Hooked (11 page)

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Authors: Chloe Shantz-Hilkes

Tags: #ebook, #book

BOOK: Hooked
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Cataloging in Publication

Hooked : when addiction hits home / edited by Chloe Shantz-Hilkes with Decode.

Issued also in electronic formats.
ISBN 978-1-55451-475-5 (bound).—ISBN 978-1-55451-474-8 (pbk.)

     1. Drug addicts—Family relationships—Canada—Juvenile literature. 2. Alcoholics—Family relationships—Canada—Juvenile literature. 3. Children of drug addicts—Canada—Juvenile literature. 4. Children of alcoholics—Canada—Juvenile literature. 5. Drug addiction—Psychological aspects—Juvenile literature. 6. Alcoholism—Psychological aspects—Juvenile literature. I. Shantz-Hilkes, Chloe II. DECODE (Firm)

HV5809.5.H65 2013                  j362.29'13                  C2012-907114-5

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