Hooker to Housewife (20 page)

BOOK: Hooker to Housewife
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“Listen, pretty girl, I know you have a lot to digest but try to relax. It must be devastating to know that the man you were planning on marrying and spending the rest of your life with is now playing house with a Hollywood starlet. You're still young and you have a beautiful daughter who loves you. In time this pain will pass. And if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here,” he added. “But Chantal, I'm late for a meeting. I just wanted to give you a call and let you know about Andre and Tyler before the media broke the news. Call me if you need me.” When T-Roc hung up the phone he had a gigantic smile spread across his face. He was setting the ball in motion for Andre's downfall. Now all he had to do was let William catch Tyler and Andre in the act.

Chantal dropped the phone and couldn't even finish the French toast she was looking forward to eating just a few minutes ago. Her appetite was completely lost. For the last week her mind had been so focused on helping Shari through her traumatic experience that she didn't have much time to dwell on her dwindling relationship with Andre. Now with one phone call all that had changed. It seemed the strength that she had recently tapped into was completely sucked out by T-Roc. If he was right, and Tyler and Andre were in love, then that meant the end.


Tyler raced to Andre's house to share the conversation she had had with Chrissie. She hoped he could give some insight as to who would want to expose their relationship. It obviously wasn't the tabloids because the pictures would've already been on the front cover of every magazine weeks ago. Tyler knew whoever was behind it spent a lot of energy devising their plan, which made it that much scarier.

“Baby, what are you doing back here?” Andre asked Tyler as he let her into the house.

“Andre, someone is fucking with us.”

“What are you talking about?” he asked seriously.

“Remember that night we went to the studio for the meeting and no one showed up but us?”

“How can I forget? That was the first night we made love.”

“Yeah, and we thought it was a big coincidence, with the storm, the lights going out, and getting locked in the studio for all those hours. Well, of course no one can control mother nature so we can't blame anyone for the rain, but someone locked the door on purpose and set up the faulty meeting.”

“How do you know?”

“The reason Chrissie was so frantic was because someone left pictures on her desk from that night when we were making love.”

“What? Oh shit, do you have any idea who did it?”

“No I don't, but Andre, I'm worried.”

“Baby, don't stress yourself, we'll figure something out.”

“Figure out what? This is, like, out of our control.”

“Listen to me,” Andre said as he lifted up her chin so they were eye to eye. “I know I haven't said this, but I love you. I fell in love with you from the first moment I saw you. That may sound farfetched to you, but it's true. Honestly I don't care who finds out about our relationship. What we share is way more important to me than some movie or acting career. We will get through this together, I promise.”

“I don't know what I would do without you, I love you so much. Now that we're together I can't imagine us being apart.”

“We won't be. I put that on my life.” Andre lay Tyler down on the couch and they began making love. As they got lost in each other's embrace, they both thought this would last forever.


After throwing up the little bit of breakfast she did eat, Chantal was climbing the walls. She paced the floor back and forth for
about an hour until she finally reached her breaking point. “Shari, I think I'm about to have a nervous breakdown,” Chantal said timidly through the phone.

“What's wrong?”

“I just got off the phone with T-Roc. He told me Andre and Tyler are in love.”

“What? Are you sure?” Shari reluctantly asked, concern for Chantal instantly setting in.

“He is positive they are seeing each other and with that being true I know Andre is probably in love. It was in his eyes last time I saw him, which was weeks ago. He hasn't even really called me. Shari, I feel like I can't breathe. The mere thought of Andre leaving me to be with someone else makes me feel like I have no reason to live.”

“Chantal, don't say that please. You have so much to live for. You're an amazing friend. Look at everything you did for me regarding Chris. You hooked me up with that beast of an attorney and now my bank account is right. He even managed to have Chris set up a college fund for Alex. I couldn't have maneuvered any of that without you. You're my best friend, Chantal. I need you. I know you're hurting right now, but there are other men.”

“Not for me. Andre is my life. Shari, I have to get him back. Tyler Blake will never love him the way that I do—no woman will.”

“So what are you going to do, Chantal?”

“I have no choice but to go to LA and fight for my man.”

“Then I'm going with you. But let's leave in a couple of days so I can get Alex situated. I want to be there for you like you were for me.”

“Thanks, I appreciate your support but I need to do this on my own. I'll call you when I get there, though.” When Chantal got off the phone with Shari she practiced the conversation she would have with Andre. She had to convince him that they belonged together
and that some fling with his costar was meaningless. But no matter how many times Chantal went over the conversation in her head she couldn't fight the fact that she believed his relationship with Tyler was much more than a meaningless fling.

Shari was beyond worried about Chantal. She had never heard her best friend talk like that before. Chantal was the last person she would ever think would say she had no reason to live. It was freaking her out. Chantal was truly like a sister to Shari and she couldn't imagine her life without her. When Shari caught her boyfriend Chris doing the dirty deed with his male counterparts, Chantal was the first person she wanted to run to. Shari knew that Chantal would have all the answers and turn a negative situation into something positive. That was exactly what she did, too. Chantal nursed her broken heart back to health and made sure her pockets got laced for all her pain and suffering. There was no way Shari was going to let anything happen to her best friend.


T-Roc leaned his head back on the bed in his hotel suite as the blond beauty gave him the best head of his life. Her professional skills were so amazing T-Roc thought she should teach a class or at least give well-instructed pointers to the many women who couldn't get it right. T-Roc actually preferred a magnificent blow job over sex; he figured it was less risky, too.

“Oh baby, I'm about to cum,” he moaned as he pulled on the woman's ringlets. As relaxed as he was, T-Roc lifted his head so he could watch the woman swallow all his cum, which turned him on more than anything. “You're unbelievable.”

“I bet Tyler never gave you head like that,” Chrissie remarked as she licked her lips.

“No, actually Tyler never gave me head. If I remember correctly she said that was only done strictly for her man, and as you know, we never got that far.”

“You say that with disappointment in your voice.”

“No sense in rehashing the past,” T-Roc said, abruptly getting up from the bed.

“I guess having sex with Tyler's best friend must really boost your ego.”

“Actually having sex with you is just a bonus. Your information is what makes you so invaluable.”

“I still don't understand exactly what you're trying to accomplish by knowing Andre and Tyler are sleeping with one another. Why do you even care?”

“That's not for you to worry about. You just continue to do what I ask and funnel the information I need.”

“I feel bad about deceiving Tyler. When I showed her those pictures you sent to me she was really upset.”

“Excellent, that means what you said worked.”

“What I said was for her to stay away from Andre and she basically refused. I think she's in love with him.”

“I doubt it,” he said with certainty. “But even if she thinks she's in love it won't last long. That relationship will end just like all her other ones. None of the men she gets involved with are right for her.”

“So who is, you? Is this what your whole plan is all about, to get Tyler back? Are you using me so you can get her back in your bed?” Chrissie was now putting on her clothes, feeling cheapened by the idea of T-Roc still having feelings for her friend.

“What are you getting yourself all worked up for? Whatever my plans are for Tyler don't concern you. You and I enjoy each other's company. That's all that matters.”

“No. Not if you're just using me until you can have the woman you really want.”

“Everyone uses everyone, Chrissie. Stop acting like a dizzy blonde, it's not very flattering. You had no problem fucking me and discussing Tyler's personal business during pillow talk, so don't try to be morally correct all of a sudden. It's a little too late for that.”

“Answer me this: Were you ever truly interested in me, or was
I just part of your well-orchestrated plan when you just happened to run into me at my favorite restaurant?”

“Does that even matter?”

“Yes. So answer the question. I want to know.”

“Honestly, it was a setup but you're selling yourself way too short. You're great in bed and you know how to swallow me just right. I would've fucked you whether you knew Tyler or not, but because you do, it definitely made you more appealing.”

“T-Roc, you are truly a cruel, heartless man. I can't believe I let you play me like the fool you must think I am. But we'll see who will have the last laugh,” Chrissie said, picking up her purse to leave. Before she could exit, T-Roc grabbed her arm.

“Don't do anything stupid, Chrissie, like tell Tyler what we've been up to.”

“You mean what
been up to.”

“However you want to state it is irrelevant to me, but what you say to Tyler is. It wouldn't be wise for you to cross me, Chrissie. I promise you I'll be your worst sort of enemy.” The look in his eyes sent a bolt of fear through Chrissie's entire body. She'd heard that T-Roc was a ruthless businessman and she was well aware of the drama he put Tyler through when they dated, but this warning was more sinister.

“Get your hands off of me, T-Roc,” she said, yanking her arm free. “Don't worry. Your little secret is safe with me, but don't count on me to pump any more information to you. I'm done.”

“You're done when I say you're done. If I need to know something I will be calling you and you better answer your phone. I don't take kindly to being ignored. Now give me a kiss good-bye,” he said as he gripped her face and gave her a hard peck on the lips. Chrissie stormed out in tears.


“Okay, that's a wrap for the day,” William shouted out to the movie crew. As he gathered the staff to go over some last minute
script revisions for tomorrow's schedule, Andre took advantage of the chaos to speak to Tyler.

“Meet me at the Beverly Hills Hotel in an hour. I got a bungalow for us,” Andre whispered and then jetted off to his trailer. Tyler was excited about being alone with Andre since William had occupied all of her time for the last couple of days. It was becoming increasingly annoying spending time with William when all she could think about was Andre.

When Tyler arrived at the bungalow the room had flowers everywhere and a box was placed on the table with a card attached. The card read:

To the love of my life. It's finally complete with you in it.
Love, Andre

Tears instantly filled Tyler's eyes. But then when she opened the box her tears were replaced with a stunned scream. To her surprise, the most beautiful pink diamond she had ever seen greeted her. Tyler stood, frozen, admiring the gorgeous bauble and didn't realize Andre had walked in.

“Tyler, will you marry me?” Andre asked, now down on bended knee. Tyler was still standing with her mouth open, not acknowledging the reality of the situation.

“Is this really happening to me?” she asked, looking down at Andre who was the vision of the prince charming she had dreamed would someday sweep her off her feet.

“If you say ‘yes' it will,” he responded with a nervous chuckle. Although he knew in his heart that Tyler was in love with him, he wasn't confident that she would accept his proposal.

“Of course I'll marry you,” Tyler gushed. Andre picked up the box and took out the pink sparkler and placed it on Tyler's finger. They both admired how beautiful the ring looked on her and when Tyler leaned down to kiss Andre she noticed a tear slowly running down his face. “Oh, Andre, I love you so much.”

“Not as much as I love you,” Andre declared. They began undressing each other with a level of intense obsession that neither had ever experienced. Andre lifted Tyler up and carried her over to the plush king-size bed. When he laid her down, he stood for a moment and stared. She looked more radiant than ever before. Her skin sparkled against the ivory silk sheets and her long wavy hair glowed as if dipped in the purest water. She was the epitome of perfection and Andre felt blessed that she would be his wife.


After Chrissie left, T-Roc waited patiently for an update regarding Tyler and Andre. This was more than business to him; he had an emotional investment. It was imperative for his scheme to go off without a hitch, especially since Chrissie was now catching feelings. The last thing he wanted or needed was for her to fly off the handle and have a “clear the conscience” moment with Tyler. Even with his threat he wasn't sure Chrissie was strong or wise enough to take his warning seriously. The sooner the bomb dropped the closer he would be to getting what he wanted.

When T-Roc's cell phone rang he immediately recognized the number of his hired help. “What's it looking like?” was T-Roc's phone greeting.

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