Hostage (Predators MC #3) (17 page)

BOOK: Hostage (Predators MC #3)
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“A man with that many piercings isn’t afraid of a little pain.”

After licking the length of his shaft back to the head, she sucked harder on him, determined to savor every minute she had him under her control. Penni wanted to taste him again and again. Each taste brought him deeper into her mouth.

Jackal gripped the arm of the couch as she covered his cock with her mouth again. Each time she lowered and raised her mouth, she tried to take him deeper, using the same rhythm he had used to tongue-fuck her. Penni had always learned by imitation, and her memory didn’t fail her now.

She spread Jackal’s jeans wider so she could reach the shaft of his cock, massaging his tightening balls.

“Move … I’m going to come.”

Penni tightened her lips around the head as he came, his body tautening as he bucked, driving him farther into her mouth.

She lifted her mouth off him when he stopped moving, and then Penni found herself sitting on his lap with Jackal trying to tug her shorts down.

She jumped to her feet, pulling her T-shirt down.

“Get back here.”

Penni shook her head, trying to calm her speeding heart. “I need to go. Lily has company coming in.”

Practically running to the stairs, she almost tripped over the first step.

“Sit your ass down on my dick. The only company you’re going to see is when I shove my dick up your pussy.”

Penni wanted to snap at him but couldn’t. Shade was standing at the top of the steps, about to come down.

“Sex Piston and her crew showed up early. Lily wanted me to tell you when you didn’t answer your text.”

Penni couldn’t remember where she had left her cell phone.

“Thanks.” She bounded up the steps two at a time as Shade moved away from the door.

Avoiding his eyes, she walked by him, pacing her steps, not wanting Shade to think she was running away.

“Coming?” she asked him.

“No, I usually hide out when they show up.”

Penni hesitated, worried that Shade and Jackal would have a confrontation. Jackal wouldn’t back down from a confrontation with her brother in the angry mood he was in.

“Go on. Lily’s waiting.”

Penni escaped. Jackal was on his own. She had her own problems, trying to push away the image of when he had climaxed.

She had never intended to go so far with Jackal, yet one touch of his slick flesh had her wanting more. It had become a compulsion, driving her to do something she had never performed on another man.

She wasn’t escaping because she had been embarrassed. Shade had been at the door and hadn’t seen anything. She had felt uncomfortable facing Jackal after the sexually-charged atmosphere had heightened, reaching a point that, if she had stayed there much longer, there was no doubt she wouldn’t have left the basement a virgin.

Train might not be attracted to her, but Jackal was.

Penni consoled herself. It wasn’t like she had any feelings for the man other than his body that she couldn’t keep from watching or the way he kissed that was like a shot to her needy libido. She was a red-blooded woman and had only hormones to blame.

“Damn.” The way he had looked when he had climaxed had aroused her never before she felt kitten instincts that had made her want to purr. The idea of Jackal being a scratching post had her gigging. A girl knew she was in trouble when she began seeing a man as catnip.


hat the fuck just happened

Jackal stood, closing his jeans and wanting to smash the workout machine against the wall. He’d had every intention of fucking Penni. When she had told him that she would know if Train was her soul mate when she made love to him, Jackal had known the only way to get her to care about him was in the bedroom.

That was why none of the men she had dated had lasted. A man could only handle so much of staring at her mouth and tight, little body before it drove him to lose reason.

Jackal wasn’t a betting man, but he would bet many of her dates had ended with the men having cold showers or in another woman’s pussy.

“Viper wants to talk to you and Hennessy in his bedroom. Hennessy is already there.”

When Shade’s face remained stoic, Jackal’s frustration got the best of him.

“You have something to get off your chest?” Jackal snapped.

“What should I say?”

“I know that camera at the door outside saw Penni and me fooling around.” Jackal had scoped out the clubhouse when he had arrived. There were cameras and alarms at every entrance, and the door to the outside of the basement was equipped with an alarm. That was how The Last Riders had kept Hennessy from escaping. Cruz and the other men would have been able to pack Hennessy downstairs, but Shade and Razer would have easily intercepted anyone who happened to make it through the door’s alarms. Viper had made sure the members were both protected and prepared.

“If you saw the camera, then you could see Viper turned it down toward the door.”

“That’s all you’re going to say?”

“What do you want me to say? Penni’s an adult; she’s always kept her head on shoulders when it comes to men.”

“Because she’s got her sight on Train, and it wouldn’t help anything to jeopardize your friendship.”

“Is that what you think? You don’t know shit about Train. If he wanted Penni, our friendship wouldn’t matter. He’s flown countless missions, some which he fought on the ground after his helicopter crashed. If Train wanted Penni, I would be honored to accept him into my family.”

“Even though one of those crashes was his fault and killed six members in his crew?”

“If the government believed he was responsible for that crash, why would they hire him for a job overseas?”

“Train’s going overseas?”

“He leaves in two weeks.”

“Does Penni know?”

“No, it’s on a need to know basis. I’m sure you’ll tell her now.”

“You cold-blooded bastard, you should have told her. You know how she feels about him.”

“I’d think you would be happy Train is leaving.”

He was, and he wasn’t. He wanted Penni alone without her constantly looking for Train. He wanted her to choose him because she wanted him.

“So you want me to do your dirty work for you?”

“Other than being worried about Train being safe, why should she care? Why would she be so upset since you are together now?”

Shade was nobody’s fool.

“Does someone ever get over their first love?”

“Train wasn’t Penni first love.” Who in the hell was, then?

Jackal clenched his teeth. The woman better not have let another man touch her. He’d knock the—

“Train was a crush. If she really wanted him, nothing would stop her. If you are in a relationship with Penni, you’re the one who needs to be careful. A man who gets Penni is going to be getting more than they bargained for. And don’t think I don’t know you’re hiding your true colors from her. You’re a hot-headed son of a bitch. When she loosens her temper, she can be a handful, but make fucking sure, now that you’re in a relationship with her, your true colors don’t show, or you’ll be dealing me.”

“I’ve been dealing with her temper since I met her. Penni’s going to be a part of my life whether you like it or not.”

Shade shrugged. “I’m just giving you a warning. Whether you take it or not is up to you.”

“Since we’re all friendly and shit, I’ll give you my own warning: she’s going to be my property. If you interfere, I’ll take that as a sign of aggression against me and the Predators.”

“I don’t see any of your brothers backing you right now,” Shade mocked.

If he weren’t Penni’s brother, his snide comment would be the last sentence out of his mouth for the two months it took until his jaw healed. But he was, and Jackal had learned that, whenever Penni felt Shade or The Last Riders had been threatened, it took her a while to get over it.

“My brothers are exactly where I need them to be.”

“I’m sure King was glad to see some friends from home.”

Jackal didn’t deny that several of the Predators were watching The Last Riders. Ice might not be in Treepoint, but he wouldn’t leave Jackal without someone who could be there within minutes if he called.

“If we’re done shooting the shit, I’m going to see what Viper wants. Trying to argue with you is like trying to watch paint dry. It takes all day.”

Shade waved his hand toward the stairs, letting him go first. Jackal didn’t hesitate. If Shade attacked a man, he would do it facing him, not from his back.

Jackal knocked before entering Viper’s bedroom. Cash, Knox, Lucky, and Hennessy were in the room. The man whose presence surprised him was Ice.

Ice held out his hand and the brothers shook before taking the chairs surrounding the couch on the opposite side of the bed.

“Glad to see you,” Jackal said, taking a seat on the couch with Ice sitting next to him. “I didn’t think I would see you for a few more days.”

“Oceane died. Grace wants to stay with her father and brother. I was in the way, so I decided to get this business finished.” Ice’s expression was somber. Jackal knew how close Grace was to her parents.

“Penni …”

“Grace is calling her now.”

Jackal nodded. He wanted to leave the room and make sure she was okay, but from the faces surrounding them, the men had more important things to discuss. As enforcer, he had to stay with Ice, regardless of whether his woman needed him or not.

Viper sat down on one of the chairs with Shade taking the one next to him.

“I’ll take the door,” Cash said, leaving the room. Jackal knew Viper wouldn’t want any of the women coming in to disturb the meeting about to take place.

“Why didn’t you call Shade when you found out she had been kidnapped?” Viper started the meeting between the two heads of their clubs.

Ice sat forward on the couch, his hands resting on his thighs. “I was going to call and let you deal with the Road Kingz, but Hennessy used to be a brother, and Jackal convinced me to let him handle it. Hennessy saved Jackal’s life when a deal went down the shithole, and Jackal felt he owed him. He didn’t want Shade killing him.”

“I didn’t need his help,” Hennessy broke into the conversation.

“Shut up,” Ice ordered. “You can answer to Viper for kidnapping Penni. I’m explaining my own actions in this cluster-fuck.”

“Penni could have been killed or hurt if I hadn’t shown up when I did.” Viper’s controlled rage had all the men tensing.

“I didn’t expect him to piss off another fucking club or that he was balls deep in bed with a cartel.” Ice remained unflustered, giving Viper the time he needed to vent.

They had screwed up, and now they were going to man up, whether they wanted to listen to his recriminations or not.

Viper looked at Hennessy. “Now you want me to talk?”

“It would be to your advantage.”

Before Hennessy could answer, a knock came to the door, and two men Jackal had never met before entered.

“This is Stud and Cade. Stud is the President of the Blue Horsemen.”

“How many biker clubs does this bitch know?” Hennessy asked, running his hand over his bald head.

“Stud and Cade aren’t here because of Penni. They’re here because of the cartel,” Viper explained, his mouth twitching at Hennessy’s aggravated expression.

Cade took a step forward. “The cartel is responsible for my wife’s father and her sister’s death. If they’ve targeted you, you’re not going to get away from them alive.”

Jackal looked at the grim faces in the room. All this shit for nothing. Hennessy’s club wasn’t big enough to deal with the fallout from the cartel and The Last Riders. One was bad enough; two was the end. Hennessy’s fixed stare said he knew it, too.

“The Blue Horsemen are willing to help. Fat Louise deserves justice for her family being killed. She risked her life to save her sister from her husband’s cartel and bring her back from Mexico.”

“We’re willing to help, too.” Viper nodded.

Hennessy’s surprised gaze swung to Viper. “Why would you help?”

“Two reasons: Shade found out the reason you took Penni as hostage was to get drugs back from one of your members who had bought them from the cartel behind your back. Shade said you had no idea that the member had commissioned the drug sale.”

“I didn’t, but DJ was like flesh and blood to me. I couldn’t leave him high and dry.”

“Instead, another of the Road Kingz killed him,” Shade remarked, going to the small fridge and taking out a bottled water, giving it to Hennessy.

“Yes, I made sure he didn’t have any money to buy drugs for himself. I thought he was clean. When I found the drugs in his room and saw he was high, he admitted what he had done. Then I set up the buy with Striker. Since then, it’s been one cluster-fuck after another.”

“The Silva Cartel is extremely dangerous. Not only do they have a lot of manpower, but they have the Unjust Soldiers to do their dirty work in the States,” Lucky commented, leaning against the wall. “If we’re going to do this, The Last Riders, Stud’s club, and yours will have to take precautions. Not only will they try to attack the clubhouses, but anyone who is connected to them. That means the women or any assets the clubs may have.”

“Shit. They’re that strong?” Jackal should be worried about the Predators, but it was a blonde his thoughts shifted to.

Lucky looked at Viper who nodded his head. “I dealt with this cartel once before,” he admitted. “It was six years ago. I was involved with a task force to stop them from smuggling women out of the United States. We arrested the smugglers but couldn’t lay our hands on the cartel. I’d like to even the score for those women and Fat Louise.

“With your help, we could lure them to Treepoint and take them down once and for all. Viper’s on top of the security here, but can your clubs handle the fallout?”

Stud, Ice, and Hennessy stared at each other.

“So you’re going to use the Road Kingz as bait?” Hennessy asked Viper.


“If my club helps, then you let us leave without any blowback for Penni?”


“Then let’s fucking get it on, brother.”

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