Hooking Up : Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus (33 page)

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61. Rubin 1990.

62. See Duvall 1958.

63. See Holland and Eisenhart (1990) for a discussion of gender roles, sexual intimacy, and the cultural model of romance.

64. Duvall 1958, 205.

65. Skipper and Nass 1966, 417.

66. Laumann et al. 1994.

67. Laumann et al. 1994.

68. Rubin 1990.

69. Paul et al. (2000) found in their quantitative study of a large university in the northeastern United States that approximately 22 percent of undergraduate students had never engaged in a hookup.


1. It is interesting to note that there were more female volunteers for the undergraduate portion of the study and more male volunteers for the alumni portion. Perhaps this difference reflects women’s difficulty coping with the hookup culture on campus and men’s difficulty coping with the switch to a more traditional dating script after college.


N OT E S TO T H E M E T H O D O ll O G I C A ll A P P E N D I X

2. In rare instances, I conducted interviews at public places, such as a restaurant or coffee shop, per the request of the participant.

3. Straus and Corbin 1998.

4. As I indicated in chapter 1, my sample also lacked diversity in terms of sexual orientation (96 percent of the students and young alumni I interviewed were heterosexual).


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