Hope in Love (4 page)

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Authors: J. Hali Steele

BOOK: Hope in Love
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“Oh, don’t worry. Ram knows me well. He won’t mind if I keep
you company while he brings hope to the filthy masses. He has such a thankless

“I didn’t get your name.”

“I didn’t give it, pretty lady. I must say, his taste in
women has certainly improved.”

She didn’t know what to do. Ramiel hadn’t answered her. This
angel leered at her. He made her feel—

A sharp crack split the air and the angel leaning against
the tree left the ground. He was lifted, held high in the air. His eyes bulged,
spittle flew and he sputtered as he strangled.

“Release him immediately!” Michael’s voice boomed through
the air, causing Yael to flinch and cover her ears. She didn’t know who he
spoke to until she turned her head and saw Ramiel coming across the lawn to
where she sat. His feet never touched the ground.

He was surrounded by a searing white light that blinded her.

His wings!

His cobalt blue eyes flared a million points of blue fire
toward the suspended angel. Death. She heard desolate souls cry out for hope.

But the eyes were not what held her.

She’d never witnessed the angels with their wings in the
open. He was magnificent. He was taller, larger than life itself. The lofty
spread appeared ready for flight. The white feathers looked downy soft with
dark gray glistening ribbons gracing the tips—the same metal gray of his long
hair billowing around his shoulders. His skin, no longer brown, shone like
smooth, cool marble.

His nudity should have caused her to blush profusely. But
that wasn’t the thought that went through her mind. She wanted to feel those
wings enclose her, press her nakedness against his alabaster skin. She did not
know as an angel his manhood would be visible. It was glorious. Her sheath
clenched tight with each heartbeat.

Oh Lord help her. She wanted to lie in the arms of an angel.

She lifted inches off the ground when the suspended angel
slammed unceremoniously into a bone-crunching heap at the base of the magnolia
tree. The sound snatched her back to reality.

“Raphael, why are you here?” Ram struggled to modulate his
voice as he pulled his wings in and hid them back in his body. He clothed
himself in his customary black earth clothes. He pulled Yael to her feet and
pushed her behind him.

“Can’t I visit an old friend without being strangled or
smashed nearly to death?”

“I see I will have to strengthen my shields.”

“Not on my account, I assure you,” he said as he rose from
the ground. “I wanted to see what kind of woman would have the great whore
buying flowers and digging up trees.”

“Now you have seen, so have a good day.”

“I shall, now. She is truly beautiful.”

“Leave, Raph, and don’t enter my domain again unless

Raphael faced Yael and bowed deep with a flourish. “I hope
to see you again. Very soon.” He vanished.

“I’m sorry, are you all right?”

“I’m fine. He caught me off guard. I’ve never met Raphael

“He won’t be back.” His voice surged with so much anger, she
blanched away from him.

“Ramiel, I want to see you now.” Michael’s voice, modulated
this time, sounded through the air.

“You’ll be safe, I’ve strengthened my guards. I’ll return
shortly.” He disappeared, leaving her to gaze at the empty spot he vacated.

Whore? Flowers and digging up trees? What did Raphael mean?

Chapter Five


God damn Gabriel and his big mouth. Ram would pummel him to
death when he saw him again. He was really pissed off. He’d bolstered his
shields before he left. He would not have Raphael or anyone disturb her

Now he stood before Michael and could barely calm down. “That
would explain why he could break my guards. But why would you send him there?”
His eyes glared in disbelief. He started to pace the archangel’s office.

“You were not sure you wanted this duty. You intimated I
should have Raphael handle it in your stead.”

“Don’t play games with me, Michael. Anyway, that was a long

“Only two of your sun risings ago.”

“I’ve changed my mind. She has become accustomed to me and I
want to do this. After all, I will provide the heir who will bring hope to a
whole species of earth beings. Isn’t that my reason for existing right now?” He
flung the sarcastic words at the angel-general.

“Yes, it is your reason for being right now. Raphael and
many others would vie to be in your shoes. Do you understand the importance of
what you’ve been asked to do?” The look Michael leveled on him would have made
lesser angels wither. “I find it very hard to believe that in such a short time
she is used to you. Are you sure?”

“I said so, didn’t I?”

Michael’s brow went askance. Shit, Ram had to be careful not
show too much attachment to the exulted.

“As you wish. See that you do your duty.”

He’d been dismissed. Unable to control his temper, he
disappeared in an unusual burst of energy. He returned home to Yael with the
decision in mind to take her to his domain on Earth. If he must spend time there
and deliver hope to the useless masses, he would have her with him. He could
better complete his duty of impregnating her if they spent more time together.
That was all he wanted right now. To be in her company.

Surely, he’d soon grow tired of Yael?

* * * * *

“What did he mean about your digging up trees and buying
flowers?” Yael asked upon his arrival home.

Ram, tired, didn’t want to be reminded of the incident. He
wanted to take her away from there as soon as possible. The distractions were
too many. His anger at Michael jeopardizing her well-being still rose in his
throat like bile.

Raph wouldn’t harm her. At least not physically. But he’d
have no qualms about taking her in other ways. It wouldn’t be the first time.
They’d often used the same women. Sometimes together.

His blood boiled as he thought about the other angel
anywhere near Yael.

“Don’t you want to know about the women?” he spat out. His
question sounded sharper than he intended because of the other things on his
mind. As soon as he saw the hurt reflected in her eyes, he was sorry. His tone
changed to one of quiet resignation. “I suppose you know what that meant. I’m
sure you’ve heard all the sordid stories about me. And as I said before, there
will be no secrets between us. They are true.”

“There’s no need for you to clarify that statement. I
believe I know all I need to about that part of your life.”

“Then what is it you would like to know, Yael?”

“I only wanted to thank you for the magnolia tree. I believe
it’s the tree Raphael spoke of because I could see it had been freshly planted.
It was a kind gesture. I suppose the flowers he spoke of went to one whom you
felt the need to explain your absence to.”

“You’re welcome,” he sighed. He couldn’t tell her about the
flowers. Maybe she’d leave it alone. His relief was short-lived.

“There is no reason for you to be away from one you want to
be with. You need only be with me when you bed me.” She continued, “In the
future, if you plant your seed
me instead of
me, this will
be over for both of us. I expect no more from you. Have a good evening, Ramiel.”
Her head held high in a regal position, she left the room.

“God damn it.” He didn’t think she would be very compliant
at the moment to his idea of taking her below.

He’d never been so confused. Why did he care this much about
what she felt? She was sweet and gentle, yet all she cared about now was
bedding him. She wanted to have his child and get this over with. Maybe that’s
what he should do. Go to her and get it over with.

Even now his cock reared its bulbous head and throbbed into
life. It grew hard at his thought of being inside her again. She was so tight,
so good. He’d become a walking penis. When anything crossed his mind about her,
his erection blossomed like a wet mushroom and looked for a dark hole to crawl

Hopeless, Ramiel disappeared.

* * * * *

“Things will go well with them,” Decima said, as she
appeared in Michael’s office at his summons.

“I believe our angel of hope is falling for the exulted.”
Michael’s brows pulled together in consternation. “This could pose a very
serious problem.”

“She will not be able to hold him,” Decima stated.

“I will reserve my opinion on that until things develop
further. In any case, he won’t be
to keep her.”

“You do know Raphael will now be a problem. He abhors your
special treatment of Ramiel.”

“It will be very interesting to watch the outcome.”

“I agree. Personally, I can see how Gabe and EZ get so
carried away meddling in the humans’ lives.” The Fate smiled. “This is fun.”

Michael was more reserved in his response.

“At least we cannot mortally wound each other. Our Father,
nor I, will tolerate that.”

* * * * *

Yael walked along the lake and wished circumstances were
different. She felt unimportant and powerless in her situation. Aside from being
able to change the weather, she possessed no power and wouldn’t ever be held in
higher esteem. An archangel and an exulted couldn’t be together. It just didn’t

Michael and the Father would never allow it.

She grew angrier with every step and didn’t understand why.
She knew her place and the reason for being with him. Yet she seethed with
jealousy. It had latched onto her, shook her heart like a dog with a bone. She
wished she’d been the one the flowers were given to.

After Ram, no one would dare touch her. She’d always carry
his mark, belong to him. She didn’t want anyone else anyway. On occasion she’d
been a little lonely for the company of a man, but she had not really wanted
anyone until now. Her attachment to the archangel was unhealthy. And unsafe.
How could she survive so many months in his company and be unscathed?

Her mind was a confused muddle. The sun sank slowly below
the horizon. In his domain she could at least enjoy the day and night she so
sorely missed. Most angels lived in daylight. She thought about the cooler
evenings of long ago on Earth. Up here the temperature never changed. It was
always perfect—not cold, not hot.

Her thoughts, helter-skelter, darted in every direction. She
didn’t want to deal with the problem at hand. He had said to her “I don’t want
anyone else right now,” before he took her by the lake. He meant later he would
return to his carnal ways with other women.

She supposed he would come to her tonight. Maybe she would
not allow him to touch her. But that would only prolong her time here. The
correct thing to do would be to get this over with. Why didn’t he fill her with
his seed? It seemed as though… No, she couldn’t allow herself to think that.

He had taken someone else flowers.

She resolved to make sure she conceived her child. Hers. He
could then return to his base ways.

Her heart grew heavier at that idea.

As she headed back to the house, a glint of gold in the sand
caught her eye. She bent to pick up the object. Two strands of thread twined
together. One blue, the other gold. The colors together were beautiful. Like
the time she’d spent with him on this very same spot a day ago. She decided to
take her found treasure to use as a marker in the Ayn Rand novel she’d found in
Ram’s library.

She held it tight in her hand and continued her journey

* * * * *

“Why come to me? I shouldn’t speak to your sorry ass.”

Ram watched with disinterest as Raphael feigned choking, his
hands wrapped tightly around his own neck.

“I have nowhere else to go and this is your fault.” Ram felt
at a loose end. “Shit, if I go to Gabe or Luke they’ll just tell you everything

“How is it my fault?”

“You frightened Yael. And why did you have to tell her about
the tree and the flowers? That was just wrong.”

“Good Lord! You like her, don’t you?”

“It’s hard to explain. She’s…different, Raph. I don’t
understand what’s happened to me. I do know I don’t want you near her and I
mean it.”

“I never thought I’d see the day. The great whore falling
for someone. Anyway, trust me, she only has eyes for you. Why, she even
envisioned your scruffy wings wrapped around her nakedness.”

Ram lunged at Raphael.

In a blaze of red-hot heat, the Devil appeared. Just in the
nick of time. He would have torn Raph in two.

“What’s up, guys?”

“Ram’s falling for his exulted.”

“Shut the fuck up or I’ll choke you to death the next time.
You are never to enter her mind again or I will kill your ass. Do you
understand me? And stop calling me a whore.”

“No shit?” Luke’s face stretched into a broad smile. “Bitten
by Cupid, huh? And I would have said whoremonger myself but, Ram, you
a whore.”

“I’m serious.” Ram didn’t like being forced to take a look
at himself, what he was. Especially by these two.

“So am I.” Luke eyes swirled red as he picked at his
immaculate fingernails.

“The way I see it, there will be more for the rest of us now
that your black heart is out of circulation,” Raph smiled.

“Yoo-hoo? Can we discuss his love life later?” Luke asked as
he gave his nails one last look. “I need Raph’s assistance with a couple of
escaped light demons.”


Ram left the two to their duties and returned home. Yael
wasn’t in the house, he didn’t feel her energy. He listened to jazz as he sat
naked on the beach. This was his favorite time of day. He liked to watch the
sun set. For some reason Earthlings seemed to be more at peace during this time
of day. He didn’t get dragged away by their stupidity. The warm water washed
lazily over his bare feet. He remembered the previous night when he’d been
buried inside…
Don’t go there
. He would be horny and in pain. Too late.
His hardness rose like a flag on a pole and brushed against his stomach.

“Would you like me to prepare a meal?”

He jumped at the sound of her voice. How did she get so
close? He hadn’t heard or smelled her. Christ, he needed to be more careful. He
quickly drew his knees up, but he couldn’t get up. His erection looked like a
bean stalk between his legs. If he donned a robe, it would look like a tent,
and pants would be too painful. Hell, the one thing his magic couldn’t dissipate—a
hard-on. A cruel trick played on him by none other than Michael. But he’d
learned not to trifle with certain exulteds. Ram was in a predicament.

“Uhh, yes, that would be wonderful.” He hoped she’d go

“I apologize for my earlier rudeness. Your personal life is
no affair of mine. I understand my duty and I am prepared to see it through.”

“I apologize for being harsh.”

“I appreciate your honesty. I have no right to question you.”

“Yael.” He’d had enough of this. He stood in all his naked
glory and heard her sharp intake of breath. “You have every right. This is your
home too, for now. I know how much you like magnolias. You dwelled on it the
day I came to see you at Deborah’s. I only wanted to give you some comfort
while you stayed here.”


She couldn’t help but stare at his enormous length. It was
magnificent. Her modesty said she should turn her head or close her eyes. Her
womanhood disagreed vehemently. Her canal grew wet and ready to take every last
inch of him. She lifted her eyes to his.

Arousal dripped from her and leaked down the inside of her
thighs. Her stomach clenched with need and her knees threatened to buckle
beneath her. The angel in front of her caused her body to commit betrayal in
ways she did not comprehend.

“Thank you,” she whispered as her eyes found their way back
to his hardness, which still blatantly waved at her. It beckoned her, called to
a part of her she couldn’t ignore. One she wasn’t aware existed until he came
into her life.

Raising her head back up, she gazed at him. When he’d made
love to her here a day ago, he wanted her to look in his eyes. Now she did and
her body melted into a wanton puddle. The desire imprinted there scorched her
skin with cobalt-blue fire.

She moved slowly to stand in front of him. She took his
shaft in her hand as she pressed one hand against his heart. His body trembled
beneath her touch.

“I want you.” Her tongue darted out and moistened her lips.

“You don’t have to do this.”

“I know, but I want to.” She gave his length fierce, tight
strokes and enjoyed the thickness of it in her hand. Hard, yet so soft.

What had happened to her? Had she become the same kind of
carnal beast she accused him of being? In her old life she would have never
done anything so base. But she couldn’t help herself.

She smeared the tip of his erection with the drop of liquid
that formed there, and in reward he grew even bigger and harder. His musky
smell intoxicated her.

And she wanted to taste him.

She did not let him go as she fell to her knees. Tightening
her hold, she guided the broad head of his penis between her lips. She grasped
his hips to pull him closer, forcing him farther into her mouth. Ram was so
sweet. She pulled back and nursed on the head of him. Her tongue swirled in
circles around the wet tip of his manhood before she took him back between her
swollen lips.

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