stay the hell away from him. Understand me?”

“If Rena and I ever get together it will have nothing to do with you.”

“Nick, don’t do something I’ll have to kill you for.”

“Stop it. Both of you.” Rena looked back and forth between the two of them and shrugged their hands off. “First of all, I don’t belong to anyone, and no one could ever tell me who I could or couldn’t see. Second of all, there is no risk of anything happening with Nick because he’s practically my brother. Now, what is really going on here?”

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