Horizon (35 page)

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Authors: Jenn Reese

BOOK: Horizon
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Rollin’s ideas and energy were exactly what they needed to make Horizon’s Reach the city that they all wanted it to be. The city of their brighter future.

“Did you talk to Squirrel?” Hoku asked.

“Started yesterday,” Rollin said. “Already tried to cut her own thumb off. I throw things at her, she throws them back.”

Hoku chuckled.

“Brave girl, though. Quick mind. Wants to make things.” Rollin sighed. “So do I. Things for bettering, not for breaking. No more weapons. Not ever again.”

“In that case, I’ll be visiting your workshop more often,” Hoku said.

“You visit, you work,” Rollin said gruffly, but Hoku could hear the warmth in her voice.

Nathif. Calli.
Zorro announced.
Dash. Pocket. Aluna. Vachir.

Hoku smiled and watched his friends walk, slither, and trot over the sand. They smiled and greeted one another, and his heart swelled to the size of Big Blue.

Aluna slid her tail out of her saddle and hopped to the ground beside him. She was finally wearing her mother’s ring — not hidden in the pouch hanging from her neck, but on her finger. Her wild hair danced around her head. Through Zorro’s eyes, Hoku saw her stare at him with nothing but love.

“You thought I’d be late,” Aluna said.

“The sun would have waited,” he answered.

They stood together on the cool sand and watched in silence as the sun drifted peacefully toward the sea.

Above World
Team really came through for me on this book. Thanks to Stephanie Burgis for her amazing pep talks and advice, to Chris East for his love of spies and Upgraders, and to Deborah Coates, Sarah Prineas, and Greg van Eekhout for their continued support and friendship. Christine Ashworth, Sally Felt, Yvonne Jocks, Anne Nesbet, and Sabine Watts were always ready with virtual cupcakes and confetti. Thanks to the Blue Heaven crew, led by the inestimable C.C. Finlay, and to the incredibly supportive middle-grade and young adult authors in Los Angeles who spend all their evenings at one another’s book events.

My editor, Sarah Ketchersid, helped me make this the book of my dreams with her perfect blend of kindness, savvy, and creative inspiration. Our partnership has been one of the best parts of this whole process. I treasure the entire Candlewick team, including: Melanie Cordova, Erika Denn, Tracy Miracle, Hilary Van Dusen, Andrea Tompa, Rachel Smith, Katie Ring, Hannah Mahoney, and the hard-working sales and marketing team.

Thanks to Joe Monti, my agent, for countless things, but especially for wanting Hoku to get an upgrade; to Patricia Ready for running everything with style and humor; and to Barry Goldblatt for bringing the agency together in the first place.

Thanks to Kate Rudd for her riveting narration on the audiobooks and to Alexander Jansson for his gorgeous cover art.

Big thanks, too, to the great local bookstores who’ve welcomed and supported me: Children’s Book World, Curious Cup, Flintridge Books, Mrs. Dalloway’s, Mrs. Nelson’s Toys and Books, Mysterious Galaxy, and Once Upon A Time Bookstore, among others.

And last of all, I want to thank a few of the readers who’ve taken the time to share their enthusiasm (and sometimes even their fan art) with me: Federico, Sophie, Jillian, Ethan, The Maud, Samantha, Shelby, Rihanna, the Munoz family, Claudia, friends both near and far, and whole hordes of book bloggers. Your passion has meant so much to me.

I treasure this journey with all my heart and am grateful that I didn’t have to make it alone.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or, if real, are used fictitiously.

Copyright © 2014 by Jenn Reese
Cover illustration copyright © 2014 by Alexander Jansson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in an information retrieval system in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, and recording, without prior written permission from the publisher.

First electronic edition 2014

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2013951756
ISBN 978-0-7636-6417-6 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-0-7636-6977-5 (electronic)

Candlewick Press
99 Dover Street
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144

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