Hostage (Predators MC #3) (20 page)

BOOK: Hostage (Predators MC #3)
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ce was waiting
for him at the picnic tables. The front door was being guarded by two of Viper’s men, while Ice had offered to watch the back.

“What do you think?” Ice asked at his approach.

Jackal knew something was wrong when Ice had told him he wanted to talk where no one could hear them.

“I think it’s a little convenient that they managed to rig the gas when no one was watching. Viper installed security cameras when Genny was at work after she refused to move into the clubhouse.”

“Viper said he checked the security camera. Whoever it was came in through a window. They managed to avoid the security camera and knew to set the fire when Greer and Genny left the house.”

“Someone’s feeding them information.”

“Yeah.” Ice sat down on top of the picnic table.

“Any idea who?”

“No, and neither does Viper. This place is as tight a drum. Viper said his club in Ohio is, too.”

The men remained silent, staring into the dark night. Jackal speculated on who would have the opportunity to know exactly when Genny was going to the store.

“I’ll talk to her in the morning. She cooks breakfast for the men,” Jackal informed.

“Viper’s checking everyone’s cell phone, but it’s going to take a couple days to get the information.”

“We don’t have two days.” The person who had leaked the information of Genny going to the grocery store was a time bomb. The details provided could prove to be fatal to another member, either in Treepoint, Ohio, or Queen City. Jackal didn’t want to take that chance.

“No. The cartel wants Hennessy dead. To them, he stole their drugs without any intention of paying. Then, when they used the Unjust Soldiers to get them back, The Last Riders succeeded in taking out more of their men than they expected. It was the final nail in his coffin.”

Jackal sighed. “I told Hennessy to walk away from DJ.”

“He didn’t listen to your advice any more than when I told you the same thing about Hennessy.”

“Hennessy’s a good enough leader that he can turn the Road Kingz into a club to be reckoned with. I didn’t want him holding the grudge against the Predators for throwing him out. I still don’t.”

“If we don’t stop the cartel, you’re not going to have to worry about Hennessy much longer.”

Jackal raked his hair back.

Ice rested a booted foot on one of the picnic benches. “It has to be one of the women.”

“Why?” Jackal asked.

“Genny doesn’t talk to any of the men except Lucky, and I trust him.”

“I do, too.”

“Which means one of the women sold The Last Riders out.”

“Maybe no money was involved,” Jackal suggested.

Ice gave a whistle. “Cade said they use any means necessary to get what they want.”

“I’ll ask Shade to get information on them, but I already know he won’t tell me. He’ll recheck them himself. I can use my connections, but again, that takes time.”

“When you want information from a woman, there’s more than one way to skin a cat.”

Jackal nodded, his mind going back to last night when Penni had told him that being with another woman was a deal breaker.

“Rider told me the women can’t be with a man who doesn’t belong to The Last Riders. The one I can talk into breaking their oath will be the one betraying the club.”


“Fuck me,” Jackal cursed.

Ice stood up, smacking him on the back. “Sorry, but the sooner, the better. Whichever bitch is doing it could get us all killed.”

“When Penni finds out, I’ll wish I were dead.”

“Not many men would complain about putting their dick on the line for their club.”

“Stump could do it.”

“You want to put your faith in Stump? He’s more likely to get us killed before the cartel has a chance.”

Stump loved to fuck, and women smelled it on him. He could talk a woman out of her panties with her husband within earshot. The man had caused more fights than any other man in the club. There were always numerous boyfriends or husbands who had come searching for revenge, and because he loved to fight as much as he loved to fuck, he usually ended up behind bars for a couple months out of the year. The only reason he hadn’t been on the wrong end of a bullet was his connection to the Predators.

“Think about it. It’s not like you have to make a decision tonight; all the women are settled for the night. Talk to Genny in the morning.” Ice shrugged. “You might have to do it, but then again, you might catch a break and figure out who fed the information to the cartel.”

“Since when have I ever caught a fucking break?”

“When you became a Predator.”

“You don’t know Penni. Any chance I have with her will be gone. She’s like no other I’ve met before. How did you feel when you lost Grace?”

Ice had cheated on Grace to prove to the men that he wasn’t fucked in the head after what had happened to him in prison. And Jackal had been one of the men who had expected him to prove himself.

“Brother, I could order you to fuck the bitches, but I know you’re going to do what’s best for the club. Just as I did.” He nodded with an evil grin. “Payback is a bitch.”

In other words, the choice Ice was offering him was no choice at all.

* * *

ackal shook
off his sleep as he entered the kitchen where Genny was already at work, and it was only ten to six.

“Any coffee?”

“It just finished.” Genny nodded at the coffee pot.

Jackal liked the girl. She would cook for the men, but she wouldn’t let them take advantage of her.

“I have a favor to ask,” Jackal told her, standing at the counter as he blew on his coffee.

“What do you need?”

“Can you remember who you told you were going to the store yesterday?”

“Viper already asked that question, and he still has my cell phone.”

“Humor me. Maybe you forgot someone.”

Genny shook her head, shoving a baking sheet of hash browns into the oven. “No, because I didn’t tell anyone.”

“So it was a random trip to the store?”

Genny frowned. “No, Willa had gotten a large order for her chocolate cookies, and we were out of chocolate chips, so she asked me to pick them up and bring them when I came in today.”

“Did anyone hear her asking you?”

“Everyone; it was right after lunch.”

Fuck, he was right. He wasn’t going to catch a break.

“Can you at least make me a note of the women who were there?”

“That, I can do.”

Jackal sat down at the kitchen table, watching her work on the note as she cooked. Ten minutes later, she handed him the list.

He glanced at the names as he refilled his cup. He had already memorized the names of the women.

“Can I borrow your pencil?”

Genny shrugged. “Help yourself.”

Jackal crossed out the names of the women who were married, figuring if any of them were the one who had betrayed them, then they were already fucked. That whittled down the list.

“You sure this is all of them? You didn’t leave anyone out?”

Genny nodded. “I’m sure.”

That left him with Ember, Raci, and Jewell. It could be worse. As many women as they had, the number could have been much higher.

Jackal pulled out his cell phone, pulling up the text Viper had sent him last night of the employee’s work schedules, thinking how the women all hung around the club room when they got off work.

He stared down at the paper again. Ember had been sleeping with Train more often since he had gotten there, Raci was the friendliest, and Jewell would be the hardest nut to crack. He circled Raci’s name, thinking she was least likely, but maybe he could use her to find out about the other two.

Jackal shoved the list in his back pocket as Viper and Ice entered the kitchen, Winter following behind more slowly as she went to the refrigerator.

After taking out a lunch box, she kissed Viper on the cheek. “I’ll see you when I get home. Rider’s waiting for me in the parking lot. I already texted him and told him I’m on my way.”

“I could have taken you.”

Winter shook her head, avoiding his gaze. “Stay. I know you have business to discuss.” She then left without another word.

Maybe it
one of the married women. Jackal had been witnessing the escalated tension in the couple since he had arrived there. Maybe she was sick of playing second fiddle to a group of bikers. Razer and Shade had their own homes, so it could be that Winter was sick of sharing her husband with the men and women twenty-four hours a day.

Jackal knew Winter was one woman he wouldn’t be able to trick into revealing anything if she were the one betraying the club. To be honest, he wasn’t man enough for that job. Stump wasn’t, either. The fear of Viper was enough to shrivel any man’s dick.

Jackal waited until Viper and Ice had fixed their plates and went to the main dining room to talk without being overhead.

“Anything new?”

“Shade took Genny’s phone after I gave it to him. No one texted her yesterday. Genny didn’t have any texts for the last month other than Willa, and those were all work related.”

“Damn, I knew it wouldn’t be that easy.” Jackal stared down at the empty coffee cup in his hands. “I talked to Genny. She said Willa asked her to go to the store yesterday. She made a list for me, and I’ve managed to narrow it down to Ember, Raci, and Jewel.” He had debated over telling Viper, knowing Viper had asked her the same question.

“I’ll text Shade and tell him,” Ice said. “He’s already pulled everyone’s messages and phone calls. It will save some time.”

“All three women followed the club from Ohio,” Viper told them. “I’ll call Moon. The clubhouse there is on alert, as well. I’ll ask if any had any contact. If Shade and I question the three women, though, it will make them suspicious.” Viper pushed his plate away, staring at them.

Jackal didn’t respect many men, but Viper was putting the club’s safety ahead of his pride, and that was worth his respect.

Ice and Jackal hadn’t intended to tell him about their plan. He still didn’t, and now he wouldn’t have to. Viper already knew.

The three men didn’t need to discuss the strategy to catch the traitor; they all knew time wasn’t on their side.

“One thing for fucking sure: today is going to be an interesting day.” Viper’s eyes focused on him.

“Yes, it is.”


enni brushed
the tickle attacking her noise away as she woke up. Blinking, she stared up at the baby blues of her nephew. Lily’s giggle had her turning her sleepy gaze toward Lily as she picked up John.

“I’m sorry. He was playing on his blanket when I went to make his breakfast.”

Penni raised up on the couch she had fallen asleep on last night after Jackal had left. “That’s okay. I didn’t mean sleep so late. I’ll never get back on schedule when I get back to work.”

“Maybe Kaden will fire you, and you’ll move to Kentucky. I’m going to miss seeing you every day.”

“You have plenty friends to keep you occupied.”

Lily’s face fell as she sat down on the couch beside her. “Are you mad at me because of Killyama?”

“Kind of.” She and Lily had been friends long enough that she felt Lily could have given her a heads up.

“I’m sorry, Penni. I should have told you, especially when I egged you on to try to make Train interested in you. As far as I know, it was the one time, and the two fight all the time. Killyama insults him more than flirts with him. But that’s no excuse. I guess I’ve been missing you so much I lost my judgement. That and I’m not allowed to talk about anything that involves the men.”

“The bro code?”

“Yes.” Lily laid her head on her shoulder. “Can you forgive me?”

John sat on Lily’s lap, tugging at the dangling tie of her blouse.

“That depends on whether you make me French toast for breakfast.”

“With strawberries?”

“I forgive you.” Penni hugged Lily then lifted John onto her lap. “Your mama knows I can’t resist a good meal. Is that how you get Shade to stop being mad at you?”

“Yeah, sure.” Lily blushed, getting off the couch.

“Jackal said the way to his heart is through his dick.” Penni fell back on the couch cushions, laughing when Lily’s face turned even redder.

Lily picked up one of the pillows, hitting her with it, making sure she didn’t hit John.

Penni only shook her head at Lily as she left to make breakfast.

* * *

knock came
to door as they were finishing breakfast. Penni smiled when Lily opened the door to find Jackal filling the doorway.

He came in, sitting down at the table with them.

“You want some breakfast?” Lily offered.

“No thanks. I’m not hungry.”

Penni knew Jackal wasn’t a man who smiled a lot, but his flinty expression had her wondering what troubled him so early in the day.

“Willa is going to take Genny clothes shopping in Lexington.”

“That’s a good idea. I told her to help herself to my clothes, but nothing is like having your own.”

Was his distant behavior just because of the fire last night?

Penni reached out, covering his hand with hers and giving it a tight squeeze.

He pulled his away. “Genny asked if you want to go.”

If she went, they wouldn’t be able to sneak out to the hotel tonight. It would take at least three hours to drive there, so by the time they shopped and drove back, it would be late.

“Willa wants to make a day out of it, staying for dinner and then staying in a hotel and driving back tomorrow. She thinks giving Genny a day away from Treepoint will help instead of having to drive back and forth to work and seeing the shell of her house.”

“Is it safe? I thought Viper wanted us to stay near the club.” Penni asked. She wanted to help by spending time with Genny, but dammit, she had waited a long time to lose her virginity, and since making her mind up that Jackal would be the one, she was anxious to be with him.

“Viper will send Cash and Shade with you.”

Yep, they would be safe.

“Then of course I’ll go.” Penni’s disappointment burned a hole in her chest.

“Since Shade is coming, do you think you could go?” Penni asked Lily just as Lily got a text message from Shade.

“Looks like John and I are going, too. We’re going to have so much fun!”

“Yippee,” Penni said, trying to cheer herself up.

“I’ll go and get John and myself ready.” Lily picked John up from his highchair.

“Go ahead. I’ll be up in a minute.” Penni rose from the table when Jackal stood up, heading toward the door. Penni caught his hand as he was about leave. “Is something wrong?”

Jackal didn’t smile. “No. You go and spend time with Genny.”

“I was looking forward to tonight.”

“I was, too. We can do it another night when this mess is over.”

Penni’s face fell. “Are you trying to tell me that you want to wait to make love to me until after we get back to Queen City?”

“I think that’s for the best.” He didn’t meet her eyes, which wasn’t like him.

“I don’t understand. If you’re changing your mind about us, then just tell me so.” Penni felt a sharp pain she had never experienced before. Maybe she should cancel going with Genny and go to a doctor.

Before she could analyze where the sharp pain was coming from, Penni found herself pinned against the wall next to the front door.

“I haven’t changed shit about how I feel about you. You’re mine. You have been since I made you get on my bike and duct taped your hands around my waist. I can’t feel bad about it, even if I know it made you hate me, but I did what I had to for the club. I will always do what I have to do for the club.

“I never had a home before the Predators. I had been living on the fucking streets since I was fourteen years old. The only time I had a roof over my head was when I was in juvie. My father made sure that he scared potential foster parents from taking me in.”

“I’m so sorry, Jackal.”

Penni had her parents, Shade, and even Shade’s father had been kind to her, making sure she had felt like a part of their family. Meanwhile, Jackal had no one. His father was the one he should have been protected from.

“Don’t be. I’m not the first runaway who found themselves on the streets, and I won’t be the last. We live in a fucked world, and it just becomes more fucked every day.”

“That’s not true … There are good people everywhere.”

“That may be true, but they didn’t do shit to help me. I survived by doing anything and everything I had to in order to put food in my stomach and sleep in a bed. I’m not going to lie; I’ve done things that would make you sick. It makes me sick.

“Ice took one look at me, Hennessy, and DJ and fed us, gave us our rooms, and gave us a family. DJ was willing to give it up for the drugs, Hennessy for DJ, but me? Hell no. I’ll stand behind the Predators until I’m dead and gone.”

Penni felt the tears slip out of the corners of her eyes. Jackal brushed them away with his callused thumbs.

“I understand.”

“You don’t, but you will. There are going to be a lot of fights between you and me over the club. There’s going to be times you hate me and walk away, but I’m not going to let you go.”

“You’re not?”

“Hell no.”

Penni let her head drop down on Jackal’s chest. “Is that a promise?”

“It’s an oath.” Jackal’s arms tightened around her, nearly cutting off her breath before he loosened his hold and stepped back.

She watched him go, wanting to pull back and barricade the door against the world. Lily would complain, but she would get over it.

Penni shook her head. It was a sad when she was thinking about taking her sister-law and nephew hostage just so she could have sex.

“Dammit, am I ever going to get laid?” she asked the closed door.

“Uh … Are you talking to me?” Lily said, coming down the steps.

Penni turned around to face her friend. “Do you know how many men have tried to get me to sleep with them?”

“Uh … No, and I probably don’t want to know.”

“Hundreds.” Penni’s anger had her exaggerating. “I damn near shot one’s dick off.”

“Okay …”

Penni released a loud sigh.

Lily juggled John on her hip. “Feel better?”

“Not yet, but I will by the time I get dressed and ready to go.”

Penni stomped upstairs to her room, going to the window to slide it open. Raising her hand, she threw her negative emotions out, and there were a lot. When she was done, she slammed the window back down before they could return to her. If that didn’t help her to get laid, nothing would.

She rubbed her hands together, as if she were shaking them off. Bolstered by a fresh aura, Penni dressed, and by the time she had come downstairs where Shade was now waiting with Lily, she was in a better mood.



“The others are waiting in the parking lot,” Shade said as he carried John and Lily packed the diaper bag.

Penni raised her eyebrows when she saw Winter sitting in one of the backseats with Genny. Beth and Razer were sitting in a car with their two children, parked alongside Lily’s van.

Penni climbed into one of the backseats as Shade buckled John’s car seat.

“I didn’t know Beth was coming.” Lily waved at Beth as she got in the front seat.

Shade slid behind the steering wheel, and Cash got in the back seat. Then Shade drove out of the parking lot with Razer following behind.

“We thought you women deserved a break,” Shade commented.

Penni saw Winter’s frozen expression.

Lily and Shade talked as the car traveled out of town.

“What about Willa?” Penni asked as they passed the church.

“Willa and Lucky are ahead of us,” Cash answered from the seat behind hers.

Penni and Lily talked during the drive while Genny and Winter remained silent. When she tried to talk either of the women, their replies were monosyllabic. It was a relief when they reached the shopping mall.

“I hope you’re ready for me to spend all your money?” Penni teased her brother.

“Viper is financing this shopping trip, so buy whatever you want,” Winter chimed in before Shade could answer.

“Which store should we hit first?” Penni asked Genny.

“You pick.”

“Let’s start at the end and work our way back down to where the cars are parked,” Winter voiced her opinion.

“That sounds good.” Genny showed her first smile since they had left Treepoint when Willa and Lucky rose from a bench.

The large group walked through the streaming crowds, coming to a stop in front of a department store.

“Why don’t you men go take the kids to the food court while we shop here?” Winter asked Shade who was closest to her.

“We stay together.” Shade started past Winter who remained standing still.

“This store has security at both entrances. It’ll be easier for us to shop without the kids.”

“That’s a good idea.” Beth nodded, agreeing with Winter. “I can text you when we’re ready to go to another store.”

Shade looked down at the twin stroller that Chance was already trying to climb out of. “Text me when you’re in the checkout line,” Shade gave in, taking the stroller from Lily as Razer wheeled the twins to the food court.

Lucky and Cash looked relieved to get away from the store.

“I know he wasn’t looking forward to waiting for us to shop.” Willa smiled at the women as they walked into the store.

They found the women’s department, each going their own way to look at the multitude of clothes. Penni and Winter took the same rack, sliding the clothes as they looked.

“You don’t find it strange that the men were so ready for us to go shopping on a Friday night?”

Penni looked up from the clothes to see Winter staring at her. “Why does it matter that it’s Friday?”

Penni saw the women move from their rack to the one she was at, giving Winter strange looks.

“Well?” Penni asked, seeing the women’s eyes warring with each other.

Winter jerked her gaze away from the other women. “Friday night is party night.”

“Every night is a party with The Last Riders,” Penni scoffed, pulling out a red flaring skirt she was thinking about trying on.

“Not like Friday. Look around us, Penni? Do you see Viper here, even though he asked me to get off early? It was when I was in the van that I found out he wasn’t coming.” Winter’s eyes stared fixedly on the clothes.

“So you think he is going to use the opportunity of you being gone to cheat?” Willa whispered.

Winter lifted her gaze. “Yes or … Jackal.”

“Jackal was as disappointed as I that we couldn’t be together to night. We had plans ... until Genny asked me to come.”

Genny shook her head. “I didn’t ask you. Willa called and asked me this morning. I’m glad you’re here, but I didn’t ask.”

The women looked at Willa.

“Lucky suggested I ask Genny today. He said we could make a day out of it.”

“That’s what Razer told me when Lily asked me if I wanted to come.”

Penni thought about how Jackal had looked so sincere when he had told her about his childhood …

“I’m sure it was just a misunderstanding.”

“Want to find out?” Winter dropped any pretenses that she was looking at clothes.

“How?” all of the women answered, their suspicions making her nervous.

Winter looked Penni straight on. “We can leave and go back to Treepoint while they’re busy with the kids. They won’t even know we’re missing until the store closes.”

“You can take my car.” Willa reached into her purse for her keys.

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